Как зовут йошимура чи в реальной жизни
Йошимура (芳村, Yoshimura) — управляющий кофейни «Антейку», миротворец двадцатого района, в прошлом известный как Кузен (功善, Kuzen). Он старался помогать всем гулям, которые были не в состоянии охотиться самостоятельно. Йошимура приютил Канеки Кена и стал его проводником в жизнь гулей. Под псевдонимом Одноглазая Сова (隻眼の梟, Sekigan no Fukurō) неоднократно пытался прикрыть настоящего носителя данного прозвища. Когда выяснилось, что Сов на самом деле две, следователи начали звать его Неубивающей Совой (不殺の梟, Fusatsu no Fukurō).
Впервые Йошимура познакомился с ней в кофейне Antique. Несмотря на то, что они знали друг друга достаточно непродолжительное время, Йошимура без памяти влюбляется в неё, а позднее чувствует себя раздавленным, когда по приказу V убивает её. Укина послужила катализатором перемен в личности Йошимуры в лучшую сторону, вследствие чего он и создаёт Антейку.
Это Йошимура
Хоть они никогда и не виделись, Йошимура очень любил свою дочь и был готов на всё ради её защиты. Йошимура признаётся, что после смерти Укины лишь Это была его единственной надеждой. Однако, сама Это не проявляет взаимных чувств к своему отцу, поскольку после его поимки и доставки в лабораторию Кано видит в нём лишь подопытный объект для производства какухо и создания одноглазых гулей.
Ренджи Йомо
Во время их первой встречи Йошимура спасает Йомо от гибели от рук Кишо Аримы. После их знакомства характер Ренджи становится более спокойным, а его горячая жажда мести идёт на убыль. Йошимура глубоко доверяет Йомо, поручая ему пополнение провизии и присмотр за Канеки и Тоукой, когда те сражались с Котаро Амоном и Курео Мадо соответственно.
Кен Канеки
Когда Канеки приходит к Антейку в поисках помощи, Йошимура, в отличие от агрессивно настроенной Тоуки, добродушно встречает Кена и даёт ему порцию человечины, чтобы юноша мог утолить свой голод. Позднее, после инцидента между Канеки, Нишики и Хидэ, Йошимура предлагает Кену работать в Антейку официантом на полставки. Также именно Йошимура успокаивает отчаявшегося Канеки, убеждая, что тот, будучи наполовину человеком и наполовину гулем, может одновременно существовать в обоих мирах и понять как людей, так и гулей. На протяжении событий манги менеджер многому учит протагониста: от мелочей вроде имитации приёма людской пищи до самостоятельного самосовершенствования, пристально за ним приглядывая и веря, что Кен обязательно справится с испытываемыми трудностями. Позднее, когда Аогири похищает Канеки, Йошимура вместе со своими подчинёнными отправляется в убежище Древа, чтобы вызволить Кена. Спустя полгода уже сам Кен спешит на помощь к Йошимуре, когда CCG начинает операцию по штурму Антейку.
Тоука Киришима
За несколько лет до событий Tokyo Ghoul Йошимура берёт под опеку Тоуку и её младшего брата Аято, который позднее покинет Антейку. Он предлагает ей работать официанткой на полставки, а также советует поступить в школу, готовый выделять денежные средства на её расходы. Хоть Йошимура и заботится о ней, он не одобряет её намерения мстить следователям за убийство Рёко Фуегучи, поскольку это поставило бы под угрозу и Антейку, и 20-ый район.
Энджи Кома
До знакомства с Йошимурой Энджи был агрессивным гулем, известным благодаря своему прозвищу Дьявольская Обезьяна. После встречи с ним Кома становится более спокойным и дружелюбным, а также вступает в его организацию Антейку. Благодарный Йошимуре за то, что он вытащил его из кровавого образа жизни, полного убийств, Кома готов следовать за ним до самого конца, и во время штурма Антейку вступает в бой со следователями по гулям, в частности с Моганом Танакамару.
Кая Ирими
До знакомства с Йошимурой Кая была высокомерной, хладнокровной убийцей по прозвищу Чёрная Собака, что при первой встрече относилась к Йошимуре с нескрываемым презрением. Однако позднее она, как и Энджи Кома, меняется в лучшую сторону и вступает в Антейку. Будучи преданной последовательницей Йошимуры, она вместе с Энджи во время штурма Антейку вступает в бой со следователями по гулям и сталкивается со своим давним врагом – Чу Хачикавой.
