Как стать mtf alpha 1 scp site 19
MTF Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand”
An elite task force consisting of some of the Foundation’s most loyal and most skilled operatives. Used in situations that require the strictest operational security. They report directly to the O5 Council. (Which as now a betrayer of the Foundation, their facility and deployment center went A.W.O.L)
MTF Lambda-5 “White Rabbits”
A task force that specializes in traversing unstable, surreal, and controlled reality, as well as containing potentially dangerous persons and artifacts capable of manipulating space and time. As they frequently end up in situations where reality becomes distorted, they are almost certainly very highly trained and extremely well-equipped with some of the Foundation’s best paratechnology, including portable Scranton Reality Anchors.
MTF Omega-16 “Grail Knights”
An elite, hand-picked task force assembled to explore the extradimensional location of Corbenic (SCP-2922-C). They have exceptional hand-to-hand combat prowess, judgement skills and stamina. No earthly weapons or tools are available in Corbenic, so members of Omega-16 must improvise tools and weapons or use their own physical strength and combat skills. As a result, the bodies and minds of Omega-16 members are some of the most capable for exploration and combat that the Foundation has available.
MTF Epsilon-11 “Nine-Tailed Fox”
A task force handling internal security for the Foundation under oversight of MTF Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand”. They are a special-ops force deployed to Foundation sites when standard protocols fail and multiple breaches are imminent. Highly trained and capable of handling major containment breaches. Most of their operations are classified.
MTF Omega-1 “Law’s Left Hand”
Only appears in this SCP-001 proposal. As such, not much is known about them. They appear to be the Ethics Committee’s equivalent of Red Right Hand. They are probably equal to Red Right Hand in combat prowess. Loyal to the Ethics Committee and are the designated task force for the detaining and/or assassination of the O5 Council in the event of the Council being compromised.
MTF Rēsh-1 “Seat of Consciousness”
Only appears in the previously mentioned SCP-001 proposal. They appear to be counterparts of Red Right Hand and Law’s Left Hand, operating under the direct orders of the Administrator of the Foundation. The proposal is extremely vague as to their exact function.
MTF Mu-13 “Ghostbusters”
A task force specializing in the tracking, analysis and containment of incorporeal or intangible manifestations and entities, particularly those believed to be sentient, sapient or otherwise intelligent and adaptive. Definitely highly trained and equipped with paratechnology. Probably also highly skilled in both psychology and parapsychology.
MTF Mu-0 “Maxwell’s Demons”
A task force specializing in the containment of demons and demonology-related entities. Any task force that can tangle with the legions of Hell is definitely a formidable military unit.
MTF Omega-144 (name unknown)
The holiest group of people in the Foundation. This interfaith task force has a single purpose: the containment of SCP-1844. They achieve this by constantly conducting various religious rituals, with no less than three members of the task force performing their specific procedures at the same time. They are all extremely high-ranking and devout individuals in various Abrahamic faiths. The task force currently consists of a Benedictine monk, an Usuli Twelver Grand Ayatollah, a Mormon prophet-president, a Druze sheikh, a Carmelite nun, an Usuli Twelver mujtahida, a Mandaean rišamma, the Abun of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewaheda Church, an Armenian Catholicos, a Chabad rabbi, the queen of the Bobo Ashanti Mansion, a Coptic priest, an Albanian Byzantine archbishop, a Sufi imam, a presumptive Moshiach, a Mevlevi dervish, a Samaritan high priest, two Protestant reverends and two Roman Catholic cardinals, and they hold back the Apocalypse through the sheer force of their piety alone.
MTF Rho-6 “Deifecators”
A task force specializing in the containment and neutralization of low-level and mid-level reality benders—not exactly an easy job. In the tale “New Age”, they effortlessly infiltrate the British Ministry of Defence’s Main Building in an attempt to assassinate a reality-bending government minister, only failing because he had committed suicide shortly beforehand.
MTF Sigma-31 “Damocles Shield”
A multinational military task force formed to carry out 99-Tripurantaka orders in the event of SCP-2631 activation. They have access to tactical nuclear missiles and warheads, which are to be deployed upon receipt of an authenticated 99-Tripurantaka order.
