Openeye minecraft что это
OpenEye is (mostly) a developer tool, that collects mods' usage and crash reports. It also delivers notifications (created by mod authors) to clients.
OpenEye consist of two parts: the mod and this website.
Why would I, the user, install OpenEye?
You will be helping mod developers by sending crash reports as soon as possible. You will also receive information about updates and known crashes (and solutions) when available.
We also hope OpenEye will reduce console spam on startup, we are giving mod authors a single place (accessible from the main menu) where they can post notes about the exact version of their mod.
As a side effect of the analytics part, we also hope to collect a big list of mods. We hope it can be useful to other projects.
LOL OpenNSA, you won't fool me!
- Reports are anonymized - we try to remove any data that can be used to identify a user or determine that reports came from a single source
- We don't store any user identifier. IP addresses are stored on the server only for a short time, for flood protection
- Analytic data sent from the client is only stored for an hour, then aggregated and removed
- We are not hiding anything. You can review the communication with the server, see the aggregated data and review the source code. We also inform users about OpenEye after installation.
I see a bit of personal data on the page?
Looks like we derped. We are sorry, but there is no reliable protection against unexpected personal data sent in crash reports.
If you see such data, report it to us via EsperNet IRC and we will edit it out. We will also try to filter it in our next version.
How can I review collected data?
Any data sent and received by the server is saved on disk (in the 'reports' folder in you Minecraft installation directory). You can review it if you wish. Data from your current session is available only when Minecraft is closed. You can also explore all of the data we hold in the database.
Why create this tool, when there are other similar projects?
While there are a few tools that do a similar job, we try to take it further by offering help back to the user.
Mojang already collects crash data, with Hopper. It doesn't include any informations about mods, though. Looking for crashes in a single mod on a 100-something page is not fun.
How can I prevent OpenEye from tracking my mod?
We are sorry you don't like us :`(. Come and chat with us on IRC and we'll make sure your mod doesn't get listed.
We cannot suppress crash collection, though, since it could interfere with crashes for other mods/mod interactions
Does OpenEye interfere with file/class loading or mod content?
Short answer: No, unless you really want it.
Long answer: There is a single option (haltOnDangerousFiles) that causes loading in certain conditions. It is disabled by default and should only be enabled by people who are fully aware of what it does.
How can I control data sent by OpenEye/disable it completely?
You can filter incoming and outgoing data with the config options.
If you don't want any data to be sent, you can use vanilla snooper settings.
And of course, you can always remove OpenEye completely. It won't corrupt any data (including savefiles).
Can the server initiate communication with the client?
Is OpenEye open-source?
OpenEye keeps complaining about old Java version, but I've already installed most recent one?
If that prompt bothers you, you can select proper JVM manually from profile config.
Quick overview
Snooper Settings
First things first, our mod fully respects a user's snooper settings that are built into Minecraft - so if you don't like it, simply turn it off. However, be aware that turning it off in snooper settings means information we'd need in order to help you would not be available to us.
You can safely can remove the mod without any side effects. You can also use config options to control what data is sent to the server, and ignore messages received back from the server.
When the game launches we collect very minimal, state-free and anonymous information about the mods being run. This includes a list of 'file signatures' (i.e. filename and hash of mod files), signatures of files that have been added or removed, timezone, locale, language and information about which Forge and Minecraft you're running. We only collect information about mods present, not how they are running or how they're configured.
This data is stored in our database for one hour, at which point it is aggregated into hourly stats and then wiped. After 1 hour, we have no information about individual requests at all.
If the mod sends up a file signature that our database doesn't know about, it will request additional information about the file. The client will then send 'mod metadata' (authors, description.etc.) back to the server, as well as a list of packages contained within the file.
We also support adding of 'tags', which are also aggregated once an hour.
Users can add 'tags' into OpenEye configuration files.
Tags can be added by writing comma separated list to:
- "openeye.tags" command line parameter
- "openeye.tags" environment variable
Want more information about what analytics data is stored? Read our storage policy.
When you relaunch the game after a crash, a crash report is sent to the server. If the crash was already reported and the site contains additional data (like information about a fix), a small icon will appear in your game with any additional information it knows about the crash (which will usually be supplied by mod authors), along with a button to launch a webpage with more information. This page will display the crash details and try to work out which mods and files may have been involved in the crash.
