Как выглядит tabi из fnf
Если вы искали лучшее место в Интернете, чтобы сыграть в последние онлайн-игры Friday Night Funkin Games, то вы попали в него, так как это наш веб-сайт, где наша команда рада поделиться с вами такой игрой, как FNF vs. TABI Ex-Boyfriend, где происходит битва между парнями, нынешним и бывшим!
Подруга и Таби встречались? Сможет ли Бойфренд победить его?
Таби выглядит как рэпер, в классной спортивной одежде, туфлях и кепке, но его голова - это голова скелета с огромными рогами, вроде козла, потому что он был КОЗЕЙ, величайшим из всех времен, одним из лучших рэперов, пока его не использовали GF и ее отец. После похищения он вернулся, чтобы отомстить, даже взорвав ресторан, чтобы попытаться заполучить GF, так что теперь вы должны помочь Парню победить его в битве ритмов и защитить его любимого человека.
Песни, включенные в этот мод:
- Моя битва
- Последний шанс
- Геноцид
Как играть в FNF vs TABI Ex Boyfriend онлайн:
Это та часть, которую вам нужно прочитать, если вы новичок в этой серии! Чтобы выиграть матч, вам нужно иметь лучший ритм и отбивать все ноты рэп-песни и все рифмы, не пропуская слишком много нот подряд, потому что, если это произойдет, вы проиграете и вам придется начинать все с нуля.
Когда вы видите стрелки над совпадением BF, нажмите те же стрелки на клавиатуре в одно и то же время, и ноты будут правильными, но если вы опоздали или рано, это промах. Удачи, наслаждайтесь и получайте удовольствие, как только здесь возможно!
Warnings: Screen Shaking, Unsettling, Saddening.
Notices: Large Page, Upcoming Content, Fan-Favorite.
I remember when I woke up, everything seemed so. foggy. - Trollge
This article/mod contains a heavy amount of screen shaking and distortion. Those who suffer from motion sickness or screen sickness easily should proceed carefully.
Reason: The screen shakes in Genocide whenever Tabi sings.
so much dialogue in this mod god damn - Boyfriend
This article is very long, and could slow down your browser by opening or editing it. Please proceed with caution.
Leave now or face the consequences! - Tabi
This page contains imagery, themes, mod or character that either comes from something that may make the reader uncomfortable or appears unsettling, continue at your own risk!
Reason: Tabi explodes the restaurant with bombs in "Genocide", he also harms Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and himself with said bombs. If Boyfriend loses in "Genocide", a knife can be seen visibly stabbed into his skull. His new appearance and poses in "Genocide" may look creepy to some people, and also its name. One more thing forgotten to be told, the second part of the below.
Óh ne! I dont have problem with that Mr. Dearest! - Cheeky
This article may contain themes that may depress the user.
Come on! It's gonna be a big night! - Sarvente
This mod has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a Funkin' Forward direct (or something of that nature), a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information! This article likely has placeholder content. Please refrain from adding any false or unconfirmed information.
Tight bars, little man. - Garcello
This mod is a fan favorite! It's considered one of the best mods the FNF community has to offer.
Physical description
Eye color
Before The Betrayal
When Tabi was a baby, his parents abandoned him and he lived in an orphanage.
- NOTE: This story is officially now canon by Homskiy during the "Questions & Update" voice chat call on Discord.
Tabi and Girlfriend were actually dating at some point in time, though a year later, they broke up. When they both started dating, he was a novice music producer who had passion and love for his work. Their relationship was going so well, all until he met her dad.
The Betrayal Itself (Or After Betrayal)
Girlfriend's dad, being an ex-rockstar, wanted his little girl to be just like him. That's why they both started using Tabi for their advantage. Years had passed since they were together, when Tabi suddenly came to notice that his girlfriend was using him for her own career and didn't actually care about him at all. And at the time, he even lost his career helping his girlfriend to become a star. He had to sacrifice doing what he loved and do what she tells him to do. Once she knew he understood everything, a couple of guys came to Tabi's house and kidnapped him. He woke up in some alleyway without clothes, and…surprisingly, without his body. To his shock, it was invisible except his hands, which were reduced to pure bones.
After having been reduced to just about nothing, Tabi was massively depressed and saddened by what had occured. However, he quickly knew who did this to him right away, Daddy Dearest. And for that, he will take his revenge by killing them both.
Tabi's Plan
After attempting to defeat Boyfriend three times in their rap battle, he was defeated and his plan to kill Girlfriend ended in failure. Not much is known on what happened after the incident but Tabi may have escaped.
Character Icons
― Tabi, Last Chance
Not to be confused with Tari, Taki or Taeyai
Tabi is a character created by Homskiy. He is the ex of Girlfriend.
