Power wash simulator где люк марсохода
UPDATE The No Clean Patch, Save Issue Fix are now live in our latest hotfix.
For those who are currently experiencing an issue where they cannot clean:
We want as many people as possible to enjoy our game, so have been working hard on a change in our code which should allow older hardware to run it. We have made a build and have confirmed that it has fixed the issue on the older gaming laptop we were able to reproduce it on. However, as we are unable to confirm the fix on more than this single laptop, we would like more information before pushing this build as the default and have made it available in a branch on Steam.
If you have been unable to clean and are happy to help us confirm it is fixed, please follow the steps below, being sure to change to the “Legacy” wash system setting in the in-game options once ready:
• Open Steam
• Right click on PowerWash Simulator in your Library
• Choose “Properties”
• Choose “Betas”
• Enter the beta access code: LegacyWashSystem
• Select “Opt into: legacy_washing_beta – Legacy wash system test”
• Steam should now download the new build
• Once the update is complete, launch the app
• In the main menu, select “Options”
• Select the “Graphics” tab
• Change the “Washing Mode” to “Legacy” – ***If you do not change this setting, your experience with the game will not be affected, please make sure this is done before attempting to clean***
• Load up the first job in Career Mode and attempt to wash the Van
• Press F8 to send us a report to let us know if this has resolved the issue
Note that while we hope this has allowed the game to be played on more hardware, it’s possible that your PC/Laptop still does not meet the minimum recommended specifications and you experience poor performance. If you are finding you have a low frame rate, please open the Options menu and try the following in the Graphics tab:
• Disable “Wetness VFX”
• Change the render scale to 0.75 (or lower as required)
• Change the “Quality Presets” to Low
Important note: This hotfix has been implemented in an isolated branch of the project and contains no other fixes or content updates, though I can assure you that we’re hard at work on both and will give an update when we’re ready!
Finally, if you are not experiencing the issue this change is addressing (firing the washer at any dirty object does not remove any dirt) then testing this branch and changing to “Legacy” settings will have no positive impact on your experience. If we make this change to the live build, you should remain on the “Standard” system if it’s been working so far.
Проблемы с модами
Power wash simulator где люк марсохода
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Этот предмет несовместим с PowerWash Simulator. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в PowerWash Simulator.
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
Вопросы по прохождению
Ответы на все вопросы касающиеся прохождения PowerWash Simulator можно найти в соответствующих разделах Wiki, а также на нашем форуме. Не стесняйтесь задавать вопросы и делиться своими советами и решениями.
Ошибки загрузки/обновления
Проверьте стабильность подключения к интернету, а также скорость загрузки. При слишком высоком пинге или низкой пропускной способности обновление может выдавать ошибки.
Если магазин или лончер PowerWash Simulator не завершает обновления или выдает ошибки, то переустановите саму программу. При этом все скачанные вами игры сохранятся.
Запустите проверку целостности данных игры.
Проверьте наличие свободного места на том диске, на котором установлена игра, а также на диске с операционной системой. И в том и в другом случае должно быть свободно места не меньше, чем занимает игра на текущий момент. В идеале всегда иметь запас около 100Гб.
О специфических ошибках связанных с последними обновлениями можно узнать на форуме игры.
Игра не запускается
Тут собраны ответы на самые распространённые ошибки. В случае если вы не нашли ничего подходящего для решения вашей проблемы — рекомендуем перейти на форум, где более детально можно ознакомиться с любой ошибкой встречающийся в PowerWash Simulator .
Игра вылетает на рабочий стол без ошибок.
О: Скорее всего проблема в поврежденных файлах игры. В подобном случае рекомендуется переустановить игру, предварительно скопировав все сохранения. В случае если игра загружалась из официального магазина за сохранность прогресса можно не переживать.
PowerWash Simulator не работает на консоли.
О: Обновите ПО до актуальной версии, а так же проверьте стабильность подключения к интернету. Если полное обновление прошивки консоли и самой игры не решило проблему, то стоит заново загрузить игру, предварительно удалив с диска.
Ошибка 0xc000007b.
О: Есть два пути решения.
Первый — полная переустановка игры. В ряде случаев это устраняет проблему.
Второй состоит из двух этапов:
Ошибка 0xc0000142.
О: Чаще всего данная ошибка возникает из-за наличия кириллицы (русских букв) в одном из путей, по которым игра хранит свои файлы. Это может быть имя пользователя или сама папка в которой находится игра. Решением будет установка игры в другую папку, название которой написано английскими буквами или смена имени пользователя.
Ошибка 0xc0000906.
