Prime vault warframe что это
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Prime vault warframe что это
21 июн. 2017 в 17:35I just started playing again and I noticed I was working on ash prime and all I needed was ash prime systems blueprint. Well you know what? I cant build Ash prime anymore because of Prime Vault implemented. The void relic that gives the chance to get it has been locked away by a pay wall.
Has this game suddenly become blatantly pay to win?
21 июн. 2017 в 17:43 Old Prime items get vaulted to give space for the new ones , otherwise relic farming would be even more of a mess than it currently is . 21 июн. 2017 в 17:46 They vault primes all the time. They will unvault it eventually. As a matter of fact they are unvaulting mag and rhino on the 27th. 21 июн. 2017 в 17:50 I feel ya. I have a lot of Prime blueprints that only require one or two more pieces. But never managed to finish them. 21 июн. 2017 в 17:54 no its not BLATANTLY pay to win. Just get Ash. Its the same thing with less polarities and armor which arent that big of a deal. If you have an interest in the game, my advice is that if you want to give it a break for a while. Keep your ears/eyes on Devstreams or the forums or the various Youtube Partners to stay up to date on information about upcoming changes to the game so if there's something you want to do in the game that is about to be changed, you have the chance to capitalize on it. Otherwise, you gotta either deal with it, get Ash to hold you over or Wait till it gets released from the vault 21 июн. 2017 в 17:57 Its more like pay for convenience, then again, think what you will. 21 июн. 2017 в 17:58 I already have ash and he is fun , but I really wanted the cool passive ash prime had. So in the future they may take ash prime back out of the vault? I guess I will have to wait. 21 июн. 2017 в 17:59 they have been vaulting prmnes since like the beginging. you can still trade for a system the market should be pretty flooded with thtem still so it will be cheap still. prime frames arent actaully really any better than a normal frame btw its liek a slight increase to a stat or 2 but its not even noticeable most of the time. the rest is just asthetics and you cant even buy primed frames from de when they are vaulted so it is far far far from a pay to win mechanic. 21 июн. 2017 в 18:00 Well, You could always farm prime parts of other things, sell em then buy the last part off someone else, Nobody's forcing you to spend yer money to get it, It's either that or a bit'o grind. 21 июн. 2017 в 18:09 Why wait? He was vaulted quite recently, and his whole set can still be purchased in the trade market for70 platinum. That price will of course go up over time, the longer he remains vaulted. Farm for some rare mods, and trade those to people for platinum. Then once you have 70p offer to buy Ash P set from someone. Problem solved. (Do vault runs in the derelict for corrupted mods and sell those for 10- 20p each. It will take you less than one night to earn the required plat for this.) Good luck!
21 июн. 2017 в 18:11 Neither the frame nor the relics that drop it have been "locked behind a paywall", especially since directly paying for them isn't even an option in the first place. The relics have simply been removed from the drop tables, meaning they can no longer be farmed. Ash Prime can still be built, as can all vaulted Primes. If you have any of the relics that drop his parts, you keep them, they can still be used and can still drop his parts. You can also still trade with other players for his parts or the relics that drop them (most people will only trade such things for platinum, but you can make use of the trading system yourself to earn plenty of platinum without spending any of your own money). The Prime Vault has been a thing for about two years now without considerable complaint; it's nothing new and, while inconvenient, is quite far from being pay-to-win. 21 июн. 2017 в 19:53I just started playing again and I noticed I was working on ash prime and all I needed was ash prime systems blueprint. Well you know what? I cant build Ash prime anymore because of Prime Vault implemented. The void relic that gives the chance to get it has been locked away by a pay wall.
