Kingdom reborn как удалить здание
12 ноя. 2020 в 8:43
You only need easy fruits even up to more than 300 population. I played brutal and they really consume fast. But once the next card pops out with the fruitharvester you will amass so much surpluses that you will end up selling it.
I do a tree cutting of non-fruit trees only to preserve them. One mushroom can add more food but I use 2 to augment my fruits up to higher population. I normally experience shortage in the beginning but once the fruitharvester comes out you will cruise easily without farms for years. My first farm is herbs and I use wheat for beers most if the time. If you want to have cabbage try to place it on area with less fruit trees to be affected.
12 ноя. 2020 в 10:31
is the fruitharvester different from the fruit tree harvester in the beginning? I had 4 of them and they could not provide enough for 120 people, along with farms, bread, sheep/pig farms.
12 ноя. 2020 в 10:45
I have so much food I sell it. Constantly. Use gatherers..fruit and hunters, and of course fishing huts. Upgrade them. Food is the LEAST of my issues.
12 ноя. 2020 в 11:16
does higher difficulty levels affect food production?
12 ноя. 2020 в 11:19
Why I arrived at this strategy is that in the beginning in early spring you can’t gather oranges as probably they aren’t ripe yet and I can’t find a button to gather without a fruit harvester. So I can only cut non-fruit tree for my wood knowing that most of my vegetation are oranges and coconut trees in the seaside. So with those tremendous amount of oranges you place at least 3-4 fruitharvester it’s a lot already. Then I noticed that there are still unharvested oranges up to autumn so I keep adding more fruitharvester to maximize my yield. By the time the 2nd card arrives the oranges are ready for harvesting up to autumn. By the time the next fruit harvesting season arrives I already begin to have or expect food surplus.
Most players I noticed even on YouTube immediately destroyed so much of these oranges to make spaces for their structures. I place my structures carefully to the areas where the non-fruit trees are, on the areas that were cleared by ordering my villagers to cut down non-fruit bearing trees like in my case are the birch trees (green ones). The only time I cut orange trees is when I really needed the area which is primarily for planting the herbs, then later on for 1 wheat farm for my beer.
So my initial location on my previous brutal game has my first 5- 6 houses, a forester, around 2 hunting huts just for leather or will be guarding my herbal farm, immigration, employment (I don’t think and don’t know if this works), statistics, 1 fish and a trading port/trading post each snd s charcoal maker. Stone snd coal mines are easy to setup without much needed spaces. It was a tight space. I don’t buy provinces in the beginning using gold but rather using food. 2 additional provinces will generate more wood snd fruits.
Then I slowly grow from 30 villagers with so much food surplus from oranges and other fruit trees. I use my gold to buy cards and other materials like tools or if needed, medicine.
While contrary to what other players do I try to prioritize having my trading post built nearby the stockpile and a trading port to provide alternate trading structures. I trade the leather from hunts and the surplus food.
The Cards below, will offered to you when you unlock them and you must pay for them at that moment.You also need free card slots in hand. If you can not pay for it or take them because of a full card hand,
it will placed in the draw deck card pool.
Negative Points [ ]
If you place too many Resource Outposts and other buildings that have (Upkeep costs), you will be get penalized if you have a negative income, this will cost 2 per 1 negative income.
Генерация карты
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Для игроков Kingdoms Reborn это краткое руководство, которое объяснит, с чего начать строительство наиболее оптимальным способом, давайте взглянем на него.
House Unlock Levels [ ]
The below unlocks, and the access to the House Upgrade overview window, is when you have 7 complete built houses of level 1. You can not choose what you learn, this is total automatic, depending on the houses and level of the houses you have.
