Koikatu cheat tools как пользоваться
На женской роли фута делается так:Кликайте на тело-дженерал и внизу есть два пункта ПЕНИС и ЯЙЦА.
Чтобы сделать девушку с членом,но на роли мужчины и чтоб она была красивая нужно:Зайти в мужской редактор,зайти в тело,дженерал и выбрать сверху скелет тип 1,потом снизу где выбирали член,пункт BODY,там выбираете любое тело со словом famale(то бишь девушка).
После этого возможно делать женское тело.
Так же вы можете перетаскивать ваши карты (Женские,из папки на пк) в мужской редактор(когда он включен)а потом просто выбирать скелет №1,body и ставить пенис с яйцами если они пропадут(не проверял).
Koikatu cheat tools как пользоваться
Accessory Quick Remove
Add mobs to roam mode
KK_AAAPK, Additional Accessory Advanced Parent Knockoff, Additional Accessory controls
Additional Skin Effects
Anime Ass Assistant
BepInEx 4 Upgrader patcher
Better Color Picker
Bulge in the pants, tent in the woods (KK_Bulge)
Camera Target Fix
Card Author Data
Centered HScene Cursor
Chara Overlays Based On Coordinate
Character List Optimizations
Character Maker Heterochromia Fix
Character Maker Loaded Sound
Clothes Overlay Mod
Clothing State Menu
Color Filter Remover
Coordinate Capture Pose Unlock
Coordinate Load Option
Cosplay Academy (Might break things until further version always check out the notes and updates)
DARLING - Voice Control for Koikatsu
Darker Darkness (Only works on the darkness DLC)
- Short description: The main purpose of this plugin is to switch the janitor and main player character during darkness mode.
- Author(s): Eternity
- More information: N/A (Plugin can be acquired through the Koikatsu Discord Server)
Dress for Success
Enable Resize (Enable Full ScreenToggle)
Expand Male Maker
Fix Shader Dropdown Menu
Force High Poly
Game and Studio Data Corruption Fixes
Game Dialog Helper
GeBo Modding API (GeBoCommon)
H Character Adjustment
Hair Accessory Customizer
Hair Shadows Fix
Illusion Launcher (Application)
Image Series Recorder
Input Hotkey Block
Input Length Unlocker
Invalid Scene Protection
Item Layer Edit
KK_AccGotHigh (This same function was added to SliderHighlight)
- GUID: KK_Ahegao
- Short description: Allows adjustment of the ahegao face expression. (How long until it is activated during H)
- Author(s): Made by Essu and further edited by Deathweasel1337 to have config options.
- More information: N/A (Plugin can be acquired via either the HF-Patch or acquiring it within the Illusion/Koikatsu Discord Servers)
KK Better Penetration
Studio Camera Tweaks
Extra move axis in bottom right corner (StudioExtraMoveAxis)
Studio MultiSelect Chara
Studio Scene Initial Camera
- GUID: com.gebo.BepInEx.studioinitialcamera
- Short description: This plugin attemps to save the last known position of the current active camera in character studio when loading a scene there is an additional "`" button for it's functionality works the same as the 1
KK Uniform Uniforms
Koikatsu: Become Trap
Koikatu Gameplay Tweaks and Improvements
Main Game Optimizations
Maker/Studio Browser Folders
- Short description: Allows one to rotate the character itself within character maker to check it's physics for clipping issues.
- Author(s): Plugin is made by Essu.
- More information: N/A It has to be searched within the koikatsu discord server.
- Short description: Encompasses 5 plugins designed for character maker which will be explained a bit here bellow.
- Accessory_Shortcuts: Which adds keyboards shortcuts to manipulate and copy accessories from one slot to another or to select the previous used menu faster
- Accessory_Parents: Adds the function of parenting accessories to other accesories the same as one would use it in Character Studio which opens up option for many customization oppurtunities
- Accessory_Themes: Allows for manipulation of multiple accessories colors at the same time with some options to deviate and customize more such as saturation and hue as well.
- Accessory_States: Has relatively the Same function as Accessory State Sync to allow for multiple accessories to be present and toggleable within an outfit.
- Additional_Card_Info: This is a function plugin to allow character cards to hold more data and for more options to be saved within which would have not been possible before
Short description: Enables juice textures for males in H scenes and Studio.
