Как выглядит senpai из fnf
Как бы это грустно не звучало, но я выгорел.
Мне не интересен Фнф. Уже приелось, да и постоянные скандалы и срачи на пустом месте не помогают поддерживать былой интерес.
Я не хочу оставлять группу, как архив по принципу: "Ето моё дитя и только я могу
Бытб админом ы". Именно поэтому я хочу найти нового админа, который продолжит моё дело. Если вы хотите продлить жизнь этой группы, то обязательно пишите мне)
По поводу новеллы всё очень сложно. В своём проекте я и сценарист, и художник спрайтов, и главный пинальщик людей. Я понял, что мне уже в тягость заниматься новеллой из-за большого объёма работы, отсутствия любви к фандому и никакущего внимания к новелле со стороны фанатов фнф.
Будь я один - давно-бы забил, но со мной работали другие люди, которые тратили своё время и силы на это. Теперь я не знаю что делать. Конечно, я бы мог через силу закончить начатое, но и у нас всё не так гладко и мы до сих пор не нашли нового фоновика ( а без него продолжать работу - бессмысленно)
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Character Icons
Senpai is the primary antagonist of Week 6. His tracks include Senpai and Roses.
Created by
Voiced by
Appears in
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Physical Description
Eye color
(Senpai originally had heretochromia : Baby Blue and Green)
Hair color
Senpai/Spirit - Mods for Friday Night Funkin'
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A long time ago, someone was forcefully trapped within the confines of a dating simulator game by Daddy Dearest under unknown circumstances. Now stuck in the game without any hope of escaping, he would possess its programming and lay dormant until someone arrived.
The dating sim video game belonged to Girlfriend, and she used to play it a lot. While hanging out with Boyfriend, she finds it and decides to play it with him. However, they both ended up being pushed into the game by Daddy Dearest, likely as another attempt on Boyfriend's life. Soon after, they meet Senpai, and he chivalrously challenges Boyfriend. After being bested, he suddenly breaks character, quickly becoming angry and vulgar.
Having lost twice, Senpai is seen writhing before something violently bursts out of his face and destroys him. Spirit, the one trapped in the game, finally emerges in Senpai's place, causing the once bright location of the school grounds to become desolate, deserted and dark. He reveals that he has been trapped in the game without contact from other humans for so long. Despite this, he reveals that he recognizes Girlfriend and remembers how her father was responsible for his imprisonment. He also states that he is not the only person who has met this cruel fate by her father's hands.
With the last song, Spirit plans to win against Boyfriend in a rap battle so he can take over both his and Girlfriend's bodies (and leaving them to take his place inside the game in return) to finally escape and enact revenge against Daddy Dearest for his and everyone else's suffering. Despite his hostility, he may not be entirely ill-willed at either Boyfriend and Girlfriend but simply wants out by any means possible, even if his freedom would result in others suffering the same way he did.
Biographical Information
Senpai appears as a young, light-skinned man with a constant blush and parted strawberry blonde hair. He wears a partially tucked-in periwinkle blue button-up shirt, a loose pink tie, grayish-purple jeans held up by a black belt with a silver buckle, and grayish-purple shoes. He carries a brown backpack in his right hand over his right shoulder and holds a pink microphone loosely in his left with his thumb and index finger. His head sparkles whenever he is not singing. Fitting his dating sim origins, he stands and stares forward in the player's direction instead of towards his opponent.
His previously happy expression changes to a more discomforted and menacing glare in his second track, with the upper part of his face appearing blueish-purple, shadowing his eyes. His tie appears bent. He now clutches his microphone fully in his left hand. The sparkles around his head are now gone. His forward-facing stance remains the same, but his eyes are now focused squarely in Boyfriend's direction, even while singing.
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