Metal gear solid please insert disc 1 что делать
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im at school right now and i'll do it when I get home.
I have to run the game in compatibility mode?
wow man thanks now it might not freeze up on me now Thanks dude it worked with Windows 98 compatibilityI tried to go to Metal gear solid properties but it turns there is no combatibility mode in properties.
How do I add combatibility mode to properties.
mgsi.exe getting crashed during liquid snake boss fight??i m playing in comatiblity mode too.
for the cd 1 problem if the usb doesn't work just insert the cd 1 of another game and it will go, works for me!! lol i have my metal gear solid 1 (with VR missions) and its fun and all but their is no music or anything just gunfire (no voices in codec when talking) do you no if I have to download sumthing for this? djrayen Posts 7 Registration date Wednesday October 1, 2008 Status Member Last seen October 3, 2008 1Oct 2, 2008 at 04:34 PM copy all the vox, movie, and demo files from the cd to the destination folder, in which drive u've installed the game. Thank you. you can download site in konami! and you can talking with Hideo kojima About this. dear nick don't look for trouble is an a better idea download the same file but, from another source djrayen Posts 7 Registration date Wednesday October 1, 2008 Status Member Last seen October 3, 2008 1
Oct 3, 2008 at 09:46 AM Hi every1,
i'm playing metal gear solid snake. I like this game very much. but i'm stuck somewhere in the game. When snake finds that his Master is Liquid snake in the command room, the room door gets locked. then dr. emmerich breaks the security and open the door. but the door is not opend. how I can open the door in the command room? please help me. I really like this game. Thank you. before you call emerich in the codec, shoot the cameras with your stinger. afer this you may call emmerich to open the door. even I am also stucked in here n called hal according to ur suggestion but unfortunatly the door still not opening. please help. Are you talking about the part being in the command room with the cameras?
if so, walk into its path and Awtuhkawn (otacon XD) should call you and be like "Ima open this shit" and you must blow away the cameras while he opens the door, then hell automatically call again. if your not talking about this part he should automatically open the door your talking about anyway, it just takes some time (Im going to replay it so I can relearn XD) hi snake, listen up when you go to insert the third pal key just save the game and exit it and go to the game file and change its compatability to windows 98 and then start the game in it and then the door will open if you call up hal. it definitely works. right-click over the desktop icon and select properties and run compability mode for windows 98. it helped me and I have windows Xp. in case if u didn't know :P The reason why you don't hear the voices and stuff is because you didnt fully install it.
When you start the installation, you were suppose to click "Complete Installation" or something like that. ' where can I download metal gear solid to play it on my pc? I forgot to mention you'll need uTorrent to download the game, it is via Torrent.
Download the file
hey I just downloded metal gears solid1 of this site dos games or something, and now when I try to play it it says game crashed during previous instalization, game starting software rendering mode. can someone pleeeeeeeeeese help me omg I have the same problems,when I try start the game it says, Game crashed during previous game starting software
rendering mode..
Anyone help pls Exactly the same problem. then all the icons on my desktop change to bold font!
and it should work as normal
Hi Were can I get Metal Gear Solid 1 off this web site can u pls help me I dont no were it is >< Dude to run the game you need this patch for it- type MGS1 patch in google and try those it usually worksTo MGS 1 there are 2 patches.
