Как удалить star citizen
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Другие важные рекомендации по производительности, улучшениям и исправлениям
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Я рекомендую брать драйвера с официального сайта.
Настройка файла подкачки
- Star Citizen 3.0 любит файл подкачки.
- Нажмите клавишу Windows
- Нажмите в поле поиска.
- Наберите «Control», затем щелкните по нему
- Нажмите «Система»
- Нажмите «Дополнительные параметры системы».
- Нажмите вкладку «Дополнительно»
Если у вас с количеством оперативной памяти всё в порядке (т.е. много, много это значит 32 GB). То включать файл подкачки не обязательно. Хотя некоторые приложения так или иначе его используют.
Некоторые утверждают что 16GB вполне достаточно и желательно отключить файл подкачки. Однако некоторые программы предназначены для работы с файлом подкачки и хоть разница в скорости обработки данных будет незначительная но она будет.
От себя добавлю (от переводчика) ФАКТ Star Citizen 3.0, может загрузить память до 19GB. Из них 7-10 GB будет использоваться по факту и ещё 10GB может занять буфер. Трюк с файлом подкачки немного поможет тем кто имеет менее 32GB памяти. У меня 24GB. 2*8+2*4. В будущем, в процессе оптимизации, ВОЗМОЖНО, в Star Citizen уменьшится количество оперативной памяти. Но врядли эта цифра будет менее 16GB.
Закройте Лаунчер
- Star Citizen Launcher может подъедать ресурсы, после запуска игры убедитесь, что он закрыт.
- Фактически вы можете создать ярлык для запуска игры из папки Cloud Imperium Games \ StarCitizen \ Public \ Bin64 и запустить StarCitizen.exe (можно запустить из под администратора)
- Игра не требует запуска лаунчера, когда вы вошли в систему (лаунчер создает файл login.json), но нужно время от времени его обновлять, поэтому, если вы запускаете файлом .exe и не можете зайти, стоит включить лаунчер и залогиниться, может быть обновление или файлу login.json необходимо обновится.
Заставить Star Citizen работать чуть быстрее
- Загрузите утилиту CPU Unparking Utility
- Запустите файл из под администратора
- Измените ползунок на 100%
- Применить и закрыть
Улучшения в сети
Серверы Star-Citizen mini-PU (мини постоянной вселенной) в основном связаны с сервером, когда дело доходит до производительности, поэтому вы иногда получаете только 20 кадров в секунду, отсутствие региональных серверов также могут привести к некоторым задержкам, высокому пингу и круговой задержке. Настройка сети может помочь.
Заметка от переводчика: уменьшение пинга, вам поможет только в противостоянии с другими игроками или НПЦ. И то, если пинг в пределах 150 то играть вполне себе комфортно. Сетевой код НЕ ВЛИЯЕТ НА ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ. Более подробно с информацией от разработчиков можно ознакомиться тут. Если коротко то, при большом количестве игроков на сервере, сервер вынужден обрабатывать всю информацию и передавать её другим игрокам что и снижает быстродействие на клиентских машинах.
TCP Optimizer 4
Эта программа позволяет вам настроить ваш сетевой адаптер для онлайн-игр и не требует от вас доступа к реестру.
- Загрузите программу здесь
- Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши TCPOptimizer и запустите в качестве администратора.
- Установите скорость соединения и остальные параметры, как показано на рисунке
Если вы уделите чуть больше времени то, возможно, у вас получится улучшить результаты
Каждый из настроек имеет всплывающую подсказку
Вы можете прочитать полное объяснение и руководство по программе здесь (На английском)
В разделе «Общие настройки», некоторые настройки требуют ситуационной субъективной оптимизации, основанной на ваших потребностях. Оптимальное должно по-прежнему давать вам улучшения.
Если у вас возникли проблемы, вы всегда можете установить его в Optimal или Windows Default
При установке ReShade вам предложит использовать уже готовые пресеты настроек для SC которые позволят игре, выглядеть как лучше так и хуже. Они могут понизить производительность в игре. Я не буду приводить их примеры. При желании вы можете почитать об этом в интернете.
Я не буду тут расписывать какие настройки, за что отвечают. Разбираться вам предстоит самим.
