Как загрузить сохранение candy box 2
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bool candiesThrownGotChocolateBar = true , bool candyBoxBoxOpened = true , bool castleBigRoomHovenHappy = true , bool castleRoom2LitFire = true , bool castleRoom2TookObject = true , bool castleTowerFirstVisitDone = true , bool castleTowerPStoneDone = true , bool castleTowerLStoneDone = true , bool castleTowerAStoneDone = true , bool castleTowerYStoneDone = true , bool castleTowerTookTalkingCandy = true , bool castleKilledNougatMonster = true , bool cellarDone = true , bool dragonDone = true , bool dragonUnlockedCyclops = true , bool forgeFoundLollipop = true , bool forgeBoughtWoodenSword = true , bool forgeBoughtIronAxe = true , bool forgeBoughtPolishedSilverSword = true , bool forgeBoughtLightweightBodyArmour = true , bool forgeBoughtScythe = true , bool fortressRoom1ChestFound = true , bool fortressRoom3ChestFound = true , bool fourthHouseFoundLollipopOnCupboard = true , bool gameDebug = true , bool gameInvertedColors = false , bool lighthousePuzzleDone = true , bool lollipopFarmPlant1LollipopButtonUnlocked = true , bool lollipopFarmPlant10LollipopsButtonUnlocked = true , bool lollipopFarmPlant100LollipopsButtonUnlocked = true , bool lollipopFarmPlant1000LollipopsButtonUnlocked = true , bool lollipopFarmIsProductionEachSecond = true , bool lollipopFarmConstructMillButtonUnlocked = true , bool lollipopFarmMillConstructed = true , bool lollipopFarmDigPondButtonUnlocked = true , bool lollipopFarmPondDug = true , bool lollipopFarmPondFeedingLolligators = true , bool lonelyHouseOpenBoxDone = true , bool lonelyHouseShakeBoxDone = true , bool lonelyHouseBreakLockDone = true , bool lonelyHouseKickBoxDone = true , bool lonelyHouseAskTheBoxToOpenItselfDone = true , bool lonelyHouseLureTheBoxWithACandyDone = true , bool lonelyHouseTakeTheBoxDone = true , bool mainMapDoneDesert = true , bool mainMapDoneBridge = true , bool mainMapDoneCaveEntrance = true , bool mainMapDonePier = true , bool mainMapDoneForest = true , bool mainMapDoneCastleEntrance = true , bool questPlayerSpellHealthPotionHasSpell = true , bool questPlayerSpellTurtlePotionHasSpell = true , bool questPlayerSpellAntiGravityPotionHasSpell = true , bool questPlayerSpellBerserkPotionHasSpell = true , bool questPlayerSpellCloningPotionHasSpell = true , bool questPlayerSpellPPotionHasSpell = true , bool questPlayerSpellXPotionHasSpell = true , bool secondHouseLollipop1Bought = true , bool secondHouseLollipop2Bought = true , bool secondHouseLollipop3Bought = true , bool secondHouseLeatherBootsBought = true , bool secondHouseChocolateBarBought = true , bool secondHouseMerchantHatBought = true , bool secondHouseTimeRingBought = true , bool sorceressHutTookLollipop = true , bool sorceressHutBoughtGrimoire = true , bool sorceressHutBoughtGrimoire2 = true , bool sorceressHutBoughtCauldron = true , bool sorceressHutBoughtHat = true , bool statusBarUnlocked = true , bool statusBarUnlockedCfg = true , bool statusBarUnlockedSave = true , bool statusBarUnlockedMap = true , bool statusBarUnlockedInventory = true , bool statusBarUnlockedLollipopFarm = true , bool statusBarUnlockedCauldron = true , bool statusBarUnlockedInsideYourBox = true , bool statusBarUnlockedTheComputer = true , bool statusBarUnlockedTheArena = true , bool statusBarUnlockedHealthBar = true , bool SuperRPGReward1 = true , bool SuperRPGReward2 = true , bool SuperRPGReward3 = true , bool SuperRPGReward4 = true , bool SuperRPGUnlockedHardmode = true , bool TheCavePattern_ChocolateBarNowGotTheBar = true , bool TheCavePattern_TreasureMapSawMap = true , bool TheCavePattern_TreasureMapFoundTreasure = true , bool theHoleFirstChestFound = true , bool theHoleSecondChestFound = true , bool theHoleThirdChestFound = true , bool theHoleFourthChestFound = true , bool wishingWellFirstCandyThrown = true , bool wishingWellFirstLollipopThrown = true , bool wishingWellWeAreEnchanting = true , bool wishingWellWeArePainAuChocolating = true , bool gridItemPossessedMainMap = true , bool gridItemPossessedTimeRing = true , bool gridItemPossessedThirdHouseKey = true , bool gridItemPossessedBeginnersGrimoire = true , bool gridItemPossessedFeather = true , bool gridItemPossessedPogoStick = true , bool gridItemPossessedHeartPlug = true , bool gridItemPossessedAdvancedGrimoire = true , bool gridItemPossessedSponge = true , bool gridItemPossessedShellPowder = true , bool gridItemPossessedRedSharkFin = true , bool gridItemPossessedBlackMagicGrimoire = true , bool gridItemPossessedGreenSharkFin = true , bool gridItemPossessedPurpleSharkFin = true , bool gridItemPossessedHeartPendant = true , bool gridItemPossessedFortressKey = true , bool gridItemPossessedUnicornHorn = true , bool gridItemPossessedXinopherydonClaw = true , bool gridItemPossessedPitchfork = true , bool gridItemPossessedTalkingCandy = true , bool gridItemPossessedP = true , bool gridItemPossessedL = true , bool gridItemPossessedA = true , bool gridItemPossessedY = true , bool eqItemWeaponWoodenSword = true , bool eqItemWeaponIronAxe = true , bool eqItemWeaponPolishedSilverSword = true , bool eqItemWeaponTrollBludgeon = true , bool eqItemWeaponMonkeyWizardStaff = true , bool eqItemWeaponEnchantedMonkeyWizardStaff = true , bool eqItemWeaponTribalSpear = true , bool eqItemWeaponSummoningTribalSpear = true , bool eqItemWeaponGiantSpoon = true , bool eqItemWeaponScythe = true , bool eqItemWeaponGiantSpoonOfDoom = true , bool eqItemHatOctopusKingCrown = true , bool eqItemHatOctopusKingCrownWithJaspers = true , bool eqItemHatOctopusKingCrownWithObsidian = true , bool eqItemHatMerchantHat = true , bool eqItemHatSorceressHat = true , bool eqItemBodyArmoursLightweightBodyArmour = true , bool eqItemBodyArmoursKnightBodyArmour = true , bool eqItemBodyArmoursEnchantedKnightBodyArmour = true , bool eqItemGlovesLeatherGloves = true , bool eqItemGlovesRedEnchantedGloves = true , bool eqItemGlovesPinkEnchantedGloves = true , bool eqItemBootsLeatherBoots = true , bool eqItemBootsRocketBoots = true , bool eqItemBootsBootsOfIntrospection = true , number aTreeStep = 0 , number cauldronBookCurrentPage = 0 , number fourthHouseCupboardStep = 2 , number fourthHouseCarpetStep = 0 , number galacticWarsBestScore = 0 , number gameSecondsElapsedSinceLastLollipopsProduction = 0 , number gameCandiesAccumulated = 50893509566634 , number gameCandiesCurrent = 9030234539383 , number gameCandiesMax = 41338792302602 , number gameLollipopsAccumulated = 5.000000000000477e + 24 , number gameLollipopsCurrent = 1.308999083728135e + 24 , number gameLollipopsMax = 5e + 24 , number gameChocolateBarsAccumulated = 1 , number gameChocolateBarsCurrent = 1 , number gameChocolateBarsMax = 1 , number gamePainsAuChocolatAccumulated = 0 , number gamePainsAuChocolatCurrent = 0 , number gamePainsAuChocolatMax = 0 , number gameCandiesEatenAccumulated = 41417349418863 , number gameCandiesEatenCurrent = 41417349418863 , number gameCandiesEatenMax = 41417349418863 , number gameCandiesThrownAccumulated = 3080 , number gameCandiesThrownCurrent = 3080 , number gameCandiesThrownMax = 3080 , number gameCandiesUsedToRequestFeaturesAccumulated = 55 , number gameCandiesUsedToRequestFeaturesCurrent = 55 , number gameCandiesUsedToRequestFeaturesMax = 55 , number gameCandiesInCauldronAccumulated = 0 , number gameCandiesInCauldronCurrent = 0 , number gameCandiesInCauldronMax = 0 , number gameLollipopsInCauldronAccumulated = 0 , number gameLollipopsInCauldronCurrent = 0 , number gameLollipopsInCauldronMax = 0 , number gameGiftPower = 0 , number gameGiftHealth = 0 , number gameGiftMagic = 0 , number lollipopFarmLollipopsPlanted = 92000 , number lollipopFarmTimeSinceLastProduction = 0 , number lollipopFarmProduction = 4500 , number lollipopFarmPondHowManyLolligators = 79 , number lollipopFarmPondConversionRate = 1003517464 , number lollipopFarmPreviousCandiesProduction = 12586269025 , number lollipopFarmCurrentCandiesProduction = 20365011074 , number mainMapDefaultScroll = 371 , number playerHp = 1560 , number questPlayerSpellHealthPotionQuantity = 0 , number questPlayerSpellAntiGravityPotionQuantity = 0 , number questPlayerSpellTurtlePotionQuantity = 0 , number questPlayerSpellBerserkPotionQuantity = 0 , number questPlayerSpellCloningPotionQuantity = 0 , number questPlayerSpellPPotionQuantity = 0 , number questPlayerSpellXPotionQuantity = 0 , number statusBarCornerStep = 0 , number wishingWellPreviousCandyWishPrice = 1 , number wishingWellCurrentCandyWishPrice = 1 , number wishingWellCurrentLollipopWishPrice = 1 , number wishingWellHowManyChocolateBarsThrown = 0 , number wishingWellHowManyPainsAuChocolatThrown = 0 , string gameLanguage = en , string gameWeaponSelected = eqItemWeaponGiantSpoonOfDoom , string gameHatSelected = eqItemHatSorceressHat , string gameBodyArmourSelected = eqItemBodyArmoursEnchantedKnightBodyArmour , string gameGlovesSelected = eqItemGlovesRedEnchantedGloves , string gameBootsSelected = eqItemBootsRocketBoots , string gameGameMode = normal
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Cheats/Candy Box 2
By tweaking the text given from the "Get the current game as text" box of the save tab of Candy Box 2, the player can cheat.