Нишики Нишио
После событий арки Гурмана Йошимура приглашает Нишио на работу в Антейку, и Нишики не отвечает на это предложение отказом. Благодаря Йошимуре, он смог оставить в прошлом жизнь гуля-убийцы, поскольку больше не испытывал необходимости в охоте и поисках пропитания, а также мог сосредоточиться на учёбе и отношениях с Кими.
Сюжетная линия
Силы и способности
Физиология гуля
Йошимура — очень талантливый гуль, молва о силе которого широко распространена по всему Токио. Его способностей достаточно для того, чтобы противостоять даже нескольким следователям особого класса сразу. Он достаточно умел для того, чтобы без особых затруднений противостоять армии следователей. Во время своей работы «чистильщиком» в организации V Кузен обрёл немалый опыт в сражении как с людьми, так и с гулями. Заслуженно считается одним из сильнейших гулей вселенной «Tokyo Ghoul».
Высокий мужчина пожилого возраста, который зачастую одет в униформу официанта. Выходя за пределы кафе, Йошимура надевает чёрный плащ и шляпу. Он часто улыбается, держа голову высоко поднятой, а руки убирая за спину. Обладая необычайным хладнокровием и сдержанным характером, он производит впечатление загадочного джентльмена.
Маска с крючковатым носом покрывает лишь верхнюю половину его лица, тем самым делая его похожим на филина. В форме какуджа его кагуне создаёт маску, напоминающую Одноглазую Сову, однако заметны незначительные различия в длине линий рта и изгибов в районе глазниц.
Будучи добрым и щедрым стариком, менеджер проявляет гораздо большую мудрость и ответственность, нежели остальные. Гули вроде Нишики зачастую сомневаются в его истинных намерениях быть миротворцем 20-го района, однако он выступает надёжным гулем, который ради своих подчинённых готов на многое. Будучи главой организации Антейку, он не боится заявлять о своей авторитетности, однако его требования к остальным членам кажутся вполне приемлемыми и не вызывают возмущения с их стороны. Йошимура в равной степени положительно относится как к гулям, так и к людям, что является очень редким мировоззрением.
Его добрый и честный характер ярко контрастирует с его поведением в прошлом. В ранние годы, когда он носил имя «Кузен», Йошимура был волком-одиночкой. Его разрушительная сила стала стеной между ним и окружающими. Он избегал других и закрыл своё сердце ото всех, с кем бы ни сталкивался. Он ненавидел свою натуру гуля, видя в этом проклятие, из-за которого он обречён убивать вновь и вновь, лишь бы выжить.
После знакомства с Укиной его характер начал меняться в лучшую сторону. Кузен начинает медленно ей открываться, а затем влюбляется в неё. Благодаря отношениям с Укиной Йошимура решает создать Антейку и развить свою идею помогать людям и гулям, которые страдают так же, как страдал и он сам в прошлом. Самым лучшим путём было рождение ребёнка, который стал бы связующим звеном между людьми и гулями.
Йошимура проявлял глубокую родительскую любовь к своей дочери. Особенно отчётливо это показано в тот момент, когда он решает спрятать её в 24-ом районе от глаз организации «V», а также когда становится «двойником» Одноглазой Совы, нападая на штаб-квартиру CCG во 2-ом районе.
Йошимура из-за своих жизненных ценностей следует по иному пути, отличающемуся от позиций людей и гулей, отказываясь кого-либо убивать. По этой причине он во время нападения на штаб-квартиру CCG 2-го района и во время штурма убежища Аогири никого не убивает, а лишь наносит ранения тем, кто его атаковал.
Хоть он и оставил убийства с момента ухода из «V», Йошимура всё ещё опасается, что раскрытие его прошлых грехов навредит окружающим. По этой причине он, видя себя «злом», готов принять смерть от рук своих врагов, если до этого когда-нибудь дойдёт дело. Несмотря на чувство отвращения к самому себе, Йошимура всё ещё готов убивать в действительно безвыходных ситуациях, когда необходимо защитить тех, кто ему дорог: например, своих подчинённых.