House Level 1+ [ ]
House Level 2+ [ ]
House Level 3+ [ ]
House Level 4+ [ ]
House Level 5+ [ ]
House Level 6+ [ ]
House Level 7+ [ ]
Leveling Houses [ ]
To level your houses from level 1 to level 7, you need two things:
House Appeal [ ]
On the lowest appeal (70%) and the luxuries that is needed to level up a house, the game will upgrade a house
till level 5. For the next two levels you need an higher appeal:
- Upgrade to level 6 | Appeal need to be at least 80% or higher
- Upgrade to level 7 | Appeal need to be at least 90% or higher
To increase your house Appeal, see here how to do that
Luxury Goods [ ]
When you click on an house, you see a list. This list contains:
- Fuel | On Level 1+ houses (More Information)
- Tier 1 | On Level 1+ houses
- Tier 2 | On Level 3+ houses
- Tier 3 | On Level 5+ houses
Below you will see a table what it is, and how the leveling works with the Luxury goods.
Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | |||
Beer | Clothes | Book | |||
Cannabis (tea) | Wine | Fashionable Clothes | |||
Furniture | Candles | Jewelry | |||
Pottery | Vodka | Chocolate | |||
Tulip | Shroom | ||||
Coffee |
Обзор мира
Главное помнить, что это места с реками. Все они имеют Юлиорское плодородие для ферм, наличие рек также необходимо для строительства некоторых построек. Второе, на что следует обратить внимание, это большое количество деревьев, которые помогут вам в быстром развитии, вырубка фруктовых деревьев даст вам еду, необходимую для начала.Доступность таких ресурсов, как уголь и железо, является более приятным дополнением, чем необходимо. В конечном итоге все шахты будут исчерпаны, если вы играете достаточно долго, чтобы вам нужно было расти, чтобы получать возобновляемые ресурсы и торговать.
Вы также можете искать ресурсные области или кочевые дома (которые дают около 3 жителей).
Вам понадобится только золото и драгоценные камни в конце игры, поэтому я бы не стал уделять им слишком много внимания.
House Upgrade Unlocks
As the level of the houses in your kingdom increases, different cards and abilities are unlocked. These unlocks depend on both the level of your houses and the number of houses at that level.
The Housing Unlock Level UI [ ]
Button to open the Housing Unlock Level UI
You can access this UI at anytime by clicking the "House Lvl" in the upper-righthand corner of the screen. You can see this in the image highlighted in red.
Housing Unlock Level UI
The image to the left shows part of the Housing Unlock Level UI. This UI shows your progress through the Housing Unlocks. Below is a description of the highlighted parts of the image:
- This box shows the partial progress toward unlocking a reward. In this image "Improved farming" has 39 of the 52 houses required.
- This box shows the unlock name and a small icon that you can hover over for the description of the unlock.
- This box shows the number of houses required to unlock that reward. In this case, two houses are needed.
- This box shows the level of house that this column describes. In this case, your houses must be level 2 or greater.
In this example, "Building Combo" through "Farm adjacency" is already unlocked. This player must build 13 more houses at level 2 or greater (or upgrade 13 level 1 houses) in order to unlock the next reward, "Improved farming."
Преимущества и недостатки каждой точки генерации
Приличное количество рек и лесов.
3 места с углем
Палатка кочевника и несколько ящиков с ресурсами.
Обратной стороной является то, что горы покрывают значительную часть суши.
Много места, много дерева, железа.
Вообще очень достойное место.
Железо, уголь, ЗОЛОТО.
Не много ЗОЛОТА из леса!
Под пустыней в ЗОЛОТОЙ тундре!
Место неплохое, но со своими недостатками.
Много плодородной земли и леса.
Некоторые полезные ресурсы.
Все, что вам нужно, это речной лес, железо, уголь .
Множество деревьев и множество ресурсов.
Нет рек, мало плодородия.
Скалы везде.
Мало возможностей для расширения, если игра длится достаточно долго.
Я не рекомендовал это место для начала, только если вы любите испытания.
The following list contains what can, and how many fertility or resource per Resource Outpost building will be gathered. The Gathering of the Resource Outpost Buildings will be done when the Card timer (1/3 season) is 0, and each cycle is 150 seconds.
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