MTF Omega-23 (name unknown)
Mentioned in a document recovered from a Foundation-issue computer of presumed extradimensional origin that has been designated a component of SCP-2069. In said alternate dimension, humanity is fighting a losing war against extraterrestrial drones. Any surviving task forces in that world would definitely have access to advanced military paratechnology and likely weapons of mass destruction as well. Some sort of cybernetic enhancement is also implied.
MTF Psi-13 “Witch Hunters”
A highly-classified joint Foundation/GOC task force designed for the infiltration of Sarkic organizations and termination of high-threat members. Operatives are trained in Counter Occult Stratagems and the use of corrosive and incendiary armaments. Part of Project Sitra Archa, a joint Foundation/GOC organization comprised of several task forces dedicated to investigating and countering Sarkicism.
MTF Eta-5 “Jäeger Bombers”
A rapid-response unit specializing in the tracking, capturing, and containment of “Large-Scale Aggressors”, defined as entities over 30 meters in height. These are the people who would be deployed if Godzilla ever showed up.
MTF Nu-7 “Hammer Down”
A battalion-strength task force tasked with responding to incidents involving loss of communication with major Foundation facilities suspected to be caused by a containment breach, enemy compromise or other similarly catastrophic event. Consists of three company-sized elements of special-ops infantry forces, a light armored vehicle company, a tank platoon, a helicopter squadron, a chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear platoon, a combat engineer platoon, a squad of nuclear weapons specialists and many additional combat specialists and support personnel. These are the guys you put in your SCP article to indicate that shit just hit the fan, or that the Foundation wants to kill something really hard.
MTF Psi-9 “Abyss Gazers”
A joint Foundation/GOC battalion-strength task force trained in unconventional warfare against invading enemies through the use of heavy artillery, DMT-enhanced perception, and Counter Occult Stratagems. Also a part of Project Sitra Archa. They’re essentially Hammer Down on literal drugs.
MTF Omega-0 “Ará Orún”
A task force unknown to nearly all of the Foundation. They are (probably) informational constructs with memories of deceased Foundation personnel—basically ghosts. They are also immune to memetic and antimemetic effects and have complete and unfettered access to the Foundation database. Even after death, they continue serving the Foundation by dealing with memetic and antimemetic threats that the living cannot.
MTF Lambda-9 “Big Fucking Guns”
Formerly one of the Foundation’s largest task forces, but now definitely the smallest. When active, this task force specialized in containing Keter-level objects that required high damage output ordinance in the event of a containment breach. The task force consists of 100 foot soldiers armed with assault rifles, light machine guns, frag grenades and missile launchers, 20 scout vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns, 2 Apache helicopters, 30 support personnel, and a host of other vehicles carrying fuel, food and supplies. After being deployed to recontain SCP-682 in the aftermath of a crosstest with SCP-1056, Lambda-9 was hit with an energy wave produced by SCP-682 and all units of the task force were shrunken to 1/64 of their original size. They are currently designated as SCP-3198.
Transhuman Task Force Zeta-3 “Archangels”
Actually not a Foundation task force but a Chaos Insurgency one. This task force consisted of people who were augmented genetically, cybernetically and thaumaturgically to enhance their combat abilities. All but one of them were wiped out by Hammer Down during Incident 1943–01, and the sole remaining member died due to injuries after five weeks in containment.
MTF Omega-7 “Pandora’s Box”
Oh boy, where to start with this one. Back in the heyday of the SCP Foundation website, this was a task force composed of some of the most popular SCPs on the site, including SCP-076 and SCP-105. It was a simpler time, when Senior Staff author avatars were in vogue, telekill alloy was widely used in containment procedures, and you could talk about Fishmonger and Alice without instantly being banned. Back then, in the “Golden Age”, a lot of humanoid SCPs were given far more freedom than they generally are today, and the Foundation actually used some of the items it had in containment, rather than simply containing. It got to a point where we had this team, an experimental task force designed to test the effectiveness of anomalies in combat. The most prominent member of the team was SCP-076–2, a Keter-class anomaly and possibly the biblical Abel. Eventually, the task force was decommissioned—in-universe, because 076–2 found a way to disable the explosive collar they were using to keep it under control; out-of-universe, because everyone used it for everything and it was ridiculously over-the-top and inappropriate for the post-Golden-Age Foundation.