What to do
The player cannot use the Javascript/Developer's Console like they could in Candy Box. Instead, they can use the save tab. For example, click the "Get the current game as text" option at the Save tab. You should notice a lot of "true"s and "false"s. These basically mean whether or not you have done something. Take the part "bool gridItemPossessedMainMap=false" as an example. If you've just started the game and haven't even defeated the Rats in the cellar, you will, of course, not have the world map. However, change "false" to "true". Then, copy the code, and paste it into the "Load" box. Click load, and you'll notice you can view the world map despite not defeating the rats. This is because, by change "false" to "true", you told the game you possess the world map, and it behaves as such.
Additionally, you can change items. Say, for example, you want a better weapon, better armor, etc. Determine the weapon/armor you want, then locate the line of code it is in after clicking "Get the current game as text" by pressing Ctrl + F to bring up a search bar for the page. For simplicity, you should have at least bought the Wooden sword. So, if you want the monkey wizard staff, find the "eqItemWeaponEnchantedMonkeyWizardStaff" code, and change "=false" to "=true." Then, simply copy all of the code in the box, and paste it into the Load box and click "Load." You can then go the Inventory tab and equip your new weapon!
Armors work the same way. If you want the Materials
To restock some of the materials in the game (candies, lollipops, chocolate bars, and pains au chocolat), simply overwrite some of the data in the "current game as text," and enjoy!
For candies, you'll just need to change up some numbers. Let's say you're in a lazy mood today, and want a lot of candies. Click "Get the current game as text", and locate the line "number gameCandiesCurrent=X". Just change the number of the code line to however many you want (if you want 9,999 candies, change all three numbers to 9999; no commas).
Lollipops and chocolate bars are basically the same thing. Locate the lines "number gameLollipopsCurrent=X" and "number gameChocolateBarsCurrent=X" (they're right after the candies bit). Like with candies, just change the numbers already there to whatever amounts you want.
Ча.Во. (Часто Задаваемые Вопросы)
Когда вы нажимаете кнопку "Save", рядом с ней появляется ссылка. Нужно просто кликнуть по ней и ваша сохранённая игра загрузится. Вы можете добавить эту ссылку в закладки, если пожелаете!
Моя леденцовая ферма не производит леденцы! Написано, что производится x/день или x/час но я не получаю их.
Вы получите ваши леденцы, как только придёт время, ведь это настоящие дни и настоящие часы. Вы должны посадить больше леденцов, чтобы увеличить скорость производства до x/мин или выше!
Я не могу найти ответы на вопросы от лягушки :'(
Вы можете попросить друга о помощи! Ответы зачастую просты, но неочевидны.
Я могу пройти в кузницу, но я всё, что я вижу там - это "Здесь стоит наковальня." Когда я смогу ей пользоваться?
У вас ещё нет подходящего меча. Вы точно ответили на все вопросы от лягушки? ;)
Я не могу купить заклинание за 60 тысяч в хижине!
Волшебница, как можно понять из её имени, может работать только с волшебными мечами. Поэтому вам нужно сперва зачаровать свой меч для того, чтобы получить возможность покупать заклинания.
Я вижу котёл в своём инвентаре, но я не могу получить к нему доступ!
Эта ошибка иногда случается в браузерах, основанных на движке Chromium (например, Google Chrome), на некоторых компьютерах.
Даже если вы не видите опцию котла вверху на странице, вы всё равно сможете туда попасть, используя клавишу "стрелка вправо" на клавиатуре.
[Spoiler] [Tip] Candy Box 2 - Quick SuperRPG Guide
0atk/0def Chest that gives bonus gold. The exceptions to this are the Kitty Vampire stage which kind of just interrupts
the flow for a stage and the procedural shape stages. Atk and Def in the game is straightforward. [Your ATK]-[Their DEF]=[DMG] and the opposite for how much dmg you take.
me know. Right now 23 is my best run. When it switches to procedurally generated shapes it becomes a dmg race to see how
long u last as the weapons stop upgrading.
The strategy is to obviously heal when u need to, but dont waste money on a 3hp heal when it gives 8hp. Try to buy as
little as possible and buy health pendants as much as possible. At any given point you could survive without buying a
have not been buying optimally.
In the asterisks are what I recommend doing. The RNG pretty much punishes you at low numbers, so you may die occasionally
EDIT: Store stays the same, monster atk and hp just keeps scaling up. -thx WillThGreat
row on Lvl 9, or 3 3atk slimes on lvl 1, or 3 angry slimes on lvl 2. Apart from that it should all be solid.
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