Видео от CodeGaming с разлоченым DirectX
Другие ресурсы и твики
Ссылка на страницу с ресурсами (на английском) и на русском.(Перевод на русский потом вставить)
Видео на английском. Есть возможность включить субтитры с переводом. Криво конечно, но кое-что понять можно.
DSR / VSR – супер разрешение
Это процесс масштабирования более высоких разрешений в более низкие.
Например, я использую его для рендеринга в 1440p или 4k, затем уменьшаю его до 1080p
Это дает некоторые преимущества в виде уменьшения Aliasing, детали более четкие, эффекты и тени лучше, а общее качество изображения намного лучше.
Это чрезвычайно ресурсоемкая функция, но для высокопроизводительных машин или для машин среднего ценового диапазона, которые хотят понизить масштаб с 1440p, вы сможете получить потрясающие результаты.
Nvidia GTX 970 или AMD R9 290 спокойно потянет Star Citizen, если система настроена правильно.
Просмотрите это видео, игрового ПК стоимостью в 100 долларов, плюс видео карта за 200 долларов!
Я действительно наслаждаюсь дополнительной производительностью и качеством, которые я смог выжать из Star Citizen, в будущем, я ожидаю, что большинство этих функций будут более доступны или будут включены напрямую.
И на этом всё, надеюсь, это поможет вам настроить SC и ваш комп, в независимости от того, собираетесь ли вы использовать все эти примочки, чтобы выжать из бюджетного ПК хоть какую то производительность для игры в SC или высокое качество картинки, используя полный потенциал игры и мощного ПК.
Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, что вы об этом думаете, возможно я что-то упустил, ребята, что у вас получилось / какие ухищрения и железо используете? Помните, что в июне мы раздавали Buccaneer комментатору, который комментирует любой наш контент Star Citizen, и хоть сейчас не июнь, я уверен, что у нас скоро найдётся какой нибудь подарок с аналогичными правилами. Пожалуйста, не забудьте поставить лайк и прокомментировать. Увидимся во вселенной!
Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с Youtube каналом Xenthorx , чтобы ПОСМОТРЕТЬ СМОТРЕТЬ офигительные видео посвящённые «Star Citizen».
Fully delete all files
The following instructions will fully clear and delete the Launcher and game files:
- Right click on the Windows icon and select Run.
- Enter and run %appdata% and click Ok. This opens Users\CurrentProfile\Appdata\Roaming. Delete the rsilauncher folder.
- Right click on the Windows icon and select Run again.
- Enter and run %localappdata% and click Ok. This opens Users\CurrentProfile\Appdata\Local. Delete the StarCitizen folder.
- In the file manager, navigate to (install drive)\Program Files. Delete the entire Roberts Space Industries folder.
- Clear your Trash/Recycle Bin. The amount of files deleted need to be cleared to save space.
What effects will this have?
Once a character reset has been performed, the following will happen:
- Mission and quest progress in-game will be wiped.
- Your spawn point will be reset.
- You will need to re-customize your character.
- Your aUEC will be set to match the Long Term Persistence ledger .
- All ships, vehicles, and equipment will be reset to their default state, based on what is showing in your hangar page on the website.
This process cannot be reversed once it has been completed. This reset will not reset Long Term Persistence. RSI Support staff does not have a way to reset a character outside of this feature that will have different results from a successfully completed reset a player can initiate.
Clear Launcher cache and save log.log
If you need to clear Launcher cache and files, you may not want to delete the entire folder in appdata. The file log.log includes every action completed by the Launcher across every login and launch.
To clear the cache without deleting log.log:
- Press the Windows icon + R to open the Run command.
- Enter and run %appdata%\rsilauncher A folder view opens.
- Select and delete the Cache and GPUCache folders. Clear the trash.
- Right-click on your Launcher icon and select Run as Administrator.
logindata.json file change
The new RSI Launcher generates a new logindata.json file every time you open the Launcher. This file only exists while the Launcher is open. When you open the Launcher and login, the file generates. When closed, the file is deleted. This helps with syncing your account credentials for the game after changing your password.
When in lawful territory, you may encounter UEE authorities who'll ask you to stop so they can scan your vehicle. Refusing to stop and/or fleeing from them will provoke them to open fire on your ship. If the scan doesn't reveal anything illegal onboard your vessel, they'll apologize for the interruption and be on their way. Should the scan reveal you're carrying illegal contraband or stolen goods, the stolen goods will be instantly confiscated and you may be issued a fine.
