Move all the hay bales to the farm my summer car что это
14 фев. 2019 в 10:46
Going through the forums there has been talk of making more use with the tractor. I feel the easiest way for TG to make it happen would be to make use of the forks on the tractor for picking up the hay bales in the fields and having a stationary trailer near by to drop them in that spawns and acts like grandmas basket for stuff when the job is available. Keeping the hay bales as a static object until job is available to help with performance and limiting the amount of hay bales that could be picked up in an area per TG sees fit. The forks already work, so the hardest part is done. Easiest way would to just spawn say 10 more hay bales that aren't static and a spawn the static trailer for the drop. Add in a call and bam we got ourselves a new job that may only spawn every other week that would not effect performance for the duration of the job not being available. TG could add this into a story with grandma needing help with the fields that her husband left to her, or she sold it off and the new owner calls. This could be interesting. What do you guys think to be the hurdles to making this job more feasible?
14 фев. 2019 в 12:11
This sounds like a reasonable, cool idea. The main problem i think would be making the bales stable in the forklift.
14 фев. 2019 в 12:17
14 фев. 2019 в 22:56
This sounds like a reasonable, cool idea. The main problem i think would be making the bales stable in the forklift.
Well i play this game legit so far with no mods at 180hrs in. But, I do know there is a mod to spawn large objects like blocks or cylinders, could use those to test out the stability on the forks. Could also make the hay bales that we could pick up smaller than the stationary ones on the map as to beable to differentiate between the two and make them more stable to move. But lets be real here, its gotta be a little bit challenging, that's the MSC way :) I'm sure TG wouldn't have it any other way. So we have the tractor, we have the hay bale textures, all we would need is a crude textured stationary trailer to put the bales in. And really theres no need for even a phone call for this job, it could be a letter in our mailbox, and there ya go now the mailbox isn't just for bills now. No vocal dialog needed. Just a letter in the mailbox letting us know the job has spawned.
15 фев. 2019 в 7:10
This sounds like a reasonable, cool idea. The main problem i think would be making the bales stable in the forklift.
Well i play this game legit so far with no mods at 180hrs in. But, I do know there is a mod to spawn large objects like blocks or cylinders, could use those to test out the stability on the forks. Could also make the hay bales that we could pick up smaller than the stationary ones on the map as to beable to differentiate between the two and make them more stable to move. But lets be real here, its gotta be a little bit challenging, that's the MSC way :) I'm sure TG wouldn't have it any other way. So we have the tractor, we have the hay bale textures, all we would need is a crude textured stationary trailer to put the bales in. And really theres no need for even a phone call for this job, it could be a letter in our mailbox, and there ya go now the mailbox isn't just for bills now. No vocal dialog needed. Just a letter in the mailbox letting us know the job has spawned. That's the grab anything mod! I downloaded it to organize the wreck cars at Fleetari's, and that's a feature. I suppose it could be tested, and i agree the front loader should be useful for something.
I do sure like your idea!
15 фев. 2019 в 11:42
the hay bales aren't static, you can move them around. the only issue is being able to impale the bales with the fork properly, i can't think of a way to do that well, unless there was a way to noclip only the fork prongs with the bales' exterior and have a collision mesh inside the bale to lift the bales up with.
15 фев. 2019 в 22:05
the hay bales aren't static, you can move them around. the only issue is being able to impale the bales with the fork properly, i can't think of a way to do that well, unless there was a way to noclip only the fork prongs with the bales' exterior and have a collision mesh inside the bale to lift the bales up with.
LMAO i thought they were static, i never hit one. I just tried using the forks and picking one up. It will just push it around, but i used a case of beer to push them on the forks and they stay on the forks while raising but yeah not too stable moving but more so than i thought they would. The bales will need a little weight to them and or physics adjustment. Could just have the top and bottom of the bales collision mesh like a wooden pallet but textured still like a bale so the forks have something to go into and will give it stability.
15 фев. 2019 в 22:13
16 фев. 2019 в 4:30
16 фев. 2019 в 6:15
for it to be the way it works irl we might need a separate (more pointy) fork that we need to attach to the tractor, this being the game it is i'm sure that would be quite easy to implement, and that fork could have special collision properties that allow it to pass the outer skin of the bale to access a grid (?) of collision meshes inside to pick the bale up with.
19 фев. 2019 в 8:32
For the sake of realism i think the forks are good enough, just the bale needs to be worked on and a crude texture trailer to put them in. Or it could be more complex and we use the trailer we have to deliver them somewhere as stated in another post.
19 фев. 2019 в 20:42
It's funny what this game makes you think about. When I 1st read this thread I thought it was a brilliant idea. But then it occurred to me that the game happens in August which, where I live at 30^N latitude, is definitely not harvest time. But then I remembered Finland is way far north so has a shorter growing season and earlier harvest. This made me spend some time trying to google up when harvest time happens in Finland. Turns out it's September, maybe the latter part of August. So I guess this would work.
However, I figure there are already plans for additional tractor jobs. There's that whole grain processing facility in the NW corner of the map, currently inert but certainly with some future function in mind. And there are fields of grain all over the place. So I guess that at some point, the tractor will again some sort of harvester attachment and we'll be tasked with bringing the grain harvest to the elevator.
are bundles of dried grass wrapped in plastic or bound together with cords, generally used for animal fodder. Their only function in the game is to be delivered to Tohvakka.
Some haybales are wrapped in plastic to protect them and possibly allow fermentation in order to obtain haylage.
Move all the hay bales to the farm my summer car что это
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Harvester delivery
This job is available after completing the Haybale delivery. It will take a long time to complete due to the harvester's top speed being only 11 km/h, giving the player more time to appreciate the beauty of high-performance agricultural machinery.
Manual of buttons and levers
Once the player returns the harvester back to the farm, Tohvakka will thank the player for helping him and will give the player 1500mk.
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