MTF Alpha-9 “Last Hope”
Omega-7 reborn. This is a task force developed to train and utilize humanoid SCPs in the field. Out-of-universe, a part of the Resurrection canon, a series of tales aimed at recreating the original “central storyline” of the SCP Foundation.
MTF Tau-5 “Samsara”
The most popular anomalous task force since Omega-7. This is a platoon-sized special-ops task force tasked with extremely hazardous missions and field-testing paratechnology. The task force is composed of cyborg clones created from the flesh of a dead (or possibly just Broken) god. They are extraordinarily skilled, incredibly intelligent, and have anomalously augmented physical capabilities and the most cutting-edge experimental paratechnology the Foundation has to offer. Major players in the Third Law canon.
Joint Task Force 2861-Omega “Ragna-blök”
A joint task force between the Foundation and the GOC in response to the partial appearance of a planet-sized canid which represented an eschatological threat. Among others, the team had twenty GOC Type-Blue operatives (wizards), two members of GOC Strike Team 9999 “Max Damage” piloting giant mechas, and a member of the Jäeger Bombers, and was armed with a GOC anti-gravity battleship, hypersonic railguns, and two 100-megaton nuclear devices. This task force killed Fenrir and stopped Ragnarök from occurring.
MTF Omega-11 “Paris’ Arrows”
Before being disbanded and replaced by Omega-12, this task force contained instances of SCP-3480–2, which are reality benders that can range from Level 1 to at least Level 5. Instances of SCP-3480–2 have caused several K-Class scenarios, including erasing a Greek island from all of human memory and doing something that required the Foundation to activate SCP-2000.
MTF Xi-06 “Bixby Hunters”
They specialize in containment of SCP-1095, which houses approximately 70,000 Level 4 reality benders.
MTF Omega-12 “Achilles Heels”
After a catastrophic containment failure of an instance of SCP-3480–2, the Foundation formed this task force out of SCP-3480–2 instances. This is a whole task force composed entirely of up to Level 3 reality benders, specifically trained to contain other reality benders.
SCP Foundation
SCP Tales by Series
MTFs by Scorpion141
Mobile Task Forces vary greatly in size, composition, and purpose. A battalion-strength combat-oriented task force trained to deal with highly aggressive anomalous entities may consist of hundreds of troops plus support personnel, vehicles, and equipment and can be deployed in whole or in part to deal with threats across the globe. However, a Mobile Task Force can also be a small, specialized intelligence-gathering or investigative task force that may have fewer than a dozen personnel if that is deemed sufficient to accomplish their goals.
While in the field, task force members often pose as emergency responders, local or federal law enforcement, or military personnel appropriate to the region in which they are operating. Mobile Task Force Commanders can also request the assistance of local field units or personnel stationed at nearby Foundation facilities in order to accomplish their missions.
Each unit is fundamentally structured in a way that best suits their intended purpose. While combat-oriented task forces may closely follow military hierarchy and organization, smaller units may have an informal or otherwise esoteric chain of command. As such, the responsibilities of the Mobile Task Force Commander (MTFC) for each particular task force can vary greatly; the commander for a large task force might focus on maintaining multiple teams and deploying them as necessary to each assigned operation, whereas the commander of a small team might deploy with their team and direct the operation from on location.
Similarly, the cohesion of each unit will vary as well. Some Mobile Task Forces consist of personnel who have trained and worked for many years or even decades together, whereas the personnel of a Mobile Task Force formed on a moment's notice to deal with a specific incident may know little more than each others' names and fields of expertise.
Mobile Task Forces are typically commissioned as deemed necessary by the Foundation's Director of Task Forces, often with the direct approval of one or more O5 Council members. A significant number of Mobile Task Forces are created to deal with specific anomalies exhibiting traits that standard containment or response teams are unable to effectively counteract, though many were also created to pre-empt an emerging or theoretical threat.
Mobile Task Forces created for the purpose of containing a particular anomaly are typically deactivated at the end of the recovery operation or when ongoing containment is deemed no longer necessary. Occasionally, such task forces remain operational if the expertise and experiences learned are considered useful for future incidents, but otherwise the task force will likely be disbanded and its personnel returned to their prior posts. Very rarely, a Mobile Task Force will also be disbanded if it suffers sufficient casualties to render it incapable of operation. In these cases, if the prior capability of that particular task force is deemed necessary, a new task force may be commissioned to replace it.
