Prison life roblox как сбежать
План Побега В ДжейлБрейк
1) Разбить Рубильник Ворот А Потом Сбежать
2) Взорвать Стену И Пройти Через Стену
3) Взять И Забрать Карту
План Побега В Сервере Присон Лайф
1) Взять Молоток И Разбить Унитаз
2) Взять Нож И Убить Копов
Или Мой План Сначала Взять Нож Убить Копа Взять Пистол
Ждать Когда Там Lights Out Убить Копа Который Следит Ночью Взять Карту И Убежал
Ворота Стена И Ключ Карата Это Jailbreak
Молоток Нож И Мой План Это Prison Life
Мой План Это 3 План В Prison Life Короч Взять Нож Убить Копа Взять Пистол Надо Спрятатся Сзади Места Где Нож Когда Там Dinner Time Надо Спрятатся Где Каффетерия Слева Идти Прямо Лечь Ждать Когда Lights Out Камеры Закрыты Короч Потом Надо Бежать Если Там Коп (Охраняет Когда Ночь Ну Ищет Тех Кто Не В Камере) Его Надо Пистолом Убить Потом Взять Карту И Бежать
The criminal warehouse.
The prison is the subject of Prison Life, and most player activity takes place here. It is situated at the corner of the map and includes the main building, yard, armory, back lawn, parking lot, walls and a garage with police car spawns.
Jail Block
The Jail Block is the room that contains the prison cells. Inside the prison cells are beds, a table and a chair, sinks, and toilets, which you can break using the hammer to escape through the sewers. Inmates can get handcuffed there at any time of the day, except during Breakfast and Lockdown.
Small overview of the armory.
Walls and Gate
The prison is surrounded by tall concrete walls with roofed towers located in between, and there's a single fence gate at the front that can only be opened by guards or others with key cards (or camera glitching). Criminals can get inside via stolen key cards at the gate or via the leaning tree, and prisoners can escape by climbing ladders at certain locations. It is also a restricted area, so prisoners can be arrested there at all times.
Other buildings
There are a few skyscrapers, houses, trees, empty shops, car spawns and roads scattered throughout the map, with many providing hiding locations for criminals on the run, although not usually used. Criminals are rarely chased into a building.
There are many bugs present in the game. It is unknown when all of these will be fixed.
Corner glitching
This is the most annoying form of glitching. It is considered cheating. It is considered annoying for guards, as criminals/prisoners can escape and hide easily. This can also be used to gain access to the room with the windows (see Glitch Room) near the garage (There are some comfy seats and flying mirrors that don't work in there).
Criminal glitch
Legal room glitch
A prisoner wielding a gun in legal rooms such as the prison, cannot be arrested. It is unknown why this happens.
Armor spam glitch
If you have the SWAT gamepass, you can keep spam-clicking on the SWAT armor in the armory which can stack on your avatar (though you don't see it), overload the server and crash/lag out players with low-tier PCs (or mobile devices).
Aftershot glitch
Near-death warning glitch
After-arrest glitch
Whenever a cop dies near you (in places you aren't allowed to go to as a prisoner or criminal) with their handcuffs selected in their inventory at the perfect time, they can still arrest you even after death.
Prison Life v2.0
Prison Life v2.0 – плейс в жанре Town and City, созданный игроком Aesthetical в 2014 году.
Riot Police Gamepass
Removed/Exploit only periphials/items
Sharp Stick
Melee weapon, it looks like a sharpened stick. This might be an early version of the Crude Knife.
Extendo Mirror
A simple gear that "zooms" your view. It doesn't do any damage and has no animations.
Sniper Rifle
There have been rumors that the Sniper Rifle is part of an upcoming gamepass that is yet to be revealed, but this hasn't been confirmed yet. It is behind a window with a notice saying 'Coming Soon'.
An example of an exploiter who spawned in and bypassed the team selection screen, ending up on the Neutral Team (gray color).
Neutral Team
The Neutral Team is where the player chooses the team and can be accessed by switching teams. However, once you switch teams, you would only stay on the team selection screen. This team is playable with exploits, as you can kill anyone if you bypass the team selection screen.
Note/Tip: If you reset your character before the handcuff timer goes to 0 then you can skip the 10 seconds wait time.
Tip: Resetting when escaping as a prisoner will spawn you at the criminal base. You can also reset when tased to avoid being arrested.
A blue bar at the bottom of the screen shows your stamina level. Without stamina, you are not able to jump at all, including the ability to get off of a seat or bench. All players can jump 10 times before the stamina bar is depleted.
Prison Life
This game had always topped the front page during v2.0 in 2016 and early 2017, with an average of 10,000-20,000 or even 50,000 players daily despite being rarely updated. Currently, in 2021 the game frequently reaches the top page and more frequently close to it with 10k players each day.
However, the creator of the game, Aesthetical, has explained that he has been in university since 2017, so he does not have much time to develop the game as other game creators may have themselves. Despite this, though he did in the Prison Life game description in recent months state he has been getting additional time off which he can use to further the develop the game and further stated he will announce when the next project comes for the game.
Before v2.0, the game was criticized for having abusive cops in the game, buggy cars, bad weapons, and also for the poor design. It later turned over to the exploiters for appearing in most servers destroying the game as this game does not have any type of anti-cheat on it.
Another example of an exploiter in Prison Life
However, in January 2021, Aesthetical had finally updated the game for the first time since 2019 but for unknown reasons. It was most likely to fix a bug where exploiters would set it so that all users in a server could not use a gun after shooting it once or twice.
As time progresses on and on without important updates, Prison Life is slowly degrading because of scripts starting to break due to (possibly) new Roblox updates. The advent of exploiters in Prison Life have also contributed to the ongoing degradation of the game.
В плейсе есть 3 основные команды – заключённые, охранники и преступники. Давайте рассмотрим все команды и их задачи.
Самая распространённая команда. Их задача – сбежать из тюрьмы. Преступники одеты в оранжевую тюремную робу, на которой спереди написан номер "247363", а на спине надпись "Inmate" (рус. Заключённый). Заключённые не имеют никакой экипировки с начала игры. Заключённые могут сбежать из тюрьмы 2-я способами. У заключённых нет лимита по игрокам в команде. После побега вы можете:
The handcuffs are a tool that Guards spawn with by default. It allows guards to arrest Prisoners (at locations they shouldn't be at) and Criminals (anywhere), but they are very short-range and have a 15-second cooldown between each arrest. It cannot be dropped.
There is a small variety of tools available to each team. However, the same tool can't be picked up again if a player already has the same tool in their inventory. Some tools are guard exclusive and others are prisoner/criminal exclusive. No team can have all tools at the same time.
Chocolate bar
Crude Knife
Remington 870
The M4A1 is an automatic rifle that only players with the Riot Police game pass can access. It is the (arguably) most powerful gun in the game given its very high rate of fire and accuracy. You can shoot 30 times before re-loading.
Riot Shield
Prison life roblox как сбежать
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Updates had rarely been seen during the 2019-2020 time period. At the beginning of 2021, it seemed like Aesthetical was updating the game again as it was given updates two times, respectively on January 6 and 12, 2021.
История игры
Плейс был создан в мае 2014 году и представляет из себя типичную игру в жанре "Охранники-Заключённые", где главная задача Заключённых – сбежать, а задача Охранников – не дать заключённым сбежать.
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