Yoshimura (芳村, Yoshimura) is an SSS-rated ghoul and was the manager of the Anteiku café. He tries to help ghouls who cannot hunt or kill human beings for themselves due to his love of both species. He, at one point, takes in Ken Kaneki, a human-ghoul hybrid, and shows him the way of living as a ghoul.
Before, under the moniker of the One-Eyed Owl (隻眼の梟, Sekigan no Fukurō), he repeatedly tried to cover up for the real Owl's behavior, who was really his daughter Eto who he had with a human named Ukina when he went by the name Kuzen (功善, Kuzen). Later, when the CCG realizes there are two Owls, the ghoul investigators begin to call him the Non-Killing Owl (不殺の梟, Fusatsu no Fukurō). Following the Owl Suppression Operation he is captured for his kakuhou to be used to create the Owl-series of artificial one-eyed ghouls.
Yoshimura first met Ukina in a coffee café. Despite initially not caring for her, he was moved when she accepted his true nature. He loved her dearly and was shattered when he was forced to kill her under V's orders. Ukina was the catalyst for Yoshimura's change in personality as well as his inspiration to create Anteiku.
Although never seeing each other, Yoshimura loved Eto greatly and would do anything to protect her. Yoshimura stated that after Ukina's death, his child was the only thing that gave him hope. Even after knowing of the child's role as the leader of Aogiri, he still wants her happiness. However, Eto does not seem to hold the same feelings towards her father, since she captured her father to use him as the kakuhou donor for the creation of one-eyed ghouls.
Yoshimura knew Noro, back then known as Noroi, from when he was still Kuzen. While not much is known about their past, he trusted Noroi enough to leave Eto in his care.
Renji Yomo
Yoshimura first met Yomo when he saved him after he was almost killed by Kishou Arima. Sometime after their meeting, Yomo's personality tranquilized and his hot-blooded vengefulness subsided. Yoshimura trusts Yomo deeply, asking him to deal with meat collection and monitoring both Kaneki and Touka when they were fighting Koutarou Amon and Mado Kureo.
Ken Kaneki
Yoshimura cares for Kaneki. He is understanding to Kaneki's circumstances, and is the first person to offer assistance to him. He helps Kaneki accept his new nature, stating that he belongs to two different worlds, both human and ghoul, instead of not belonging to either. Yoshimura guided Kaneki in adapting to the world of ghouls and played a critical part in his development. When Kaneki returns to Anteiku, Yoshimura convinces him to return. He trusts Kaneki enough to tell him the truth about his daughter and entrusts him to save her.
Touka Kirishima
Yoshimura cared much about Touka's safety even before her employment at the cafe. During her visits to Anteiku for coffee, he would incessantly lecture her to be careful, despite the annoyance it would cause her. Later, he wishes Touka to live a life of a regular human girl, and pays for her tuition after enrolling her in a school, she sees him as a father-like figure to her.
Enji Koma
Enji's very loyal to him after he offered him a new life in Anteiku.
Kaya Irimi
Like Enji she possesses a deep-set loyalty towards him.
Nishiki Nishio
He offers Nishiki a second chance to live without killing, but requires him to work at Anteiku as payment. Later on, Nishiki complains that Yoshimura is always the type to clean up others' messes if allowed to—his way of showing affection for the shop's manager.
Roma Hoito
Their relationship was cordial, with Yoshimura often gently teasing her with wordplay or jokes. He had endless patience for her mistakes, but it does not seem he was fully aware of her true nature.
Seidou Takizawa
Though never having interacted, Yoshimura is the one indirectly responsible for saving Takizawa's life. His kakuhou was transplanted into the young human, transforming him into a one-eyed ghoul.
Koutarou Amon
Though never having interacted, Yoshimura is the one indirectly responsible for saving Amon's life. His kakuhou was transplanted into the young human, transforming him into a one-eyed ghoul.
Powers and Abilities
Ghoul Physiology: Yoshimura is a ghoul, possessing an ukaku kagune and a kakuja obtained from continuous cannibalization. His unique trait is shooting ukaku shards through his entire body.
A kind and generous old man, the manager shows that he is both wise and reasonable even among the ghouls. People like Nishiki Nishio often question his motives on how and why it is that he has come to be a solemn peacemaker in the 20th ward, but he is nonetheless reliable and great for those who serve him. As head of his organization Anteiku, he is not afraid to assert his authority, but his demands are mostly agreeable to Anteiku's members. Although rare among the ghouls, Yoshimura holds equal regard to both ghouls and humans.
