Кто такой тамплиер из call of duty
Серия Call of Duty охватывает широкий спектр сеттингов и войн, начиная от Второй мировой, холодной войны и заканчивая современными и высокотехнологичными войнами будущего. Когда дело доходит до одиночной кампании, игровые персонажи могут как улучшить, так и испортить игровой опыт. В список будут включены только персонажи, которые появляются более чем в одной миссии или благодаря которым развивается история. Некоторые герои вернулись в качестве NPC в более поздних играх, в то время как другие появляются только в одной части серии. Учитывая количество игр, выпущенных во франшизе, у геймеров наверняка есть масса персонажей, которые им очень понравились.
Édouard "Templar" Couteau
Пять Рыцарей
Пять Рыцарей (англ. The Five Knights) — криминальная организация, которая фигурирует в Call of Duty: Mobile.
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10 сезон [ ]
Мейс и Владимир Макаров готовятся к запуску ЭМИ-ракеты, которую 11 сезон [ ]
Мейс встречается с Хидорой Каем на острове Алькатрас, где они начинают обсуждать планы по борьбе с операторами. После напряженных переговоров, Мейс и Кай начинают работать вместе. Мейс также взрывает ракету EMP, деактивируя электронные устройства, включая спутники и транспортные средства.
12 сезон [ ]
Вскоре, они подвергаются нападению недавно сформированной антитеррористической коалиции. Один из предполагаемых членов Пяти Рыцарей, Тамплиер, тяжело ранит Соупа и сбегает. Тем временем, Гоуст и Танк Демпси совершают налёт. Танк входит в одно из зданий и попадает в засаду, устроенную Мейсом. Мейс одолевает его и стреляет в него в упор на глазах у Гоуста. Разгневанный Райли избивает его и задерживает. Между тем, Мара встречает Кая и они начинают короткий бой. Кай убегает, приводя в действие взрывчатку и разрушая все здание. Мара выживает, но находится в глубокой коме.
13 сезон [ ]
Гоуст прибывает на снегоходе на советскую базу, о которой ему рассказал Адлер, и начинает расследование о Пяти Рыцарей. Затем он встречает выжившего Макарова. Макаров говорит, что "внешность обманчива" и что ему нужно было инсценировать свою смерть, так как его цели расходились с пятью рыцарями. Макаров также заявляет, что знает, что Гоуст прибыл, чтобы получить информацию о том, как победить пятерых рыцарей, и что она у него есть. На вопрос об их личности и целях, Макаров говорит, что рыцари состоят из 5 человек с разными целями, но могут быть полезны друг другу, как он был полезен им. После этого он раскрывает их личности. Рорк глава наемников, Хидора глава корпоративного отдела, Мейс, желающий падения правительства, Рауль Менендес, мечтающий контролировать систему, и пятый член, личность которого, по словам Макарова, останется при себе, если Гоуст не возьмет его с собой. Вскоре их разговор прерывает появившийся Тамплиер.
14 сезон [ ]
Танка Демпси хоронят его друзья: Николай Белинский, Такео Масаки и Эдвард Рихтгофен, тем временем "Кордис Ди" совершает атаку на корпорацию "Атлас" а Капитан Прайс и Соуп ищут Гоуста, но находят только его скальп и записку. Гоуста который ранен и находится без сознания, Макаров доставляет к команде "Призраки" и в замен получает деньги и скрывается а раненного Гоуста увозят "Призраки".
15 сезон [ ]
Мара выходить из комы спустя год и возвращается к военной службе, тем временем Тамплиер уничтожает всью Группу Чарли, Мара и Алекс выполняют приказ генерала Шепарда и спасают Чарли, которая рассказывает Маре и Алексу что Тамплиер сделал с её группой. Шепард отправляет Мару и Алекса в тюрьму чтобы поговорить и убедить Мейса помочь им против "Пяти Рыцарей" Алекс убеждает Мейса чтобы тот предал "Пяти Рыцарей" и это он делает тем, что напоминает Мейсу что он был честным и хорошим военным которого использовали и выкинули, но теперь Шепард даёт ему шанс, и Мейс принимает предложение. После этого Мейс, Мара и Алекс атакуют базу "Кордис Ди" где Мейс спасает Мару и ловить Рауля Менендеса. Шепард и Прайс допрашивают Менендеса, тот говорит им что ему ничего не известно о пятом Рыцаре, единственное что он знает это то что Хидора Кай находится в Токио и он готовит новый план чтобы восстановить "Пять Рыцарей".
