Lucid dream by jason yu как сделать
Уникальный подход Джейсона к визуальной магии захватил магическое сообщество штурмом. На этот раз Джейсон делится подпольным эффектом, который он совершенствовал последние четыре года. Практический визуальный эффект, который вы можете адаптировать к вашей любимой карточной рутине.
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Хотя это и не новинка для вечеринки, это классическое «Coin In TicTac Box» решает несколько.Extract by Jason Yu & SansMinds
Putting a 3-dimensional object into something flat already sounds like a miracle.
Imprint by Jason Yu did exactly that. But what do you do after performing such an impossible feat?
We bring you a follow up effect that beautifully compliments Imprint.
Imagine being able bring a printed object on a bill into physical reality, with just a simple flick.
It’s a visual gem that’s easy to do.If you want something to complete the imprint concept, and leave a strong impression, you won’t want to miss this.
This is Extract. Check it out.
Загрузить обучение | Download Tutorial Extract by Jason Yu & SansMinds1. Перед скачиванием Вам будет показана реклама. Просьба отключить AdBlock, если он у Вас есть. В противном случае Вы просто не сможете пропустить рекламу и перейти к скачиванию обучения. Если после отключения AdBlock Вы все равно по каким-то причинам не можете пропустить рекламу - посмотрите это видео.
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Instagram Rubber Band X2 by Felix Bodden and SansMinds
Magic Tricks
REVISE 5 by Mike Clark
Revise 5 - это жевательная резинка, меняющая цвет, причем не только передняя часть жевательной.Tarbell 103: Making Magic Pay
Lucid Dream (DVD and Gimmicks) by Jason Yu
Remember Imprint, Extract, and Got Change by Jason Yu?
Jason's unique approach to visual magic has taken the magic community by storm. This time, Jason is sharing an underground effect he has been perfecting for the past four years. A practical visual effect you can adapt to your favorite card routine.
Welcome to Lucid Dream, a visual that's backed up with a concept that's so strong, it blurs the line of dream and reality.
- Completely customizable to produce a card, card box, and bills of your choice.
- Fully customizable with your hand size/color.
- Comes with 1 gimmick pack, with sample photos you can work with right away.
TV rights not included with purchase. Please contact SansMinds for TV rights.
The Three Steps for Learning to Lucid Dream
The Three Steps for Learning to Lucid Dream
Begin keeping a dream journal. Any time you wake up, at night or in the morning, write down what you remember. At night a sentence often stimulates enough memory to remember more in the morning. Record things that occur often. These will be your dream signs. Goal: Remember 1 or 2 dreams each night.
Begin doing reality checks. Do these 24 hours a day. (Yes. Especially while you are sleeping.) 30 or more should be enough. Really, really question your state.
Continue to do the above things until you have success--this is the method in which most beginners have success.
Begin 1 and 2 simultaneously. Once You have reached remembering 1 or 2 dreams each night and have pulled out some good dream signs from your journal, start 3.
*While you are doing the above things, read as much as you can from the links on the sidebar.
*Do not decide that you can skip one of the steps or part of a step. That is the quickest way to fail.
**Notice that there is nothing above about WILD. That is because WILD is best done after you have experience with becoming lucid. For several reasons. The biggest reason is that during sleep paralysis, you may have a false awakening in which boogie men or women (and very, very occasionally Capt. Jack Harkness) come and frighten you while you are paralyzed.
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