Как узнать рокстар айди гта 5
21 янв. 2020 в 1:08
They probably just spoofed it with a option in their mod menu.
It's temporary and their true SCID is still exposed.
21 янв. 2020 в 1:16 The R* ID is a public account identification number that's tied to your account (think about your Steam or Discord ID)Having it is nothing to brag about (or scare others about) however some cheats offer abilities such as;
Joining a player using their ID
Sending a player a remote text message to your ID
Spoofing as your ID (which can get you into some minor trouble but definitely not something like getting you banned)
However,it should be noted that if you ignore him he's probably going to stop 21 янв. 2020 в 1:22
record yourself using the in-game report option to report him
go to rockstar support site as you can also report the player there as well
you can also submit your video evidence
21 янв. 2020 в 1:27record yourself using the in-game report option to report him
go to rockstar support site as you can also report the player there as well
you can also submit your video evidence
21 янв. 2020 в 1:39record yourself using the in-game report option to report him
go to rockstar support site as you can also report the player there as well
you can also submit your video evidence
that will probably do nothing but waste his time
i record most of my in-game reports and use the website as well to submit any recorded reports
will see what happens
21 янв. 2020 в 1:53i record most of my in-game reports and use the website as well to submit any recorded reports
will see what happens They can appear as someone else,R* knows that and doesn't bother, you're essentially wasting your time; it's best to just leave
21 янв. 2020 в 1:56i record most of my in-game reports and use the website as well to submit any recorded reports
will see what happens
They can appear as someone else,R* knows that and doesn't bother, you're essentially wasting your time; it's best to just leavetime will tell 21 янв. 2020 в 2:11
i record most of my in-game reports and use the website as well to submit any recorded reports
will see what happens
They can appear as someone else,R* knows that and doesn't bother, you're essentially wasting your time; it's best to just leave When you report to R*, R* will not send to you any information about the request.
That doesn't mean they do not care about the request.
That only means : "what will happen next, it's "our" (= R*) task, no more yours".
Translation : the step after the report is no more the player's "responsability / duty".
And the "silence" of R* doesn't mean that nothing is being made. Just that what is being made seems to us to be "invisible" at our own level.
When you report to R*, R* will not send to you any information about the request.
That doesn't mean they do not care about the request.
That only means : "what will happen next, it's "our" (= R*) task, no more yours".
Translation : the step after the report is no more the player's "responsability / duty".
And the "silence" of R* doesn't mean that nothing is being made. Just that what is being made seems to us to be "invisible" at our own level. Again, not only have they done nothing for years, cheaters can completely spoof as someone else(in what you can see normally in-game) in turn nulling any video evidence.
For God sake. A HACKER.
Or if you want : A CHEATER.
Is it so f****g complicate to understand ?
21 янв. 2020 в 2:31When you report to R*, R* will not send to you any information about the request.
That doesn't mean they do not care about the request.
That only means : "what will happen next, it's "our" (= R*) task, no more yours".
Translation : the step after the report is no more the player's "responsability / duty".
And the "silence" of R* doesn't mean that nothing is being made. Just that what is being made seems to us to be "invisible" at our own level.
Again, not only have they done nothing for years, cheaters can completely spoof as someone else(in what you can see normally in-game) in turn nulling any video evidence.
yeah i know what happens in public sessions where someone is framed for killing a heap of players
i find cheaters somewhere else
also in 2015 you could submit video evidence to the banhammer email but that became defunct ages ago, now in 2020 they're accepting videos again
and you can submit a lot of other things like mod menu videos from youtube etc
Где найти тег игрока в ГТА онлайн
Выиграл в казино, поехал тюнить. При заезде в гараж мне прилетела ракета, как раз в тот момент, когда должна была пойти анимация заезда в тюнинг. Проверил все гаражи, страховую, механика - нигде нет. С другими машинами из казино такого не было. Они по умолчанию застрахованы, так что вариант, что она пропала из-за отсутствия страховки не верен.
Блютуз Наушник Знаток (295) Ну если честно у меня такого не было. ДА и у меня всё равно накрутка денег я в любой момент могу ещё 10 таких же купить. Если бы я мог тебе купить машину тогда купил бы.
Это либо имя персонажа в GTA Online, либо имя пользователя в Social Club
у меня также пропал Опрессор МК2 за 3,9 мил. Купил. Покатался слетал на нем в свой бункер, хотел прокачать. Для прокачки нужен Террабайт + ночной клуб. У меня нет ни того ни другого. Опрессор я просто оставил на крыше здания. Вышел. А когда на следующий день зашел в игру Опрессора нет нигде
Your Steam/Rockstar ID
Please post your Steam / Rockstar ID. Maybe we will play heists together.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castyes, true. But they are a bit hidden. Flairs like in r/pcmasterrace would be great
Every time these threads are made, location is missing from them.
Location: Northern Europe
Как узнать рокстар айди гта 5
Grand Theft Auto V
Тема закрыта 15 фев. 2018 в 5:24 как узнать пароль и логин от Social Club через стим, купил акк у друга он сказал то что не создавал акаунт в Social Club , а в игре он есть15 фев. 2018 в 7:09 Ну значит друг тебя нае..ал, в игру невозможно зайти без лог/пасса. пиши в саппорт рокстара 15 фев. 2018 в 7:34 как узнать пароль и логин от Social Club через стим, купил акк у друга он сказал то что не создавал акаунт в Social Club , а в игре он есть Спроси у друга, пусть поищет на своей почте письма от []. Он мог просто забыть за ненадобностью, что ему письма приходили.
Письма приходят когда тебе присылают инвайты в друзья. Попроси кого нибудь. Тема у такого письма будет примерно такой: "Rockstar Games Social Club Friend Request". 16 фев. 2018 в 4:14 Ну значит друг тебя нае..ал, в игру невозможно зайти без лог/пасса. пиши в саппорт рокстара вы игру я зашел и в онлайн тоже, но при этом я не знаю данных от социала
16 фев. 2018 в 4:14 как узнать пароль и логин от Social Club через стим, купил акк у друга он сказал то что не создавал акаунт в Social Club , а в игре он есть Спроси у друга, пусть поищет на своей почте письма от []. Он мог просто забыть за ненадобностью, что ему письма приходили.
Письма приходят когда тебе присылают инвайты в друзья. Попроси кого нибудь. Тема у такого письма будет примерно такой: "Rockstar Games Social Club Friend Request". ну а если доступа к почте нет
16 фев. 2018 в 4:40
> он сказал то что не создавал акаунт в Social Club
> вы игру я зашел и в онлайн тоже
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