Как убивать горгону майнкрафт
Модификация Ice and Fire добавляет -
Оружие и инструменты из чешуи драконов, серебра и сапфира, драконья броня
После убийства дракона с него может упасть чешуя, кости, череп, кровь в бутыли, а так же его сердце и плоть. Броня для игрока крафтится из чешуи дракона, а броня для дракона крафтится из железных, золотых и алмазных блоков. Инструменты и оружие крафтятся из костей дракона и костей скелета-иссушителя. Серебряная руда и сапфир генерируются под землей в небольших кол-вах.
Blindfold is a wearable item used to blind the player.
Gorgons can be located deep down in Gorgon Temples, gigantic, Greek-style stone temples which spawn randomly in Beach biomes.
Gorgons are minibosses that lurk in coastal underground lairs and kill anything that looks at them with a petrifying gaze.
Blindfold can be repaired with String in Anvil or with another Blindfold.
Defense Points
Wearing a Blindfold will grant the player armor equal to a Leather Cap (half a defense point).
Gorgons are repulsive female humanoid monsters with the tail of a snake, the body of a woman, and hair made out of snakes. Their skin is pale green in color, while their tail is dark green and the many snakes on their hair are a deep green; as well as this, they wear light brown armor as well as green garments.
The primary function of Blindfold is to give the player Blindness III in order to become immune to a Gorgon's petrifying gaze or a Cockatrice's life-sapping stare.
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Эти мобы обитают на болоте от 3 до 20 особей.
Их острые когти, клювы и перья очень твёрды и остры.В воздухе они способны осыпать противника перьями, словно стрелами. Их они выпускают 4 пера за один раз
Их перья довольно ценный лут.Эти перья можно заполучить подобрав их с земли во время боя. Либо после их убийства.
Из них можно сделать стрелы.
Которые не только мощнее обычных, но и способны лететь бесконечно.
Они встречаются крайне редко.Что делает их особо ценными.Не нужно идти туда не подготовленными.Если вы решились убить Горгону, то не смотрите ей в глаза.
Лучше смотреть под ноги, или сделать себе повязку на глаза.
Убив горгону вы получите его голову, в качестве дропа.Использовать эту голову вы сможите только один раз.
Blindfold can be crafted with 2 Strings and Leather.
You can add these enchantments on Blindfold: Protection (I. - IV.), Fire Protection (I. - IV.), Blast Protection (I. - IV.), Projectile Protection (I. - IV.), Respiration (I. - III.), Aqua Affinity, Thorns (I. - III.), Curse of Binding, Unbreaking (I. - III.), Mending or Curse of Vanishing.
If a gorgon is looking directly at a player and the player has their crosshair on her, her eyes start glowing a bright yellow, her mouth opens to reveal large fangs, the snakes on her head come to life, and she turns that player to stone; petrified players can be broken with a pickaxe, and yield 4-5 pieces of cobblestone once broken. A surprising thing to note about the gorgon is that she can also turn other mobs to stone, as long as she and her target are directly looking at each other. Wearing a blindfold will render a player immune to the gorgon's gaze; however, in response to this, the Gorgon will become more aggressive and start directly attacking that player, dealing 1 heart (2 HP) of damage and inflicting Poison III for 4 seconds.
The best way to take a gorgon on is to wear a blindfold, equip decent armor, use a powerful sword, and take her on; in addition to this, it is recommended that one should bring many buckets of milk, should they get poisoned by her attacks. Note that you must be blinded to avoid petrification; merely wearing the blindfold is not enough to be protected from the Gorgon's gaze if the player has immunity to the blindness that the blindfold inflicts. Alternatively, one can take on the gorgon without a blindfold by simply looking down and hitting her tail; however, this is a riskier approach, as one misstep can lead to being petrified.
Gorgons will drop 1 gorgon head upon death.
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