Maelstrom portal где взять
The class challenges are easy and only take a few minutes. To unlock them however you need to beat all three bosses in the first wing, The Parlor.
Here is the card you unlock, Maelstrom Portal.
Maelstrom portal где взять
- Wicked Witchdoctor (4 маны, 3/4). Если вы произнесли заклинание, призовите случайный базовый тотем (Шаман).
- Onyx Bishop (5 маны, 3/4). Боевой клич: призовите дружественного миньона, который умер в этой игре (Жрец).
- Ironforge Portal (5 маны). Получите 4 брони и призовите случайное существо за 4 маны (Воин).
- Menagerie Warden (6 маны, 5/5). Боевой клич: выберите дружественное животное и призовите его копию (Друид).
- Maelstrom Portal (2 маны). Нанесите всем вражеским миньонам 1 повреждение и призовите случайное существо за 1 ману (Шаман).
- Arcane Giant (12 маны, 8/8). Стоимость карты снижается на 1 ману за каждое заклинание, которое вы произнесли во время игры.
“Вы приглашены на вечеринку века в самой волшебной башне Азерота! Медив устраивает праздник с великолепной программой. Вам предстоит вечер в компании самых удивительных обитателей Азерота, яркие сюрпризы и зажигательные танцы всю ночь напролет. Это новое приключение в Hearthstone — «Вечеринка в Каражане»!”
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Hearthstone - Изучаем карты из приключения "Вечеринка в Каражане" (ч.4)
- Wicked Witchdoctor (4 маны, 3/4). Если вы произнесли заклинание, призовите случайный базовый тотем (Шаман).
- Onyx Bishop (5 маны, 3/4). Боевой клич: призовите дружественного миньона, который умер в этой игре (Жрец).
- Ironforge Portal (5 маны). Получите 4 брони и призовите случайное существо за 4 маны (Воин).
- Menagerie Warden (6 маны, 5/5). Боевой клич: выберите дружественное животное и призовите его копию (Друид).
- Maelstrom Portal (2 маны). Нанесите всем вражеским миньонам 1 повреждение и призовите случайное существо за 1 ману (Шаман).
- Arcane Giant (12 маны, 8/8). Стоимость карты снижается на 1 ману за каждое заклинание, которое вы произнесли во время игры.
“Вы приглашены на вечеринку века в самой волшебной башне Азерота! Медив устраивает праздник с великолепной программой. Вам предстоит вечер в компании самых удивительных обитателей Азерота, яркие сюрпризы и зажигательные танцы всю ночь напролет. Это новое приключение в Hearthstone — «Вечеринка в Каражане»!”
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It also can't be considered power creep since it's for Shamans, who don't have a 2 mana 1-damage board clear.
Control isn't a new way to play, I've been playing control Shaman for quite a while now, and this just makes it even better honestly.
I know that it's not a new way to play, it consistently exists since TGT, but it's not the playstyle Blizzard wanted to support before Kharazhan. This expansion gave Shaman Control cards.
Shamans are bad atm why not give them upgraded arcane explosion?? they need more low mana drops anyways
Shamans are bad atm why not give them upgraded arcane explosion?? they need more low mana drops anyways
Also blizzard wanted to statisfy us with those 4 mana 7/7 craps that are so underpowered its ridiculousThe art represents a magical toilet flush.
This should be a priest card, wtf
You are supposed to use it in a shaman Spelldamage deck
I just can't wait to see someone get Zombie Chow and lose the game.
Oh, right. Wild doesn't exist.
It can heal the opponent 5 kappa.
Oh, right. Wild doesn't exist.
You're right. Anyone who is serious about the game doesn't really play wild. There's a reason that tournament invitations only go out to standard players. (Psssst: Blizzard made wild so that way you didn't throw a tantrum about your cards being cycled out, but that's what their true goal was, to get rid of all the OP GVG and Naxx cards.)When I stated "Blizzard made wild so. " it was in the sense that they could have gone another route and just said "here's the new way to play, if you want to use ALL the cards that's what brawl, friend duels, and arena is for". But my statement effectively is true. Standard is the only thing that matters now because wild does not get invitations for people who get legend in that.
Standard in essence is a parsed down version of pre-kraken ranked. So while you are correct in that technically "wild existed before", you are in incorrect in why they did it. They did it because balancing cards from multiple expansions was becoming increasingly problematic. Not that I agree with standard at all. What's the point of having a digital card game if they are't going to balance it? The reason formats exist in MTG and other physical card games, is cause they are physical and they can't just push a button to update the cards. Anyhow, that's a debate for another time in another thread.
Want to learn more about One Night in Karazhan ? Head on over to our One Night in Karazhan guide!
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Card Text
Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Summon a random
1-Cost minion.
Flavor Text
They bill this as a popular resort attraction, but they try and get your money up front.
Additional Information
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