Power ranking fortnite что это
We at Fortnite Tracker have been hard at work over the past months with an ambitious task: to create a system that fairly ranks the best players in the world. To do that, we pooled many ideas and gathered feedback from both competitive and casual communities
Как посмотреть статистику в Fortnite
Теперь чтобы узнать свою статистику на русском достаточно ввести свой ник, игровую платформу (PC, X-Box, PlayStation) и нажать "Поиск". Проверьте, например, статистику таких игроков как Oxfore на ПК и сравните со своей.
Fortnite Tracker (статистика на русском)
Наконец-то в Fortnite добавлена возможность смотреть статистику внутри игры! Все самые необходимые показатели: процент побед, количество сыгранных матчей Solo и Squad, среднее количество убийств и рейтинг TRN, Винрейт (winrate).
Поскольку Epic расширяет систему статистики, мы продолжим усовершенствовать отображение рейтингов! Надеемся, вам понравится. Свяжитесь с нами, если вы найдете ошибки!
Fortnite Tracker Power Rankings is LIVE!
The team at Fortnite Tracker have been hard at work over the past months with an ambitious task: to create a system that fairly ranks the best players in the world. To do that, we pooled many ideas and gathered feedback from both competitive and casual communities
Today, 22 January 2020, we proudly launch the first iteration (v1.0) of Fortnite Tracker Power RankingsFinally available to the public, you can now visit the power rankings page here
Filter your search by region, platform, and epic ID. Our aim is seamlessness and integration. Let us know if the search function or filter methods can be improved
To calculate a player’s rank, we use a cumulative point model. This means that every event a player participates in will be worth a specific amount of points - depending on placement and event difficulty/importance
We use a base point system, flat point distribution between 5-1000 for any player that achieves a top 10,000 event placements. This system is incredibly top heavy, players outside of the top 100 receive less than 200 points while the top players/teams receive closer to the full 1000 points
Additionally, we have included multipliers to the flat point distribution, which varies by event difficulty/importance. A cash cup may have a 1x multiplier, while a World Cup qualifier has a 10x multiplier. This means that winning a cash cup would be worth 1000 points while winning a World Cup qualifier is 10000
Finally, the only way to consistently ensure that the Power Rankings displays the top current players, we have introduced a balanced time decay system. 4 months after a tournament was played, decay begins. It starts by diminishing 10% of the points from that event. That percent slowly increases every month until 18 months elapses. By 18 months, the entire tournament is omitted from power rankings calculations
Jump in and test it out. We ask that you provide constructive feedback so we can further improve this early stage operation!
Что показывает Fortnite Tracker
В Фортнайт статистика имеет не последнее значение, поскольку это соревновательная игра. Для ее отслеживания и создан Fortnite Battle Royale Tracker. Поддерживаемые платформы Fortnite Tracker - PS4, PC, Xbox. Игрок может проверить свой рейтинг в независимости от того пользуется он ПК или консолями. В Fortnite статистика может быть распределена по нескольким основным категориям. Большинство пунктов не вызовут вопросов и называются прямолинейно, но некоторые требуют разъяснения.
Вы можете оценить свои показатели для доступных режимов игры – solo (в одиночку), duo (в паре) и squad (отряд). Присутствует возможность отслеживания общей статистики. Набор подкатегорий в общем зачёте более скромный и отсутствует TRN рейтинг. О том, что это такое - ниже.
TRN рейтинг
Это неофициальная система рейтинга, придуманная сообществом Фортнайт. Статистка TRN зависит от процента побед, процента убийств и места занятого в каждой игре, поэтому может претендовать на некоторую объективность.
Общий счёт
Это рейтинговая система от разработчиков Fortnite. Статистика складывается из нескольких пунктов, однако разработчики не раскрывают их. Высокие числа, свидетельствуют о высоком мастерстве.
K/D рейтинг
Это отношение убийств к количеству смертей. Чем выше этот показатель, тем более игрок успешен в уничтожении соперников.
Top 10, Top 25
Количество игр, в которых игрок входил в 10 и 25 последних выживших соответственно. Поскольку в Fortnite за победу сражаются сразу 100 человек, попасть в десятку это тоже очень неплохой результат.
Фортнайт трекер полезен для тех, кто любит посоревноваться и играет не только для удовольствия. Желаем вам успехов на полях сражений и стабильного пинга.
How are we calculating ranks?
To calculate a player’s rank, we use a cumulative point model. Every event a player participates in will be worth a specific amount of points - depending on placement and event difficulty/importance
We created a base point system - flat point distribution between 5-1000 for any player that achieves a top 10,000 event placements. This system is incredibly top heavy, players outside of the top 100 receive less than 200 points while the top players/teams receive closer to the full 1000 points
Additionally, we have included multipliers to the flat point distribution, which varies by event difficulty/importance. A cash cup may have a 1x multiplier, while a World Cup qualifier has a 10x multiplier. Under this assumption, winning a cash cup would be worth 1000 points while winning a World Cup qualifier is 10000
Finally, the only way to consistently ensure the Power Rankings displays the top current players, we have introduced a balanced time decay system. 4 months after a tournament was played, decay begins. It starts by diminishing 10% of the points from that event. That percent slowly increases every month until 18 months elapses. By 18 months, the entire tournament is omitted from power rankings calculations
Jump in and test it out. Please leave feedback on the competitive Fortnite subreddit so we can further improve this early stage operation!
What does PR Mean in Fortnite?
You might be wondering what PR means in Fortnite. The answer is power ranking or sometimes called player ranking. This value determines who is the best player and it is determined by how well the player performs in tournaments hosted by Epic Games.
A player's power ranking is affected differently by each tournament. They can receive a different amount of points based upon several factors. This includes how many players are involved, the tournament's format, and the prize pool. Typically, larger tournaments reward more points to offset the higher competition. It also means that entering more tournaments won't guarantee a higher placing.
Points are not static when it comes to power ranking. While they are cumulative, points will decay over time. Four months after an event the points will start decaying. The rate of decay begins at 10 percent of the points acquired but will raise over 14 months. After 18 months the points earned from that event will be removed and will no longer count towards a player's ranking. This ensures consistent fairness across the board.
Today, 22 January 2020, we proudly launch the first iteration (v1.0) of Fortnite Tracker Power Rankings
Finally available to the public, you can now visit the power rankings page here
Filter your search by region, platform, and Epic ID. Our ambition is seamlessness and integration. Let us know if the search function or filter methods can be improved
FortniteTracker Power Rankings, top 5 European region
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