Кто такой собака петр из майнкрафта
Всем привет, привет! Давно не виделись, так сказать. В общем, оказывается вчера пятница была, а по пятницам должны выходить мемы. А я думал четверг был) Ну, значит сегодня или завтра выйдет дополнительная подборка. А щас приятного прочтения!
1. Собака писала. Собака какалаа.
Ты думал, что переиграл зомби-малыша, но малыш всегда был на шаг впереди! Что если зомби-мен всегда на такой случай держал зелье скорости? Тогда, ты проиграл.
2. Собака села и заплакала.
Кто не в теме - приседание в майнкрафте значит МИР, ДРУЖБА, МАЙНКРАФТ! Но раз не было приседаний, то как игроки показывали свои добрые намеренья? Возможно, они прыгали?
3. Жизненная ситуация.
Или кот, или собака. Да уж, или на улице кто то орёт, поёт и танцует. Ночь вообще страшная вещь, то ли спать, то ли нет. А если ложишься - кто то мешает. Шум, мысли. А если не ложишься, то хочешь сильно спать. В любом случае ты проигрываешь этот бой и не высыпаешься, так зачем мы вообще спим? Почему весь день мы хотим спать, а ночью нет? Кто дал нам условия, что надо спать ночью, а не днём? Может, я птица?
4. Стив, боже мой, что ты такое!?
За пол часа я могу съесть более 64 куриц. В майнкрафте, в реальной жизни я бы умер после второй. Не знаю, что породило стива, что он может таскать тонны блоков, есть тонны еды, возрождаться тонны раз!
Petra has pale skin and auburn hair. She wears a turquoise bandana, a black vest over a dark blue shirt, purple eyeshadow, black shorts, and black boots. She also has a long black sleeve on her left arm, and a fingerless glove on her right hand. It is also noteworthy that Petra is the only female in the entire game to not have lipstick. After, or during the fight with the Wither Storm, Petra obtains her armor which is made of blue steel and gold linings with a diamond placed in the chest plate, solidifying her new found happiness with noticeably less blacks in her design and more rich-looking features for her armor.
In Season 2, Petra's mouth has noticeably lowered, and she has lost most of her armor, revealing her to mostly be wearing her original outfit that she wore before obtaining her armor. Petra most likely damaged her armor during her travels as she is only wearing parts of it, these parts being the right shoulder-pad and tasset, and her chest plate is missing most of its previous contents such as the diamond. This may be due to her neglect from her friends straining her entire identity, to a point where she can't chose between her to original designs therefore who she wants to be. If Petra doesn't become Romeo's champion, her guest outfit consists of a black tank top, orange jacket, and pants, but her bandana remains its standard color. If Petra becomes Romeo's "champion" her remaining armor and clothing, including her bandana, are changed to black with glowing red lights (representing the colors of Romeo's armor, and her view of herself as a legitimate enemy and the next Admin). However, after betraying Romeo and losing the gauntlet, the red lights on her armor become dimmed, indicating that her "champion" status is being revoked. Her firework union outfit consists of red overalls, black boots, a brown hard hat, and a white shirt, though she rolls her shirt sleeves up when wearing it.
By the end of the series, Petra ends up reverting back to her original outfit, accepting herself and not the glorified hero she wished to be seen as before.
Petra is a warrior-like character. In "The Order of the Stone," it is shown that Petra is considerate to other people, as she would help anyone for the right price, even those she sees as arrogant. This is shown when she traded with the Ocelots and risked her life in the Nether for a diamond that Ivor promised to pay her. In addition, it is shown that she's fiercely loyal to her allies, even if it can be dangerous for her and to those she is trying to protect. She can be stubborn, aggressive, and overreactive, but she cares for her friends immensely.
She loves challenging herself (shown when Petra gave Ivor a wither skull for a diamond fake trade) and has a competitive nature when it comes to contests against her friends. This is shown when she offers to race up to four times throughout the game (twice in "A Portal to Mystery" (determinant), once in "Hero in Residence", and once in "Above and Beyond" (determinant).
