Power spike league of legends что это
Update: Since this article was written circa Patch 6.20, some of the specific item stats may now be out-of-date due to buffs and nerfs. Focus on the core power-spike fundamentals we teach you, they will always be relevant.
If you understand power spikes for the champions you commonly face in your lane or role, you’re more likely to choose fights at the right time come out on top.
A power spike is a point in time or a stage of progression whereby a champ has exceptional strength relative to other champs in a game. If you watch pro-level play, you may have noticed that teams regularly play around both individual and team composition power spikes to either gain an edge, or deny the enemy an edge.
You probably know different champs have their strengths and weaknesses based on their toolkit, but even if your champion is a good counter to your matchup, your opponent may have power spike that negates that counter. Building up your pool of power spike knowledge is what this article is all about.
1. Level power spikes
2. Crucial item power spikes
A great example of a pivotal item power spike is the BF Sword. Typically picked up by AD carries, this item gives +40 attack damage which makes a huge difference early game.
So what about later game power spikes? Other examples of item powerspikes to watch for include:
We made this graphic with more detail to save you clicking around the wiki.
How to Understand Power Spikes using Mobalytics
Now, think of playing against a matchup you’ve played many times and are comfortable with. You probably have no problem knowing when it’s safe to look for trades and you know when you aren’t in danger.
Part of the champion knowledge which you learn with time and experience is their power spikes. If you don’t know what a power spike is, I strongly recommend that you revisit our past article, 5 Types of League of Legends Power Spikes (+Examples).
As a quick refresher, a power spike represents a point in the match when a champion is at their relative optimal state of strength. There are several types of power spikes (seriously, check out that article I linked above).
For example, hyper-carry marksmen such as Vayne are vulnerable and weak in the early game. However, once they get enough farm, gold, and items, they become much stronger and are more effective than other champs in the late game.On the other end of the spectrum, Karma, who starts the game with her ultimate, spikes in the early phase of a match. She will always be relatively stronger than her opponents who have ability kits that have to wait until level 6 for their ult.
Why understanding power spikes is important
If you don’t understand when a champion is at its most dangerous or weakest, the game becomes much harder in terms of decision making. Let’s revisit the examples we mentioned.
A cautious player that doesn’t understand that Vayne is weak early on may not play as aggressive as they should be and she’ll be able to farm up faster to hit her spike.
The aggressive player who doesn’t know they should respect Karma early on may end up looking for an engage they shouldn’t have and end up giving up First Blood.
How the Mobalytics power spike tool works
The power spike feature helps you understand the individual power spikes of champions, as well as the power spikes of each team.
The spikes are organized across the three phases of the match: early, mid, and late. These phases are not set in stone but act as typical expectations for the activities and flow of what’s happening around the map.
Early game represents the first 15 minutes of a match where most players, outside of the Junglers, will stay in their lane.
Finally, after 30 minutes, the late game arrives. This is when many towers have fallen and teams are grouped for big fights contesting objectives like Baron and Elder Drake to end the match.For each of the three phases, our tool will assign one of three colors:
- Green indicates that the champ is expected to be strong during that phase
- Yellow indicates that the champ is expected to be average during that phase
- Red indicates that the champion is expected to be weak during the phase
For example, if you have a green late game and you’re against a red late game, normally you would think that you should win the 1v1. However, if you had a very poor early game and that red opponent spiked and snowballed early, you may still lose despite having the green > red advantage.
Likewise, if you’re a red champ early, that doesn’t mean that you cannot defeat a green early game. If you have the right opportunity such as an allied gank or a cocky dive by your opponent you can still find success.
How to use the tool
Step 1. Prep for your lane matchup
Although League of Legends is a team game, most roles are expected to be responsible for a particular lane (Junglers have a bit more freedom of course). This makes it imperative for you to be as ready as possible for your matchup to make sure that you do your part.
It seems obvious, but you should prioritize your focus on the things that you can control. If you play your lane right, it puts you in the driver’s seat instead of having to rely on your teammates to carry you. Don’t go into a matchup blind!
