Когда день пико fnf
Оливер , более известный как Пиконджо , - один из самых известных злодеев из сериала « Ньюграундс ». Он одновременно является соперником Пико и имеет небольшое сходство с ним.
В 2004 году пользователь создал свое первое анимационное видео с персонажем Пиконджо, которое было копией известного персонажа Ньюграундс, известного как Пико, многие люди предположили, что Пиконджо должен быть безумным старшим братом Пико, из-за чтобы они были так похожи. Пиконджо выглядит высоким, бледно-загорелым, с оранжево-рыжими волосами и простыми белыми глазами, иногда глаза также представлены красными. Пиконджо также часто носит фиолетовую одежду, в то время как Пиконджо носит с собой большой меч. В некоторых анимациях Пиконджо был нарисован в том же стиле, что и персонажи Final Fantasy.
Пиконджо в первую очередь познакомился с миром благодаря легендарной видеоигре Newgrounds, уважительно известной как "Newgrounds Rumble", в которой Пикоджо вместе с множеством других персонажей Newgrounds сражаются друг с другом, а в игре Пиконджо был описан как участник темная сторона мира Newgrounds.В мультфильмах
Хотя Piconjo появляется во многих мультфильмах (анимациях), это наиболее заметные его появления:
Пиконджо против Пико
В «Пиконджо против Пико» Пико идет по коридорам школы. Когда он увидел, как в школу вошел боевик, причем это был Пиконджо. Он стреляет в Пико двумя пулями, поскольку Пико каким-то образом удается уклоняться от них. Пико и Пиконджо посмотрели друг на друга, когда Пиконджо вытащил свой меч, врезавшись в Пико.
В конце концов, битва закончилась тем, что Пико и Пиконджо купили пиццу.
А эту часть статьи я уже пишу сам
Пиконджо появлялся в моде под названием Friday night shootin, и его там боялся Бойфренд
Он имеет три песни:
Нас пока неизвестно сюжетное появление его, может в будущих обновлениях эта тема расскроется
Pico Day
The first official Pico Day was announced in February 2006, and held on April 30. Originally, Tom Fulp was going to give five prizes, 1st through 5th place, and give $2000 to 1st place, $1000 to second place, $500 to third place, and $250 to fourth and fifth places. However, due to the overwhelming response, Tom added another Grand Prize for best game, as well as $50 prizes for the 6th through 10th best submissions.[1] Major submissions included a remake of the original Pico's School, Pico vs. Convict by Luis, the PICO DAY anthem by JAZZA, and the highly popular Pico Sim Date. Tom Fulp also resubmitted Pico's School that day.
Flashback 00, the winner of Pico Day 2007.
In 2007, over $15,000 was given out in prizes. The winning submission was FlashBack 00, which portrayed a large number of Newgrounds mascots fighting in a stadium, and would be nominated for the 2007 Tank Awards. Pico's Time Tank by TheSwain and Toonimated was praised for its excellent imagery. Überkid's Revenge by Zombie-Pimp portrayed Nene in a new light as the final heroine. Pico's Blam Jam was considered the best game.
For the third year in a row, Pico Day was a major hit on Newgrounds. This year, the top three winners also won trophies. The winner, House of 1000 Cats, portrayed Pico, Nene, Darnell, P-Bot, Tom Fulp, and Pegasus the Penicorn fighting against the Kitty Krew. It would later be nominated for the Tank Awards. Tankmen Infinity by Pikanjo parodied the Tankmen series instead of Pico, but still won second place. Pico Blast, a Run 'n Gun game by Luis and BoMToons, was also a Tank Award nominee.
Run, Darnell, Run! was awarded best movie of Pico Day 2009. It combined 1920's style monochrome animation with Pico characters and Newgrounds humor. Fatherly Bonds by Gonzossm featured the characters from Dad n' Me, Tom Fulp, his newborn son, and various Newgrounds characters. The final scene from this movie is now the banner on Tom's User Page.[2] Pico's Portal Party was a collaboration between a number of artists. A Bad Taste of Pico, another Run n' Gun game, was the top game in 2009.[3]
Operation: Graveyard, a spiritual sequel to 2008's Operation:Warehouse, was named the best movie of Pico Day 2010. It won the $1500 1st Place Prize. Pico's Brother, a dramatic story about the origins of P-Bot, Pico PWNS!, an action movie that shows Pico fighting an Überkid, and Hunting to Piconjo, a crossover between several Newgrounds heroes as they fight Piconjo, won the $1250, $1000, and $500 prizes respectively. Eleven other games won cash prizes, as well as two games.[4]
The Pico Day 2011 banner, featuring Pico and Piconjo.
Pico Day 2011 also doubled as the day the 2011 Tank Awards were announced. Warriors of the Portal, an action crossover movie that used 3D models of various Newgrounds mascots, won the $1500 prize for best movie. Portal Hoppin', a humorous movie about a misadventure of the Newgrounds staff, won the $1250, while Zombie-Pimp's Picoday Pinata Party, featuring Pico and his friends fighting the relatives of old enemies, won the $1000 prize. Two other movies won $500 prizes and six won $200 prizes. Newgrounds: Retaliation, a Run 'n Gun game, was the winning game, and three other games also won prizes. Three pieces of art won prizes, and several more were recognized.[5]
A piece of art made for Pico Day 2012
in the animation segment of Pico Day 2012, Awesome Tribute won. The animation featured parodies of many video games in the style of the Awesome series made by Egoraptor. The animation ends with a piece of text wishing the viewer a happy Pico Day. For the game category, Portal Panic won, a game in which Blockhead breaks P-Bot and him, along with many other Newgrounds characters, have to save P-Bot. For the art category, a period with two ponies won: one green pony and a robot pony in trees holding a Cake.