16 сезон [ ]
Соуп прилетает в Техас и предлагает Росе чтобы та присоединилась к ним в бытве против "Пяти Рыцарей", Роса соглашается, Прайс и Шепард обсуждают план: Мара ищет Гоуста, Шепард и Прайс отправляют Мейса Фару и Росу в Техасе, к ним присоединяется Прайс чтобы поймать Тамплиера, Шепард отправляет Соупа и Алекса в Токио чтобы те поймали Хидору. Алекс и Соуп находят Хидору, берут его в заложники и доставляет на корабль к Шепарду.
Кто такой тамплиер из call of duty
Call of Duty: Warzone | Cold War | Mobile News запись закреплена
Расположение всех солдат для выполнения нового события «Контратака»:
• Капитан Прайс - "Вокзал"
• Гоуст и Алиас - «Стройплощадка»
• Манта Рэй - «Грузовой порт»
• Сцилла - «Город на реке»
• Соуп и Городской Сталкек- «Стрельбище»
• Наёмник 5 - «Город-призрак»
• Домино - «Нефтяная вышка»
"I am called The Templar. It's a bit dramatic, but very threatening, no?" — Templar introduces himself to Ghost.Not much is known about him besides his membership in The Five Knights. In the comics, he is seen putting on his helmet and then throwing a few knives with great accuracy at a picture of Mara, Soap, Price, Ghost and Tank, prominently hitting Tank. Later on, Templar intercepts Soap and Price. He grabs Soap by the throat and tosses him aside, when 2 SEALs attempt to intervene. Soap and Price devise a plan to take him down but it fails and he escapes after having a brief standoff with Price, leaving Soap mortally wounded.
In Season 13 - Wint3r War, Templar appears again on a base in Siberia, where Ghost had just discovered that Makarov is still alive, and agreed to take him in exchange of intel on the Five Knights. A short hustle occurs and Templar throws a knife into Ghost's wrist, wounding him, and then performing a coup de grâce . Templar is disappointed because he expected a warrior of equal strength, but instead he got a "Ghost". He then takes Ghost's mask as a souvenir, saying "That's one less loose end".
In Season 2: Day of Reckoning, Templar appears in his Royal Knight uniform, helping Raul Menendez to escape from Charly and her squad by killing them all, save Charly herself, whom he wounds with his throwing knife.
He later appears again, speaking with an unknown individual, likely his employer who is apparently the 5th Knight. The individual reprimands Templar for not being able to find Makarov. When he asks to find him, his employer tells him that Makarov isn't a priority anymore and that he has another mission for him, which he accepts.
Menendez, who under interrogation by Captain Price & Shepherd, reveals that Templar had been dispatched to Texas--the same hideout that Ghost apparently raided in the events of the first Seasonal Battle Pass comic, to uncover what he had missed out on.
Later on, it's revealed that Templar's assignment was merely a ploy; it's actually an ambush set up for the UAC members who have also embarked here on their mission to locate him. Templar, working alongside his consort Dame, kills the spec ops soldiers on their end, and then later engages Price and Mace singlehandedly while Dame deals with Charly and Rosa. During the scuffle, Templar throws a knife into Mace's hand just he did to Ghost and then proceeds to knock him and Price out with little difficulty.
He is later shown to have tied up the UAC operators to pillars so that they can't escape. He examines Rosa who appears to be unconscious, remarking that Dame might've hit her too hard, to which she replies that she thought the "Americans" would've had harder heads, but Price tells them that they aren't American, though Templar views it of little concern. When Dame looks upon Rosa believing that she is not actually unconscious, she is spat at by the latter, which angers Templar, causing him to punch Rosa. However, Rosa simply mocks him for having struck a nerve and Price agrees, stating that the mighty Templar seems to have a weakness, causing him to hold a knife to Price's eye and telling him to watch his mouth. Gabriel Rorke then appears, telling them that the operators haven't yet outlived their usefulness, and that he and Dame can have their "heartwarming reunion" afterwards.
When Rorke is later attacked by Mace who had broken free of his binds, Templar is there to witness the arrival of Adler and his group of soldiers as reinforcements. Adler says he's also brought in an "old friend"--a statement that leaves Templar in shock and denial, as the old friend is revealed to be Ghost, whom he believed he had killed in Siberia.
Ghost tells Templar that they have a score to settle--to which Templar responds by immediately throwing his knife at Ghost, but the latter catches it and swivels it around his wrist before throwing it back, hitting Rorke in his arm. Ghost then orders his fellow Ghosts to secure Rorke and the facility while he deals with Templar.
Rorke, deciding to exfil, orders Dame to escort to the underground bunker where he intends to exfil via helicopter. Templar tells Dame to go with him while he deals with Ghost. As he unsheathes his sword to confront his enemy, he remarks that he's killed Ghost before and that he can do it again.
The pair then engage in a vicious duel, with Ghost mentioning a "Dark Covenant" and that he knows Templar's real name is "Edouard", which annoys him. Mace, who had broken free of his binds, joins in the fight as well, punching Templar just as he throws Ghost aside. Now double-teamed by the 2 skull masked operators, Templar tries his best to fend them off, managing to throw knives into Mace's forearms but Ghost manages to thwart him before he can do the same to him.