After defeating the Wither Storm, Petra becomes more energetic and optimistic, proud of obtaining a great victory. She can also be very greedy for treasure sometimes, such as when she chased Ivor all over EnderCon for a single diamond and went on to the Temple of the Old Builders simply hoping for treasure. Petra also cares too much about her treasures, including her golden sword, "Miss Butter", shown in "Hero in Residence".
Petra craves for adventure at all times, but she becomes resentful after her old friendships start to fade. In "Hero in Residence", she emphasized to Jesse several times how none of her friends were adventuring with her anymore. Petra begins seeking adventures elsewhere if not with her friends from Jesse's Gang, such as becoming Stella's champion and the expedition with Jack and Vos. She tells Jesse that she feels "adventuring out there" is her true purpose, not staying put in Beacontown.
For all images related to Petra, see Petra/Gallery.
- Iron Pickaxe (Formerly, likely replaced with diamond pickaxe) (Formerly) (Formerly) (Determinant and formerly)
- Nether Star (Formerly) (Determinant and formerly)
- Miss Butter (Formerly and determinant) (Formerly)
- 2 Iron Ingots (Formerly) (Determinant and formerly)
- Sticks
- Enchanted Iron Sword (Determinant)
- Enchanted Golden Sword (Breaked Determinant)
- Command Block Armor
- Diamond Pickaxe (Determinant, unwillingly and formerly)
- Stone Axe
- Iron Sword
Petra is one of the deuteragonists in Minecraft: Story Mode. She is a warrior and a fighter who has been known as very determined and tough. She often exchanged certain items for treasures before becoming a member of the New Order of The Stone. Before she as a member of Jesse's Gang, she was a mercenary living in caves that was known as mysterious and cool yet inapproachable due to her toughness. Petra is voiced by Ashley Johnson and first appeared in "The Order of the Stone".
Killed Victims
Site Navigation
Unknown characters appear in blue. Determinant characters appear in purple.
Этому псу больше 10 лет! Самый старый пёс на 2b2t
Знаете сервер 2b2t? Сервер, где царит мракобесие и нет правил. Там повсюду летают визеры, стоят порталы в ад и край, нормальной земли толком не найдёшь. Да и при этом это один из самых востребованных серверов в Майнкрафте!
Статья будет основательной, и не советую перематывать, ведь зачастую одно вытекает из другого. Так вот, на этот сервер зашёл игрок с ником Willyroof и начал играть. Вдалеке он увидел волка. До этого игрок не приручал волков, и Willyroof дал ему косточку. Волк сразу приручился, и игрок назвал его Wolfy (с англ. Волчонок). Willyroof и Wolfy были не разлей вода, пёс всюду бегал за своим хозяином, а игрок не забывал кормить его и очень привязался к нему. Но однажды. Willyroof"у пришлось экстренно прописать команду kill, и он потерял свои вещи, и самое дорогое - Wolfy. Несколько лет Wolfy сидел у места смерти своего хозяина, как вдруг некий игрок додумался облить его водой. На сервере действовал плагин, из-за которого питомец игрока телепортировался к нему после того, как его обольют водой. Willyroof и Wolfy вновь оказались вместе, и теперь игрок тщательнее следил за псом.
И опять их разручили обстоятельства. Часто Willyroof боялся смерти Wolfy и оставлял его под ветвями деревьев. Как-то раз он также оставил питомца под деревом, а вернувшись, не обнаружил своего Wolfy. Кто знает, что с ним случилось: может игрок убил, может мобы одолели, а может просто пропал. Неизвестно, но в любом случае, весь Интернет уже знает про благородного и преданного Wolfy и будет помнить о нём всегда.
Jesse is one of Petra's best friends. Though it's unknown how they met, they have known each other for a very long time. At first, Petra appears to find Jesse annoying as just a nerd, but later on, when she saves Jesse in the woods, they praise her and claim that she has the best life, where Petra becomes fascinated by a praise she most likely never got before, and they become allies, having each other's back. Later, she becomes a member of Jesse's gang and helps them fight the Wither Storm. Petra also often confides in her secrets to Jesse, indicating that she puts a lot of trust in them. If she becomes Romeo's "champion" in "Jailhouse Block", she is reluctant to kill Jesse, despite Romeo commanding her to do so. Even if she felt she was meant to be always adventuring, not staying put in Beacontown, she does not want Jesse to leave her as said in "Below the Bedrock". Petra also mentions how Jesse means a lot to her and will always be her best friend.