Has this game suddenly become blatantly pay to win?
lol my ass off. "pay to win". really now. how about you THINK for moment FIRST before writing crap that only will people to mock you (like me just yet)?you can get it still and might not even have to pay platinum for it (not that using plat can be considered p2w in any case since THAT too can be earned easy enough).
so start use your brain, dude! 21 июн. 2017 в 19:57 I already have ash and he is fun , but I really wanted the cool passive ash prime had. 21 июн. 2017 в 20:02 They vault primes all the time. They will unvault it eventually. As a matter of fact they are unvaulting mag and rhino on the 27th. 21 июн. 2017 в 20:39 21 июн. 2017 в 21:38 Neither the frame nor the relics that drop it have been "locked behind a paywall", especially since directly paying for them isn't even an option in the first place. The relics have simply been removed from the drop tables, meaning they can no longer be farmed. Ash Prime can still be built, as can all vaulted Primes. If you have any of the relics that drop his parts, you keep them, they can still be used and can still drop his parts. You can also still trade with other players for his parts or the relics that drop them (most people will only trade such things for platinum, but you can make use of the trading system yourself to earn plenty of platinum without spending any of your own money). The Prime Vault has been a thing for about two years now without considerable complaint; it's nothing new and, while inconvenient, is quite far from being pay-to-win.
this is the nice side of my brain atm lol
I just started playing again and I noticed I was working on ash prime and all I needed was ash prime systems blueprint. Well you know what? I cant build Ash prime anymore because of Prime Vault implemented. The void relic that gives the chance to get it has been locked away by a pay wall.
couldnt have said it any better
Has this game suddenly become blatantly pay to win?
lol my ass off. "pay to win". really now. how about you THINK for moment FIRST before writing crap that only will people to mock you (like me just yet)?
you can get it still and might not even have to pay platinum for it (not that using plat can be considered p2w in any case since THAT too can be earned easy enough).
so start use your brain, dude! lol agreed on the other half of my brain. but im tryin to be good lol
Man what are you talking about? First of all, you could just buy the missing part you needed, Ash Prime isnt even expensive at all to get. Secondly, if you had any relic or part in your inventory, you can still use them. "Vaulting" means that it is not possible to get his relics as rewards anymore.
Also, about the "pay to win" part, jeezuz, do you have any idea of what pay to win means? Having Ash Prime doesnt automatically makes you 100% better than all the other players in this game. And again, you don't need to spend a penny getting his parts.
and this is the median of my
I just started playing again and I noticed I was working on ash prime and all I needed was ash prime systems blueprint. Well you know what? I cant build Ash prime anymore because of Prime Vault implemented. The void relic that gives the chance to get it has been locked away by a pay wall.
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows 7 64-Бит (32-разрядная не поддерживается)
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo e6400 или AMD Athlon x64 4000+ (
- 400 платины
- Рино Прайм
- Анкирос Прайм
- Болтор Прайм
- Сандана «Нору Прайм»
- Дистиллирующий Экстрактор Прайм и чертёж
- Прайм-глифы
Warframe and the Warframe logo are registered trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd.
Prime vault warframe что это
Дык в этом круге и проблема. Они постоянно вытаскивают одних и тех же праймов. Один раз был по-моему еще Некрос, и все.
Сама система хранилища выглядит для меня как сильно непродуманный, контриниуитивный и бессмысленный геймдизайн.
У вас игра, где условный прогресс напрямую зависит от коллекционирования снаряжения, но вы просто большую часть прайм фреймов и оружек закрываете на замок без объяснений, и обещаете что когда-нибудь потом когда назначат нового Папу Римского и Британскую Королеву то откроете, и то временно.
Такими темпами ни Стив, ни сама игра, ни её аудитория не доживет до момента когда они решат выпустить из хранилища условных Зефир и Хрому(Хрома же был последним?), которых относительно недавно туда закинули.
Маркъ, во-первых, с осени прошлого года из хранилища вытаскивают неповторяющихся совершенно разных фреймов. Хз, как можно было это не заметить.
Во-вторых, если условные первые фреймы будут в дропе реликов с самого их ввода, логично что цены на них будут просто ниже плинтуса => делаем логичный вывод, что чем меньше фреймов в доступе, тем здоровее рынок.
Ну и наконец, коллекционирование предполагает постепенное получение снаряжение, а не все и сразу. Игрок не задержится в игре на месяцы, если сможет выбить весь прайм сет фреймов за пару недель жизни в разломах.