A Mobile Task Force is a team of personnel that represents the Foundation's best and most effective field agents and researchers and are sent in when ordinary facility personnel are unable or ill-prepared to deal with incidents or threats of a particular type. To take a medical analogy:
- The Foundation's technicians and guards are analogous to nurses; they can handle day-to-day concerns and routine tasks such as taking vitals or administering medication, but do not have the expertise or authority to diagnose conditions or perform complex procedures.
- The Foundation's containment teams, tactical teams, and researchers are analogous to primary care or family practice doctors; they can make generalized diagnoses and provide care of a more sophisticated nature, but their time is valuable, so they are only called in when they are needed.
- A Mobile Task Force is like a surgeon or other specialist; they are referred to or called in when the generally available personnel are unable to handle a situation or if the situation is beyond their capability. They are expensive and there are only a handful of them, but they are the best shot at handling any particular case well.
However, just like not all medical specialists are surgeons, not all Mobile Task Forces are armed soldiers carrying machine guns and explosives; considering that anomalies that the Foundation deals with can take all shapes and sizes, it isn't a stretch of the imagination that the Foundation might have task forces consisting of extremely smart field biologists or teams of elite hackers who have very specialized but non-combat roles.
A Mobile Task Force varies greatly in size depending on their area of expertise and operational requirements. A team of hackers may have only a half-dozen members, but combat-oriented units may be much larger. To take an example from the U.S. military, it takes around 50 trained troops to safely assault an average home: one squad (at least a dozen men) to secure the perimeter, one squad to assault the building, and one squad in reserve to back the others up. When in doubt, please feel free to contact a subject matter expert who can help you come up with a plausible depiction of a task force suitable for your needs.
Alternatively, remember that a Mobile Task Force is an elite unit and not all SCP objects or entities require mention of such a task force; it wouldn't make sense for the Navy SEALs to be doing traffic stops or hunting down a petty thief, and it doesn't make sense for a Mobile Task Force to be mobilized for an inert object that doesn't pose an active or autonomous threat.
Remember, Mobile Task Forces are the elite, the best the Foundation has to offer. The individual field agents, containment teams, and response teams stationed at sites throughout the world are highly competent in and of themselves, but when they encounter something that even veteran personnel can't figure out, it's time to call in the experts from out of town.
Simply keep in mind that since they are the elite, that means that their services are both high in demand and low in availability. If it's just a milk-run, then there's no need to fly in a team from halfway across the world.
As mentioned in the Secure Facilities Locations guide, this varies from author to author. Some authors believe in a vast and all-pervasive Foundation with over a hundred specialized task forces, whereas others believe in a smaller Foundation with maybe only a dozen active task forces. Both are correct interpretations; it's entirely up to which one best fits your narrative.
Not at all! This page is intended to inspire and to give a cross-section of consistent usages across the site and is only meant to give a general feel for how Mobile Task Forces work; you are more than welcome to create your own or even creatively contradict the usages given here. Remember, even in-universe, Mobile Task Forces are created and disbanded all the time; the Foundation may be a bureaucracy, but they are not stupid enough to believe that a rigid hierarchy of field personnel can handle all anomalies. Sometimes the best team for the job is the one you create on the fly.
The list pages are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all task forces referenced site-wide. As a general rule, Mobile Task Forces on the main list have been used in at least five articles written by at least three authors. For task forces with fewer articles, these may be added to the "Additional MTFs" section on this page. Please use the discussion thread for this guide to propose new additions.
For a full list of MTFs appearing in extant articles, see this page.
If you want to make an edit to this page, please contact a member of the MAST Team to get it approved first.