Petra and Ivor do not share a good relationship at first. As of Episode 5, Petra is the only person who still holds a grudge against Ivor. Sometimes she scolds him when he gets too excited or being angry. Throughout the episode, Petra is constantly annoyed at him and refuses to help him when he is about to get arrested. In Episode 6, however, it is revealed that she does care about him as shown when she refuses to let The White Pumpkin do anything bad to him, as she would still be his friend. When Ivor stands up for Lukas when Cassie Rose wanted to lock him in the closet, Petra is quite surprised.
Axel is often seen to be concerned about Petra, and Petra in return appreciates his efforts. They seem to be very close and Petra often calls Axel the "Big Guy" of the group. If Jesse tells Axel about her Wither Sickness, Axel will attempt to give Petra a hug, but Petra rejects it as she makes it clear she doesn't like hugs. In Episode 4, if she has amnesia and Jesse decides to tell Petra about Axel, Jesse will say Axel is practically obsessed with her.
Olivia and Petra are not seen interacting a lot. However, it has been hinted that they are also very close in being a part of Jesse's Gang. Olivia is very happy for Petra when she recovers from either wither sickness or amnesia.
Though Reuben and Petra are not seen interacting a lot like Olivia, Petra likes Reuben and sees him as a helpful pig. While Petra is suffering from "Wither Amnesia", she appears to be disgusted by the mere presence of Reuben and denies his concern (because she doesn't know Reuben), which saddens him. If Petra has the "Wither Sickness", she will mention that she doesn't feel like company, which also saddens him. Whatsoever, she is emotionally dragged by his death and mourns alongside Jesse.
Petra and Lukas are very good friends even before she joined Jesse's gang. When they both join Jesse's Gang, they often worry about each other when they see that something is wrong. To add on, as seen in Episode 6, they also make friendly little bets with each other on occasion.
Gabriel the Warrior
Petra and Gabriel seem very similar, as they are both warriors and will always be ready for a fight. Petra has great respect for Gabriel. They might not be as close, but they have shown sympathy for each other once in a while. Petra also took Gabriel's place as a warrior in the New Order of the Stone.
Petra is a big fan of Jack and they seem to be really good friends too. They both share their interest in adventuring and both of them are great fighters. Petra cares about Jack, as shown when Jesse tells her that he fell off the cliff (determinant) and Petra is distressed. In "Jailhouse Block", she also hugs Jack after seeing him being unharmed (determinant).
Секретные имена для мобов в minecraft.
У жены из одного работников Mojang сбежал домашний кролик по имени *Тост*. Его так и не нашли. После этой грустной истории команда разработчиков minecraft решила добавить его.
У жены из одного работников Mojang сбежал домашний кролик по имени *Тост*. Его так и не нашли. После этой грустной истории команда разработчиков minecraft решила добавить его.
2.Если назвать Овцу jeb_ То она будет переливаться всеми цветами радуги 🌈 .
jeb_ Один из главных разработчиков в майнкрафт. Таким образом он решил увековечить себя в нашей любимой игре!
jeb_ Один из главных разработчиков в майнкрафт. Таким образом он решил увековечить себя в нашей любимой игре!
Season 1
- The Order of the Stone
- Assembly Required (Determinant)
- The Last Place You Look
- A Block and a Hard Place
- Order Up!
- A Portal to Mystery
- Access Denied
- A Journey's End?
Season 2
Death (Respawn) (Determinant)
Killed by
If Ivor is saved, Petra along with Lukas will be suffocated in a wall earlier during their first Spleef game, but both will respawn afterward. If Petra is saved, eventually in the games, she will have her sword knocked out of her hand by Slab while trying to cover Jesse so they can win the race, then stabbed to death by Clutch with a diamond axe. She will respawn afterwards.
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