Майнкрафт колония как сделать чтобы работал ресторан
Tнē WȺłꝁɨnǥ FɍɇȺꝁ Мыслитель (5243) Ну попробуй досок дать, или же может другую версию мода поставить?
Тоша Туманов Ученик (220) gjfsshk hgfkshgkhgk, правой кнопкой по главному блоку "ресторана", в правом верхнем углу окна стрелочка вправо, откроется список того что можно использовать в качестве топлива. Включите все что вы будете давать повару в качестве топлива
Вот и я тоже не понимаю, все испробовала, не помогает, подскажите, пожалуйста!!
правой кнопкой по главному блоку "ресторана", в правом верхнем углу окна стрелочка вправо, откроется список того что можно использовать в качестве топлива. Включите все что вы будете давать повару в качестве топлива
Конечно прошел год, но вдруг кто ищет ответ на вопрос, так вот ОН ЕСТЬ! Щелкните правой кнопкой по главному блоку "ресторана", в правом верхнем углу окна стрелочка вправо, откроется список того что можно использовать в качестве топлива. Включите все что вы будете давать повару в качестве топлива. Проблема будет решена сразу!) Работает в любой версии мода. Не благодарите
Bakery GUI
When accessing the Bakery's hut block by right-clicking on it, you will see a GUI with different options:- Hut Level: Tells you the type of hut and the build level of the building you have selected.
- Worker Assigned: Tells you the worker assigned to this building and their worker level. The worker levels up in time by working. The higher their level, the faster and more efficient they will be.
- Manage Workers: Lets you change which worker is assigned to work at this hut. There can only be one worker at each hut. Note: this only works if you have turned the worker hiring mode in the Town Hall block to manual, otherwise your citizens will be hired automatically.
- Recall Worker: Recalls the worker at this building to their hut block. You might use it if they are stuck somewhere, you want to see what they have, or want to give them something directly.
- Build Options: Lets you create a build, upgrade, reposition, or repair build order for this hut. To learn more about the building system, please visit the Builder page.
- Delivery Priority: You can set the priority that a Courier will visit this hut and pick up items (when the worker at this hut issues a request), or you can tell Couriers to never visit this hut to pick up items. You can also tell a Courier to do a pickup now using the Request Pickup Now button. (For the pickup priority, 10 is the highest.)
- List of Recipes and Teach Recipe: When clicking the list of recipes button, you see all the recipes you have taught this hut and can remove them. When clicking teach recipe, it opens a crafting grid which allows you to teach this hut recipes (not the worker).
- Inventory: Here you can access the hut block's storage, where the worker at this hut takes and deposits materials. They will also use any racks or chests that were placed in the hut when it was built or upgraded, so be sure to check those as well!
- ?: Some huts have an in-game guide. Press the ? button to access it.
- A chest icon: Click this button to see all the items in the hut's storage (including the hut block's inventory and any racks/chests that came with the hut). Clicking the ? button next to an item's count will highlight the storage container it's in.
This is page two of the Bakery GUI.
- Fuel: Listed here are items that can be used by the Baker as fuel in their furnaces. Simply turn on any that you want your Baker to use, and a Courier will deliver those items to the Baker when they need fuel. (The black box at the top is to search for items.)
This is page three of the Bakery GUI.
- Minimum Stock: Use this button to tell the Bakery to keep a minimum stock on hand. Set items will be displayed above the button. (It can be useful to set a minimum stock of dough, so the Baker can quickly bake items without needing to craft the dough first.)
If changes are needed or you think there is content missing, feel free to edit this page (the button at the top right) or submit an issue for us to make edits. - MineColonies Wiki Team
1.17 tavern117
The Tavern is like a House in that it houses citizens, however, the Tavern houses four instead of one and can’t be upgraded to house more.
Every so often, visitors will come to the Tavern. You can recruit these visitors (with items) to live and work in your colony. Don’t attack them, they’ll fight back! Upgrading the Tavern will garner more and better visitors.
Recruiting used to be part of the Town Hall but has been moved here.
Note: The Tavern can only be upgraded to level 3, not level 5. You can also only have 1 Tavern per colony.
Tavern GUI
When accessing the Tavern’s hut block by right-clicking on it, you will see a GUI with different options:
- Hut Level: This tells you the level of the hut you have selected.
- Assign Citizens: This lets you change which citizens are assigned to this hut. If it says Assign 0 Citizens, that means you've run out of room in this hut to house citizens and will have to remove some (the button underneath their name) to add more. Note-this only works if you have turned the housing assignment mode in the Town Hall block to manual, otherwise your citizens will be housed automatically.
- Build Options: This lets you create a build, upgrade, reposition, or repair build order for this hut. To learn more about the building system, please visit the Builder page.
- Recall Citizens: Teleports all the citizens living here to the hut block.
- Inventory: This opens an inventory space where you can store anything you like, as the citizens staying in the hut don't use it.
- ?: Some huts have an in-game guide. Press the ? button to access it.
- A chest icon: Click this button to see all the items in the hut's storage (including the hut block's inventory and any racks/chests in the hut). Clicking the ? button next to an item's count will highlight the storage container it's in.
If changes are needed or you think there is content missing, feel free to edit this page (the button at the top right) or submit an issue for us to make edits. - MineColonies Wiki Team
The Baker can also craft some non-vanilla breads:
- Sweet bread, made from wheat and a honey bottle. Available at Bakery level 3. Has slightly higher saturation than normal bread, also gives you a speed boost and removes poison.
- Milk-infused bread, made from wheat and a milk bucket. Available at Bakery level 4. Removes all potion effects (like milk buckets do).
- Golden bread, made from wheat and a gold ingot. Available at Bakery level 5. Instantly heals 2 hearts.
- Chorus bread, made from wheat and a chorus fruit. Available after completing the Know the End research in the University. Has higher saturation than normal bread and teleports you to the surface after eating it.
Быстрый старт [ ]
I вариант: Для быстрого старта потребуется:
Для строительства домов нужен как минимум 1 строитель. В настройках каждого дома нажмите на build house для постройки дома. При приближении к строителю он скажет какие материалы ему нужны для строительства всех активных построек. Материалы следует помещать в сундук строителя. Строитель может взять ресурсы из других любых сундуков (даже из сундука игрока).
II вариант: Также есть «Cундук первопроходца». Его можно ставить только 1 раз в мире (сохранении).
Его можно поставить только в воду. От размера водоема зависит содержимое сундука. Если поставить этот сундук в море, то появится корабль (размер корабля тоже зависит от размера водоема) и сундук с определёнными ресурсами(при условии, что сундук поставлен в большом водоеме).
Minecraft Wiki
Из-за новой политики Microsoft в отношении сторонних ресурсов, Minecraft Wiki больше не является официальной. В связи с этим были внесены некоторые изменения, в том числе и обновлён логотип вики-проекта. Подробности на нашем Discord-сервере.
Minecolony/Быстрый старт
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