Main pak для craft the world где
6 сен. 2015 в 5:59
Step-by-Step Instructions (Windows 7)
To begin: Get into the main.pak. C Drive ->Program Files(x86)->Steam->SteamApps->common->CraftTheWorld. You'll find the main.pak in this folder. Copy the folder to another location so you have a backup available in case of a an accident. To access the files located within:
1) download and install WinRAR
2) right click the main.pak and click 'open with. '
3) click 'more options' and go down the list until you find WinRAR Archiver. Click it and the main.pak turns into a rar file and loses the .pak to just become 'main'.
After following these instructions double click on 'main' and go into the data folder. You'll find all the moddable files in Notepad form. Some of the instructions are in Russian unfortunately (for those who do not speak it) so I suggest using Google Translate.
I suggest actually translating the Russian into English, doing so due to curiosity revealed new options to mod.
The files I mod included:
<block name="iron" file="gfx\level_tiles\resources\iron" extract="15" through="false" resource="iron-3" crack="true" draw_layer="front_a1" properties="resource,iron,can_replace"/>
The part to mod is resource="iron-3". I changed the 1 to a 3 and thus get back three iron every time I break 1 iron block.
<block name="top" file="gfx\level_tiles\tile\tree_top" through="true" resource="wood-3,apple-3" crack="false" ontop="true" />
This is part of a tree: I changed resources again to increase wood and apple output.
The part that took me a while to understand goes something like this;
it means you'll get 1 wool 50% of the time.
changing it to resource="wool-1-15" means you'll get wool 15% of the time.
<creature name="worker"> means the dwarf's.
Such changes include
<walk_speed value="110"/>
<climbs_speed value="60"/>
<climbs_ladder_speed value="70"/>
<capacity value="5"/> (warning! the more you increase this value the heavier the load becomes and the slower the dwarf walks)
Going down the list reveals all the creatures in the game. You can change resources they drop and increase the number etc. you can also change the health value 'healt value' and to have an easy game change all the 'healt values' to 1.
<healt value="1"/>
All the way down reveals the Spawn creatures (includes ghosts and fish etc), you can change spawn times etc. for example 'octopus' (known as flying octopus in the game) are territorial and will not lay nests next to one another.
Items: search for 'magic' (ctrl+f)
mportal is the magic portal available at the beginning of the game;
<item name="mportal" effect="portal" size="60" properties="magic,magic_portal,time=600,use_mana=1,radius=1,stayin" light="4">
I changed 'time' to 600 seconds (10 minutes) and mana to 1.
<item name="mlight" effect="spell_light" size="60" properties="magic,magic_light,time=600,radius=1,use_mana=1" light="5"/>
This is the magic light available at the same time as torches, I also changed it to 10 minutes and changed the mana value to 1.
One change tree values!
<!-- время за которое должны подрасти все деревья на уровне -->
<!--<param name="TreesGrowthTime" value="600"/>--> (leave this line
<param name="TreesGrowthTime" value="120"/> (I changed the value here)
^ this seems to only work in the Forest World, in the Ice World there are no significant changes that I can notice.
I changed the line I told you to leave and my game crashed and kept crashing, thankfully I kept a backup and could change it back. Mistakes do happen.
From what I can gather changing this value increases the totem radius so it protects more of your home, but I'm not 100% sure.
Changing this value apparently makes it so the dwarves will complain about their food less (for example when a dwarf eats berries in a row they refuse to eat any more berries for a while).
Apparently changing this value means dwarves won't fall from bridges as often (or so says the Russian).
Hope this helps, if it does or you have anything to add, comment and share the knowledge.
Main pak для craft the world где
На лицензию мод ставится на любую версию начиная с этой и выше.
Тут человек скинул скрин, теперь разрабы в новой версии игры 1.5.003 распаковали папки, не прошло и 5 лет :)
Значит просто удаляйте их папки и вставляйте всё наше.
Смотрите по ситуации, вместо чего ставите.
1.Вопрос файл main а как он выглядит я именно с названием main не нашол).
Main pak для craft the world где
10 янв. 2019 в 17:41I am brand new to editing files like this but it seems simple enough. I just wanted to edit mana consumption regen rates, if possible.
Problem: I do not have a "main.pak" file located in my "CraftTheWorld" file. I have seen folks talk about 'unpacking' it or something. I am confused.
10 янв. 2019 в 19:55 All the files that were previously contained in main.pak are now in your main game directory already. Update 1.5 that came out a couple weeks ago added an official game editor which in turn removed the need for main.pak. 10 янв. 2019 в 21:24Hey, thanks for the reply. I really appreciate the attention. I have been pulling my hair out over this. I have looked at the game editor but I haven't seen anything related to editing mana cost or regen. Am I just missing it?
Portal duration is another thing I wanted to edit.
11 янв. 2019 в 2:04 in data\items.xml<item name="mportal" effect="portal" layout="extra_portal" size="80" align="down" properties="magic,magic_portal,time=240,use_mana=2,radius=1,stayin" light="4">
<param name="decrease_time" value="5" />
11 янв. 2019 в 16:34
Hey, thanks for the reply. I really appreciate the attention. I have been pulling my hair out over this. I have looked at the game editor but I haven't seen anything related to editing mana cost or regen. Am I just missing it?
Portal duration is another thing I wanted to edit.
Wasn't implying that everything is accessible through the editor, just that all the files now reside in the game's directory as a result of the editor.
Main pak для craft the world где
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Этот предмет несовместим с Craft The World. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Craft The World.
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Модификация добавляет новый контент, изменяет старые механики и усложняет работу с металлами! В вашем распоряжении окажутся новые металлические вещи, инновационная система "заготовок" оружия, брони и инструментов и многоуровневая система обработки металлов! И это ещё не всё! Модификация постоянно обновляется и обрастает новым контентом! В ближайших планах: изменение гончарства, привнесение новых механик и усложнение существующих, а также - новая еда, сельское хозяйство и алхимия! Не всё сразу, но это будет здесь!
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