His kind and fair nature is a stark contrast to what Yoshimura was in the past. During his early years as Kuzen, Yoshimura had a loner's mentality. He was too strong and his strength isolated him from others. He avoided others and closed his heart to anyone he came across. He resented his existence as a ghoul, seeing himself as a curse that killed others in order to stay alive.
After meeting Ukina, his personality took a change for the better. He began to slowly open up to her and eventually came to love her immensely. It is through his relationship with Ukina that Yoshimura decided to create Anteiku and develop his goal to help those like his past self and other ghouls or humans in need. This is best represented with the birth of his child, a bridge between ghouls and humans.
Yoshimura feels strong paternal love for his child and will do anything in his might to protect her: He seeked to hide his child in the 24th ward from V's eyes and became a substitute for the One-Eyed Owl in the 2nd ward attack on the CCG HQ to divert V's attention from his child.
Yoshimura values life and shuns people and ghouls alike if they kill. Because of his ideology, in the third attack by "Owl" on the 2nd Ward Branch Office, and even in the CCG raid on Aogiri's 11th Ward Base, he did not kill anyone, only injuring those he attacked.
Although he has forsaken killing since leaving V, Yoshimura is clearly aware of how his past actions have caused irreversible damage to others. As a result, Yoshimura sees himself as "evil" and is willing to accept death at the hands of his enemies should it ever happen. Despite this sense of self-loathing, he is still willing to kill in extremely desperate situations to protect those that are precious to him, such as his subordinates.
The man who eventually became Yoshimura was known as Kuzen. Kuzen was a ghoul who lived a bleak and resentful existence. As a ghoul, he ate humans to survive but took it further by eating other ghouls as well. Although Kuzen cursed his existence as a ghoul, he continued down upon it nonetheless. As his strength and abilities increased, Kuzen's name and reputation spread far and wide and came to the knowledge of an organization known as V. V offered Kuzen a position as a "cleaner" within their organization. Kuzen decided to accept their proposition. As one of V's "cleaners," he satisfied his hunger and expenses by wiping out rival human and ghoul organizations. Although Kuzen did not need to worry about basic needs such as hunger, he did not see the organization as his home but rather an employer. As a result, Kuzen continued to live a lonely solitary life. However one day while ordering a coffee in a café he often frequented, he met the human waitress named Ukina. Despite being a solitary person, Kuzen gradually grew closer to Ukina as he frequented the café, opening himself to her that he otherwise would not with other people.
Kuzen and Ukina, with Eto.
At some point, Ukina was able to find out Kuzen's true identity. Kuzen contemplated killing her but Ukina embraced him and saw how lonely his life had been. This event deepened Kuzen's love for Ukina and the two became lovers and she was eventually pregnant with Kuzen's child. Kuzen wanted to have the child, but he knew that the odds of a human-ghoul hybrid surviving pregnancy was extremely low because the child would starve to death within the womb. Kuzen frankly informed Ukina about this and that a "miracle" was needed in order for their child to survive. Throughout Ukina's pregnancy, Kuzen observed her eating human meat. This helped increase the child's survival rate and eventually lived to survive birth.
As Kuzen and Ukina lived together raising their child they named Eto, Kuzen noticed Ukina's diary and discovered Ukina was not a waitress but a journalist who was chasing V and discovered many of their secrets. Both Kuzen and Ukina were not aware of each other's affiliations and met by chance. V eventually discovered their relationship and ordered Kuzen to kill Ukina in order to protect themselves. Since the organization was too strong to oppose, Kuzen sadly killed Ukina. After her death, Kuzen left V and left his child to Noroi, an acquaintance in the 24th ward, knowing the area was far enough to escape from V's grasp.
Yoshimura vs. Arima.
Differences in the anime
Doves' Emergence
Yoshimura had afterwards used a lie about a car accident to cover up what had really happened to Kaneki and Hide in the incident with Nishiki and explained it to Kaneki.
