Qed recipes minecraft что это
So far we have learned about how to add or remove simple recipes. But what if the inputs and outputs also involve damage values or NBT tags?
Output reuse and transformations
Since MineTweaker 3.0.2, it is now possible to reuse items, return empty buckets to the crafting grid (or whatever item you want) or damage items upon crafting.
We could for instance make a recipe to get more sticks out of wood by using an axe:
Nice. But the stone axe gets consumed, and that is sort of annoying. We can fix this with the reuse modifier:
Great! We can reuse the axe. Now what if we also wanted the axe to be damaged when you use it?
We can also deal more than 1 damage upon crafting:
Imagine we'd want to make a recipe to turn dirt into grass by combining dirt, a water bucket and wheat. We could make this recipe:
However, crafting this will consume the bucket. We can tell MineTweaker to return the empty bucket afterwards:
Now, crafting a grass block will return the empty crafting bucket in the crafting grid.
Sometimes mods define their own behavior when you use their items while crafting. Likewise, Minecraft will return you an empty bucket when you use it in a crafting recipe. If you don't want that, you can tell the item to not return anything at all:
If you want to give something back, but not in the crafting inventory, you can also use giveBack. GiveBack can be used without arguments, in which case it will return the original item, or it can be used with an item, in which case that item will be given back into the player inventory:
GiveBack will usually also have the side-effect of suppressing mod item return behavior. It may thus be a handy alternative to the transformReplace modifier in those cases.
Input conditions
You can also require the input to contain certain NBT tags. Say, you make a recipe that requires our sticked pick. Let's modify our file:
What about the lore part in our sticked pick? Since your condition only contains the name, the lore part is ignored - when setting a condition on the data tag, MineTweaker only cares about the contents that you specified and ignores everything else.
Note the difference between withTag and onlyWithTag. withTag is for an output and is the exact tag that will be output. onlyWithTag is for input and sets a condition. Applying withTag on an input has no effect on the recipe.
Other conditions exist too:
Multiple conditions can be added to a single ingredient, too:
Qed recipes minecraft что это
The QED is a block added by Extra Utilities. It can be powered by Ender-Flux Crystals that are placed within a 9 block radius of the QED. When powered, it can be used to create several blocks and items in Extra Utilities, and can be used for Quantum Entanglement to multiply ores.
NBT Tag in output
It is possible to define both damage or an NBT tag as output. Let's take a pickaxe as our toy for this tutorial:
Crafting the pick with 1 or 3 sticks as in the recipe will give you an item with the appropriate damage and name/lore on it, respectively.
Master the art of brewing through fermenting, distilling and barrel aging a variety of concoctions. Experience how, from simple ingredients, through hard work, and persistence, a cool beer is created. Distill high-proof liquor, which gets that unique taste after some aging in wooden barrels. Celebrate the biggest feasts you can imagine and always maintain a cheerful atmosphere. Fill the taverns with laughter and loud music, while the drunkards scuffle on the streets.
- Brew alcoholic Drinks, that actually can make you drunk
- Drunk people will stagger, the chat is influenced, effects and more
- Wake up at /home after a long night of drinking
- Lower quality brewed drinks have downsides like hangover
- Process of brewing with different steps like fermenting, distilling, aging
- Refine the quality, until the Drinks are perfect
- Master the brewing of even the most difficult Drinks
- Create your own Recipes including ingredients, properties and creation process
- Configurable influence on the chat
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Cooking / Fermenting
The first step is cooking the ingredients.
- Place a cauldron over fire
- Fill it with water
- Use ingredients on the cauldron to add them
- Wait while they cook, checking the time with a clock
- Fill glass bottles from the cauldron when done
Wooden barrels are required for aging. They have inventories where you can store brews while they age. There are two barrel sizes, and most recipes require a specific type of wood.
Small barrel
Build a barrel shape with the stairs. Then, place a sign on the front-side bottom-right with Barrel on the top line. You will get a confirmation: Barrel created.
Big barrel
- 18 wood planks
- 16 wood stairs
- 5 wood fence
- 1 sign
Build barrel matching the image below, making sure to leave 1 empty space at the center. Then, attach a sign with Barrel on the top line. You will get a confirmation in chat.
You may remove the sign from a big barrel after creating it.
Being Drunk
The alcohol inside a brew is applied when consumed. There are a variety of effects associated with alcohol level.
Sobering Up
After drinking it can take a while for the alcohol to completely wear off. During that time, your alcohol level will steadily decrease. This process can be accelerated by eating bread, and drinking milk.
MineTweaker also allows modifying furnace recipes and furnace fuels using a few simple commands.
Do you believe smelting ores in a furnace is too easy? You can fix it as such:
Found it sad you can't turn charcoal into real coal? Easy fix:
Want to make items burnable? Set their fuel value wit the setFuel function:
The same method can be used to set existing fuel - EXCEPT for vanilla fuels since those are, sadly, hard-coded. Additionally (with the exception of vanilla fuels) you can remove fuels by setting their fuel value to 0.
NEI Entry
The QED is a powerful machine that can absorb and control energized 'Ender-Flux'. This strange energy can be used with various ingredients to craft incredibly powerful items. The QED is not capable of generating Ender-Flux, and you must place Ender Crystal Pillars nearby in order to use it.
Function recipes
When adding a recipe, you may also supply an additional argument, which is a custom function. This function can programmatically determine the output of your recipe.
To demonstrate how this works, let's make a recipe that repairs a stone pickaxe when you craft it with cobblestone. The output of our recipe depends on the pickaxe that is provided (its damage), thus a regular recipe won't work in this case.
Let's start by adding the function to it:
Now we need to look at the value of the pickaxe. In order to retrieve the actual values of the inputs, we need to mark them with a name, and MineTweaker will store it in the inputs list:
These are all of the recipes you can make with Brewery right now. We are always open to suggestions for new recipes, so let us know.
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