Как убивать 100 уровни в варфрейм
Народ, какое оружие и его прокачка подойдёт для убийства мобов 100+ лвл?
Ракта угасает, очень даже!
я не про тебя, элементро, я про совасо тебе и автору поста писал)
p. s. ракта споклйно шотает 100 лвл
Как по мне пряморукий Билд залог ваншота 100-х лвл
Ага, и хороший МР
Госпади божы мой научитись песать пажолуста,мне как чилавеку , каторый руззский не учил зо вас стыдна!!1!
По сабжу,мне нравится Тугрис прум,акстилетто прайм,галя/никана прайм,вейкор сидон,лесион и 100500 других оружий. Главное,то,как их вкачаешь. Наличие хорошего мр-приветствуется.
Гайд: Как Побеждать 100+ Уровень.
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Самая крутая пушка для хай левелов (100+)
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Как убивать 100 уровни в варфрейм
10 сен. 2017 в 8:46 All my weapons don't really do a lot of damage regardless of what I seem to put in them. 10 сен. 2017 в 8:50 10 сен. 2017 в 8:52 10 сен. 2017 в 8:52 10 сен. 2017 в 8:53 All my weapons don't really do a lot of damage regardless of what I seem to put in them. just get better weapons or mod them more.Level 30-40 enemies become a breeze after a while 10 сен. 2017 в 8:58
You tell them that they are past their prime and at their level they should start thinking about retirement. This should hurt.
But really, it all comes down to your build and your mods. If weapon has at the very least 15% crit and 2x multiplier - build for critical. If weapon has about 20% status, get your hands on some double elemental mods (60 elemental, 60% status) and build for that. If weapon has both - you're pretty much set.
Depending on the faction, swap elements to suit your opposing enemies. Grineer dislike Corrosive and Viral, Corpus are not fond of Magnetic and Radiation (and Viral), Infested heavily dislike Fire and Corrosive (Radiation is good too, cuts off the buffers if you can proc it).
If enemy wears a lot of armour, use Corrosive Projection, the more the merrier. If a lot of buffers are around - Nyx is the answer. And as always, it doesn't matter how many mods you install, what matters is what kind of mods and how leveled they are. Also, aim generally for the heads.
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