Ghost throws Templar to the ground and attempts to use the same "coup de grace" on him, but it fails and Templar kicks him away. Mace can't move his arms due to Templar having struck his nerve clusters, but Ghost recovers swiftly, managing to stab Templar in his leg, but he then retaliates by swiping Ghost across the face with his wrist blades. He then attempts to stab Ghost in the head, but the latter blocks it with his palm and manages to grab his knife-wielding arm, breaking it and putting him in a submission hold. Ghost then prepares to kill Templar, but at the nick of time, Dame appears to save her consort and kicks Ghost away. The wounded Templar is then carried away by Dame as Ghost is unable to recover in time to stop them.
After arriving in Panama, Dame helps Templar get off the ship. He is clearly in bad shape as he nearly stumbles over when he insists that he doesn't need help. He and his consort discuss among each other, stating that Hidora and Rorke only care about themselves and they're not fit to lead; they need a true leader, and Dame believes that he should be their leader instead.
Some time later, Templar is shown putting on his old armor, with Dame remarking she always liked the old Dark armor better. Wearing her Usurper uniform, Dame goes on to say why Templar should become leader of the Five Knights; he was always the best of them even at his worst, the Templar and the Crusader. Although he insists that he's anything but a traitor, Dame tells him not to think of killing Rorke as betrayal, but as service to the soldiers who had to follow his bad decisions. Templar is shocked to discover later on that his consort had summoned the rest of the Dark Covenant, comprising of Dark Shepherd, Artery, Dark Rider, Witch Doctor, and surprisingly, Stansfield.
Templar later on interrupts on conversation between Rorke and Rott, before ultimately putting his plan into action by taking out Rorke's mercs. Rorke attempts to escape in the ensuing battle, but Stansfield blows up his ship, preventing him from leaving. Rorke attempts to fend off Templar, but he wounds him by throwing his knife into his torso. Later on, he bears witness as Dame executes Rorke by slitting his throat.
Some time later, Templar is shown to be at Blackout with the rest of the Covenant. Through his conversation with Dame, it's revealed that he served in the Covenant for the sake of daughter, Sophia. Edouard apparently wants to leave the Covenant, taking his daughter with him. But Dame shoots down the idea, telling him that Sophia has been well taken care of by the Covenant and that she belongs to them. Despite this, Templar insists on taking her away, to which Dame chuckles and wishes him good luck in finding her. He then demands an explanation for her statement, to which Dame derides him for thinking the Covenant would've simply handed over Sophia to him, as she is bound by blood to the Covenant and will grow to be an operator like them. Templar doesn't believe this, but Dame goes on to state that Stansfield and the 5th Knight filled his head with lies and false promises.
The last straw for him is broken when Dame says that Sophia will always be an asset to the Dark Covenant and that they will never let her go, as this prompts to Templar to chuckle before he slices Dame's throat open with his wristblades, causing her to bleed out. He remarks that she has "cut his strings" and that he's no one's puppet anymore, before goading the rest of the Covenant into fighting him.
A battle then ensues between Templar and the Covenant members. He manages to kill Dark Rider with his knives and fends off Dark Shepherd and Witch Doctor. Dark Shepherd tells Templar that there's no way out for him as the Covenant is for life, to which he responds that that would mean he has to kill all of them. He then proceeds to render Witch Doctor's Purifier unusable and slices Dark Shepherd's scythe in half as he tells him he won't be walking out of there.
Artery joins the battle, with her expressing her anger at Edouard for betraying them when they are at the cusp of having everything. He replies that he is making a choice, to which Artery retorts that she will make sure Sophia won’t even remember his name, but Edouard insists he will get her back anyway. Dark Shepherd questions him how he intends to do so, as he has no allies, no intel & no resources. Edouard tells them he will resort to whatever means necessary to get her back.
After a grueling battle with the rest of the Covenant members, where Templar is revealed to have sustained significant damage (i.e. his torn cape, scratch marks all over his torso & a cracked helmet exposing his right eye), he has evidently defeated them as Witch Doctor is seen carrying away Dark Shepherd & dragging Artery along with him. Witch Doctor vows that it’s not over before leaving with his vanquished comrades.
Edouard then later meets with Ghost. However, he does not attack him, instead telling him that they would’ve made great allies in another life, but not in this one.
He then hands Ghost a key card, telling him “he’s behind the bookshelf”, revealing that the 5th Knight is in the premises. When Ghost asks why he’s doing this, he replies that it’s not his war anymore, before walking away. Ghost then asks what he’s going to do, to which Edouard replies that he’s going to burn the Dark Covenant to the ground.
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