Max payne как ограничить фпс
16 июн. 2014 в 7:47
Hey, I get only 25-30 fps on all settings no matter what. Any help?
CPU: Intel Core i7 4770k
Video Card: EVGA GTX 780 Classified
I have no such issue on my system which is quite similar, but with an older GPU: i7-4770k, 16 GB RAM and an overclocked GTX 670. With a fully maxed* DX11 renderer I get a solid 60 fps at 1920 x 1200. (* I have FXAA on "very high" and MSAA off, everything else at the highest settings).
Are you running at a very high resolution and/or MSAA cranked to max?
16 июн. 2014 в 14:07 Phenom II X6 1090T, 4 GB DDR3, HD6770 and Windows 8.1(yes, this one, where all your games runs like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥).HBAO, 2x anisotropic, High FXAA, MSAA off, DX11, everything else on High VSync off (bcoz of W8.1) and about 100 fps 16 июн. 2014 в 14:27 I am running at 1920 x 1080. Fully maxed with MSAA off. I jump from around 24 fps - 30 fps. No idea what is going on haha, I should be able to run at a solid 60 fps but am unable to. 16 июн. 2014 в 14:41 This one is important, chech the Vsync on the Graphics settings, this works in multipliers of 60 so when you hit a target below that the game would run at 30, then 20, then 15 and so on, be sure to disable it. 16 июн. 2014 в 15:01 I am not sure why but it seems after I did a windows refresh it fixed it. For months all of my games have been getting horrible fps but I am finally getting 60 fps at max settings. Thanks everyone. 16 июн. 2014 в 15:48 Phenom II X6 1090T, 4 GB DDR3, HD6770 and Windows 8.1(yes, this one, where all your games runs like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥).
HBAO, 2x anisotropic, High FXAA, MSAA off, DX11, everything else on High VSync off (bcoz of W8.1) and about 100 fps
Why is turning VSync on with Windows 8.1 a problem for you?
16 июн. 2014 в 16:46 because Win8.1 have something messed up with D3D. On most games turning VSync off on NVidia GPU solves the problem. Unfortunately for AMD users it's not always working (for me this "cheat" only works with Max Payne 3) because Win8.1 have something messed up with D3D. On most games turning VSync off on NVidia GPU solves the problem. Unfortunately for AMD users it's not always working (for me this "cheat" only works with Max Payne 3)
Highly doubt Windows 8.1 is your issue . I have no problems with forced nvidia vsync at all. There no such issue with directx libraries in windows 8.1 . Something else is messed up in your system mate . 17 июн. 2014 в 19:33 Weird i`m maxed out with mssa x2 and get 60-90fps
Amd fx 4100 3.6ghz
Radeon R9 280 3gb 18 июн. 2014 в 8:40 because Win8.1 have something messed up with D3D. On most games turning VSync off on NVidia GPU solves the problem. Unfortunately for AMD users it's not always working (for me this "cheat" only works with Max Payne 3)
Highly doubt Windows 8.1 is your issue . I have no problems with forced nvidia vsync at all. There no such issue with directx libraries in windows 8.1 . Something else is messed up in your system mate .
It's probably something not set up right in your os most likely , if you just jump into your games after installing windows and not really taking the time to study how you can optimize it more to direct resources purely to games then yes you are going to have issues. It could also just be background programs running that you have installed conflicting with the game , anti viruses for example .
Как ограничить максимальное количество FPS в любой игре на видеокартах Nvidia, и зачем это нужно
В драйвере Nvidia 441.87 появилась интересная функция — вы можете ограничить количество кадров в секунду (FPS) в любой игре, причем лимит задается очень широко, от 40 до 240. Конечно, у некоторых игроков возникает вопрос — зачем? Во-первых, в некоторых играх (даже современных) при достаточно высоком FPS (обычно выше 100) «ломается» физика: например, так происходит в Fallout 4 (время в игре идет куда быстрее, что мешает, например, взламывать замки). Ну а уж про игры 10-летней давности, которые даже на не самых производительных современных ПК показывают под 200-300 FPS, и говорить не приходится — там временами доходит до того, что персонаж начинает бегать с космической скоростью.
Конечно, можно включить вертикальную синхронизацию, но опять же это не идеальное решение проблемы. Во-первых, если частота кадров упадет ниже герцовки монитора, то появятся неприятные задержки в управлении. А, во-вторых, что делать пользователям, например, 120 или 144 Гц мониторов? У них включение вертикальной синхронизации все равно будет «ломать» некоторые игры.
Есть и другая сторона медали: чем выше FPS, тем больше нагрузка на процессор, и на слабых решениях зачастую уже при 50-60 кадрах в секунду в тяжелых играх CPU нагружен на 100%, что может привести к фризам, багам и непрогруженным текстурам. Включение вертикальной синхронизации тут опять же не поможет (ибо герцовка даже самых простых мониторов начинается с 60), а вот установка лимита в 40 FPS позволит снизить нагрузку на CPU, тем самым хотя бы частично решив проблемы с фризами.
В общем, как видите, функцию сложно назвать ненужной, поэтому Nvidia внедрила ее в драйвер отнюдь не зря. Включить ее несложно: зайдите в Панель управления Nvidia > Управление параметрами 3D > Программные настройки, после чего выберите нужную игру и в функции Max Frame Rate задайте нужное значение:
I use Widescreen by 13AG as dinput.dll and only d3d8.dll without even d3d9.dll from reshade.
I get 60 FPS lock.
