Кто такая кассандра розенберг из майнкрафта
new creatures that even the creators can not explain. And the creature that the players have met for several years, they also do not know how to remove it.
Kassandra was a little girl who played Minecraft for a long time. On version 1.7.2, she sat down to play again. Her goal had always been to kill the dragon, just like everyone else. However, after dying in Ender World, the girl pressed the button to be reborn. But nothing came next, the hero simply did not want to be resurrected again. She tried it again and again, until she finally succeeded. She wanted to go back to Ender World and finish the game. Except she couldn't get there, she was walking through the portal like a ghost. The girl freaked out, couldn't stand it, and decided to quit the game. But she couldn't do that either. Because there was simply no exit button. Kassandra didn't like the outcome. She rebooted the computer, but the game remained open, despite the restart. Her character was still in her Minecraft world. Nothing worked, and there was nothing to do but throw away the computer and buy a new one, which they did. Kassandra abandoned the game and began to use the computer for other needs, but her character still wanders in the world of Minecraft and spoils the lives of other players so that they feel all her pain locked up in this world.
The skin of Kassandra Rozenberg is a skin of a pale girl with red eyes, whose pupils are narrowed to the limit, a wide smile flaunts on her face, a blue blouse with white edges around the neck, hands and thighs, black trousers, white shoes, and long brown hair. In a state of anger, her face changes to a distorted one: her eyes become black, her mouth becomes wider and opens to the maximum, where a black void is visible, scarlet blood flows from her eyes and mouth, and blood also flaunts on her hands.
To see Kassandra with your own eyes, you need to do the following things. Firstly, you need to go to the "Helplittleendgirl" seed and build a totem on it next to the spawn place. Things for the totem can be taken from the creative, but you need to build in survival. The difficulty of the game can be any. Also, it is better to look for it on the latest versions of minecraft. So, you will need: 4 blocks of weeping obsidian, 4 blocks of sea lantern, 4 soul torches , 4 lanterns with the fire of souls, a bonfire with the fire of souls, as well as a sign made of distorted wood (turquoise color). Place 4 blocks of weeping obsidian in a square across the block from each other, place 4 blocks of sea lantern between them, place the lanterns with the fire of souls on the lanterns, and the torches on the obsidian. In the middle of the totem, put a bonfire with the fire of souls. Then, next to the totem, put a sign made of distorted wood and write the following text on it: " // summon_kassandra_rozenberg " 2 times. And so you need 4 tablets on each side of the totem with the same text. Then start to survive, Kassandra will make itself felt.
The behavior of this person is not predictable in all its representations. To the player, it can appear completely unexpectedly, even at the beginning of the game, even in the middle, even at the end. She will appear to the player in her usual form, like a friendly smile. The girl will write different questions in the chat, like "Do you need help?" or "What are you doing here, traveler?". If you behave aggressively towards her, then her skin will change to a state of aggression. Then you will already regret that you ever entered her world. Kassandra will follow you wherever you go. However, she will not be able to follow you into the portals, so this is your salvation. Building a house is not an option, because she will burn it down in a couple of minutes. Ignore it is also not worth it, it can also make her lose her temper. Signs of its presence can serve as a large cluster of creepers, foxes, and cats outside the village area, which should already arouse suspicion in the player. Some tree blocks will be replaced with obsidian, meaning their trunks. If these signs begin to appear, then it is better for you to run for good on health, if you do not want to get problems. Sometimes, signs of its presence are strange changes in the weather, starting with a thunderstorm and ending with clear weather for at least a couple of seconds. Day and night can sometimes change at an instantaneous rate.
Kassandra rozenberg
Я хочу запустить для себя рубрику факты и мифы. Не бейте пж.
И так сегодня мы поговорим о Кассандре розенберг
Это девочка которая любила играть на версии 1.7.2, и у неё была цель, как и у всех других людей она хотела победить дракона. Но когда она до него дошла, её убили. Она хотела вернутся но НЕ МОГЛА кнопка возраждения не работала, перезапуск компа не помог. Девочка решила выбросить пк и купить новый что они и сделали. Но её персонаж до сих пор ходит по мирам и хочет отомстить. Чем? Никто не знает
Как призвать Кассандру
4 морских фонарей
4 адских синих табличек
Ставим обсидиан, один блок в право или влево, и через один блок в верх или вниз ставим обсидиан, между обсидианом ставим морские фонари, на морские фонари: ставим фонари душ, на обсидиан факелы душ в середине костёр душ.
Таблички не ставить на морские фонари, а рядом, пишем на табличках:
Признаки Kassandra rosenberg: Лианы в воздухе, листья или стволы деревьев заменяются на обсидиан
Ваш деревянный дом начнёт гореть, кассандра будет вам задавать вопросы, НЕ ДВИГАЙТЕСЬ, ЕСЛИ она побежит за вами киньте ей цветок и не двигайтесь.
Kassandra rozenberg
Я хочу запустить для себя рубрику факты и мифы. Не бейте пж.
И так сегодня мы поговорим о Кассандре розенберг
Это девочка которая любила играть на версии 1.7.2, и у неё была цель, как и у всех других людей она хотела победить дракона. Но когда она до него дошла, её убили. Она хотела вернутся но НЕ МОГЛА кнопка возраждения не работала, перезапуск компа не помог. Девочка решила выбросить пк и купить новый что они и сделали. Но её персонаж до сих пор ходит по мирам и хочет отомстить. Чем? Никто не знает
Как призвать Кассандру
4 морских фонарей
4 адских синих табличек
Ставим обсидиан, один блок в право или влево, и через один блок в верх или вниз ставим обсидиан, между обсидианом ставим морские фонари, на морские фонари: ставим фонари душ, на обсидиан факелы душ в середине костёр душ.
Таблички не ставить на морские фонари, а рядом, пишем на табличках:
Признаки Kassandra rosenberg: Лианы в воздухе, листья или стволы деревьев заменяются на обсидиан
Ваш деревянный дом начнёт гореть, кассандра будет вам задавать вопросы, НЕ ДВИГАЙТЕСЬ, ЕСЛИ она побежит за вами киньте ей цветок и не двигайтесь.
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