1 - sound patch - with few *.vox files that you have to add to vox folder in mgs directory
2 - graphics patch - remove the hardware mode problem (2 modified *.exe files for mgs and for vr mission)
Игроманы, помогите запустить игру Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (2003) PC
Не могу запустить игру Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (2003) PC
Системные требования
Ускоритель трехмерной графики NVIDIA GeForce 4 или аналогичный ему, с 64 Мб видеопамяти, с поддержкой пиксельных шейдеров, совместимый с DirectX 8.1b
Операционная система Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
Процессор 1 Ггц Intel Pentium 3, AMD Athlon или более производительный
256 или более Mб оперативной памяти
Параметры машины Windows XP SP2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Processor 4880+, 2,0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 6600
При запуске игры вылетают такие окна
“There is problem with the hardware structure”
“Abnormal shutdown”
или черный экран, звук есть
Metal gear solid please insert disc 1 что делать
18 июл. 2017 в 20:46 Hello, i know this is not a steam game but i had no where else to turn. I bought MGS 1 for the PC on amazon not to long ago i already knew i had to download a non CD fix wich i did. I got to go to the menu, but when i press new game it asked for the CD wich was already in. Can anyone help me? 18 июл. 2017 в 21:04 you can get mgs 1 on amazon that's awesome i idind't know that19 июл. 2017 в 1:11 19 июл. 2017 в 6:41 19 июл. 2017 в 6:42 19 июл. 2017 в 6:43 19 июл. 2017 в 9:58 i heard somewhere that you can fix this by either choosing Win98/Me compatibility or inserting a random CD. I tried but didn't work for me.Some ppl say it works. 19 июл. 2017 в 12:41 I have tried the compatibility but didnt work and sadly this is my first PC game with a CD.
19 июл. 2017 в 14:29
Edit: If you want to try on your current install, this solution works for me: The game says there's no disk in the system. Plug in a flash drive. That worked for me.
19 июл. 2017 в 14:46Edit: If you want to try on your current install, this solution works for me: The game says there's no disk in the system. Plug in a flash drive. That worked for me.
Uh. Well, it's the PC version, so no shock on digital only movement. Also, wasn't MGS1 pre-dualshock? I'd swear I remember playing it without a stick back in the day. 19 июл. 2017 в 15:46Edit: If you want to try on your current install, this solution works for me: The game says there's no disk in the system. Plug in a flash drive. That worked for me.
Metal Gear Solid 1 "Please Insert Disc 1" Issue
Okay, so I own a copy of the game for PC. I decided to install it, doesn't work, so I searched it up installing the fixed version, installed it to the same directory where I installed the one on CD. When I tried starting it up, everything seemed to work fine until starting up a new game, which keeps telling me to "Please Insert Disc 1", which confuses me, since I own the game legit with the CDs, using Disc 1. I tried doing other options like using Compatibility Mode, starting it up as Administrator, and switching it to 640 x 480, disabling full screen optimizations, nothing.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong and wanting to see what I can do with the CD that I own for it.
Metal gear solid please insert disc 1 что делать
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Kirill Divine-Shadow-of-Kojima Yarovoy
1 апр 2009 в 22:41
Шрифты Метал Гир можно скачать здесь
Закачал себе эмулятор,а он мне пишет "не удалось загрузить bios :bios" Без этого эмуль не работает. Где найти этот биос И,вообще,что делать?
Эмулятор достаточно глюкавый и медленный, с настройками придется повозиться целый вечер, чтобы найти сочитание плагинов и настроек которые более менее симпатичную картинку и нормальный звук выдают и при этом игра имеет играбельный уровень производительности)
Видимо стоит воспользовать утилитой настройки управления и запомнить раскладку, насколько помню если использовать клавиатуру то может случится конфуз когда ты жмешь на привычную кнопку и получаешь непривычный результат, скорей всего ты жмешь не на ту кнопку (не на кнопку вперед, а на кнопку назад) ))
Pete,там "enter" выполняет функцию "escape" обычно и всё в таком же духе. я вообще заходил: на альтернотивной раскладке цифр(там где num lock), у меня клавиша "0 ins" выполняла функцию "enter".
2 Pete,залезь в графические настройки(нет текстур-это скорее всего у тебя там все выкручено на максимум и комп не справляется),попробуй поэтапно "убавлять" качество графики,должны появиться и текстуры.
если у тебя NVidia то проблема в карте.
как ее решить почитай на форуме игромании (не помню что там точно делать)
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