Как заморозить время в dead rising 3
As the title says. The title puts un-due stress on me and makes me feel like I'm restricted in how I can play. There doesn't seem to be a mode that doesn't have a timer, at least not one I can see. Does anyone know if there's a mode for it? Or a mod? Or a hack? Something? This is really hampering my gameplay experience and making me feel like I have to rush everything and not be able to enjoy it.
It doesn't matter how long the timer is - it's still a timer. on an open-world game. It could be an entire month and I would still feel pressured to rush, so I want a way to remove it completely.
5 июл. 2016 в 17:51There is a trainer you can use that allows you to reset the time, so that every push of that button, the timer goes back to the beginning. It doesn't "remove" the timer, but press it every few hours and you're good.
It seems as though you've refunded the game though (as your name does not have the owned icon next to it), so it's kind of a moot point now.
5 июл. 2016 в 19:58It definitely matters how long the timer is when it is as long as it is in DR3. The timer is pretty long. You can also NG+ which is what the game was designed for. Screw around and just go into NG+ repeatedly if you want to do certain things. If you are trying to get everything in a single go on NG or NG+ you can do so leisurely as the timer is that long, even letting you go from level 1-50 and get all blueprints on one go.
Of course, if you refunded it and don't buy it back doesn't do you much good. They wanted a timer to make it harder to save everyone and do all the side stuff in one go because it was designed around NG+. Unfortunately, unlike the first two games the timer was made to adhere to more casual players and was basically given more than enough time, way to much time so it ought not exist at this point.
It definitely matters how long the timer is when it is as long as it is in DR3. The timer is pretty long. You can also NG+ which is what the game was designed for. Screw around and just go into NG+ repeatedly if you want to do certain things. If you are trying to get everything in a single go on NG or NG+ you can do so leisurely as the timer is that long, even letting you go from level 1-50 and get all blueprints on one go.
Of course, if you refunded it and don't buy it back doesn't do you much good. They wanted a timer to make it harder to save everyone and do all the side stuff in one go because it was designed around NG+. Unfortunately, unlike the first two games the timer was made to adhere to more casual players and was basically given more than enough time, way to much time so it ought not exist at this point.
My point is don't have open world games with timers. I makes me feel like I don't have enough time to do everything - even if they do give me more than enough time - I don't want to have to think about a time limit AT ALL. It ruins the enjoyment.
Yes, I refunded it because there didn't seem to be a direct way to 'pause' it.
6 июл. 2016 в 2:56 I forget there's even a time limit most of the time when free-romaing - the game gives a stupid amount of time to do everything - 7 in-game days when the story itself takes about 3 days, and time is slower than the previous games. 6 июл. 2016 в 4:58It definitely matters how long the timer is when it is as long as it is in DR3. The timer is pretty long. You can also NG+ which is what the game was designed for. Screw around and just go into NG+ repeatedly if you want to do certain things. If you are trying to get everything in a single go on NG or NG+ you can do so leisurely as the timer is that long, even letting you go from level 1-50 and get all blueprints on one go.
Of course, if you refunded it and don't buy it back doesn't do you much good. They wanted a timer to make it harder to save everyone and do all the side stuff in one go because it was designed around NG+. Unfortunately, unlike the first two games the timer was made to adhere to more casual players and was basically given more than enough time, way to much time so it ought not exist at this point.
My point is don't have open world games with timers. I makes me feel like I don't have enough time to do everything - even if they do give me more than enough time - I don't want to have to think about a time limit AT ALL. It ruins the enjoyment.
Yes, I refunded it because there didn't seem to be a direct way to 'pause' it. You don't have to think about the time limit at all. I actually thought they removed it in this game when I completed it.
6 июл. 2016 в 11:00It definitely matters how long the timer is when it is as long as it is in DR3. The timer is pretty long. You can also NG+ which is what the game was designed for. Screw around and just go into NG+ repeatedly if you want to do certain things. If you are trying to get everything in a single go on NG or NG+ you can do so leisurely as the timer is that long, even letting you go from level 1-50 and get all blueprints on one go.