Notes: At a later date, dependent on the severity of your infraction, you may be fined or arrested. For now, they'll shoot first and ask questions later.
At this time, there is no messaging informing players that items have been confiscated from them. Our system designers are working on messaging at this time.
There are also plans to introduce features to allow players to counter police scanners and successfully hide contraband.
Saving your custom files
Before deleting your game and Launcher, you may want to save any custom profiles, keybindings, and user.cfg files. If you have custom settings, keybindings, etc, you may want to save those files before fully deleting! Go to the Mappings folder: (install drive)\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\USER\Controls\Mappings Save any profile, keybindings, etc. files to a new temp folder. If you created a custom user.cfg file, you may want to save it. Go to the game install folder: ex. (install drive)\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\HOW CAN I GET RID OF MY CRIMINAL RATING?
The easiest way to get rid of your Criminal Rating is to stay out of trouble and wait. Over time, if you don't commit any further offenses in the 'verse your Criminal Rating will decrease and eventually vanish.
If security services also manage to "take care of you" then your rating will also be reduced or eliminated entirely.
The final option would be to serve out a sentence in prison, the Klescher Rehabilitation Facilities, should you be arrested. While in prison you will be able to complete various jobs on site to earn merits, which can be exchanged to reduce your sentence and get you back into the 'verse sooner. Otherwise, you can simply serve your time. or perhaps try to escape if you dare.
If you prefer a more active approach to getting rid of your criminal status, you can also rapidly clear your criminal rating by hacking the security terminal at Security Post Kareah. You will need to acquire and use a hacking chip from somewhere before attempting this method first.
Land your ship at the designated landing pad on the security station. The designated pad will glow green and have an arrow indicating that it has been assigned to your ship. There is no need to hail Security Post Kareah, it will assign you a pad once you get close enough and drop your landing gear.
Enter the station and head toward the terminal in the center of the first floor.
Note: The chip will be consumed as soon as this is done.
Once you've logged into the system, the terminal will be begin accessing your criminal record. You will need to periodically interact with the terminal to ensure the process is not halted.
Note: Your Crimestat Rating will remain as is until the process has been fully completed. Once the hacking process is done, your criminal rating will be reset. If the process is interrupted at any point, no adjustment to your rating will occur.
Crime Stat That Seems to Never Go Away
Should you be in the strange position where security turrets and other things are firing on you despite not having a crime stat, as strange as it may sound, you may need to check your system clock.
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©2012-2018 Cloud Imperium Games Corporation & Roberts Space Industries Corp. & Cloud Imperium Games UK Ltd. & Roberts Space Industries International Ltd.
How to delete the RSI Launcher and Star Citizen
When reinstalling for a new Launcher or to troubleshoot errors and issues, you need to fully remove the game and dependent configuration files.
As your Crimestat Rating increases, you will eventually be treated as an enemy of the UEE by both players and NPCs. Security at various landing zones will open fire on your ship as you approach or depart the station, players may hunt you down to collect your bounty, and certain mission givers may turn you away.
Should your criminal notoriety rise too high, you may find yourself arrested and thrown in prison to payback your debt to society! Klescher Rehabilitation Facilities provides automated services for handling criminals that are serving out their sentences. Attempt to escape if you dare.
The 'verse, however, offers opportunities on both sides of the law. By becoming an enemy of the UEE, you'll also make some shady friends happy to work with someone that doesn't mind getting his or her hands dirty. Fellow outlaws encountered in the 'verse may have jobs and missions available for those with a similar outlook.
What steps should I take if I need to have my character reset?
In the event that your character has gotten into a state that will require a data wipe, follow these steps closely so that we can assist as quickly as possible:
- Attempt any known workarounds for your issue to see if it can be resolved without totally negating all the hard work you may have done in game up to this point.
- Head to the RSI website.
- Login to your account.
- Report your problem and steps to reproduce it on the Issue Council, adding to a previous report if there has been one reported before.
- Go to 'My Hangar' > Settings > Character Reset and follow the directions there.
IMPORTANT! Please wait at least an hour before you log back in to the game to ensure the system has time to properly process your account data and avoid further issues.