Yoshimura later observed Kaneki's first attempts at making coffee and ensured his awareness of the occasional mix of human and ghoul customers. Before leaving, Yoshimura mentions the humans with large handbags or briefcases and he adds that he must be discreetly told if one were to enter the shop. Near the end of the day, Yoshimura showed Kaneki how to eat sandwiches like a human. He then gave Kaneki "sugar cubes" to curb his hunger after giving him tips to practice eating human food.
During the time Touka willed to avenge Ryouko Fueguchi, he refused to get involved with the Doves. However, Yoshimura was present at the place where Kaneki, Touka, and Hinami Fueguchi clashed with Koutarou Amon and Kureo Mado. And after the incident, he was glad the "human self" of Kaneki sided with the ghouls.
Gourmet Arc
Yoshimura made a speech about the ghouls who killed their emotions and forgot the value of life, after Kaneki escaped from the Ghoul Restaurant. Later he and Yomo discussed Shuu Tsukiyama's danger that was approaching Kaneki, it ended with Yoshimura's decision to leave Kaneki dealing with the danger by himself so he could grow up more.
Aogiri Arc
Kaneki was abducted while Yoshimura was away on business, possibly gathering information as to the condition of the 11th ward. After learning about his abduction, Yoshimura returned to Anteiku and told the ghouls gathered there that they would probably no longer have any contact with Kaneki, due to the situation.
Touka, Hinami Fueguchi, and Nishiki told Yoshimura that they would save Kaneki even if he would not, at which point he stated he wanted to confirm if they were willing to throw away their lives.
During the invasion of the CCG into Aogiri Tree's base consisting of several buildings, Yoshimura told Kaya Irimi and Hinami that he would buy time after the two had pinpointed the Special Class ghoul investigators carrying quinque.
Owl Suppression Operation
Yoshimura fights the Special Class ghoul investigators.
After the assault on Anteiku began, he appeared in the area and turned his focus on the CCG troops who flocked around. After transforming into his kakuja form he began monologuing about how evil the world was before slaughtering the nearby CCG forces, glaring at Yoshitoki Washuu. Soon after killing numerous investigators he begins to intimidate them greatly, he was then confronted by Shinohara and Kuroiwa with a combination attack before being shot at by Kousuke Houji's quinque. Continuously parrying the relentless attack they dealt towards him, Yoshimura began to feel annoyed with the way they were fighting. Later joining this battle came Juuzou Suzuya and Koori Ui who joined in on the consecutive attacks towards Yoshimura. As the battle went on, Ui was able to land a strike to his torso. Fleeing from their consecutive attacks, Suzuya confronted Yoshimura alone and managed to slash off his left arm, but lost his right leg in the process. Wounded, he made his last stand on a rooftop confronted by his previous pursuers and was finally taken down with Houji's last attack. Shortly after his body fell to the floor, the real One-Eyed Owl appeared in its full kakuja form, attacking the investigators. Shortly after, it handled all of the investigators present with ease until Kishou Arima arrived. Suffering blows from him alone, the One-Eyed Owl swallowed the wounded Yoshimura and escaped with him to another building. After regurgitating him, the One-Eyed Owl referred to him as her father.
Post-Owl Suppression Operation
Yoshimura was kept inside a liquid tank, much like Rize Kamishiro in Dr. Akihiro Kanou's old lab. His kakuhou had been farmed for the kakuhou transplant surgery to be done on humans. It is unknown how many subjects died during the experiments using Yoshimura, though only one successful "Owl" and a single "Floppy" had been produced among sixty-three kidnapped ghoul investigators during nearly three years of experiments.
Rose Extermination
It was later mentioned offhand that after all the kakuhou samples extracted from him over the years, nothing could have possibly been left of him or too little to allow for a full regeneration, thus implying that he was dead. His fate was never further discussed afterwards, corroborating that implication.
Yoshimura has swept back white hair and his eyes are usually closed. A tall, powerful man who is commonly in a formal waiter uniform. When traveling he dons a black cloak and hat. He frequently smiles with his head held high and arms behind the back. With a tranquilizing composure and a discreet nature, Yoshimura is both an enigma and a gentleman. While he was younger, he had black hair.
Yoshimura's ghoul mask covers half of his face with a hooked beak that resembles an owl. In his kakuja form, Yoshimura's kagune creates a mask that resembles the One-Eyed Owl's mask, with minor differences in the mouth lines' length and eye holes' curve.
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