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Warframe запись закреплена
Хотфикс 27.5.6: Тринити и Нова Прайм Хранилище открытоWarframe запись закреплена
Warframe запись закреплена
Тринити и Нова Прайм Хранилище открывается 26 мая
В течение ограниченного времени Тринити и Нова Прайм вернутся из Прайм Хранилища. Получите эти два Прайм Варфрейма, а также Прайм Аксессуары, Прайм Оружие и платину со скидкой, прежде чем они вновь уйдут в Хранилище.
Warframe запись закреплена
Оберон и Некрос Прайм Хранилище открывается 11 февраля
В течение ограниченного времени Оберон и Некрос Прайм вернутся из Прайм Хранилища. Получите эти два Прайм Варфрейма, а также Прайм Аксессуары, Прайм Оружие и платину со скидкой, прежде чем они вновь уйдут в Хранилище.
Эх, а ведь всего каких-то 4 года назад, уже и ещё при закрытой стене и олд массовке группы , которые давно уже разбрелись, публиковал здесь инсайд инфу с теннокона о «боже мой, новый доступ будет с некром прайм, аааа»
Warframe запись закреплена
Вобан и Эш Прайм Хранилище открывается 19 ноября
В течение ограниченного времени Вобан и Эш Прайм вернутся из Прайм Хранилища. Получите эти два Прайм Варфрейма, а также Прайм Аксессуары, Прайм Оружие и платину со скидкой, прежде чем они вновь уйдут в Хранилище.
Warframe запись закреплена
Прайм Хранилище открывается 3 сентября
Warframe запись закреплена
Список дропа Никс и Рино Прайм Хранилища
Никс Прайм Чертёж — Лит B4 Обычный, Лит S2 Обычный, Нео V1 Обычный
Никс Прайм Нейрооптика — Мезо N6 Редкий, Мезо N1 Редкий
Показать полностью.
Никс Прайм Каркас — Нео R1 Необычный, Нео N1 Редкий
Никс Прайм Система — Акси S3 Необычный, Нео S2 Необычный
Рино Прайм Чертёж — Нео R1 Редкий, Акси R1 Редкий
Рино Прайм Нейрооптика — Лит B4 Необычный, Лит B1 Необычный
Рино Прайм Каркас — Мезо N6 Необычный, Мезо M1 Необычный
Рино Прайм Система — Акси S3 Обычный, Нео B3 Обычный
Хико Прайм Чертёж — Нео R1 Обычный, Лит S1 Обычный, Мезо N2 Обычный
Хико Прайм Кисет — Мезо N6 Обычный, Акси K1 Обычный, Акси V2 Обычный
Хико Прайм Сюрикены — Акси S3 Обычный, Лит F2 Обычный, Нео N1 Обычный
Сциндо Прайм Чертёж — Лит B4 Необычный, Лит F1 Необычный
Сциндо Прайм Клинок — Акси S3 Редкий, Акси S1 Редкий
Сциндо Прайм Рукоять — Мезо N6 Необычный, Мезо C1 Необычный
Анкирос Прайм Чертёж — Лит B4 Обычный, Лит B1 Обычный
Анкирос Прайм Клинок — Акси S3 Необычный, Акси R1 Необычный
Анкирос Прайм Рукоять — Нео R1 Обычный, Мезо M1 Обычный
Болтор Прайм Чертёж — Лит B4 Редкий, Нео B3 Редкий
Болтор Прайм Ствол — Мезо N6 Обычный, Мезо M1 Обычный
Болтор Прайм Приклад — Акси S3 Обычный, Акси R1 Обычный
Болтор Прайм Приемник — Нео R1 Необычный, Лит B1 Необычный
Warframe запись закреплена
Warframe запись закреплена
Хранилище Прайм закрывается 2 июля
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Хранилище Прайм уже открыто! В течение ограниченного времени вы можете приобрести этот набор и получить мгновенный доступ к Рино Прайм и многому другому! Забирайте, прежде чем набор снова вернётся в хранилище!
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