Melee vest resident evil 5 что это
Данный предмет способен восстанавливать 25% здоровья у того, кто его съест.
Остаётся после убитых змей. Также выпадает из курей-несушек в главе 3-1.
Стоимость продажи
N 250
Данный предмет способен восстанавливать 50% здоровья у того, кто его съест.
Остаётся после убитых змей. Также выпадает из курей-несушек в главе 3-1.
Стоимость продажи
N 500
Данный предмет способен полностью восстанавливать здоровья у того, кто его съест. Достаточно редко выпадает, так что настоятельно рекомендуется использовать в самых крайних случаях
Остаётся после убитых змей. Также выпадает из курей-несушек в главе 3-1.
Стоимость продажи
N 1 000
Данный предмет, в отличии от остальных, способен наносить урон тому, кто его съест, так и тем, в кого оно попадёт при попадании..
Остаётся после убитых змей. Также выпадает из курей-несушек в главе 3-1.
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
Barry Burton delivers a devastating kick to a Cultist's head in The Mercenaries 3D.
In Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, the attack patterns and Melee Prompts are the same as Resident Evil 5. A few characters have different moves than their Resident Evil 5 counterparts. Notably, the characters are now balanced to an extent, some moves been modified to be more useful and reliable while others have been downgraded to be not as powerful. For example, Rebecca Chambers no longer has her Flame Spray and HUNK loses his neck breaker move (but gains new melee attacks involving concealed blades).
Resident Evil Outbreak
Some characters such as Kevin and George have special mechanics where they can perform variations of the standard melee attack; Kevin having a strong kick assigned as his special which keeps himself away from potential enemy grabs but leaves himself open to retaliation should he misses, whereas George can delay and charge his tackle for an even stronger knock back effect that is capable of sending zombies flying back as well as negating incoming damage should it be performed at the right moment.
All unarmed offensive melee maneuvers are often used to break open non-password-specific locked doors.
Other characters such as Jim, Alyssa, Cindy, and Yoko are instead given evasive maneuvers that can be used to negate incoming damage completely if performed at the right moment. Similarly, Mark is given a defensive move where he can block incoming damage to mitigate it, giving players using him the opportunity to directly retaliate afterwards (though this does not negate the chance of enemies bleeding Mark characters thus still a risky maneuver).
David has a unique melee mechanic where he can chain knife attacks successively if each strike is timed correctly, providing players means to make knife combat a viable offensive strategy. More often than not, successfully executing the full knife combo will stagger zombies to a downed state, open for stomps or further knife assault. In similar albeit contrasting manner, Mark is capable of charging his melee attacks to deal substantial damage in a single hit, often sending weaker enemies flying or knocking down tougher enemies such as hunters at the cost of breaking an equipped melee weapon slightly faster.
All 8 characters can also perform a quick (albeit still weak) stomp/ kick to downed enemies to finish the off by aiming down nearby a downed hostile; though this will often require multiple execution to finish even the weaker enemies in the Outbreak games. It nevertheless is viable to keep said enemies stunned in place while other characters/ players mind their own business.
Melee vest
The Melee vest is an item that can be purchased from the store in Resident Evil 5 for ₦10,000 at Chapter 1-2 and onward and resold for only ₦1,000. One of only two passive items in the game, all that is required in order to use it is that it be in your inventory.
While wearing the melee vest, the character will take less damage from physical attacks of all kinds, although it will not alter one-hit-kill attacks such as those used by the Chainsaw Majini or the Reapers. The only drawback to the melee vest is that it takes up a slot in the inventory, further shrinking your precious carrying space. It can be worn at the same time as the bulletproof vest.
While wearing the vest, the protection actually shows up on the character model, in the form of elbow pads for Chris and wrist guards for Sheva. This only applies to their default outfits. It does not appear on any other costumes.
Resident Evil 4
In Resident Evil 4, melee attacks can performed against Ganados by pressing the action button after stunning them by attacking specific weak points. The visual reaction is the signal that melee attacks can be used; by attacking their heads (they'll hold onto their faces in pain) and knees (they'll fall to their knees). Handguns, the TMP, and well placed knife slashes can prompt these reaction commands. Melee attacks will knock enemies down, leaving them vulnerable to retaliation as they'll take some few seconds to get up. Being grabbed by Ganados and shaking them off will sometimes result in grapple-breaking attacks, which will briefly stun them, but not leave them open to reaction commands.
There are other melee prompts can be used in specific situations against certain enemies. Some of the examples include:
Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Revelations only features one melee move for each character, and now the player can charge this melee attack to deal more damage. However, this leaves the player vulnerable to attacks from other enemies or even the targeted enemy should they recover (however the player is still invincible during the execution). Evident from Raid Mode, all melee attacks have the same base damage, only changing if a character has a skill stating their melee does extra damage, or if the player has a weapon equipped with the Brass Knucles part, which increases melee damage. Enemies are also much harder to stun compared to the previous games, making Melee Attacks not so reliable as before.
An interesting feature about performing a melee attack in Revelations is that just attempting to do one, even if it fails to connect and regardless the amount of charge it has, will instantly reload your current weapon to its maximum capacity. This can be used strategically by some players who may prefer to melee an enemy in some situations instead of having to wait for the reload animation.
