Как удалить колонию в майнкрафте
Как установить мод:
- Установи Forge
- Установи все дополнительные моды если указано.
- Скачай мод и скопируй в .minecraft\mods
- В лаунчере запускай версию игры с форджем.
1.12.2: structurize-1.12.2-0.10.277.jar [1,08 Mb]
1.14.4: structurize-0.10.245-alpha.jar [4,39 Mb]
1.15.2: structurize-0.13.109-alpha.jar [4,92 Mb]
1.16.4: structurize-0.13.104-alpha.jar [4,94 Mb]
1.16.5: structurize-0.13.134-alpha-universal.jar [9,86 Mb]
старая версия 134, она требуется для еще более старых версий MineColonies
You can use /mc whereami to find your colony ID, if you're on SSP with 1 colony it will be ID 1
In your case, the usage of the command would be /mc colony claim colony: [id] range: 125 add: true
The parts such as 'colony: ' and 'range: ' are important in any command, as well as the actual value you're inputting
I will add too, make sure to claim the chunks from the center of your colony, otherwise the border will be offset
(14.10.2018, 21:05) PoroUsedSnax Wrote: [ -> ] Once a colony has been placed you need to claim more chunks, changing it in the config is just for new colonies.
Use this command: /mc colony claim [colony: colony id] [range: number in chunks] [add: true/false]
Can you show an example of using this command? I tried the following but it returned what looks like an error?
I entered: /mc colony claim Snapshot84's Colony 125 true
It returned: /mineColonies colony claim <colony: integer> <dimension: integer> [range: integer] [add: boolean]: missing required parameter colony
I'm not sure what my colony id is?
Once a colony has been placed you need to claim more chunks, changing it in the config is just for new colonies.
Use this command: /mc colony claim [colony: colony id] [range: number in chunks] [add: true/false]
Мод Structurize - быстрое редактирование мира, копирование структур в наглядном интерфейсе.
Данный мод добавит в игру ряд отличных возможностей которые пригодятся для любого строителя, да и вообще для игрока который задумал кардинальные изменения своего города или мира. В данном моде есть несколько инструментов с удобным наглядным управлением, они позволяют производить замену или удаление любых блоков из области, позволяют сохранять выделенную область и вставлять ее в другом месте, притом вы можете поворачивать, поднимать постройку, и сами сможете наглядно видеть где и как расположена ваша структура.
Так же мод добавит ряд декоративных строительных блоков, несколько видов стен, черепичные крыши, несколько новых видов дверей и люков.
Данные инструменты ранее были в моде Minecolonies - майн колония, но были вынесены в отдельный мод.
Инструмент сканер:
Белая палочка - вам необходимо выбрать 2 точки нажав по ним левой кнопкой мыши и правой, тем самым выделится прямоугольная область.
После выделения нажмите инструментов ПКМ и вы увидите подсвеченную область, а так же разную информацию которую можно с ней сделать:
Вы видите точные координаты и можете их изменять.
В таблице ниже слева расположены все блоки, а справа все мобы или сущности (парящие предметы например).
Каждый вид блока вы можете убрать или заменить другим:
Вы сможете сохранить эту область в в специальный файл в папке с игрой, а после построить его на другой карте или на другом пк.
Инструмент Билдер:
Желтая палочка, При помощи инструмента вы сможете строить постройки сохраненные в виде файлов, для этого сначала кликните ПКМ по месту постройки, потом сможете скрыть интерфейс и игроком перейти в любую точку, после снова нажать ПКМ инструментом и начать размещать объект.
Вы можете выбрать из списка нужные сохраненный файл.
Далее менять его положение, поворачивать, поднимать и опускать.
Инструмент Shape Tool:
Позволяет строить разные готовые постройки правильных форм, квадраты, прямоугольники, пирамиды, сферы, круги итд.
Помимо всего этого в моде вы можете увидеть несколько видов декоративных блоков:
Command System
These are the in-game commands currently available. Most require that a user have operator privileges to work and that a singleplayer world has cheats enabled.
Warning: These commands are not intended for normal gameplay use and should only be used when debugging. Some have the potential to delete your colony or break it!
Command Syntax
If you see this… | Then… |
plaintext | Enter this exactly as shown |
<angle brackets> | This is a required argument |
[square brackets] | This is an optional argument |
x \| y \| z | Pick one of these options (can be optional or required) |
Как удалить колонию в майнкрафте
Yes hello there this mod has been great to play with, and I really enjoy this mod. Though one time my sister and I were playing a modpact which had this mod in it and I did find out how to create a colony so I left it in my chest and she found it and accidentally placed it on my home. I cant do anything in my home and its really devastating. My question to you, the developers is how do I delete a colony. It would be really great if you helped. MineShadow7
Does your town increase in radius as your townhall levels up? (aka does it have to be lvl 5 to get max distance?)