If you have a favorable matchup, it may be a good idea to let your team know when you have an advantage. This is especially important in the early game since it’s the foundation of a match’s flow.
Step 2. Understand the other lanes
The previous step isn’t as helpful as a Jungler since invades and 1v1 duels aren’t as guaranteed, however, this next one should be your jam.
As a Jungler or roamer, you can use this information to understand where you’ll have an advantage that you can snowball, or where you can expect to go help.
Let’s say that you’re a green early game Jungler like Jarvan IV. If you have a strong early game champ like Blitzcrank in your bot lane, it’s probably a good idea to plan your pathing to maximize your strengths.
You can also look to exploit enemy weaknesses. If you’re a strong roamer like Aurelion Sol and the enemy Top laner is a red late-scaler like Nasus, taking a trip for a tower dive can help delay Nasus’s late power spike by so much that he never gets a chance to come online.
Step 3. Plan for how the teams will interact
Once you understand how the lanes will likely fare, take a look at the team comp power spikes. This section takes into account all the champs on both teams and combines the values into the phases.
If a team is green early on, they’ll likely have lane bullies and strong gank potential. If they’re green in the mid-game, they may be great skirmishers or have mobility options which excel when the map opens up. Finally, if a team has a green late game, they likely have hyper carries, strong team fighting, or potent split-push duelists.
In general, you’ll want to play proactively if a team is red and play reactively if they’re green. If they’re yellow, look to take calculated risks. Also, make sure to keep in mind to compare your rating is to plan accordingly.
Step 4 Review and learn!
After a match concludes, you can revisit any of your past Pre Games through the Match History tab. This can be particularly useful for understanding why certain matchups went well or wrong, not just for yourself but for your teammates.This can be especially powerful when you watch your replays. Did you play according to the information that was presented? Or did you lose focus and misread situations.
If you’re having trouble with a matchup or champion, study the tendencies of their power spikes. LoL Wiki is a great reference for understanding the nuances of champion stat ratios and abilities.
You can also take a look at how high-level players play in different situations (all you need is to enter their summoner and server). How do their play patterns differ between the different phases in relation to green/yellow/red matchups? Take notes and apply their adaptations to your own play.
General reference points
As a closer, let’s cover some of the reasons why champions are given their power spike ratings. We’ll be looking at greens and reds since they’re the most defined and easy to understand:
Early game green examples:
- Lane bullies with strong base stats or burst
- Blitzcrank
- Draven
- Talon
- Jayce
- Nidalee
- Elise
- Lee Sin
- Olaf
Early game red examples:
- Late-game hyper carries
- Jinx
- Kayle
- Tristana
- Amumu
- Fiddlesticks
- Ivern
Mid game green examples:
- Champs with high map presence
- Aurelion Sol
- Twisted Fate
- Pantheon
- Darius
- Katarina
- Warwick
- Ahri
- Akali
- Quinn
Mid game red examples:
Late game green examples:
- 1v1 Duelists and split-pushers
- Fiora
- Riven
- Tryndamere
- Karthus
- Viktor
- Zyra
- Kindred
- Nasus
- Veigar
Late game red examples:
- Early game bullies with poor scaling
- Draven
- Pantheon
- Rek’sai
- LeBlanc
- Talon
Thanks for reading! We worked really hard to make it easy to understand power spikes with our tool so we hope you find it and this article helpful. As always, feel free to join us in Discord if you have any questions.
Agilio Macabasco
A gamer since birth (Dad was a hardcore 80's arcade-goer). Here to tell the stories of gamers by gamers, as we take the next step towards pushing the evolution of esports.
4. More skills, less mana
Some champions (typically ones that are more technical in nature) have more abilities in their kits. Their increased utility and versatility means they early power spikes than other champions. Good examples of these include Lee Sin, Jayce, and Nidalee, so if you find yourself slightly out of position in favor of such champions early on, remember they have an edge in this regard.
Start building your knowledge
5. Game phase power spikes
Last but not least, are game phase power spikes. Some champions have very strong early games, mid games, or late games due to their kit characteristics.