The first official Pico Day was announced in February 2006, and held on April 30. Originally, Tom Fulp was going to give five prizes, 1st through 5th place, and give $2000 to 1st place, $1000 to second place, $500 to third place, and $250 to fourth and fifth places. However, due to the overwhelming response, Tom added another Grand Prize for best game, as well as $50 prizes for the 6th through 10th best submissions.[1] Major submissions included a remake of the original Pico's School, "Pico vs. Convict" by Luis, "the PICO DAY anthem" by JAZZA, and the highly popular Pico Sim Date. Tom Fulp also resubmitted Pico's School that day.
In 2007, over $15,000 was given out in prizes. The winning submission, "FlashBack 00," which portrayed a large number of Newgrounds mascots fighting in a stadium, and would be nominated for the 2007 Tank Awards. "Pico's Time Tank" by Michael Swain and Toonimated was praised for its excellent imagery. Uberkid's Revenge by Zombie-Pimp portrayed Nene in a new light. "Pico's Blam Jam" was considered the best game.
For the third year in a row, Pico Day was a major hit on Newgrounds. This year, the top three winners also won trophies. The winner, House of 1000 Cats, portrayed Pico, Nene, Darnell, P-BOT, Tom Fulp, and a Penicorn fighting against the Kitty Krew. It would later be nominated for the Tank Awards. "Tankmen Infinity" by Pikanjo parodied the Tankmen series instead of Pico, but still won second place. "Pico Blast," a Run 'n Gun game by Luis and BoMToons, was also a Tank Award nominee.
"Run, Darnell, Run!" was awarded best movie of Pico Day 2009. It combined 1920's style monochrome animation with Pico characters and Newgrounds humor. "Fatherly Bonds" by Gonzossm featured the characters from Dad n' Me, Tom Fulp, his newborn son, and various Newgrounds characters. The final scene from this movie is now the banner on Tom's User Page.[2] "Pico's Portal Party" was a collaboration between a number of artists. "A Bad Taste of Pico," another Run n' Gun game, was the top game in 2009.[3]
Operation: Graveyard, a spiritual sequel to 2008's Operation:Warehouse, was named the best movie of Pico Day 2010. It won the $1500 1st Place Prize. Pico's Brother, a dramatic story about the origins of P-Bot, Pico PWNS!, an action movie that shows Pico fighting an Uberkid, and Hunting to Piconjo, a crossover between several Newgrounds heroes as they fight Piconjo, won the $1250, $1000, and $500 prizes respectively. Eleven other games won cash prizes, as well as two games.[4]
The 2011 banner featured Pico and his dark side.
Pico Day 2011 also doubled as the day the 2011 Tank Awards were announced. Warriors of the Portal, an action crossover movie that used 3D models of various Newgrounds mascots, won the $1500 prize for best movie. Portal Hoppin', a humorous movie about a misadventure of the Newgrounds staff, won the $1250, while Zombie-Pimp's Picoday Pinata Party, featuring Pico and his friends fighting the relatives of old enemies, won the $1000 prize. Two other movies won $500 prizes and six won $200 prizes. Newgrounds: Retaliation, a Run 'n Gun game, was the winning game, and three other games also won prizes. Three pieces of art won prizes, and several more were recognized.[5]
Pico Day
Pico Day is an official day on Newgrounds. It celebrates Newgrounds mascots, especially Pico. It is celebrated on April 30th (or May 1st), which is Tom Fulp's birthday. Each Pico Day has a unique preloader.
Pico Day 2021
На сегодня у нас конкурс на день Пико, итоги лотереи которые я ещё ОЧЕНЬ ДАВНО сделать забыл, НЕ СОВСЕМ анонс НЕ того самого РП ивента, который я спойлерил в чатах, а так же введение пары новых правил, кое что связанное с РП и немногое многое другое
Да! Сегодня мы начинаем празднование дня Пико. День рождения нашего "гея омежки" (тьфу ты, блять), а так же его создателя, Тома Фулпа, Который, по совместительству, является создателем всего Newgrounds!
В честь этого, мы объявляем конкурс-коллаб. Ваша цель - собрать команду из трех художников (включая вас, конечно же). Каждый из вас должен нарисовать по одному персонажу из Pico School. Если точнее, то: Пико, Нене, Дарнелл, Кассандра, тот чел с телекинезом, и ещё тот виабушник в синем костюме с катаной. То есть, один художник рисует одного персонажа, второй второго, третий, собственно, третьего
Коллабы с самым большим кол-вом лайков (или же самые качественные по мнению администрации) будут отобраны в голосование. Самые лучшие три коллаба и получат приз
Да, гард про них забыл
Введение планки качества
Мы ввели некоторые устные стандарты качества. Если точнее, то теперь за мусоропосты будут считаться:
Очень кривые рэ пэ анкеты
Разоблачения, пожалуйста уйдите в 2019 и никогда больше оттуда не возвращайтесь
Очень, очень и ещё раз ОЧЕНЬ паршивые и заезженные мемы (хороший повод выйти из тиктока и зайти в дискорд первый раз в жизни)
Взгляды со стороны (уже не временно)
Временное закрытие набора в канон
Переоценил я свои силы.
Приношу свои извинения, набора в канон временно отменяется, дабы переработать систему подбора. Как оказалось, гарденер не в силах как либо проверять кандидатов на роль канона
Из мелких новостей
Почти 3к участников, лееетс фааакинг гоооо
Сделали чат для жалоб, так как мы поняли что пользоваться репортами в амино никто не умеет
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