I have my townhall range set to 150 chunks and I just started a new town and i'm already hitting range issues and I should be no where near the boundary.
(08.11.2018, 07:07) Snapshot84 Wrote: [ -> ] Does your town increase in radius as your townhall levels up? (aka does it have to be lvl 5 to get max distance?)
I have my townhall range set to 150 chunks and I just started a new town and i'm already hitting range issues and I should be no where near the boundary.
Also, I was able to just claim 125 additional chunks using the below command (it said it was successful)
/mc colony claim colony: 1 dimension: 0 range: 125 add: true
But I went back to the spot I was trying to place a building and it still said I need to be closer to the townhall?
Base Commands
/minecolonies (or /mc) <backup | help | home | raid-all-now | raid-all-tonight | resetsupplies | rtp | whereami | whoami | citizens | colony | kill>
Command | Command Description |
/mc backup Default Permission Level: OP | Makes a backup of all colony data. |
/mc help Default Permission Level: All | Lists the wiki and the Discord links in chat. |
/mc home Default Permission Level: All | Teleports a colony owner back to the Town Hall of their colony. |
/mc raid-All <now | tonight> <amazon_raid | barbarian_raid | egyptian_raid | norsemen_raid | pirate_raid> Default Permission Level: OP | Schedules a raid for every colony. You can choose if it starts now or the next Minecraft night, as well as its type. |
/mc resetsupplies <online player's username> Default Permission Level: OP | Resets the ability to place a supply camp or ship. |
/mc rtp Default Permission Level: All | Randomly teleports you. Will place you outside the range of someone else's colony. |
/mc whereami Default Permission Level: All | Outputs how far away the player is from a colony (if they are near one) or that there are no colonies nearby. |
/mc whoami Default Permission Level: OP | Outputs your name, the name of your colony, and the coordinates for the center of your colony. |
Citizens Commands
/minecolonies (or /mc) citizens <info | kill | list | reload | spawnNew | teleport | walk>
Command | Command Description |
/mc citizens info <colony id> <citizen id> Default permission level: ALL | Gives basic information about a specified citizen in a colony such as their ID and name. Example: /mc citizens info 1 1 |
/mc citizens kill <colony id> <citizen id> Default permission level: ALL | Kills a specified citizen in a colony. Example: /mc citizens kill 1 1 |
/mc citizens list <colony id> [page number] Default permission level: ALL | Lists all citizens in a colony with each citizen's ID and name (9 results per page). Examples: /mc citizens list 1 /mc citizens list 1 3 |
/mc citizens reload <colony id> <citizen id> Default permission level: All | Reloads a specified citizen in a colony. Example: /mc citizens reload 1 1 |
/mc citizens spawnNew <colony id> Default permission level: ALL | Spawns a new citizen in a colony. Example: /mc citizens spawnNew 1 |
/mc citizens teleport <colony id> <citizen id><location (x y z)> Default permission level: ALL | Teleports a specified citizen to a given location. Example: /mc citizens teleport 1 1 -50 62 128 |
/mc citizens walk <colony id> <citizen id><location (x y z)> Default permission level: ALL | Tells a specified citizen to walk to a given location. Example: /mc citizens walk 1 1 -50 62 128 |
I have started playing this mod as part of the "World of Dragons" modpack through the twitch launcher. Its not a great modpack tbh but it has this mod in and some RPG stuff which is what I wanted to play.
The version of mincolonies in the pack seems to be "minecolonies-1.12.2-0.9.137- ALPHA-universal.jar"
I very carefully placed my town hall so that I had a big area in which to place my town, well within what the wiki claims to be an area of "180 blocks in every direction will be your protected Town area". Now I am trying to place a building about 100 blocks from my town hall but get the message "You need to be closer to your town hall".
The wiki also claims that I can "configure your own Town area radius in the minecolonies.cfg file inside the "../minecraft/config/" folder". In my config folder I found this:
I think where I am trying to place the building is well within that 200 block/16 chunk range. I tried doubling both numbers and saving over the .cfg file but still could not place the farm building. Have I misunderstood something?
I cannot be the first person to have encountered this. If anyone has managed to resolve this issue please let me know.
This does work, but Range is chunks not blocks, so 125 is to big. try adding 1 at a time.