Of course, if you refunded it and don't buy it back doesn't do you much good. They wanted a timer to make it harder to save everyone and do all the side stuff in one go because it was designed around NG+. Unfortunately, unlike the first two games the timer was made to adhere to more casual players and was basically given more than enough time, way to much time so it ought not exist at this point.
My point is don't have open world games with timers. I makes me feel like I don't have enough time to do everything - even if they do give me more than enough time - I don't want to have to think about a time limit AT ALL. It ruins the enjoyment.
Yes, I refunded it because there didn't seem to be a direct way to 'pause' it.
As others indicated you really don't have to think about time for the most part. The exception is when you are getting close to an event deadline go complete it than continue doing w/e it was you were. In the end you will have more than enough time to do basically anything. If by some chance you are descended from the ancient slowbro species than you can utilize NG+, a CORE mechanic in Dead Rising games tho I'm not sure if it has the "Dying" feature in it as I never died in DR3 before. In past DR games if you die you get an option its back to the start of a NG but with all your stats/etc. carried over (like a mini-NG+) or load last save and lose progress since then (I think). The NG+/carry over aspect is a core element, especially with multiple endings.
Heck, I don't see why you can't just do "everything" in NG+ if you wanted once you knew what you were doing. That is simply what the game was designed for and the timer is "supposed", but fails in DR3 as has been explained, to add a sense of "urgency and dilema" in your choices. Do I save this one extra survivor or go for the core mission so I don't risk missing it?
It isn't a design flaw, the game simply is not designed for you. To be more accurate, it probably is designed for you but you have a personal refusal to try to understand what is going on here despite everyone telling you and so it comes at your own expense. DR games certainly have their flaws, especially DR3's buggyness. In the end you may have refunded for another reason if not this had you continued, or perhaps you would have loved it. DR1 was extremely strict on the timer and I tried to do everythign (did by NG+2) and the strict timer annoyed me at first but it ended up being one of my favorite non-JRPGs and my fav DR game.
7 июл. 2016 в 17:58It definitely matters how long the timer is when it is as long as it is in DR3. The timer is pretty long. You can also NG+ which is what the game was designed for. Screw around and just go into NG+ repeatedly if you want to do certain things. If you are trying to get everything in a single go on NG or NG+ you can do so leisurely as the timer is that long, even letting you go from level 1-50 and get all blueprints on one go.
Of course, if you refunded it and don't buy it back doesn't do you much good. They wanted a timer to make it harder to save everyone and do all the side stuff in one go because it was designed around NG+. Unfortunately, unlike the first two games the timer was made to adhere to more casual players and was basically given more than enough time, way to much time so it ought not exist at this point.
My point is don't have open world games with timers. I makes me feel like I don't have enough time to do everything - even if they do give me more than enough time - I don't want to have to think about a time limit AT ALL. It ruins the enjoyment.
Yes, I refunded it because there didn't seem to be a direct way to 'pause' it.
Dead Rising is a franchise all about managing your limited amount of time and resources in order to garner the best result. If this is something you don't like, then that's just how it is. However, Dead Rising 3 has a time limit SO long that you really don't even have to kind of think about what you're doing, you get seven in-game days, with more than enough time to ♥♥♥♥ around and do whatever it is you want.
Dead Rising 4 will be losing it's key feature in the form of the time limit, so that piece of crap might be more up your alley.
My point is don't have open world games with timers. I makes me feel like I don't have enough time to do everything - even if they do give me more than enough time - I don't want to have to think about a time limit AT ALL. It ruins the enjoyment.
Yes, I refunded it because there didn't seem to be a direct way to 'pause' it.
Dead Rising is a franchise all about managing your limited amount of time and resources in order to garner the best result. If this is something you don't like, then that's just how it is. However, Dead Rising 3 has a time limit SO long that you really don't even have to kind of think about what you're doing, you get seven in-game days, with more than enough time to ♥♥♥♥ around and do whatever it is you want.
Dead Rising 4 will be losing it's key feature in the form of the time limit, so that piece of crap might be more up your alley.
ah perfect! It's going to have the more interesting character anyway! However they said the same thing about this title and. well.. i still had a timer.
Трейнер / Trainer (+21) [ Update 6] [64 Bit] [Baracuda] Dead Rising 3
Инструкция по установке трейнера
Как правильно распаковать файл?