О: Данная ошибка связана с блокировкой одного или нескольких файлов игры антивирусом или “Защитником Windows”. Для её устранения необходимо добавить всю папку игры в исключени. Для каждого антивируса эта процедура индивидуально и следует обратиться к его справочной системе. Стоит отметить, что вы делаете это на свой страх и риск. Все мы любим репаки, но если вас часто мучает данная ошибка — стоит задуматься о покупке игр. Пусть даже и по скидкам, о которых можно узнать из новостей на нашем сайте.
Отсутствует msvcp 140.dll/msvcp 120.dll/msvcp 110.dll/msvcp 100.dll
О: Ошибка возникает в случае отсутствия на компьютере корректной версии пакета Microsoft Visual C++, в который и входит msvcp 140.dll (и подобные ему). Решением будет установка нужной версии пакета.
- Нажимаем на Windows + R;
- Вводим команду“regsvrЗ2 msvcp140.dll”(без кавычек);
- Нажимаем “ОК”;
- Перезагружаем компьютер.
Ошибка 0xc0000009a/0xc0000009b/0xc0000009f и другие
О: Все ошибки начинающиеся с индекса 0xc0000009 (например 0xc0000009a, где на месте “а” может находиться любая буква или цифра) можно отнести к одному семейству. Подобные ошибки являются следствием проблем с оперативной памятью или файлом подкачки.
Перед началом выполнения следующих действий настоятельно рекомендуем отключить часть фоновых процессов и сторонних программ, после чего повторно попробовать запустить PowerWash Simulator .
Увеличиваем размер файла подкачки:
- Клик правой кнопкой на значку компьютера, а далее: "Дополнительные параметры системы" - "Дополнительно" - "Быстродействие" - "Дополнительно" - "Виртуальная память" - "Изменить".
- Выбираем один диск, задаем одинаковый размер.
- Перезагружаемся.
Размер файла подкачки должен быть кратен 1024. Объём зависит от свободного места на выбранном локальном диске. Рекомендуем установить его равным объему ОЗУ.
Если ошибка 0xc0000009а сохранилась, необходимо проверить вашу оперативную память. Для этого нужно воспользоваться функциями таких программ как MemTest86, Acronis, Everest.
Power wash simulator где люк марсохода
Here's a bunch of the most frequently asked questions about PowerWash Simulator and their answers. This will be constantly updated, so please let us know if there's anything you think should be answered in the replies below! :)
Is there a release date for PowerWash Simulator?
Will the game launch fully or in Early Access?
The game has launched into Steam Early Access, where we'll be listening closely to your community feedback to shape the game and make it the best it can be!
I'm stuck at 99% clean/ can't find the rest of the dirt
Here's a few tips for finding the last dirt, we'll be implementing a better tutorial an listening to feedback on dirt finding through Early Access!
-Use the dirt highlight tool. This tool highlights where the remaining dirt is on the map by flashing it yellow. To use this you can press 'TAB' on a keyboard or 'Right DPAD' on controller.
-Go to your tablet menu and look at the 'Details' tab in the job section, it can tell you what percentage of each part you have completed to find it. You can also click on these details to highlight the whole object.
-Use crouch and prone to get under objects and use the ladders/steps to get above objects to check there's no little details left uncleaned.
I can't clean rust!
Rust is best removed with the Prime Vista 3000 Heavy Duty power washer on the red or yellow nozzle. Though rust can also be removed by both the other power washers with the red nozzle.
How do I equip/buy more soap/refill
To equip soap you need to buy the soap nozzle for your power washer. You can then equip it like you would equip other nozzles. You can get to the shop in your tablet with the shopping cart icon in the top right.
Each level gives a set amount of soaps that you can buy from the shop, these stockpile or carry over from each level (new saves will have the full benefit of this) and you can buy from that stockpile at any point from the shop. Once bought you will have a set amount of that cleaner in litres you can use and refill.
To equip the different types of cleaner you can press 3 for the radial menu or E for your inventory.
To refill, the bottle must be empty and you can simply press 'R'.
Is there an Early Access Roadmap?
Will there be multiplayer?
Yes, we are planning multiplayer later on in the Early Access cycle.
Is there controller support?
Yes, the game should pick it up automatically, if you go to the settings menu, in controls you can see the button mapping.
Is there a story?
There is a career mode where you a budding power wash business owner will interact with several quirky clients who will lead you to new jobs and grow your enterprise. These do have narrative and will be told mostly through your tablet in text messages and hints throughout the levels.
Can I stream/make content on the game?
Please go ahead, we love to see content creators playing the game!
Is there an official Discord Server?
Yes you can join the PowerWash Simulator Discord here [discord.gg] for exclusive teasers, direct contact with us and a great community! :D
Will there be developer streams?
Is there a home/base in the game?