When I delete d3d8.dll (d3d8to9) it unlocks FPS.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
HerMajestyDrMona commented Feb 10, 2019
I think adding:
Output.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE;
At the end of function ConvertPresentParameters() in d3d8types.cpp removes the 60FPS limit.
elishacloud commented Feb 2, 2020
I checked the game. Both Max Payne and Max Payne 2 send the following parameters:
- Windowed = false
- FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = D3DPRESENT_RATE_DEFAULT
- FullScreen_PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE
From everything I have read and looking at the Microsoft documentation here and here these settings should enable vsync, as d3d8to9 does.
Here are two quotes from Microsoft's documentation:
For a full-screen swap chain, the presentation rate is determined by the value assigned to the FullScreen_PresentationInterval member of the D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS structure when the device or swap chain is created. Unless this value is D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE , the presentation will be synchronized with the vertical sync of the monitor.
Flag Description D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE The driver will wait for the vertical retrace period. Present operations will not be affected more frequently than the screen refresh.
Either Microsoft's documentation is wrong, or there is a bug in the d3d8 implementation. I suspect the latter.
I don't believe there is any d3d8to9 bug here. I recommend either using your graphics card to disable vsync, using some third party tool that can do that or creating a custom build, as HerMajestyDrMona mentioned above.
Max payne как ограничить фпс
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Author: Hexaae
«. for a (bit crazy 😛) friend of mine who loved this old game»
This old game freezes/crashes on startup on some modern systems.
You'll be able to play the very old game Max Payne also under Windows 10, and even if you have an AMD gfx card (vanilla game was ignominiously hanging on startup with AMD hardware!), fullscreen. No risky admin rights required, no 3rd party hacks, wrappers or customized d3d8.dll files required (except for unofficial WSF patch), just using Windows built-in compatibility layers fixes. The cleanest and more elegant solution for all users.
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 (1903, fine also for 1909, 2004 uses a specific version)
Don't worry: if you select just MS ACT from last page of the installer you will download only ACT (should be less than
10MB, not the whole ADK of 6.4GB!!)
- give a name to the DB (yellow cylinders) to be created under "Custom Databases" in the bottom left tree (I suggest "Games compatibility fixes". In the pic I've used "This name will appear also in Windows uninstall panel" as a reminder on how to uninstall it). Now choose "Fix" button from top toolbar and let's start editing our fix.
- - compile required fields (name, vendor and EXE path) and click Next
- - skip first list of fixes (Compatibilty Modes) clicking on Next again
- DisableThemes
- ForceSimpleWindow
- HideTaskBar
- SingleProcAffinity
For the smarter users: yes, they are the same compatibility layers the system applies when you choose for example to run an EXE in Windows 7 compatibility mode or as Admin (they are just a collection of single layers fixes grouped together under a "Compatibility Mode" you can explore with ACT too. "Windows 98" compatibility mode is a collection of over 70 shims!).
Requires in the same dir of MaxPayne.exe the original localized voice over file "x_<language>.ras" (e.g. x_italian.ras)
Enjoy WSF+60fps cap finally working (tested up to current NVidia driver 452.06)!
For example you can now play in 1920x1080 16:9 with correct HUD aspect ratio and in-game proportions (= no more squashed NPCs etc.).
60fps cap is a MUST or some scripts in this game will get out of sync (e.g. see the infamous Vinnie Gognitti stairs bug!).
60fps fix must be installed before you start the level: won't work on an already bugged savegame unless you load an older save game, complete that previous level again, and load the next level where you had the bug for the "first time".
OPTIONAL AMD FIX:A Uniquely Ryzen 3000 Problem - Max Payne (2001)
The True Zen 2 problem for the Max Payne game. By luigoalma.
The issue that occurred that lead games to crash at JPEGs, was none other, than an old set of maths in code.
The game's dll at runtime start performs a check of CPU capabilities with EFLAGS to check for CPUID and the CPUID instruction itself if present. What happened on the AMD Zen 2 CPUs, was just a poor incident of maths. When the function that determines capabilities runs, after EFLAGS check, it will execute CPUID with EAX=0 right after, to get the Manufacturer ID, and the highest function parameter, and continue checking for capabilities after this point if the value of the parameter with bitwise AND 0xF was non 0. And right here, it quit trying, because the returned parameter was 0x10 for these CPUs, and the game didn't expect anything past 0xF, this leads to read just the low nibble of the returned parameter, of which 0x10 & 0xF = 0, meaning for rlmfc.dll, no higher function parameter was existent, assumed basic CPU of unknown kind, and used basic x86 code, and perhaps due to lack of full testing without MMX present, lead to running code that was not fully functional at some point of it.
Easiest fix, and most stable that let's the game find the cpu capabilities again:
Open hex editor of unmodified rlmfc.dll
Go to offset 0x256ED (in common editors, row 256E0, column 0D)
Replace 83 E0 0F to 90 90 90
This essentially removes the bitwise AND operation, removing false 0 value in result of it. What lead to this choice of doing that operation may been an error, or perhaps there was a problematic set of CPUs at the time that gave bad values. Whatever reason, this will remove the troublesome instruction. Sorry to disappoint those that expected a CPU bug, but this was not one.
This was a pain to research without any of these CPUs at hand and having to wait for those that could test for me certain things, but, in the end, here's what really happened in this game.
- run NVidia Profile Inspector
- Import this Max Payne custom profile []
WARNING ⚠: NVidia Profile Inspector cap doesn't work anymore with drivers 456.38 WHQL!
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