В 95% случаев файлы для игр представлены в формате .RAR или .ZIP. Первые можно скачать и распаковать с помощью триал-версии программы WinRAR. Для этого откройте архив с помощью этой программы с нажмите на кнопку “Извлечь” (“Extract to” в английской версии) и выберите любую папку на жестком диске, но не выбирайте папку с игрой, так как в архиве могут быть вложенные папки, и тогда файл не заработает.
Если файл запакован в ZIP-архив, то достаточно будет открыть его через стандартный “Проводник” Windows. Иногда могут встречаться архивы с расширением .7Z, чтобы распаковать их, потребуется загрузить архиватор 7-Zip. Он бесплатный и довольно удобный, и к тому же может работать с .RAR и кучей других, менее популярных типов архивов.
Как правильно установить трейнер?
Когда вы распаковали архив, найдите его через "Проводник" и просмотрите содержимое папки. Обычно трейнер представляет собой один-единственный файл с расширением .EXE, но иногда может включать в себя и другие, а также инструкцию (обычно называется ReadMe.txt).
Способ установки у всех трейнеров схож и заключается в том, чтобы поместить все файлы в дистрибутив игры, в ту же папку, где находится исполняемый файл, который и отвечает за запуск игры. Иногда найти его не так уж и просто, но если у вас на рабочем столе есть иконка, с помощью которой можно запустить игру, то вы можете воспользоваться следующим способом:
1. Нажать правой кнопкой мыши на иконку;
2. В открывшемся контекстном меню выбрать опцию "Свойства";
3. В открывшемся окне перейти на вкладку "Ярлык" и нажать на кнопку "Расположение файла".
После этого в "Проводнике" откроется папка, в которой и находится EXE-файл игры. Трейнер нужно скопировать в ту же папку, если в инструкции, приложенной к трейнеру, не сказано иначе.
После этого останется только запустить трейнер и ознакомиться с сочетаниями клавиш для активации его возможностей, а затем, не закрывая трейнер, запустить игру.
Инструкция по установке трейнера
Как правильно распаковать файл?
В 95% случаев файлы для игр представлены в формате .RAR или .ZIP. Первые можно скачать и распаковать с помощью триал-версии программы WinRAR. Для этого откройте архив с помощью этой программы с нажмите на кнопку “Извлечь” (“Extract to” в английской версии) и выберите любую папку на жестком диске, но не выбирайте папку с игрой, так как в архиве могут быть вложенные папки, и тогда файл не заработает.
Если файл запакован в ZIP-архив, то достаточно будет открыть его через стандартный “Проводник” Windows. Иногда могут встречаться архивы с расширением .7Z, чтобы распаковать их, потребуется загрузить архиватор 7-Zip. Он бесплатный и довольно удобный, и к тому же может работать с .RAR и кучей других, менее популярных типов архивов.
Как правильно установить трейнер?
Когда вы распаковали архив, найдите его через "Проводник" и просмотрите содержимое папки. Обычно трейнер представляет собой один-единственный файл с расширением .EXE, но иногда может включать в себя и другие, а также инструкцию (обычно называется ReadMe.txt).
Способ установки у всех трейнеров схож и заключается в том, чтобы поместить все файлы в дистрибутив игры, в ту же папку, где находится исполняемый файл, который и отвечает за запуск игры. Иногда найти его не так уж и просто, но если у вас на рабочем столе есть иконка, с помощью которой можно запустить игру, то вы можете воспользоваться следующим способом:
1. Нажать правой кнопкой мыши на иконку;
2. В открывшемся контекстном меню выбрать опцию "Свойства";
3. В открывшемся окне перейти на вкладку "Ярлык" и нажать на кнопку "Расположение файла".
После этого в "Проводнике" откроется папка, в которой и находится EXE-файл игры. Трейнер нужно скопировать в ту же папку, если в инструкции, приложенной к трейнеру, не сказано иначе.
После этого останется только запустить трейнер и ознакомиться с сочетаниями клавиш для активации его возможностей, а затем, не закрывая трейнер, запустить игру.
Dead Rising 3 - Apocalypse Edition: Трейнер/Trainer (+24) [ / Update - 3]
Скопировать все файлы из архива в корень установленной игры.