We see the garage as being a home type space where you will be doing several odd jobs to further your career in. We will be looking at potential ways to show the items you purchase and upgrades further in Early Access. We'd also like there to be upgrades to this garage but we'll be listening to player feedback as to whether this is something everyone really wants!
Is there an official trailer?
The launch trailer is here . Our YouTube channel is here where you'll be able to catch all of our PowerWash Simulator videos!
Will there be VR?
We'd love to do a VR version but we'll see how things go with the Early Access release!
How do I select a new power washer?
E on keyboard and mouse or up DPad on controller to open the inventory. Select the washer and then switch between your owned washers.
Are there Steam Achievements?
There aren't right now but it is something we will add further into Early Access.
Is there some form of challenge mode?
A challenge mode for both timed and water usage is available.
How many levels are there at the moment?
20 career levels + 1 special mission.
Are there more levels coming?
I would love to see 'x' in the game!
If you have any suggestions for places or things you would like to clean, we are open ears and would love to hear them. As an early access title we could still put in anything!
Will there be Workshop support?
There's no official plans right now but it is something we'd like to do if possible. Our art pipeline is quite complex so we aren't certain just yet though.
Are there key rebindings?
Not right now although we are planning on adding them in a future update.
What is the FPS limit?
We have just added support for up to 240FPS with several options inbetween.
Will you increase the FOV?
We will also be looking at increasing the FOV for user comfort in a future patch too.
Can you toggle washing on and off?
Yes you can right click to keep the power washer on without holding it down.
I'm stuck on the Mars Rover
Follow the footprints
Is there an official Reddit?
Yes there's an official sub reddit here. It's a great place to share your creations and we'll also be more active on their too!
Is there a list of known issues?
What are you doing to help with motion sickness?
This patch we added an FPS increase to make movement smoother on high refresh rate monitors and crosshair options to fix the crosshair always on your screen to focus away from motion on the edge of the screen. As mentioned above FOV options are coming and we have another few tweaks we will be trialing internally but we'll see if they work in practice!
My game isn't running well, stuttering etc.
There are settings you can change to increase performance though. You can simply switch between the presets, or if these still aren't enough here's some more steps to try:
GRAPHICS: (most likely the culprit if you are constantly having bad performance)
The most powerful tool here is 'Render Resolution' turning this down dramatically decreases the draw on your GPU but the graphics fidelity of the game will be decreased, you can experiment with this but 0.25 the lowest makes the game also look quite retro. Reducing/disabling all of the shadow options can help with CPU draw. Disabling Wetness VFX also can help as it is quite the power hog.
HARD DRIVE/SAVE: (most likely the culprit if there is stuttering occasionally when dirt is being removed)
To help with stuttering you can also turn off autosaves. Warning: with autosaves disabled you will need to either load another level or close the game through the menu to save your washing. If you close the game with alt+tab or the game crashes your wash data won't be added to your save for that session.
Check that your resolution matches the resolution of your monitor. Check that all of your computer drivers are up to date especially graphics drivers which will be mainly NVIDIA/AMD.
What is Legacy/Classic Wash Mode?
Legacy is only for older hardware that doesn't support some newer DirectX features. It should automatically detect what you need by scanning your hardware but if you can't clean anything in-game you can turn on the Legacy mode which will fix this. Classic is as we intended the game to be. There isn't any real noticeable graphical or gameplay difference between the two.
I can't start the game
Most of the time this is caused by a virus scanner but you can try these steps:
Game integrity: Verify the integrity of your game files on Steam. (Right click on PowerWash Simulator on Steam>Properties>Local Files>Verify Integrity Of Game Files)
3rd party anti-virus interference: Check that PowerWash Sim/Steam is whitelisted in your antivirus, that it hasn't caught powerwashsimulator.exe as a virus and your firewall isn't interfering.
Game install location: Some other games have reports of giving this error if they aren't installed on your default directory, you could attempt moving it across. (Right click on PowerWash Simulator on Steam>Properties>Local Files>Move Install Folder)
3RD Party Controller: Unplug third party controllers, test if the game loads.
PowerWash Simulator не запускается, вылетает - решение любых технических и геймплейных проблем.
Глючит или не запускается PowerWash Simulator? Решение есть! Постоянные лаги и зависания — не проблема! После установки мода PowerWash Simulator начала глючить или НПС не реагируют на завершение задания? И на этот вопрос найдется ответ! На этой странице вы сможете найти решение для любых известных проблем с игрой и обсудить их на форуме.
Игра тормозит и лагает
Скорее всего данная проблема носит аппаратный характер. Проверьте системные требования игры и установите корректные настройки качества графики. Подробнее об оптимизации игры можно почитать на форуме. Также загляните в раздел файлов, где найдутся программы для оптимизации PowerWash Simulator для работы на слабых ПК. Ниже рассмотрены исключительные случаи.
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