Killing floor 2 вид от 3 лица как сделать
Добрый день, нашёл карту для быстрого поднятия уровня, за основу взята карта SuperperktrainingDeluxev7d.
Перед тем как установить карту создайте резервные копии ваших файлов.
Все файлы с архива перенести в игру,а именно из папку Maps в Maps, далее папка Packages в Packages и остальные два файла в папку с игрой где находятся карты.
После того как вы перенесли файлы в игру, запускаете карту желательно обычная сложность, 4 волны. Убиваете первую волну монстров чем хотите, со второй волны должны спавниться боссы. После убийства первого босса ваша камера станет показывать не корректно от 3-го лица ничего не поделаешь=( там уже как получиться убивать боссов.
Если же на второй волне нет боссов то пересоздайте карту ещё раз, иногда не срабатывает. Постараюсь ответить на ваши вопросы если таковы возникнут.
2 июл. 2018 в 13:58Here's what works for me to play with camera.
Enable cheats with console, then by using buttons you can switch between different camera modes: Insert - Third person with free camera, Delete - Third person with camera lock on character's aim and End - Back to first person.
2 июл. 2018 в 14:40 I'm not seeing any THird Person command for the cheats. And I'm also confused with what it means by adding all that random stuff.Last I looked into this mod, and its been a while, you can chose to play in third person withthe ToggleBehindView command. When you run the mutator it will aslo show weapons a player has on their backs and will allow you to see your legs/feet in first person when looking down.
Dude that's not what I am saying at all.
When you go to the mod it says when you run the mutator, add "?Mutator=FPBackPackMut.FPBPBaseMut"
Am I supposed to do something specific other than start the game to run the mutator? I have no idea what to do.
2 июл. 2018 в 17:50 Last I looked into this mod, and its been a while, you can chose to play in third person withthe ToggleBehindView command. When you run the mutator it will aslo show weapons a player has on their backs and will allow you to see your legs/feet in first person when looking down.Dude that's not what I am saying at all.
When you go to the mod it says when you run the mutator, add "?Mutator=FPBackPackMut.FPBPBaseMut"
Am I supposed to do something specific other than start the game to run the mutator? I have no idea what to do.
You can launch the mutator with the in-game console.
Subscribe to the mod.
for console
Paste and enter the following:
Open KF-BurningParis?Mutator=FPBackPackMut.FPBPBaseMut?Difficulty=1?GameLength=2
Dude that's not what I am saying at all.
When you go to the mod it says when you run the mutator, add "?Mutator=FPBackPackMut.FPBPBaseMut"
Am I supposed to do something specific other than start the game to run the mutator? I have no idea what to do.
Killing floor 2 вид от 3 лица как сделать
The most vertices a fluid surface can have. This is heavily GPU based and will increase performance quite a bit as it did for me. Default is 104857 **if the game doesn't change this per video card. Ultra settings=54428 Low settings=64
The maximum allowed size to a ParticleEmitterInstance Resize call. If value is larger, the function will return without resizing. 0 = infinite. Adjust the value between 532 and up. 532-10,000 is a good range for limiting the particles. Between 1-531 The higher the value, the more particles. This works for any PhysX particles i.e. rocks, sparks, fluids, etc Ultra settings=0 Low setting=532 **this will also depend on your graphics card. If you do not have a graphics card with more than 3gb ram then do 532.
The maximum amount of memory any single emitter is allowed to take for its vertices, should always be a multiple of
(2^n)+900; e.g. 2^17=131072 + 900 = 131972. Again I believe this is graphics based so for 3gb or higher do 262144 For better performance on lower than 3gb do 900.
This is different from smoothed framed rate. This is basically the refresh rate of your monitor. I run a 144hz monitor so I use 144. Most newer monitors (4+ years) are on average 60-75 hz. Gaming monitors specifically for gaming are usually 120-240. So check your monitor on google to see the refresh rate and change accordingly.
This one is really helpful and gave me a good 10 FPS by setting it to 0. It basically boosts the textures of players online. However with it set to 0 the players are pretty dull but if you are looking for performance then definitely have this at 0. Even on ultra settings I have this at 0 as im looking at enemies for more than looking at players ***unless it's the chick, she's got a fine booty***
Dynamic shadowing is a system where shadows react to the world unlike static shadows which always looks the same no matter what. If you disable this then at times the characters turn really dark but it saves a lot of performance. I recommend turning this off for lower end computers
Ultra settings=True Low settings=False
This is suppose to help the dynamic lights work better but I found that disabling this has no graphical effect whatsoever So disabling this will save resources on your CPU.
Ultra settings=False Low settings=False
Again allows reflections in things like windows, blood and anything in the game that allows reflections. It can be a HUGE resource hog so I recommend disabling this.
Ultra settings=True Low settings=False
does what it says, attempts to shadow your image. I would turn this off. Ultra settings=True Low settings=False
Killing Floor 2 "Как запустить игру от 3-го лица"
Killing Floor 2 "Как запустить игру от 3-го лица".
Разработчики Tripwire Interactive выпустили хэллоуинское обновление для Killing Floor 2 "Day of the Zed"
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