Monster hunter world где лежат сохранения
9 янв. 2020 в 21:08
Aha, it worked for me. My issue was using the wrong steam ID. I mistakenly thought it was the same as the folder the game was in. So here's the easy way to do it.
Also first some great news for a lot of you that think your file is lost. The game created a back up for you when you first launched iceborne. In steam, right click monster hunter>manage>browse local files. In there is a folder titled savedata_backup. Inside is a SAVEDATA1000 file. At the very least try this, it'll take 10 minutes and you might recover your lost save.
Download both the iceborne ready file and that save transfer tool. Note there is a PS4 to PC transfer tool, that is the wrong tool, that won't work. I had this issue earlier.
Open the save transfer tool.
Open your back up file.
Click change steam ID.
Copy the number there.
Click clear workspace.
Open the downloaded file.
Click change steam ID and paste the one you just copied.
Import your back up file.
Drag your old character from the right to slot 2 on the left. Not sure if it matters that it's slot 2 but some people said so.
Save file into your monster hunter world remote save data location.
Launch the game.
You should now get a message about corrupt keybindings. This means success.
Click ok, you will then be in a loading screen for like 4 minutes.
Reset the keybindings back to default or whatever you want them to be and close the keybindings.
Get to the main menu.
Go to options.
Go to language.
Set it to english (the provided file is german).
Click ja (yes).
The game will restart, tell you your keybindings are corrupt, but go on to the main menu in english.
Load up the game for your character.
Make sure it's all working fine then save.
Problem solved.
You can probably then delete the character in slot 1 that I assume is cause of the keybindings issue (probably has german characters bound). Haven't tested this though.
9 янв. 2020 в 22:13Aha, it worked for me. My issue was using the wrong steam ID. I mistakenly thought it was the same as the folder the game was in. So here's the easy way to do it.
Also first some great news for a lot of you that think your file is lost. The game created a back up for you when you first launched iceborne. In steam, right click monster hunter>manage>browse local files. In there is a folder titled savedata_backup. Inside is a SAVEDATA1000 file. At the very least try this, it'll take 10 minutes and you might recover your lost save.
Download both the iceborne ready file and that save transfer tool. Note there is a PS4 to PC transfer tool, that is the wrong tool, that won't work. I had this issue earlier.
Open the save transfer tool.
Open your back up file.
Click change steam ID.
Copy the number there.
Click clear workspace.
Open the downloaded file.
Click change steam ID and paste the one you just copied.
Import your back up file.
Drag your old character from the right to slot 2 on the left. Not sure if it matters that it's slot 2 but some people said so.
Save file into your monster hunter world remote save data location.
Launch the game.
You should now get a message about corrupt keybindings. This means success.
Click ok, you will then be in a loading screen for like 4 minutes.
Reset the keybindings back to default or whatever you want them to be and close the keybindings.
Get to the main menu.
Go to options.
Go to language.
Set it to english (the provided file is german).
Click ja (yes).
The game will restart, tell you your keybindings are corrupt, but go on to the main menu in english.
Load up the game for your character.
Make sure it's all working fine then save.
Problem solved.
You can probably then delete the character in slot 1 that I assume is cause of the keybindings issue (probably has german characters bound). Haven't tested this though.
I got stuck on that black screen for half an hour, no prompts to rebind after I was told I had corrupted data and bindings.
Monster hunter world где лежат сохранения
9 авг. 2018 в 11:35 Where is the save data stored at for this game? I ask because before i experienced the crashing issue, it did ask if I wanted to create new save data for this game and i selected yes. I'm hoping that if I delete whatever it created, I can at least get that far again but this time select No, just to see what happens. 9 авг. 2018 в 11:37 9 авг. 2018 в 11:45 9 авг. 2018 в 12:16reposted for anyone coming across this
Where are the save data and configuration files for the game located?
Steam Cloud Save Data Location – *We do not recommend removing or altering save data in this folder*
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[YOUR STEAM ID HERE]\582010\remote
Config.ini / graphics_option.ini / graphics_option_preset.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World
9 авг. 2018 в 19:08 Appreciate this. I'm upgrading so that means a clean install. Developers still like to hide save files in the oddest places. 4 ноя. 2018 в 6:02 7 фев. 2019 в 17:03 Appreciate this. I'm upgrading so that means a clean install. Developers still like to hide save files in the oddest places.Seriously? You do know that Solvaring's post (taken from the official dev pinned thread) clearly states that the saves are Steam Cloud Saves. Meaning. backing up the saves is not necessary. That's why they are there in the Steam\userdata folder. 7 фев. 2019 в 17:59 Appreciate this. I'm upgrading so that means a clean install. Developers still like to hide save files in the oddest places.
Seriously? You do know that Solvaring's post (taken from the official dev pinned thread) clearly states that the saves are Steam Cloud Saves. Meaning. backing up the saves is not necessary. That's why they are there in the Steam\userdata folder. . you do realize this is a 6 month old post.
Otherwise, my save is regularly backed up automatically. And no Steam Cloud doesn't count, too unreliable.
Monster Hunter: World: Сохранение/SaveGame (Пройден весь сюжет)
Пишите в коментариях если что не так
Пишет "Архив повреждён или имеет неизвестный формат".Что делать?
ArthiKon То есть ты скачал открыл и тебе это написало?
Как Ранг поднял?
davian025 читами, сохранения явно с пиратки, обычным гриндом просто не успел бы Следует уточнить, что на лицуху эти сохранения поставить не получится. Как и на пиратку со взломанным мультиплеером впрочем тоже. На любителя как по мне, без коопа игра не стоит и дня времени.
davian025 с помощью таблицы cheat engine я собираюсь её выложить
LordOfMagnus Можно ли открыть высокий ранг в начале игры с твоей таблицей, чтобы бронька высокого ранга была открыта?
davian025 максимальный ранг это 999 с моей таблицей можно сделать такой,но ранг не влияет на ранг брони В таблице есть пункт который называется Item-Free Crafting & Infinite Items так ты нажимаешь на квадратик и появляется пункт all armors продолжение дальше не помню также нажимаешь на квадратик и у тебя открывается почти все брони остальные откроются по мере прохождения сюжета также прокачивать уровни у брони также по мере прохождения сюжета
Monster hunter world где лежат сохранения
Держу в курсе убил бегемота 1 раз за 16 часов игры, но смог вы фармить сет благодаря подсосу на "легендарный зверь" где даётся 8 попыток и у него ток 1фаза
1. Гринд - это основная суть игры, так что да, много.
2. Да, игру часто сравнивают с DS. Бои тут есть и сложные, и не очень. Есть и очень очень сложные (особенно для "новичка"). Главное отличие от DS (на сколько я знаю), тут нельзя кувыркаться "сквозь" атаки, т.е. можно, но это делать на много сложнее и не всегда актуально. Тут нужно знать повадки монстра и заранее "выходить" из зоны атаки, ну или блокировать/контрить ее (если ваше оружие это позволяет).
Смерть наказывается сурово, в большинстве заданий три смерти означают его провал, т.е. нужно начинать с нуля (причем все потраченные расходники/лечилки не возвращаются, а вот собранные во время задания материалы остаются с вами). А есть задания со всего одной смертью. Снаряжение не ломается, ломаются только нервы =)
4. Будет, все равно подавляющая часть контента дополнения становится доступна только после прохождения сюжета базовой версии игры. Т.е. неактуален в принципе будет только эндгейм базовой версии игры (и то не весь).
5. На сколько я слышал - вполне.
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