Killbox scum что это
7 дек. 2020 в 12:48
so I'm kind of screwed on the kill box. Open golden unlock and what do I find an old screwdriver and a lock pick. no guns no nothing. and lock protection is overkill. no chance of getting that open. after 5 electric shocks you are broken. I've tried it 100 times with Demolition on Expert. I'm very good at picking locks. despite the . no chance of getting in there. turned on godmode and with lots of ammo I could get out of there. because a hundred zombies have blocked our way. I thought the kill box was properly balanced before the hotfix. there were 30 minutes left and no lock protection on the locks. difficult enough golden or silver lock to crack without this crap with electric shocks
also was die Kill Box angeht fühle ich micht verarscht. Mache goldenen schloss auf und was finde ich da. einen alten schraubendreher und ein dietrich. keine waffen nix. und das mit lock protection ist übertrieben. keine chance den aufzubekommen. nach 5 stromschlägen bist du kapput. ich habe es 100 mal versucht mit Demolition auf Expert. bin sehr gut im Schlösser knacken. trotz dem . keine chance da rein zu kommen. habe godmode eingeschaltet und mit viel Munition konnte ich da weg. weil 100 zombies durchgang versperrt haben.
ich fand die Killbox richtig ausgewogen bevor der Hotfix kam. da waren noch 30 minuten zeit und keine Lockprotection an den schlössern. schwierig genug Goldenen oder silber schloss zu knacken ohne diesen mist mit stromschlägen
They've increased the difficulty because people were getting in faster than they expected.
Now they're working on the balancing (which does adjust for the number of people) to keep it from being a squad only thing.
I'm sure they'd love some detailed feedback (number of people with you, etc.) since you made the run so much. Some video would be even better, so they can see the results in action.
(Заблокирован) 7 дек. 2020 в 13:43godmode? you mean you gave yourself the ability to fill BB objects? how did that help in the killbox? also you are dealing with a group of people who operate under the Machavellian principal of piss people off to the point they don't do anything about it. Their goals are not the goals of an average player. It will get eaiser or they loot will get better because currently besides the fact that it is there and there is literally nothing to do in this game, there is 0 reason to waste your time on a killbox.
Also, given how bad the rng drops are why would you ever go into a killbox for anything besides the c4 to raid? and given how bad the killbox is why would you ever waste raid mats on a not raid?
the answer is you don't and nobody with raid mats would waste them in the killbox for any reason.
The only reason I see this existing is a garbage disposal for loot. some of people are trying and failing for no reason other than giving away loot. So far i have seen 2 videos of people getting the c4 and only 1 of them was after this patch to make it harder.
basically nothing in there is worth getting, just enjoy the new hallways of free loot and delete the killbox from your head till they make it worth doing.
Killbox scum что это
27 ноя. 2020 в 6:08Are the "killboxes" randomly generated? The one i entered appeared pretty linear, and i was under the impression there would be multi difficulty locked areas, however was able to enter each room without lockpicking?
Also to the devs: those traps are evil. I LOVE it! (resident evil vibes)
It does make me wonder though, in a game with technically no "dungeons", are those bunkers going to end up being trapped at some point.
Worse. will the killboxes get more convoluted - many levels deep, timer going down, a large area with multiple large doors, a single lock pickable / hackable chest centre stage, each failed attempt opening a new door to reveal some large and snarly or shiny and shooty.
Makes me think of Running Man and Resident Evil combined!
The combination is always the following:
2 doors with 1 rusty locks
1 door with 2 rusty locks
1 door with 1 silver lock
1 door with 1 gold lock
What is random is the position of the doors, so you never now what lock is where unless you get past the first door. You get past them by solving the bomb defusal minigame, if you didn't have to do anything you might have used the godmode?
Bare in mind that these are subject to change, this is only the first iteration of the Killbox so any feedback is good to hear :)
27 ноя. 2020 в 11:37Aah that will be it - i set the time because i couldnt see via the console and spawned a box XD.
I had to do the minigame last time i tried so i presumed it was that!
27 ноя. 2020 в 13:07The combination is always the following:
2 doors with 1 rusty locks
1 door with 2 rusty locks
1 door with 1 silver lock
1 door with 1 gold lock
What is random is the position of the doors, so you never now what lock is where unless you get past the first door. You get past them by solving the bomb defusal minigame, if you didn't have to do anything you might have used the godmode?
Bare in mind that these are subject to change, this is only the first iteration of the Killbox so any feedback is good to hear :)
why put C4 behind gold locks when you know how east it is for squads to lockpick, i don't understand it ? why break the game with this C4 ?
you introduce nice new base building mats for what purpose ? to spend hundreds of hours building a base for it to be blasted away in seconds, did you see the video i posted of the killrooms ?
27 ноя. 2020 в 13:12The combination is always the following:
2 doors with 1 rusty locks
1 door with 2 rusty locks
1 door with 1 silver lock
1 door with 1 gold lock
What is random is the position of the doors, so you never now what lock is where unless you get past the first door. You get past them by solving the bomb defusal minigame, if you didn't have to do anything you might have used the godmode?
Bare in mind that these are subject to change, this is only the first iteration of the Killbox so any feedback is good to hear :)
why put C4 behind gold locks when you know how east it is for squads to lockpick, i don't understand it ? why break the game with this C4 ?
you introduce nice new base building mats for what purpose ? to spend hundreds of hours building a base for it to be blasted away in seconds, did you see the video i posted of the killrooms ?
Given the time that's passed since this has been added i think you're overreacting a bit. Both the C4 damage and the drop rate of key cards will be adjusted down as has been stated in these threads already. Don't spend 100s of hours building if the risk of losing it doesn't out weigh the joy of building it.
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