Bulletproof vest
The Bulletproof vest, is an item that can be bought from the store in Resident Evil 5 for ₦10,000 at Chapter 4-2 and onward. It has a resale value of ₦1,000. While wearing the bulletproof vest, the character receives less damage from being shot by any kind of projectile. As there are far fewer enemies with projectile weapons than there are enemies with physical attacks, the bulletproof vest comes in handy during Chapter 4-2 onwards. The major drawback to it is that it takes up a slot in the inventory, further reducing the limited carrying capacity. It can be worn at the same time as the melee vest.
When wearing the bulletproof vest, it is only visible to Chris and Sheva's BSAA uniforms and will not show on their alternate costumes.
Outbreak saga iterations
Melee combat in Outbreak series are often very weak thus ill-advised as means of offense. Instead it is used to create a minimal but oftentimes crucial seconds-worth of opening/ opportunities where other players or characters to assume other tasks or break down most non-key-specific locked doors. Nevertheless, while it is ill-advised as a manner of offense, advanced players can utilize it to its fullest potential in most scenarios to gain the no weapon bonus achievement.
Post-Outbreak iterations
Not too dissimilar to Outbreak games, downed enemies can be finished off with a stomp input. Should players align their player characters to face enemy heads, they can often finish said enemies off should no further mutations occur. Otherwise, stomps in post-Outbreak titles deal considerable damage to downed enemies.
Leon executing a round house-kick in the Gamecube version of Resident Evil 4.
For information Resident Evil 6's mechanics, see Melee (RE6).
For information Resident Evil 7: Biohazard's mechanics, see Melee (RE7).
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 features 3 types of melee moves: stun melee moves, follow-ups, and stealth attacks in addition to standard melee weapon combats.
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5 features a refined and heavily expanded melee system seen in Resident Evil 4. Enemies can still be stunned by taking damage on the head and leg, with arms now also counting as a weak point. Characters will also use a different attack depending on wether they approach the enemy from the front or from behind when striking their arms or legs, resulting in a total of five variations for melee attacks. Enemies cannot be stunned anymore with knife attacks, only by shooting their weak points.
Each character has a different set of attacks and with different properties. Some moves, such as Sheva's Throat Slit or Chris's Neckbreaker, will instantly kill regular Majinis (Town, Wetlands and Base) and prevent their Plaga from emerging; these are performed by shooting at the enemy's leg and using the reaction command from behind.
It's also possible to perform Chain Melee Attacks with the partner, allowing to unleash powerful finishing moves on enemies. Against regular Majini, stunning them on the arm and using the reaction command will push them back, allowing the partner to follow up with their melee attack, which in turn will prompt for a third and final attack to be used by the first attacker; these finishing moves are far more powerful than any other type of melee attacks, and can even rival some of the strongest firearms. Some enemies, mostly sub-bosses such as Executioner Majini, Chainsaw Majini, Big Man Majini and Gatling Gun Majini, can also be hit with the chained attacks, or in some cases, be hit with a finish move right away. There are two types finishing moves: one done from the front and the other from the back.
Enemies that are knocked down to the ground are left vulnerable for a ground melee attack. These attacks can cause critical damage and instantly kill enemies if the player is standing directly over their head, as opposed to other body parts. However, this will not prevent their Plaga from emerging, so it is advised to take caution when doing so, as some enemies' head can mutate into a Cephalo or other types of Plagas.
There are also the Melee Assists moves, which are done with the Partner Action Button. When the partner is grabbed by an enemy, using the assist button will cause the character to hit the opponent, freeing the partner and leaving the aggressor in a stunned state. After assisting, your partner may use a reaction melee on the now stunned opponent.
If an enemy is stunned by conventional means, both players can hit with melee attack at the same time, if timed correctly. However, this cannot be done if the attack is an execution move, which is done from behind when the enemy is stunned on the legs.
In The Mercenaries, melee kills add five seconds to the timer, which is a crucial part of gameplay in order to achieve higher scores and extend the timer. In The Mercenaries Reunion, melee attacks are much stronger, able to kill almost any regular Majini in a single hit (mostly head melee). Additionally, characters have access to Special Melees in Duo Mode depending on who they're paired with:
's leg stun melee are different if his partner is Barry or Rebecca. 's ground execution is different if her partner is Josh or Excella. 's arm stun melee is different if her partner is Excella or Chris.
There are a few example of attacks that aren't physical but are still performed as explained above. For example, Sheva uses her kurki in her execution moves; Rebecca uses flame spray, tear gas, and a stun gun; Excella uses a lethal injection syringe; and Barry Burton uses his signature magnum to pistol whip or fire a bullet (which doesn't use ammo).
While not part of the regular melee system, Wesker can use his signature high-speed dash in The Mercenaries (at the cost of a small amount of health) at any time. Running through Majinis will deal a small amount of damage and briefly stun them. Wesker can also perform a Special Melee Attack during the dash, called Knee Cannon, which deals large damage, and will usually kill any normal Majini in a single hit, or knock them down.
Characters also have a special type of melee attack to used exclusively against lickers when they are knocked down, instantly killing them.
Also, during fights against Wesker, players have access to a unique quicktime event combo if they can stun him.
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