Moan Softly When I H You
Mod Bone Implantor
Modding API (KKAPI)
More Accessory Parents
Mute In Background
Optimize IMGUI GC allocations
Party Card Compatibility
Plugin List Tool
PNG Capture Size Modifier
Pose Gender Restriction Unlocker
Pose Quick Load
Random Character Generator
Random Name Provider
Reload Character List On Change
Remove Cards To Recycle Bin
Resource Unload Optimizations
Restore missing functions
RSkoi Particle Editor
Runtime Unity Editor
Save Load Compression
Scene State Save (SSS)
Shader Management Tool
- Short description: This is a plugin which adds an option to mass change shaders for characters or items (From a scene in Character studio) One would first need to set up a menu for it in F1>Plugins menu and then go through the process of selecting the shader>parts of the body/items>apply it.
- Not to be mistaken with KKUS they are different mods for different purposes.
Shader Change Plugin (KKUSS Includes Unity Standard Shader)
- Short description: This is a plugin/shader addon which adds a shortcut button (Have to assign it within F1>PLusing Settings) to change the base shaders to the Unity Standard shader (For Lighting Purposes).
- Not to be mistaken with KKUS they are different mods for different purposes.
Shadow Quality Settings
Shower Accessories Fix
Skin Overlay Mod
Specter (Warning:Probably incompatible with new versions of Bepinex.)
Studio Auto Close Loading Scene Window
Studio Chara Light Linked To Camera
Studio Chara Only Load Body
Studio Chika Replacer
Studio Custom Masking
Studio Dual Screen
Studio Menu Scrolling Text
Studio MultiSelect Chara
Studio Object Move Hotkeys
Studio Reflect FK Fix
Studio Save Workspace Order Fix
Studio Scene Loaded Sound
Studio Scene Navigation
Studio Simple Color On Girls
Studio Text Plugin
Text Resource Redirector
- Short description: A tool to assist timeline users and animators alike for streamlining the process of some cameras and motions via using VMD/Timeline interchangebly to make a combination of animations.
- Author(s): N. Jächa
- More information: N/A (Search the Mod-Sharing Channel for the koikatsu discord server)
- GUID: TimelineButton
- Short description: Adds a Play/Pause button for Timeline on the bottom right corner for Character Studio (In response to Alt+T overlapping button inputs for timeline)
- Author(s): Keitaro
- More information: N/A (Search the Mod-Sharing Channel for the koikatsu discord server)
Translation Cache Cleaner
Unlimited Map Lights
UnlockHPositions (Abandoned and Merged into CheatTools)
VNGE (VN Game Engine)
What are you saying?
XUnity Auto Translator
XUnity Resource Redirector
- Short description: This mod adds several models within the crotch area of the body so that it can act as an X-Ray vission into the womb. (Read the Readme for full details regarding this plugin)
- Author(s): N/A GFAnon
- More information: N/A Can be searched witihn the Koikatsu Discord Server.
List of Plugins Either too old,incompatible,outsourced,obsoleted, These plugins are not reccomended for installation and have been put here for archiving which include:
KK_Archetypes (Does not work well with the latest version of bepinex)
KK_MoveMapFromCharaList (Abandoned and Remade into WarpToCharacters plguin)
Koikatu cheat tools как пользоваться
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Koikatu cheat tools как пользоваться
Тем у кого появились проблемы будет проще их найти если разделить их на тех проблемы и проблемы с геймплеем.
Можно ли как-нибудь играть сразу в h-сцены, а не в сюжет?
Midoriya, Extras/Free H. Однако без прохождения многие позы будут заблокированы. Видимо надо будет делать первый обзор мода на консоль.
Midoriya,либо воспользоваться консолью(обзор на которую есть в группе) либо скачать и поставить сохранение с полным прохождением.
Есть ли какое руководство по h сценам? Вообще ничего не могу сделать
Oleg, Вот чего я не ожидал, что будут проблемы с h сценами. Там вроде все написано, с чем именно у тебя возникли проблемы? если прям вообще ничего не понятно, то сделаю гайд самостоятельно.
Midoriya, не думаю,было бы здорово конечно,но как я знаю нельзя.Это могут сделать люди,которые умеют в скриптах и плагинах работать,но лёгкого способа нету.(как мне известно)
А как скринить в игре (игровыми способами)? Я вроде даже слышал, что модно специально делать всякие позы тянкам, но как это делать?
Влад, как пользоваться не знаю, один человек неделю как обещает сделать гайд.
Влад, клавиша для скринов в создателе персонажа f11.В студии на ту же кнопку.Скрины сохраняются в папочку Koikatsu/userdata/cap.
Если не выходит,значит нет плагина.По вопросам можете обращаться ко мне.Вопрос не к теме наверно. Я КУПИЛ игру в стиме. Кроме создания персонажа и просмотра экстрактс ничего нельзя делать? Если не качать моды
Александр, можно работать в студии,хотя не знаю идёт ли она в комплекте с лицензией,но без модов и плагинов ваш круг возможностей будет мал.
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