He was originally a successful rapper before realizing he was being used by Girlfriend and her father for their own gain, until later being kidnapped and leaving him as the way he is now. He comes back a year later to settle the score with them, even if it means wiping out anyone in between.
Tabi is shown to have extreme hostility and anger issues, given that he has been holding a grudge against Girlfriend and Daddy Dearest for a year. He also seems to have a merciless attitude after blowing up the restaurant, killing multiple people and severely injuring most of them just to kill Girlfriend. Surprising or not, he does not hold a grudge against Boyfriend. In fact, he tries to persuade him into leaving Girlfriend behind, as he thinks Boyfriend is just another "victim". He holds that mindset until his second song, Last Chance, when he realizes Boyfriend was not allowing him to hurt/injure Girlfriend, no matter what. He is also close friends with A.G.O.T.I. and closer friends with his older brother, Aldryx Andromeda, as well as Ayana. When Girlfriend was still dating Tabi, he was a normal human, and also a music producer who had passion for his work. His relationship to Girlfriend was very strong, until Daddy Dearest decided to use him for his own benefit, and Girlfriend had no intention of doing this. While Tabi was a human, he was known to be really kind and nice.
Gameplay Mechanics - Poison Notes And Screen Moves
During Genocide, Boyfriend will constantly lose 1% health per second. Each note on Tabi's note chart (which will glow for each hit) will also lower Boyfriend's health by 1%. To balance it, Boyfriend will be starting at 100%, rather than the usual 50%, and the max health he can get is 150%, which is displayed by moving the HP bar itself to the left.
- Tabi's head is reminiscent of a goat's skull, which is a goat headed skull that Daddy Dearest forced Tabi to wear, and he also has skeletal hands. He wears a dark bluish-grey/greyish-blue worker's hat (or a cap to be exact), a greyish-blue/bluish-grey hoodie with a pale blue symbol on the front, bluish-grey/greyish-blue fingerless gloves, dark grey sweatpants, and black sneakers with yellow soles, yellow parts, and a golden triangle symbol on each side. His eye right socket also has a glowing yellow light inside of it.
- In Genocide, he holds a tactical airstrike (bomb detonator), and his pants, jacket, and hat have some scratches, tears, rips, and holes. He sports many cracks and crevices throughout his body, and having a broken lower jaw, multiples of cracks on the goat headed skull, left hand, and right horn. Also, some of the parts that were on the top half of his left horn are missing.
- Ah yes. September 11th, 2001 7:08AM, I almost died but I killed like I was supposed to.
Как выглядит tabi из fnf
I K A R [M A], именно
Люди не умеют читать, но доебаться нужно до всего на свете
Я не уверен, что половина аудитории в тт является адекватной, хах
не знаю, зачем это пишу, но мне стыдно в какой-то мере за ру фд фнф(я говорю не про всех, а про некоторых). они на любой контент, где видят "типа ЛГБТ" кидаются, подобно собакам, будь-то просто арт, где изображена дружба, как в данном случае. М-де
Кира, понимаю, у меня так с большинством фд, в которых я заинтересован":D
Biographical information
Place of birth
FNF: Tabi the Ex-Boyfriend in HD
Таби - сердитый рогатый скелет, бывший бойфренд GF из Friday Night Funkin, поэтому, конечно, в какой-то момент между ним и бойфрендом может произойти конфронтация, которую вы, возможно, уже много раз встречали на нашем сайте раньше, но теперь вы можете заново испытать оригинальный мод, только с HD-ремастером, где все выглядит и звучит лучше. Победите этого популярного антагониста в авторских песнях.
Покажи Таби, что парень лучше еще раз, на этот раз в HD!
Вы можете сразиться с этим персонажем как в режиме истории, так и в режиме свободной игры, выбор за вами, и в любом случае у вас одна и та же цель, которая заключается в достижении конца песен, играя все его ноты в соответствии с диаграммами. .
Для этого, когда символы стрелок над BF совпадают, вам нужно нажимать те же клавиши со стрелками и продолжать делать это без промахов, потому что слишком много промахов означает проигрыш в игре.
Промах - это либо нажатие стрелки слишком поздно или слишком рано, либо нажатие не тех клавиш, поэтому не позволяйте этому случиться, а вместо этого выигрывайте и получайте удовольствие!
- Normal
- Genocide
- Genocide (Old)
Girlfriend (Ex)Daddy Dearest (Enemy)
Aldryx Andromeda (Best Friend)
Mr. Trololo (Acquaintance)
Ayana (Fan)
A.G.O.T.I. (Friend With Benefits)
Created by
Tabi Ex-Boyfriend Mod Dev Team
Voiced by
Appears in
Friday Night Funkin' (As A Mod)FNF Tabi Love Week (Upcoming)
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