An example of a late game power spike is Jinx, one of the latest-game ADCs on the Rift. Even if you have a mediocre early and mid-game with Jinx, because her damage scales so well with items and levels, you can seriously start coming back towards the late game.
Power spike league of legends что это
Денис Шилов
Хабиб Потернович
Хабиб ПотерновичМатвей, команда в которой играют 2 с половиной человека не может занять 2 место в группе где псж и фнатик
Матвей Новиков ответил Хабибу
Денис Шилов ответил Хабибу
Матвей Новиков ответил ДенисуДенис, группы c и d очень сложные в плане предсказания конкретного места, да и эти пики чисто мое мнение на основе просмотра плейофф и летнего сезона этих команд
Денис Шилов ответил Матвеюя бы фнатиков и хле ещё поменял, а так всё похоже не правду, ну группа d не особо интересна
Хабиб Потернович ответил ДенисуДенис, не те но уж точно лучше команды в которой один чови и играет
Денис Шилов ответил Хабибу
Хабиб Потернович ответил ДенисуLogitech G и Riot Games представили игровые девайсы для фанатов League of Legends
Logitech G - подразделение компании Logitech в рамках сотрудничества с Riot Games выпустит новую коллекцию игровых аксессуаров для PC, выполненных в стилистике League of Legends.
Внешний вид новых устройств и их эстетика вдохновлены вдохновлены уникальным стилем хекстек из вселенной League of Legends. Хекстек — это сочетание магии и технологии, которое активно используется в городе Пилтовере и его районе Зауне. В своей основе хекстек сочетает чистую и многослойную геометрию архитектуры в стиле ар-деко с направляющей магической энергией. Это уникальное сочетание реальности и фантастики. При этом хекстек не просто часть игрового лора. Его можно назвать официальным стилем и основой дизайна всего бренда LoL.
«Если вам нравится такая игра, как League of Legends, вы погружаетесь в неё буквально с головой, — отметил Питер Кингсли (Peter Kingsley), директор по маркетингу Logitech G. — Мы создали эту коллекцию в сотрудничестве с разработчиками League of Legends, руководствуясь желанием объединить наши продукты и технологии профессионального уровня с культовым стилем хекстек League of Legends. Гарнитура, мышь и поверхность игрового коврика окрашены в цвета LoL, чтобы создать уникальное целостное ощущение и вдохновить пользователей на новые подвиги в игре».
В коллекцию входят 3 продукта: игровая гарнитура Logitech G PRO X, беспроводная игровая мышь Logitech G PRO и игровой коврик для мыши Logitech G840 XL.
«Мы очень рады продолжить наше сотрудничество с Logitech G, — сказала Эшли Мейди, руководитель отдела потребительских товаров Riot Games. Новая линейка девайсов профессионального уровня Logitech G подарит новые впечатления для любого игрока, воплощая нашу технологию League of Legends Hextech в изящных и производительных продуктах».
Беспроводная игровая гарнитура PRO X League of Legends Edition имеет надёжную конструкцию и высокий уровень комфорта, большие 50-мм драйверы, а также поддерживает технологию Blue VO!CE для высокого качества связи и виртуальный объёмный звук 7.1 для максимального погружения в игры.
Также в коллекции представлена беспроводная мышь PRO Wireless в версии League of Legends Edition. В устройстве используется технология скоростной беспроводной связи LIGHTSPEED Wireless. Среди её отличительных качеств — облегчённый корпус, чувствительный сенсор HERO с разрешением до 25 000 DPI и надёжные переключатели с ресурсом в 50 млн. нажатий. Симметричный дизайн, 4 фиксированных и 4 съёмных боковых кнопки позволяют добиться высокого уровня контроля и полной свободы кастомизации.
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3. Item stack effects
Types of power spikes
Broadly speaking, there are five different types of power spikes to learn in League of Legends .
- Power spikes gained by achieving a level that unlocks an ability
- Our spikes gains at the point of acquiring a particular item
- Power spikes gained by stacking effects
- Power spikes gained by toolkit advantages
- Power spikes gained by game phase/latent champion scaling
Let’s look at each one individually
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