Конфиг dark souls 3 где
После выхода игры владельцы некоторых машин столкнулись с проблемой – Dark Souls 3 на слабом ПК не запускается или лагает и вылетает. Существует несколько способов, чтобы игра начала стабильно работать на слабом железе.
- Конфиг-файла для игры нет, поскольку, в отличие от множества других игр, здесь настройки определяются наборами предустановок (пресетов) и не подлежат изменению. Иак что настраивать игру придется «изнутри».
- Можно скачать различные патчи, ускоряющие работу игры и устраняющие ошибки. Лучше всего, естественно, в Dark Souls 3 фиксы для пк лучше всего скачивать официальные, обновляющие игру до последней доступной версии, поскольку такие патчи решают большинство проблем предыдущих версий, а также заметно улучшают производительность игры, позволяя запускать ее даже на машинах, слабее рекомендуемых. Но можно скачивать и какой-нибудь пользовательский патч для слабых пк, который не только может ускорить игру в разы, но и, в лучшем случае, ничего не сделать, а в худшем – оказаться инсталляторами «Амиго» или рассадником вирусов.
- Также можно покопаться в настройках игры, о чем напишем чуть поподробнее:
Оптимизация для слабых ПК:
- Начнем с очевидного, выкрутим все настройки в игре до минимума, и, при отсутствии фризов, будем плавно повышать до приемлемого уровня. При этом сглаживание отключать стоит только в крайнем случае, так как оно не сильно потребляет ресурсы компьютера, в то же время делая текстуры намного приятнее на вид.
- Также помогает разумное уменьшение разрешения игры на меньшее относительно размеров монитора.
- Если и это не помогает, то лучше всего скачать самые свежие драйвера для видеокарты и выполнить их чистую установку, что не только поднимет FPSв самой игре, но и положительно скажется на общей работоспособности компьютера.
- Проверять результат стоит на храме Огня, поскольку это самая требовательная локация в игре.
- Также поначалу игра может сильно лагать, что проходит к первому костру и даже раньше, так что не пугайтесь (дело в прожорливости воды в начальной локации).
Конфиги настроек для Dark Souls 3 на слабом ПК. Есть такие?
Нету. В Ведьмаке настройки тянутся из конфига, у DS3 - из некоторого набора пресетов, т. е. вы не в числах прописывается, а в "low", "medium" и т. д.
Но вообще у меня довольно слабый ноут, лаги на уровне первой части, т. е. играть вполне можно - вчера игру прошел.
Опишите, пожалуста, свой ноутбук. У меня вот iCore i3 2.3Ггц, 4 ГБ оперативки, видеокарта NV GeForce 710m (2 ГБ), но игра работает с приемлимым FPS только в минимальном разрешении (1024*720(вроде того) вместо 1366*768).
Никита Михалевский Профи (535) Видеокарта слабовата.
А чего так? К третьему Ведьмаку на второй же день запилили и выложили конфиги. А DS никто не любит, тупые казуалища :( Игра отличная, но нормально работает только в низком разрешении
Конфиг dark souls 3 где
12 апр. 2016 в 13:48 12 апр. 2016 в 13:55 For some games the ini or cfg files are in mygames folder or in appdata local ! 12 апр. 2016 в 14:08 Not there for me, Not in common darksouls III either 12 апр. 2016 в 14:11 Bad news is that options.ini file is created when game start for first time but of course game crash just before launch so it can't be created Bad news is that options.ini file is created when game start for first time but of course game crash just before launch so it can't be created 12 апр. 2016 в 14:22There is a Dark Souls III .xml file under users\"username"\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII
The file is called GraphicsConfig.xml
Here is the contents of my one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
There is a Dark Souls III .xml file under users\"username"\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII
The file is called GraphicsConfig.xml
Here is the contents of my one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
There is a Dark Souls III .xml file under users\"username"\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII
The file is called GraphicsConfig.xml
Here is the contents of my one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
There isnt anything in my roaming DS3 data file.
If your game has never started, it may not haver created it yet,
Create the folder structure (As Above), there is also a subfolder called "0110000109aa7f17", but that is just for the game save, the xml file is within the DarkSoulsIII directory..
C:\users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII (the III are capital i's (For Igloo), paste the contents from above, and save the file as GraphicsConfig.xml
If your game has never started, it may not haver created it yet,
Create the folder structure (As Above), there is also a subfolder called "0110000109aa7f17", but that is just for the game save, the xml file is within the DarkSoulsIII directory..
C:\users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII (the III are capital i's (For Igloo), paste the contents from above, and save the file as GraphicsConfig.xml I did as you said, but i still am experiencing crashes before launch
12 апр. 2016 в 14:50 try screen mode WINDOWED or WINDOW not sure what they used exactly 12 апр. 2016 в 14:50My plan is that I email to tech service about it and just gonna wait for response (or possible patch from steam) if I don't run this game in next 5 day I refunding it
12 апр. 2016 в 14:52There is a Dark Souls III .xml file under users\"username"\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII
The file is called GraphicsConfig.xml
Here is the contents of my one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
Конфиг dark souls 3 где
13 апр. 2016 в 8:48Trying to fix the game myself, since devs fail to deliver. Some people reccomend lowering the resolution, but unfrotunately i can't do that since the game crashes after 1-2 minutes. All i managed to do is to see "From Software" logo and POOF.
So, i have to get to INI file, but so far my search been unsuccessfull.
EDIT: I did it. I launched the game. I was one of "60 seconds crash" people. You can fix this by increasing virtual memory through PC settings. I increased mine from 3000 to 6000 and it's fine now. FPS could be better though but hey, at least i can play.
