Pacific daylight time что это
The Pacific Daylight Time zone is seven hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The region that this encompasses is the western coast of the United States, specific Canadian provinces, and a Mexican state. There are also other times zones within this same offset that we’ll explore in more detail.
Join us as we examine this region, the difference between PDT and PST, which locations observe it, and learn some more facts about Daylight Saving Time that you may not already know.
Moscow Standard Time
Offset: MSK is 3 hours ahead Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and is used in Europe
Countries: It is used in following countries: Russia, Ukraine
Principal Cities: The largest city in the MSK timezone is Moscow from Russia with population about 10.381 million people. Other major cities in the area are Saint Petersburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kazan, Rostov na Donu
Daylight Saving: Moscow Standard Time (MSK) is not adjusted for daylight saving therefore MSK remains the same through out the year. This means, unlike some time zones where the clock is set forward by one hour every summer and backward by one hour during winter to adjust for daylight saving, Moscow Standard Time remains the same
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
Popular Time Zones
Is DST Going Away Anytime Soon?
There has been a seemingly ongoing war happening over whether DST is something we should keep around or something that should have ended with the last world war. Washington state, a current participant in the practice is beginning to show signs of joining the admittedly small list of states that do not follow the practice. Does this mean other states in the PDT zone will follow suit?
A bill proposed to the state government in February of 2015 brings many of the arguments against the practice to light. Five other states including Oregon have begun making similar pursuits, leading to the question of whether or not this practice will last much longer after all the opposition it has faced.
Часовой пояс
Гораздо сложнее высчитывать время с учетом географического и административного часовых поясов.
Географический часовой пояс – условная линия на земной поверхности. Нулевым часовым поясом принято считать гринвичский меридиан. От него и идет отсчет: +0:00, +1:00, … +23:00. Московское время — +3:00.
Административный часовой пояс – территория, на которой время может отличаться от времени по ГЧП из-за принятых законов.
Подробнее про часовые пояса можно почитать в Википедии.
Буквенные обозначения часовых поясов
Для разных стран, регионов и территорий используются буквенные обозначения часовых поясов. Например:
The Difference Between PDT and PST
During the summer, parts of the world, the United States mostly, observe Daylight Saving Time where the clocks are turned back an hour to allow for more sunlight during the summer months. During this time the offset for this time zone is UTC -7:00. When the winter months arrive and the clocks are set back to their original time, the zone is then designated as Pacific Standard Time (PST).
During the winter months when PST is in effect, the offset is UTC -8:00. Understanding this distinction will help you better convert between time zones, but if you’d rather not do the math, you can also use our extremely helpful time zone converter to do the job for you. If you are looking to get your hands a little dirty, let’s try an example of converting from PDT to EDT, shall we?
Since PDT is seven hours offset from UTC, we need to account for the three hours difference to EDT which is 4 hours offset from UTC. Knowing this allows us to do a quick calculation, keeping in mind that we’re moving forward in time three hours since we’re moving up in the offsets.
So, 10:00AM in PDT would be 1:00PM in EDT. The three hours is added to the time since we’re moving upward in the offset from 7 hours to 4 subtracted from UTC.
Time Zone:
11 Facts About Daylight Saving Time You Probably Didn’t Know
The first time DST came up as an idea was in Benjamin Franklin’s 1784 letter entitled An Economical Project. While he did propose something along the lines of this idea, he was being satirical. In the letter he claims that total of 64 million pounds of wax could be saved in the city of Paris if people woke up with the sun.
- There’s a Reason it Happens at 2 A.M
- It Got one Man Out of The Draft
Bars Aren’t Open an Extra Hour
- DST Began in The U.S During WWI
- Not Every U.S. State Observes it
Despite the fact that most electronic clocks on phones and other devices change automatically, people are still often late or early on the days that the time changes. A Rasmussen Report showed that 27% of Americans admitted to the time change making them early or late.
Time Zone Abbreviation:
Countries and States That Observe PDT
- California
- Washington
- Oregon - all except for the majority of Malheur County on the Idaho border.
- Nevada - Legally, all of Nevada does, but the border town of West Wendover, and the towns of Jackpot, Jarbidge, Mountain City, and Owyhee all observe Mountain Time because of the proximity to and connections with nearby towns in Idaho
- Idaho Panhandle - The region of Idaho north of the Salmon River
- British Columbia - except for the eastern communities of Cranbrook, Golden, and Invermere which are in the MST/MDT zone.
- Yukon
This time zone has areas that observe DST, at which times of year it is known as MDT. There are actually thirteen states that observe MST during the winter and MDT in the summer. In many of these states however, it is specific locations which observe this time zone.
This UTC -7:00 time zone is utilized by military aviation. It is most commonly used over the ocean between the longitudes of 112.5 degrees west and 97.5 degrees west. The designation for this time zone is written in military time with “T” being used to show the time zone. An example would be 0800T or “zero eight hundred Tango.”
Разница во времени PDT Москва
PDT to MSK Converter
Daylight Saving: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) is a daylight saving/summer timezone, however during winter some places switch clocks for one hour back and observe Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Start: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) started and clocks were set one hour forward on Sunday, 14 March 2021, at 2:00 (2:00 am) local time.
