Королева искала remnant как найти
Check Iskal Queen for the NPC version. Iskal Queen is a Boss in Remnant: From the Ashes added with the Swamps Of Corsus DLC.
- Location: Queen's Temple in Corsus. (Adventure Mode)
- This boss is optional.
Cryptolith Sigil
Acquiring Potency & Ring of the Unclean
- Talk to her while having the PARASITE status effect from an Iskal Infector and tell her that you want to help the Iskal. She will give you the Iskal Vial.
- Go to the Graveyard Elf and approach her by crouching, so she doesn't wake up. Interact with her soup and use the Iskal Vial. This will unlock the Potency Trait.
- Rest at a checkpoint and come back. You will find the door of her hut open. Go inside and you will find the Ring of the Unclean.
- NOTE: In order to get the Iskal Vial you must have the Graveyard Elf and the Iskal Queen in the same Corsus map.
Battle Rewards
- Defeating her normally yields:
- used to craft Pride of the Iskal. Trait.
- Hard (x5)
- Nightmare (x7)
- Apocalypse (x9)
- Alternative kill reward: Iskal Husk - used to craft Seeker mod.
- You must destroy the pointy pillar above her head, on the ceiling, when she lands after getting off her throne:
- Look for the water dripping from the pillar, it marks where the pillar will fall. Position yourself about a meter or two behind where the water drops from the ceiling before entering phase 2. When the Queen slows you, wait until she lands and walks under dripping water, fire at her head to stun her and then shoot the pillar on the ceiling. It will fall and kill her.
Iskal Queen Strategies
Video Strategies
Strategy Writeup
The fight against Iskal Queen is divided into three different Phases. In the first phase she will remain on her throne and use ranged magic against you. Once her health drops to 75% she will stand up and fight you melee. When she has about 30% life left she will fly and attack you from the sky for some time and then come back to Phase 2.
For Phase 1 you want to first deal with the bugs that she summons. Staying on the opposite side of the room will give you more time to deal with them. They will also come next to each other as they approach. They will explode in chain reaction when you are near them, so you can wait until they are near and attack them. Once you've dealt with the bugs she will start using the acid rain attack against you. Each time she fires dodge forward 1 time and attack her until she uses the next attack. She will now use the Bug Bomb attack, wait until you hear the clap of her fingers and press dodge to avoid the damage. Try to stay in the middle of the room as she will usually use the Poison attack from the sides. Just keep attacking her. After the poison on the sides is over she will use the fracture attack. Run to the sides to avoid it, you can use the opportunity to collect ammo. She will now use her acid attack once again and summon the bugs restarting Phase 1. After you deal enough damage, she will cast a mist and fly towards you.
Phase 2 (75 % Health)
You won't be able to attack until she lands on the ground and start walking towards you. If you let her come close enough a cinematic will play, and she will kill you in one shot. Start shooting at her head as soon as she touches the ground. Use this opportunity to deal as much damage as you can before she stands up. Once she is up she will start attacking you. It's best to stay close to her and avoid her attacks. If you ran away she can quickly catch you and her ranged attacks have a very little window to strike back. Just stay close to her and roll behind her to avoid her attacks (Similar to Undying King). Pay attention to her slam attack (She will usually scream before using it) as you need to time your dodge to avoid it. Once you've done enough damage she will fly upwards and phase 3 will begin.
Phase 3 (30 % Health)
Once her health drop low enough, she will jump upwards and attack you from above. Keep attacking her while keeping an eye on her attacks. You will get a chance to strike back after each attack she makes. After a while, she will scream at you and throw her weapon to your location and then she will throw herself dealing massive damage. When you notice she is charing this attack just run in the opposite direction and wait until she lands. This will take you back to Phase 2.