File notes & user security
A mod author can leave notes against a file - these can be any notes the author wishes but I imagine it'll be mostly used for things such as "There's a new version available!". A note can also have a priority, which is reflected by the icon shown to the user. This is especially useful if a world corrupting issue is found and the mod author puts out a patch release.
To make things as unobtrusive as possible all notes are displayed in a single place, accessible via a small icon on the main menu.
Another type of note is a "dangerous file" note. Nobody has access to this - it's strictly reserved for something that has been confirmed to have a virus, key logger or anything that is truly dangerous to a user. If this is ever used it'd first be discussed with all parts of the community first. This is NOT something that will be used in mod or modpack drama - we're not going to get involved in anything to do with redistribution, user tracking, modified jars or anything else. It's there to alert a user if there is a REAL security risk from a dodgy file floating around on the search engines or similar. An example would be an altered mod which also contains code to install a virus or a keylogger onto your system outside of Minecraft. As of yet, I'm not aware of any situation in the history of modded Minecraft that would warrant us using this, and I hope there never will.
Having said all that, it's just a warning message that gets displayed to users like any other note in the system. If you want to increase your security we have a config setting that'll bring up a full page screen and stop you from proceeding, however that's disabled by default. Be warned that this is only a thin layer of security - if someone was intent on causing harm I imagine they'd be able to add code to bypass our system quite easily, but some security is better than none.
Our data & our code
As mentioned, this project is 100% open. Anyone is welcome to browse the source code and find out how data is handled or browse the daily data dumps to see what data is stored. We are very open to making this data available to other systems that might find it useful; whether that be something like NEM, or any of the launchers out there.
A message to modpacks / Permissions
Yeah of course you have permission. Permissions are silly. Do what you like - however, if you've got a HUGE mod pack, we'd really appreciate a heads-up first so we can keep an eye on the servers.
A message to modders and launchers
We really hope that you'll embrace this project and see the value in it. We're very open to suggestions, so please don't hesitate to get in contact with us and we'll do our best to accommodate you or answer any questions.
We think this tool may be useful to the community (both users and modders). That's why we want this project to succeed. Please, discuss with us any issues you see and don't jump to quick conclusions.
OpenEye для Майнкрафт 1.12
OpenEye — небольшой мод для владельцев модпаков, который собирает всю информацию о работе дополнений в сборке (включая отчёты об ошибках) на сайте и сортирует её для лёгкого доступа.
в любой момент можете удалить любые собранные в Майнкрафт 1.12 сведения или изменить их.
Как установить модификацию:
Первый шаг: скачайте и установите Minecraft Forge (В лаунчере можно выбрать версию с ним).
Второй шаг: скачайте пакет с модификацией.
Третий шаг: скопируйте пакет мода OpenEye в раздел .minecraft/mods (если данной папки не существует, установите Forge ещё раз или создайте её сами).
To install OpenEye simply drop it into your /mods/ folder.
OpenEye для Майнкрафт 1.12.1
Если вы любите создавать различные сервера и лично программировать многие элементы, то вам наверняка пригодиться модификация OpenEye для Майнкрафт 1.12.1, которая добавит возможность получать отчеты о работе внедренных элементов.
Теперь в Майнкрафт 1.12.1 вы сможете лично тестировать все свои наработки, сравнивать результат и анализировать полученный отчет.
Такая система намного эффективнее той, которая была раньше, остается только воспользоваться ей и правильно изучить все доступные нюансы и прочие направления. Номы уверены, что вы быстро освоитесь со всеми нововведениями и получите массу удовольствия от игры.
Как установить модификацию:
Первый шаг: скачайте и установите Minecraft Forge (В лаунчере можно выбрать версию с ним).
Второй шаг: скачайте пакет с модификацией.
Третий шаг: скопируйте пакет мода OpenEye в раздел .minecraft/mods (если данной папки не существует, установите Forge ещё раз или создайте её сами).
About OpenEye
Our primary aim is to collect and share vital information to allow us to provide a set of tools to the community to make the experience easier, drama-free and more secure for both users and modders.
We want to make it clear from the very start that we do this in a completely transparent way - our data is open to anyone and our code is open source. We do not track users or keep any identifying information, and people are very welcome to confirm that for themselves by browsing the code or the regular data dumps that we will provide.
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