/mc colony claim colony: 1 dimension: 0 range: 1 add: true
instead of
/mc colony claim colony: 1 dimension: 0 range: 125 add: true
Structurize Commands
/structurize linksystem <create | addplayer | acceptinvite>
Command | Command Description |
/structurize linksession create Default permission level: All | Creates a linksession to which you can invite other players to see build previews. Example: /structurize linksession create |
/structurize linksession addplayer <other player's name> Default permission level: All | Invites a player to your link session so they can see your building previews. Make sure you create one first! After being invited, players have to accept the invitation. Example: /structurize linksession addplayer Steve |
/structurize linksession acceptinvite Default permission level: All | Accepts an invitation to a link session. Example: /structurize linksession acceptinvite |
If changes are needed or you think there is content missing, feel free to edit this page (the button at the top right) or submit an issue for us to make edits. - MineColonies Wiki Team
Colony Commands
/minecolonies (or /mc) colony <addOfficer | canSpawnRaiders | claim | delete | home | info | list | loadAllColoniesFromBackup | loadBackup | raid-now | raid-tonight | requestsystem-reset | requestsystem-reset-all | setAbandoned | setDeleteable | setowner | teleport>
Command | Command Description |
/mc colony addOfficer <colony id> <online player's username> Default permission level: All | Adds an officer to a colony. For more information on officers, visit the Town Hall page and look at the Permissions section of the GUI. Example: /mc colony addofficer 1 Steve |
/mc colony canSpawnRaiders <colony id> <canSpawn> Default permission level: OP | Adds or removes the ability to spawn raiders in a colony. Example: /mc colony canSpawnRaiders 1 true |
/mc colony claim <colony id> [number in chunks] [true | false] Default permission level: OP | Claims a specified number of chunks for a colony (or removes claimed chunks) based off the player's location. Example: /mc colony claim 1 8 true |
/mc colony delete <colony id> [delete Buildings] Default permission level: All | Deletes a colony and all MineColonies buildings (as long as the hut block is still placed). Examples: /mc colony delete 1 false keep buildings /mc colony delete 1 true delete buildings |
/mc colony home Default permission level: All | Teleports a colony owner back to the Town Hall of their colony. Example: /mc colony home |
/mc colony info <[colony id]> Default permission level: All | Shows some basic information about the colony specified (ID, name, mayor, citizens, coordinates, last contact with mayor, and if the colony can be deleted or not). Example: /mc colony info 1 |
/mc colony list <[startpage]> Default permission level: All | Shows a list of all the colonies in this world and their ID, name, and coordinates. Example: /mc colony list |
/mc colony loadAllColoniesFromBackup Default permission level: OP | Loads all colonies from a backup. Example: /mc colony loadAllColoniesFromBackup |
/mc colony loadBackup <[colony id]> Default permission level: OP | Loads an individual colony from a backup. Example: /mc colony loadBackup 1 |
/mc colony raid <now | tonight> <[colony id]> <amazon_raid | barbarian_raid | egyptian_raid | norsemen_raid | pirate_raid> Default permission level: OP | Schedules a raid for the specified colony. You can choose if it starts now or the next Minecraft night, as well as its type. Example: /mc colony raid-now 1 |
/mc colony requestsystem-reset <[colony id]> Default permission level: All | Refreshes a specified colony's request system, making all workers resubmit requests. Example: /mc colony requestsystem-reset 1 |
/mc colony requestsystem-reset-all Default permission level: OP | Refreshes all colonies' request systems, making all workers in all colonies resubmit requests. Example: /mc colony requestsystem-reset-all |
/mc colony setAbandoned <colony id> Default permission level: All | Sets a colony to abandoned and without a mayor. Example: /mc colony setAbandoned 1 |
/mc colony setDeletable <colony id> <deleteable> Default permission level: OP | Sets whether a colony can be marked for auto-deletion or not. Example: /mc colony setDeletable 1 false |
/mc colony setowner <colony id> <online-player's username> Default permission level: All | Changes the owner of a colony. Example: /mc colony setowner 1 Steve |
/mc colony teleport <colony id> Default permission level: All | Teleports the player to the specified colony. Example: /mc colony teleport 1 |
Kill Commands
/minecolonies kill <raider | animals | monster | chicken | cow | pig | sheep>
Command | Command Description |
/mc kill raider Default permission level: OP | Kills all raiders (barbarians, pirates, vikings, or egyptian raiders) inside all colonies. Example: /mc kill raider |
/mc kill animals Default permission level: OP | Kills all animals (peaceful mobs) inside all colonies. Example: /mc kill animals |
/mc kill monster Default permission level: OP | Kills all monsters (hostile mobs) inside all colonies. Example: /mc kill monster |
/mc kill chicken Default permission level: OP | Kills all chickens inside all colonies. Example: /mc kill chicken |
/mc kill cow Default permission level: OP | Kills all cows inside all colonies. Example: /mc kill cow |
/mc kill pig Default permission level: OP | Kills all pigs inside all colonies. Example: /mc kill pig |
/mc kill sheep Default permission level: OP | Kills all sheep inside all colonies. Example: /mc kill sheep |
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