Attacks & Counters
Attack Counter Phase 1 (100% Health, Sitting) Summon Bugs: Bugs will appear and chase the player, when they get close enough they will jump and explode dealing Corrosive damage. Try to stay on the opposite side of the room and wait until they are near. When you shoot them, they will explode killing other bugs and creating a chain-reaction. Some of them will glow and run faster, focus on these first. Acid Rain: She will cast a volley of acid that will fall on top of the player and leave a corrosive patch in the ground for some time. The Acid will fall where the player was standing when she made her attack. Dodge forward 1 time after she attacks and strike back. Repeat for each time. Remember to avoid the acid patches. Bug Bomb: She will place a bomb on your arm she can manually detonate dealing high damage. When She place the bomb you will see corruption around your arm. After some time she will snap her fingers making it explode. If you press dodge the moment you hear the snap, you will avoid the damage Poison Pool: She will spread poison on the right and left part of the battlefield in front of her that deals very high damage over time. Try to stay in the middle of the room. She won't attack you until the poison disappears, so this is the best chance to deal damage to her. Ground Crack: She will Move her Scythe forward and the ground in the middle of the room will crack and poison will come out of it. This attack deals very high damage and so does the poison. Run to the side when you see the light coming out of the floor. You will have a small window to either attack or collect ammo from the sides of the room. Phase 2 (75 % Health, Melee) Three Hit Combo: She will attack forward two times and then throw her weapon dealing massive damage. The first two attacks can be avoided but the third one has very long range. Try to run in circles around her. When she throws her weapon she will remain still, use the opportunity to attack Ground Slam: She will jump upwards and slam the ground dealing high damage in a big AoE. She usually screams before making this attack. The AoE is big so you won't be able to run away. Wait until she is near the ground and perform a dodge to avoid the damage. Ground Crack: She will Move her Scythe forward and the ground in the middle of the room will crack and poison will come out of it. Run to the sides far enough to stay out of the crack and poison. Ranged Attack: When confronted from a distance, she will shoot 2 consecutive slashes. Dodge to the side two times and strike back Forward Rush: When confronted from a distance, she will kneel and rush forward very fast dealing high damage and closing the distance. You can dodge forward to avoid the damage. She kneels in two steps, wait for the second step to perform the doge. Phase 3 (30% Health, Flying) Scythe Slash: She will move her Scythe upwards instantly creating a slash in front of her. Wait until she is raising her Scythe and doge either left or right to avoid the damage. Ranged Attack: She will shoot 2 consecutive slashes from above. Dodge to the side two times and strike back Throw Weapon and Land: She will throw her weapon to the ground dealing very high damage and then do the same with her own body. Run in the opposite direction and wait for the attack to finish. Iskal Queen Lore
The Iskal Queen is a mysterious figure who showed up one day in the native elves' village and began recruiting them into the Iskal. She is meant to help the Vyxworm in expanding and spreading the Iskal hive mind parasite.
The Queen is charismatic and was able to get most of the natives, including those who mocked her, to join. The ones who did not want to join were either forced into joining by their turned families and friends, or were assimilated.
After infecting the elf, the Queen will announce that the Graveyard Elf had become one with the Iskal and this event marks the end of the elven race.
Remnant: From the Ashes босс Королева Искал
В этом руководстве мы рассмотрим все, что вам нужно знать о победе над Королевой Искала в Остатке: Из пепла.
Остаток: Из пепла босс Королева Искала
На первом этапе битвы с боссом вам придется иметь дело с жуками, которых босс вызывает по всей арене. В дополнение к этому, она также использует свой кислотный дождь и взрывную атаку после того, как щелкает пальцами, поэтому обязательно избегайте их. Кроме этого, попробуйте остаться в середине комнаты и продолжать наносить урон.
После того, как ей будет нанесено достаточно урона, она исчезнет во второй фазе. На втором этапе продолжайте стрелять в голову, пока она не встанет. После этого вам нужно продолжать бить на ней с близкого расстояния и вернуться, только если вы услышите ее крик, который сигнализирует о ее атаке топотом. Сродни Dark Souls, продолжайте оставаться позади нее и продолжайте наносить урон, чтобы начать 3-ю фазу.
На третьем этапе она прыгнет в воздух и нападет на вас. На этом этапе вы должны продолжать атаковать ее как обычно, уклоняясь. Если вы видите, как она бросает свое оружие в вашем направлении, немедленно начните бежать в другом направлении, поскольку эта атака наносит огромный урон.
Успешная победа над Королевой Искала вознаградит вас Кристаллической Плазмой, которую вы можете превратить в пистолет Гордость Искала.
Альтернативное убийство
Во время второй фазы битвы вам нужно сбросить Жёлтый Сталктит, чтобы мгновенно победить босса и получить Хаска Искала, которого вы можете превратить в мод Crawler.
Вот как вы можете победить Королеву Искалов в Остатке: Из пепла.
Королева искала remnant как найти
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Этот предмет несовместим с Remnant: From the Ashes. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Remnant: From the Ashes.
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
Самый сильный в мире босс 2. Remnant: From the Ashes - Королева Искал
0Когда я попал к боссу Истязатель - Я думал, что это самый сильный БОСС в игре и самый сильный БОСС с которым я
вообще когда-то сталкивался. Но я ещё никогда так не ошибался! Королева Искала - из DLC Swamps of Corsus вот что заставит попотеть. Хоть я и прошел её более легким способом - он дался мне совсем не легко!Королева искала remnant как найти
- спавнится только в приключениях в корсусе (у меня появилась с 6 раза)
- за убийство дают пистолет с вампиризмом
- за альтернативное убийство - мод; нужно оглушать именно хедшотом, иначе альт убийство не сработает. Видеогайд (en).
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Королева искала remnant как найти
- спавнится только в приключениях в корсусе (у меня появилась с 6 раза)
- за убийство дают пистолет с вампиризмом
- за альтернативное убийство - мод; нужно оглушать именно хедшотом, иначе альт убийство не сработает. Видеогайд (en).
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Читайте также:
- You must destroy the pointy pillar above her head, on the ceiling, when she lands after getting off her throne: