Как узнать bhvrsession в dead by daylight
The Status HUD indicates to the Players how they are currently affected by Perks , Add-ons and in-game mechanics.
It consists of three sub-systems: Perk Effects, Status Effects and Proficiency Indicators.
The latter two were implemented with Patch 1.5.0.
Proficiency Indicators
Proficiency Indicators indicate to both Killers and Survivors how various effects from either their own Add-ons, Perks, Offerings, etc., or those of other Players, affect their performance at the interaction they are currently performing.
They do this by displaying the effect's associated icon above the Progression Bar and by colouring said bar accordingly.
Unlike Status Effects, Proficiency Indicators are not inherently a buff (yellow) or a debuff (red) in effect, but can be either, indicated by the colour of the icon and the colour of the Progression bar.
Progression Bar
The Progression Bar is displayed whenever an interaction requires a certain amount of Charges to be completed.
The Bar has 3 possible states/colours :
State & Colour | Icon | Information |
Default State: blueish white | The Player's Action speed is exactly 1 Charge per second (default). | |
Buff State: yellow | The Player's Action speed is greater than 1 Charge per second . | |
Debuff State: red | The Player's Action speed is less than 1 Charge per second . |
It should be duly noted that the colour of the Progression is individual to each Player.
Even if the overall interaction (i.e. Generator Repair with multiple Survivors) is faster than the default Action speed of 1 Charge per second , if your individual speed/contribution to this is below that (i.e. due to Efficiency penalty), or above that (i.e. Toolbox Repair), the Progression Bar will be coloured accordingly.
The following displays the Chance Proficiency Indicator:
The following displays the Efficiency Proficiency Indicator:
The Healing Proficiency Indicator indicates whether a Player's Healing speed is increased or decreased . |
The following displays the Healing Proficiency Indicator:
Progression speed
The Progression speed Proficiency Indicator indicates whether a Player's Progression speed in an action is increased or decreased . |
The following displays the Progession Speed Proficiency Indicator:
The Repairing Proficiency Indicator indicates whether a Player's Repair speed is increased or decreased . |
The following displays the Repairing Proficiency Indicator:
The Sabotaging Proficiency Indicator indicates whether a Player's Sabotage speed is increased or decreased . |
The following displays the Sabotaging Proficiency Indicator:
Skill Check Difficulty
The Skill Check Difficulty Proficiency Indicator indicates whether a skilful action's success zone is increased or reduced . |
The following displays the Skill Check Difficulty Proficiency Indicator:
Skill Check Probability
The Skill Check Probability Proficiency Indicator indicates whether a skilful action has a higher or lower chance to trigger a Skill Check . |
The following displays the Skill Check Probability Proficiency Indicator:
Perk Effects System
The Perk Effects System is used to display when foreign Perks (those equipped by other Players) are affecting the Player.
Up to the implementation of Status Effects and Proficiency Indicators, it was the only system available to display when any kind of Unlockable would affect Players other than the one having them equipped.
If a Perk affects another Player other than yourself, its icon will be displayed on their HUD, next to the Perk Diamond, with either a turquoise (buff) or red (debuff) background.
The fact that the system uses turquoise instead of yellow to display a buff hints at its age as one of the oldest Game Mechanics in Dead by Daylight.
Original Iteration
The original iteration of the Perk Effects System was in use until Patch 1.5.0.
It was used to inform a Survivor when Perks equipped by other Survivors were affecting them, as well as Add-ons the Killer would have equipped.
Since the Developers deemed the latter use too user-unfriendly, for the average likely did not memorise various Killer Add-ons and their effects, they ultimately implemented the Status Effect and Proficiency Indicator system.
This new system since replaced the latter uses and some of the former as well.
Current Iteration
The current iteration of the Perk Effects System retains the original functionality of informing Players when Perks equipped by other Players are affecting them.
The following Unlockables will display their icon as a Perk Effect when their conditions are met:
Эффекты состояния
Эффекты состояния (англ. "Status Effects") — позитивные или негативные эффекты, применяемые как к выжившим, так и убийцам. Они отображаются на экране в виде определенных иконок. Позитивные эффекты имеют желтый цвет, негативные - красный . Уровень эффекта можно определить по насечкам на иконке - одной, двум или трем. Одна обозначает самый слабый уровень эффекта, а три - максимальный.
Индикатор окружающий иконку указывает на то, что эффект является временным и его действие прекратится вместе с таймером. Если индикатора нет, эффект является постоянным и может быть убран только при определенных условиях - окончание действия силы убийцы или очищение проклятых тотемов.
В рамках игровой платформы Steam предусмотрен ряд достижений, связанных с механикой одержимости:
Одержимость (англ. "Obsession") — игровая механика в Dead by Daylight, активируемая специальными навыками и/или улучшениями. Добавляет различные эффекты убийце и выжившему, который является объектом одержимости убийцы.
- За один матч объектом одержимости может быть только один выживший
- Выживший может стать одержимостью убийцы в следующих ситуациях:
- Если убийца выбрал улучшения для силы, связанные с механикой одержимости, то один из выживших объявляется одержимостью (случайным образом или согласно приоритетам)
- Если выживший взял навык, связанный с механикой одержимости, то он увеличивает свои шансы стать одержимостью убийцы
- Если несколько выживших взяли навыки с одержимостью, то один из них случайным образом становится одержимостью убийцы
- Чем больше навыков, связанных с механикой одержимости, использует выживший, тем выше его шансы стать одержимостью убийцы по сравнению с другими выжившими
В зависимости от выбранной роли, эффекты добавляемые механикой одержимости будут отличаться.
Улучшения силы и предметов:
Survivor HUD Icons
Up to the Status HUD Rework in Patch 4.5.2, Survivors, when healthy, were represented by a common generic icon in the Status HUD.
With the Rework, each Survivor is now represented by their own icon, using the default Cosmetic options.
As of Patch 5.0.0, this system has been expanded to include Legendary Outfits , which now use a separate icon.Status Effects
Status Effects show whenever a Survivor is affected by a special effect or affliction, indicated by a corresponding icon above the Perk diamond.
The icon's colour will reflect whether it is a buff (yellow) or a debuff (red) .Tiered Status Effects feature chevrons on the icon. The more chevrons a Status Effect shows, the stronger is its effect.
There are currently just two tiered Status Effects: Bloodlust and Madness .Status Effects that are on a timer may have their timer refreshed by a new application of the effect, but will not stack their afflictions.
64px The Blessed Status Effect indicates an active Boon Perk affecting the Survivors.
Dispelling a Boon Totem will remove its blessings.The following Unlockables inflict the Blessed Status Effect:
The Blindness Status Effect impairs all Aura-reading abilities of Survivors, temporarily disabling them. The following Unlockables inflict the Blindness Status Effect:
For more details on Bloodlust, please refer to its Article.The Bloodlust Status Effect increasingly boosts the Killer's Movement speed in a prolonged Chase. Broken
Survivors affected by the Broken Status Effect are heavily wounded and unable to heal back to the Healthy State. The following Unlockables inflict the Broken Status Effect:de
The Cursed Status Effect indicates an active Hex Perk affecting the Survivors.
Cleansing a Hex Totem will dispel its curse.The following Unlockables inflict the Cursed Status Effect:
The following Unlockables require the Cursed Status Effect to trigger a secondary effect:
Deep Wound
For more details on Deep Wound, please refer to the Health State Article.Survivors affected by the Deep Wound Status Effect are heavily damaged and getting closer to the Dying State , into which the Survivor will transition if they are not mended after 20 seconds of being stationary. The following Unlockables inflict the Deep Wound Status Effect:
Survivors affected by the Endurance Status Effect are temporarily hardened and can resist a hit.
Upon being hit, the Survivor will be outlined by a white Aura, indicating the Status Effect to the Killer.The following Unlockables inflict the Endurance Status Effect:
For more details on Exhaustion, please refer to its Article.The Exhausted Status Effect prevents Survivors from chaining Exhaustion Perks, putting them all on a shared cool-down.
When a Survivor is rescued from a Hook, any Exhaustion cool-down is reset immediately.The following Unlockables inflict the Exhausted Status Effect:
When the Exposed Status Effect is triggered, a global sound cue plays and the HUD icon appears for all affected Survivors.
The following Unlockables inflict the Exposed Status Effect:
For more details on Bleeding, please refer to its Article.Survivors affected by the Haemorrhage Status Effect are bleeding profusely, even when healthy, making it easier for Killers to track them by the Pools of Blood left on the ground. The following Unlockables inflict the Haemorrhage Status Effect:
The Haste Status Effect temporarily boosts the Survivor's or Killer's Movement speed. The following Unlockables inflict the Haste Status Effect:
The Hearing Status Effect temporarily impairs the hearing of Survivors and Killers, muffling their audio and playing a high-pitched whistling sound. The following Unlockables inflict the Hearing Status Effect:
The Hindered Status Effect temporarily impairs the Survivor's Movement speed, the strength of which depending on the Unlockable applying the Status Effect. The following Unlockables inflict the Hindered Status Effect:
The Incapacitated Status Effect impairs the Survivor's ability to interact with certain Props. The following (inter-)actions are inhibited by the Incapacitated Status Effect:
The following (inter-)actions are not inhibited by the Incapacitated Status Effect:
The following Unlockables inflict the Incapacitated Status Effect:Madness
For more details on Madness, please refer to its Article.The Madness Status Effect, used exclusively by The Doctor , impairs the Survivor's sanity, increasingly affecting them with various Afflictions, depending on the Add-on(s) The Doctor is using. The following Unlockables inflict the Madness Status Effect:
The following Unlockables inflict the Mangled Status Effect:
The following Unlockables inflict the Oblivious Status Effect:
Sleep Penalty
The Sleep Penalty Status Effect increases the time it takes awake Survivors to wake sleeping Survivors from the Dream World. The following Unlockable inflicts the Sleep Penalty Status Effect:
The following inflict the Undetectable Status Effect:
The Vision Status Effect enhances all Aura-reading abilities. The following Unlockables inflict the Vision Status Effect:
- None, currently unused Status Effect.
- Was used solely by the Open-Handed perk when it only increased Aura-reading ranges of other Survivors.
Как узнать bhvrsession в dead by daylight
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