End: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) ends and clocks are set one hour back on Sunday, 07 November 2021, at 2:00 (2:00 am) local time.
French: HAP - Heure Avancée du Pacifique
Spanish: PT - Zona Noroeste
PDT representations, usage and related time zones
- -07 - basic short
- -0700 - basic
- -07:00 - extended
- -0700 - sign character (-) followed by a four digit time providing hours (07) and minutes (00) of the offset. Indicates seven hour and zero minutes time differences to the west of the zero meridian.
- Tango - Military abbreviation for PDT
- T - short form of 'Tango'
- America/Ensenada
- America/Los_Angeles
- America/Santa_Isabel
- America/Tijuana
- America/Vancouver
- Canada/Pacific
- Mexico/BajaNorte
- US/Pacific
- US/Pacific-New
- MST - Mountain Standard Time
- PDT - Pacific Daylight Time
- T - Tango Time Zone
Всего в сутках 24 часа. 12-часовой формат времени предполагает разделение суток на два равных интервала — пополуночи (ппн) и пополудни (ппд).
В английском языке эти интервалы имею обозначение:
- a.m. (ante meridiem) – до полудня.
- p.m. (post meridiem) – после полудня.
Для наглядности конвертации времени из одного формата в другой можно ознакомиться с таблицей:
24-часовой формат | 12-часовой формат |
00:00 | 12:00 a.m. |
01:00 | 1:00 a.m. |
02:00 | 2:00 a.m. |
03:00 | 3:00 a.m. |
04:00 | 4:00 a.m. |
05:00 | 5:00 a.m. |
06:00 | 6:00 a.m. |
07:00 | 7:00 a.m. |
08:00 | 8:00 a.m. |
09:00 | 9:00 a.m. |
10:00 | 10:00 a.m. |
11:00 | 11:00 a.m. |
12:00 | 12:00 p.m. |
13:00 | 1:00 p.m. |
14:00 | 2:00 p.m. |
15:00 | 3:00 p.m. |
16:00 | 4:00 p.m. |
17:00 | 5:00 p.m. |
18:00 | 6:00 p.m. |
19:00 | 7:00 p.m. |
20:00 | 8:00 p.m. |
21:00 | 9:00 p.m. |
22:00 | 10:00 p.m. |
23:00 | 11:00 p.m. |
У 12-часового формата времени есть определенные проблемы при обозначении полудня и полуночи. Почитать об этом можно в Wikipedia.
Но, несмотря на некоторые неопределенности в обозначениях, все же система достаточно простая.
Анонсируйте событие для разных часовых поясов
Популярные конверторы
- Время в Уналашке сейчас и разница во времени с Луисвиллом
- Разница во времени между Лой-Коруньей и Макао
- Время в Наньчане сейчас и разница во времени с Новосибирском
- Разница во времени между Августой и Мэдисоном
- Время в Шитячжуане сейчас и разница во времени с Веной
Pacific Daylight Time
Friday Feb, 26, 2021
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
PDT is 7 hours behind Universal Time.
Цифровые часы-будильник (часы показывают 16:00, так как в левом верхем углу горит кружок напротив PM)
Nizhniy Ingash, Russia to PDT
Daylight Saving: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) is a daylight saving/summer timezone, however during winter some places switch clocks for one hour back and observe Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Start: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) started and clocks were set one hour forward on Sunday, 14 March 2021, at 2:00 (2:00 am) local time.
End: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) ends and clocks are set one hour back on Sunday, 07 November 2021, at 2:00 (2:00 am) local time.
French: HAP - Heure Avancée du Pacifique
Spanish: PT - Zona Noroeste
Страны входящие в Тихоокеанское Летнее Время
- Канада:
- Юкон
- Британская Колумбия
- Сонора
- Baja California
- Калифорния
- Аризона
- Невада
- Вашингтон
- Орегон
UTC offset:
Таблица сравнения времени между PDT и MSK
PDT UTC− 7 + 10 часов MSK UTC+ 3 0:00 Ср 10:00 Ср 1:00 Ср 11:00 Ср 2:00 Ср 12:00 Ср 3:00 Ср 13:00 Ср 4:00 Ср 14:00 Ср 5:00 Ср 15:00 Ср 6:00 Ср 16:00 Ср 7:00 Ср 17:00 Ср 8:00 Ср 18:00 Ср 9:00 Ср 19:00 Ср 10:00 Ср 20:00 Ср 11:00 Ср 21:00 Ср 12:00 Ср 22:00 Ср 13:00 Ср 23:00 Ср 14:00 Ср 0:00 Чт 15:00 Ср 1:00 Чт 16:00 Ср 2:00 Чт 17:00 Ср 3:00 Чт 18:00 Ср 4:00 Чт 19:00 Ср 5:00 Чт 20:00 Ср 6:00 Чт 21:00 Ср 7:00 Чт 22:00 Ср 8:00 Чт 23:00 Ср 9:00 Чт Разница во времени между и
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