13 апр. 2016 в 8:49 Try turning off DoF and Montion blur. I get pretty good performance with those turned off and everything else maxed. 13 апр. 2016 в 8:50 Try turning off DoF and Montion blur. I get pretty good performance with those turned off and everything else maxed. I can't even get to video settings, the game crashes faster. So i either have to wait for a life-saving patch or try to modify settings OUTSIDE the game. Manually. 13 апр. 2016 в 8:51 Users -> Username -> AppData -> Roaming -> Dark Souls III -> GraphicsConfig.xml 13 апр. 2016 в 8:52 Users -> Username -> AppData -> Roaming -> Dark Souls III -> GameConfig.xml I don't have any files inside Dark Souls III folder. Like. It's empty. 13 апр. 2016 в 8:52 Try to use more love hearts in your topic title. Try it in heaven. 13 апр. 2016 в 8:53 Try to use more love hearts in your topic title. Try it in heaven. Actully that's steam cencorship.I'm not really into hearts right now.
Dammit, it wasn't even a swear! 13 апр. 2016 в 8:53 Trying to fix the game myself, since devs fail to deliver. Some people reccomend lowering the resolution, but unfrotunately i can't do that since the game crashes after 1-2 minutes. All i managed to do is to see "From Software" logo and POOF.
So, i have to get to INI file, but so far my search been unsuccessfull.
Try right clicking on the shortcut and under compatibility tab and check the run in 640x480 box, that might not work but worth a shot. 13 апр. 2016 в 8:55
Copy the above into a notepad file and rename the notepad file GraphicsConfig.xml and save in location above. Change settings to whatever you want. 13 апр. 2016 в 8:55 Users -> Username -> AppData -> Roaming -> Dark Souls III -> GameConfig.xml
I don't have any files inside Dark Souls III folder. Like. It's empty. Okay, here is the contents of my GraphicsConfig.xml file in the same folder. Create a new text document and name it GraphicsConfig.xml and past this into it. You can change the resolution if you want.
13 апр. 2016 в 9:01Dark Souls 3 60 second Crash, it seems that some players encounter a weird crash from 60 seconds to 60 seconds. To fix this issue, you need to expand your virtual memory. Follow the steps below to do this tweak in Windows 7 and 8.
Click the Start button
Go to Control Panel
Select System and Maintenance and click System
Click Advanced system settings
Go to Advanced tab > Performance > Settings.
Click the Advanced tab >Virtual memory > Change
Click Custom and the Initial size (MB) and Maximum size
Go to My Computer Properties
Click on System and from Advanced System Settings > View Advanced tab
Click Settings displayed under Performance
Click Performance Options and Enter Advanced Tab
Click Change button under Virtual memory
Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box.
Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change.
Click Custom size, type a new size in megabytes in the Initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB)box, click Set, and then click OK.
This could be your solution
13 апр. 2016 в 9:12Dark Souls 3 60 second Crash, it seems that some players encounter a weird crash from 60 seconds to 60 seconds. To fix this issue, you need to expand your virtual memory. Follow the steps below to do this tweak in Windows 7 and 8.
Click the Start button
Go to Control Panel
Select System and Maintenance and click System
Click Advanced system settings
Go to Advanced tab > Performance > Settings.
Click the Advanced tab >Virtual memory > Change
Click Custom and the Initial size (MB) and Maximum size
Go to My Computer Properties
Click on System and from Advanced System Settings > View Advanced tab
Click Settings displayed under Performance
Click Performance Options and Enter Advanced Tab
Click Change button under Virtual memory
Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box.
Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change.
Click Custom size, type a new size in megabytes in the Initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB)box, click Set, and then click OK.
This could be your solution
What about Windows 10?I've tried everything so far, but nothing gives.
And yes, it seems that i'm the one of "60 seconds crash" people. The game indeed crashes in about a minute and ALSO it's SOMETIMES (!) warns me about lack of virtual memory. Goshdarnit.
I believe i pretty much turned of virtual memory long time ago when i had issues with Titanfall which abused it to extreme. 13 апр. 2016 в 9:17
Dark Souls 3 60 second Crash, it seems that some players encounter a weird crash from 60 seconds to 60 seconds. To fix this issue, you need to expand your virtual memory. Follow the steps below to do this tweak in Windows 7 and 8.
Click the Start button
Go to Control Panel
Select System and Maintenance and click System
Click Advanced system settings
Go to Advanced tab > Performance > Settings.
Click the Advanced tab >Virtual memory > Change
Click Custom and the Initial size (MB) and Maximum size
Go to My Computer Properties
Click on System and from Advanced System Settings > View Advanced tab
Click Settings displayed under Performance
Click Performance Options and Enter Advanced Tab
Click Change button under Virtual memory
Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box.
Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change.
Click Custom size, type a new size in megabytes in the Initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB)box, click Set, and then click OK.
This could be your solution
What about Windows 10?
I've tried everything so far, but nothing gives.
And yes, it seems that i'm the one of "60 seconds crash" people. The game indeed crashes in about a minute and ALSO it's SOMETIMES (!) warns me about lack of virtual memory. Goshdarnit.
I believe i pretty much turned of virtual memory long time ago when i had issues with Titanfall which abused it to extreme.
Go to Start Menu > click on Settings.
Type performance > choose Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows
In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and under the Virtual memory section, click on Change.
At the bottom of the new window, check what the Recommended value is and how it compares to Currently allocated
If the current setting is significantly less than the recommended, uncheck the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives box at the top of the same windows and then click on Custom size.
Enter the Recommended value in the Initial Size box, and a larger figure in the Maximum size box.
Click OK to save the new settings.
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