Запустить сначала трейнер, потом игру.
Во время игры нажимайте на клавиши указанные в трейнере.
1 - Если трейнер не работает, то перезапустите его не выключая игру
2 - Версия игры должна совпадать с версией трейнера для правильной работы.
P.S. - Возможно трейнер будет поддерживать и другие версии игры
3 - Если возникают другие проблемы с трейнером то попробуйте запустить его с правами администратора и с совместимостью Windows 7 или Windows XP
Dead Rising 3 → Файлы
Трейнер / Trainer (+21) [ Update 6] [64 Bit] [Baracuda]
[Trainer] для [64 Bit] версии [Trainer] для лицензии и пиратки [Trainer] для самой последний версии игры, на сегодняшний день [Версия Игры ver Update 6] [Ttrainer] был проверен на 3 операционных системах, [Windows 7-Windows 8.1-Windows 10] всё запускалось и работало корректно.
[Trainer] находится в архиве, для распаковки понадобится WinRAR или WinZIP
обязательно постав те [Trainer] в исключения антивирусной программы, что-бы программа не удалила, [Trainer].
запусти с начало игру, потом [Trainer]
во время игры нажми на клавишу, указанную в [Trainer].
у кого [Trainer] не работает, убедитесь что файл запуска игры, который лежит в главном каталоге установленной игры, называется deadrising3 если нет то переименуйте его на deadrising3
если [Trainer] не запускается, делаем режим совместимости стой операционной системой которая у вас установлена, [Windows 7-Windows 8.1-Windows 10]
[Trainer] нужно запускать от имени администратора, это обязательно, что-бы не возникало проблем с запуском [Trainer]
Dead Rising 3 → Файлы
Трейнер / Trainer (+26) [1.5.0] [LinGon] Dead Rising 3
Трейнер / Trainer (+26) [1.5.0] [LinGon]
Автор: LinGon
Издание: Retail / Steam
Версия: 1.5.0
Язык: Eng
Функций: 26
Дата выпуска: 25.10.2014
Горячие клавиши и возможности трейнера:
- Home — Активировать Трейнер (Active Trainer)
- Numpad 1 — Бессмертие (Inf. Health)
- Numpad 2 — Бессмертные Напарники (Inf. Buddy Health)
- Numpad 3 — Беск. Выносливость (Inf. Stamina)
- Numpad 4 — Беск. Патроны (Inf. Ammo)
- Numpad 5 — Беск. Взрывчатка (Inf. Explosives)
- Numpad 6 — Увеличить Счётчик Убитых Зомби (Add Zombies Killed)
- Numpad 7 — Сбросить Счётчик Убитых Зомби (Set 0 Zombie Killed)
- Numpad 8 — Много Очков Престижа / Быстрый Подъём Уровня (Set High Level / PP Count)
- Numpad 9 — Добавить Очки Атрибутики (Add AP)
- Numpad 0 — Неразрушимое Оружие (Inf. Weapon Durability)
- J Key — Увеличить Урон (Increased Damage)
- K Key — "Крутой" Режим (Kick-Ass Mode)
- M Key — Маленький Игрок (Mini You)
- B Key — Мгновенное Комбинирование Оружия (Instant Weapon Combine)
- O Key — Невидимость (Stealth)
- I Key — Беск. Способности (Inf. Abilities)
- O Key — Заморозить Таймер Дополнительной Миссии (Freeze Side Mission Timer)
- P Key — Изменить Время Суток — День / Ночь (Toggle Time — Day / Night)
- L Key — Сбросить Очки Атрибутики (Reset AP)
- End Key — Заморозить Таймер Миссии (Freeze Mission Timer)
- Delete Key — Полный Сброс Уровня Игрока и Очков Престижа (Reset Player Level & PP)
- Page Up — Ускорить Время (Speed Up)
- Delete Key — Замедлить Время (Bullet Time)
- F10 — Запомнить Локацию (Store Location)
- F11 — Телепортироваться (Teleport)
- F12 — Отменить Телепортацию (Undo Teleportation)
- Insert — Телепортироваться к Пользовательской Метке (Teleport to Waypoint)
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