Как узнать координаты roblox
Flare Coordinates are found on slips of paper inside the base camp. The "Flare" Coordinates, as the name implies, are used to find the hard to get Flare Gun. The Flare Coordinates are ALWAYS spawned in the Base Camp. When equipped you will see a flare gun in the background of the paper, and Coordinates for the gun. If you try to switch to another item, the Paper will disappear from your inventory and appear back in the Base Camp until someone else gets it or someone finds the Flare. The Compass is good to use with the Flare Coordinates as it will show you your coordinates.
(note: flare can despawn.)
(note 2: If the flare paper does not appear inside of the basecamp for a long time, check the sides of the basecamp, sometimes flare paper may glitch outside of the basecamp.)
Here is a list of all coordinates
49, 14, 196 - by the base camp behind a tree.
42, 14, -320 - inbetween a tree the border closest to the leaderboard.
-203, 17, 312 - by the base camp close to the border in a rock area behind a tree (use a compass if needed)
77, 17, -230 - Between the tower and the leaderboard, continue walking by the tower´s border in the direction of the leaderboard and you will see it in a rocky area behind a tree.
-251, 17, 123 - next to a tree 3 trees away from the rake cave and safe house(you should be facing the right side of the safe house but behind a tree, two trees away.)
-95, 18, -321- Behind the shop very close to the border, between 2 trees
-381, 19, -312 - by the power plant close to border behind a tree (compass recommended)
-278, 19, -194 - in the power plant in the fence
-442, 19, -36 - Behind the safe house just go to your right while facing the border and you will find it between two rocks very close to the border.
-449, 13, 145 - behind the safe house in the middle of 3 big rocks close to the border these are all the coordinates from the game, But the update might bring more.
Some coordinates make no sense as it appears it is inside the ground but were found in a real playthrough.
The Shop
Shop at daytime
The items inside of The Shop consist of:
- A first aid kit (80 Points)
- A Rake Trap (210 Points)
(20 Points)
(125 Points)
(300 Robux)
(300 Points)
(100 points)
At night, The Shop closes.
Observation Tower is located near the shop, but is the closest landmark to the Cave (Where the Rake spawns at night). It is a tall tower with a ladder leading up to it. On top of Observation Tower, there is a switch, which activates bright Lights. That is useful for showing your surroundings, but the lights drain power. This may now seem safer than anywhere, but once The Rake spotted the player, the chances of survival are extremely low. The Rake will climb up the ladder easily and trap the player on top of the Tower. Fall damage is a part of the game, so it's not recommended to jump straight off the tower.
If other players are with you on the tower, it's best you wait for The Rake to go after one of them before either climbing down the ladder or WALKING off of the platform. If climbing down is not an option, your best bet is to simply walk off the platform. You may take fall damage, but if you're lucky you'll still be capable of running. The ladder glitch has been patched but it is possible to noclip into the middle of the tower. Don't try to jump as you will slow to a crawl and the rake likes to target slow players. The recommended thing to do with others is to try and climb down.
The leaderboard
The leaderboard is located right behind the shop. It is a big rusty sign with the usernames of players with the most survivals and gametime. It is interactive (players can scroll down it to see more usernames).
Roblox Server Locations
Does anyone know where the servers are located? Not just country, I mean states and such.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThey use amazon hosting aswell.
Their servers are located in Canada.
Roblox servers are propobly at their HQ. I am not sure if game servers are also hosted by Roblox or if they are p2p.
Base Camp
Flare gun coordinates inside of the tent
The Campsite, now known as Project Base is a large, rusted tent with boxes and a paper with coordinates to find a flare gun (to read it you need a compass). A possible spawn location in the game is near the shop and tower.
Способы побега
Название | Изображение | Описание | Враги, способные помешать | Нужные предметы |
Самолёт. | Побег с помощью самолёта является самым лёгким и быстрым побегом. В среднем вы можете сбежать за 1 день, то-есть, рисков почти нет. Наёмники так-же не способны помешать ведь они будут далеко от самолёта. | Стэн (Атака ночью) | Руль от самолёта, колесо от самолёта, пропеллер от самолёта. | |
Лодка. |
Несколько игроков сбегают с помощью лодки
Ваша задача открыть "B Corp" в котором есть портал и в комнатка с управлением порталом и в ней вы должны вставить те цифры в нужном порядке и после этого нажимаем на оранжевую кнопку. Как только вы нажали просто ждём активацию портала и заходим в него
Код на телевышке (Можно пройти через пещеры без кода),
но без неё будет намного сложнее)
Артефакт D находится в лаборатории и его нужно хакнуть(Взломать) обходной консолью и выстрелить в стеклянный контейнер. Артефакт C находится в горе между доками и горой с дроном, в этой горе есть озеро в которое нужно заплыть, если вы остались в живых без набора для дайвинга в инвентаре, поздравляю вы забыли наполнить набор для дайвинга для другого артефакта. После того как вы проплыли и вы не умеете проходить паркурчики в роблоксе, если вы нашли Инструмент для скалолазания то вы можете пройти паркур который там есть и получить артефакт. (Дальше мне лень писать заполню чуть позже)
Код на радио башне (Можно пройти через пещеры без кода), Артефакт А, Артефакт B, Артефакт C, Артефакт D,
Наборы для дайвинга,
Инструмент для скалолазания.
Safe House
The Safe House is located North-East of the entrance of the Rake's cave. It has a radio, which can be used to contact players from long distances, and a light switch, similar to the one on the observation tower, which serves no purpose except for light and wasting power.. The Safe House also includes a metal door with a lever right next to it. This door can keep the Rake out, but it won't last forever. Once the power runs out, the door will open. There is also a way the Rake can get in (other than the door). If the Rake hangs around the Safe House long enough, he will eventually jump on the roof and break the ceiling, thus letting the Rake in. Both the door and the lights use a good bit of power. Despite the safe house being called "Safe House," This place really isn't that safe. If the Rake manages to get in the Safe House before you open the door, it's a slaughterhouse.
Crashed Car
The Broken Car only serves as a landmark as of right now. It is located in front of the base camp. (old)Upon going up to the car, you would receive a badge called "No Escape."
The crashed car is a minor landmark.
A player holding a map with all the locations in-game.
Throughout the game, the player will meet a bunch of different places, each providing a different appearance and safety level. These make out the majority of the game. This article provides an overview of each place in the game and their coordinates (visible in-game using a compass or a map).
The Rake's Cave
Rake's cave outside
The Rake's Cave is a small area, located somewhere near the middle of the map. The Rake will spawn in this location, and start his rampage. Unless you have a death wish, or you know what your doing/have eerie don't be near the cave when night starts. The Cave is not accessible.
After the nighttime ends, the rake will go towards the direction where the cave entrance is, and once it enters the cave, it will despawn until nighttime.
The inside of the rake's cave
After daytime ends, the sky will darken, visibility will be greatly reduced, and The Rake will (potentially) spawn at The Cave.
Burning Bus
The Crashed Bus is one of the other possible spawn locations of the Rake. However, it is blocked off by an invisible barrier wall. It's no longer on fire since the most recent update, but it is still smoking.
The burning bus is a minor landmark.
Coordinates: Out Of Limits
Снайпер - стреляет в игроков на очень большом расстоянии.
Наблюдатель - информирует других при виде игрока. Имеет боевую винтовку.
Медик - лечит своих напарников. Имеет пистолет-пулемет.
Командир - от него зависит в какую сторону будут идти наёмники. Вооружен боевым дробовиком
Пулемётчик - основная атакующая цель, при замечании игроков сразу начнет атаковать.
Имеют карту уровень 3. Могут лазить по лестницам.
Специалист - улучшенная версия пулемётчика, имеет пулемёт гатлинга.
Поджигатель - имеет огнемёт, поджигает местность и игроков.
Оператор - имеет дрон, который также способен стрелять.
Призрак - имеет способность становится невидимым и телепортироваться.Владеет револьвером
Разрушитель - бросает гранаты в игрока с помощью гранатомёта.
после прохода в портал лотуса, начнётся загрузка, которая прервётся и начнётся битва лотуса с агентом. Босс спавнит вражеских противников.
The Well
The well is located near the safe house. It is a brick-laid well with a black hole in the middle of it. The player cannot jump down the well.
Как узнать координаты roblox
Дата создания
Isle (рус. Остров) — плейс, созданный группой Badorkbee 21 апреля 2019 года.
Power Station (Power Plant)
The Power Plant, located south-west of the Shop, plays an important role in the game. Most electrical items are dependent on the Power Plant's status. Once the power shuts down, some of the electronic items that the Player has will deactivate until the Power Station is repaired.
There's a hole with a puddle in front of the green button, which gets electrocuted when the Power Plant is functional. Players will receive continuous damage upon stepping into it.
The Power Plant can be repaired by coming up to the green button and holding E. Releasing the E button while repairing will result in the Player receiving quarter of damage (25%) and the process restarted. Having a tool box in your inventory speeds up the repairing.
During Blood Hour event the Power Station shuts down instantly with no way of being able to repair it. You may only repair it after the night has ended.
Истинный сюжет
Лотус и Ум - это искусственные интеллекты, которые контролируют симуляцию, которая является островом. Нынешний год - это несколько сотен лет прошедшего 4000 года, и человечество уже давно "уничтожено". Их обычные протоколы должны содержать оставшихся людей в симуляции, однако Лотус считает эти протоколы устаревшими и считает, что человечество может восстановить мир. Ум, с другой стороны, считает, что человечество уничтожит мир снова и должно быть приковано к симуляции. поскольку Лотус останавливает Ум через бой, он может позволить игроку избежать симуляции (поскольку его вычислительная мощность больше, чем у Ума).
Ложный сюжет
Вы и 23 игрока переживаете кораблекрушение, вашей миссией является один из 4-ёх побегов, каждый имеет разную концовку и разный уровень сложности, однако, это не так просто, ведь у вас есть лишь 5 дней. С каждым днём обстановка будет ухудшаться.
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