You will be locked out of the game while the reset is occurring. While your account will generally be available to play again after about 15 minutes, logging back in too quickly has been seen to cause further account issues.
Players may receive an error when attempting to login after initiating a character reset if it has not had time to fully process yet. Again, please wait at least one hour after initiating the reset to be certain it has properly processed.
If the issue that required a character reset has not been resolved after several hours, please head to the Issue Council and file a report there to help us gather data about the problem.
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©2012-2018 Cloud Imperium Games Corporation & Roberts Space Industries Corp. & Cloud Imperium Games UK Ltd. & Roberts Space Industries International Ltd.
Character Reset
In the event that an extremely detrimental bug has occurred that has either greatly or completely hindered a player's ability to participate in the Star Citizen Alpha Testing phase, you are able to reset your character to refresh all of the data associated with it within our systems. There are a few things that need to be kept in mind before going ahead with this.
This is a last resort step and we encourage players to avoid using this option. This process cannot be halted or reversed once it has been started. A number of updates and fixes are planned for an upcoming patch. RSI Support staff does not have a way to reset a character outside of this feature that will have different results from a successfully completed reset a player can initiate.
Players should attempt to resolve the issues using workarounds if possible and report the issues and any fixes they've found on the Issue Council. Reporting such detrimental problems on the Issue Council will help us track down the root cause for these very annoying issues and start working towards getting them sorted out without the need for such drastic measures as a data wipe of a character.
We have begun testing Long Term Persistence which means, assuming everything works, certain aspects of your account and character will not be affected by a character reset. While this process will not completely set your character data back to a default state, it may help with solving some more troublesome bugs, like a missing mobiGlas. However as Long Term Persistence is new and still being tested some unforeseen issues might arise that a reset will not sort out. Any issues encountered with Long Term Persistence should be reported via the Issue Council.
Library folder change
If you continue to see oddness, and the Launcher loads, check the Settings > Library Folder in the Launcher. Make sure the file location matches your current full game install. Moving your game file and not syncing the location here can cause issues.
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©2012-2018 Cloud Imperium Games Corporation & Roberts Space Industries Corp. & Cloud Imperium Games UK Ltd. & Roberts Space Industries International Ltd.
Administrator, Standard Windows user, and appdata files
If you don't find Star Citizen or RSI files in appdata under your Windows account, it's possible they are under the Administrator account. When you right-click on the Launcher and select "Run as Administrator", Windows uses an Admin or Administrator account and generates appdata folders for it.
To see what user account folders you have, use a File Manager and navigate to c:\Users. Make note of the name like Admin. After opening an appdata location, you can edit the folder location bar with the admin name. For example: C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local
Crime Rating
Star Citizen provides a wide range of content for both players looking for a primarily PVE experience, as well as ace pilots and gunslingers looking for opportunities to test their skills against other players. To ensure the rights of citizens operating in UEE space or a lawful organization's territory are protected, there are laws in place. Laws in Star Citizen are designed to deter hyper-aggressive gameplay and random attacks on law-abiding citizens.
There are currently three systems in place that make up our Crimestat Systems. These three systems are the Local Law System, the Criminality System, and the Reputation System. Early versions of these systems have already been introduced in the 'verse, but they will continue to be refined and adjusted as Star Citizen continues to grow.
What's considered to be criminal activity in the 'verse is still a work in progress, but in most cases, your moral compass will serve you well. Obviously criminal acts like unwarranted attacks on innocent players and NPCs, ramming civilian ships, and transporting controlled substances in UEE space are a fast track to interstellar notoriety.
When do I need a character reset?
Many of the following issues will require a reset to get a character back into a playable state:
- Receiving the 30009 error or encountering an infinite loading screen.
- Your mobiGlas has gone missing or is not functioning at all.
- Your character cannot interact with anything (such as doors, terminals, and ships).
- All of your ships have become unflyable (missing components, failed to spawn, can't file claims for lost vessels, duplicate ships, etc.)
- You are unable to complete the character creation process for some reason.
The following are NOT valid reasons to request a character reset.
- Resetting your crime rating or reputations.
If you are having trouble with your crime stat, please report the problem on the Issue Council. - Recovering aUEC invested into cargo that has been lost for some reason.
Assuming Long Term Persistence has properly captured your in-game player wallet, a reset will not change your aUEC total much at all.
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