Mobile Task Force
- Nu-7
- Beta-7
- Epsilon-11
- Alpha-1
- Maxed (Nu-7)
- Maxed (Beta-7)
- Maxed (Epsilon-11)
- Maxed (Alpha-1)
- Upgraded (Nu-7)
- Upgraded (Beta-7)
- Upgraded (Epsilon-11)
- Upgraded (Alpha-1)
- Gamepass Icon
Mobile Task Force (also known as MTF) is a Combatant Team. They are the SCP Foundation's Elite soldiers tasked with protecting the Foundation from outside attacks and re-containment of SCPs. Their primary mission is to protect SCPs from escaping, avoid containment breaches, and recontain escaped SCPs.
The first combatant job that needs XP to activate is the Mobile Task Force. The Mobile Task Force has a promotion system in place that is based on the amount of XP acquired in that role.
SCP-173 and SCP-096 are the only SCPs who can be re-contained by the Mobile Task Force participants by holding the left mouse button on the SCP. On Mobile, hold the button at the top of the screen with the SCP-173 icon on it located next to the report or goggle button. Other SCPs must be enticed back into their containment chambers.
The Mobile Task Force is divided into four subdivisions which are, Nu-7, Beta-7, Epsilon-11, and Alpha-1. Nu-7 is the first division the player can play as when unlocking the Mobile Task Force.
To unlock each division, the player must have 120 Team XP from the previous division (e.g. 120 XP on Epsilon-11 for Alpha-1). It is not possible to unlock all divisions by playing on a singular team.
Each section of the Mobile Task Force has various team perks that improve and/or contribute to their team goal, whether it's terminating all SCP-008 instances or recontaining. The divisions and their abilities/equipment are listed below.
Subdivisions of the Mobile Task Force:
Subdivision Name | Abilities (Downgrade) | Abilities (Upgrade) | Appearance |
Nu-7 'Hammer Down' | Recontaining SCPs | Recontaining SCPs, 5% more damage | A black and grey outfit, with shotgun shells on the shoulders |
Beta-7 'Maz Hatters' | Recontaining SCPs, 10% more damage to players infected with SCP-008 | Recontaining SCPs, 15% more damage to players infected with SCP-008 | A black and blue outfit |
Epsilon-11 'Nine-Tailed Fox' | Recontaining SCPs, 25% faster SCP recontainment speed | Recontaining SCPs, 50% faster SCP recontainment speed | A black and orange outfit |
Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' | Recontaining SCPs, 5% faster weapon reload speed, XP bonus when guarding O5 | Recontaining SCPs, 10% faster weapon reload speed, XP bonus when guarding O5 | A black and red outfit |
Members of the Mobile Task Force will have their rank as an abbreviated Greek letter followed by their corresponding rank (e.g., β-7 Task Force Lieutenant). The rate of advancement are as follows:
Promotion Level | XP Required |
Recruit | 0 |
Operative | 30 |
Senior Operative | 90 |
Elite Operative | 180 |
Task Force Sergeant | 270 |
Task Force Lieutenant | 360 |
Task Force Leader | 480 |
Mobile Task Force teams spawn in different uniforms depending on their division. The uniform, though, still requires a helmet. They wear the player's Roblox avatar's face as well as the skin tone of their avatar. Units wear a military balaclava that protects the majority of their face, as well as a tactical FAST (Future Assault Shell Technology) helmet with a tactical headset. Night Vision Goggles will be provided to all members of the Mobile Task Force, regardless of rank. MTF and Task Force Leaders who have been upgraded carry helmet-mounted gloves and SCRAMBLE Goggles. MTF personnel also carry regular body armor, a utility belt, and a gun holster. However, they are all purely cosmetic, therefore it will not give any boosts or upgrades whatsoever.
Mobile Task Force
“The Foundation's line of work requires a large number of highly specialized professionals. This is usually related to anomalies that require much effort and an unorthodox approach for containment. To address this, Mobile Task Forces are formed. MTFs are teams of varying size that specialize in specific roles or respond to specific situations. Every group has a name consisting of a Greek letter and a number; clarification prefixes and/or call signs may be employed in some cases.”
–List of Mobile Task Forces, SCP Wiki
In Site-35, they serve a backup force to counter hostile threats, or to defend the site from the Global Occult Coalition, their nemesis and main enemy. Their only allies consist within the Foundation, with the only exception being the Unusual Incidents Unit.
They are 1 of the 2 official organized factions within the community, being able to have their own custom spawn, 4 customized weapons and morphs, and a Joint Training Center at their disposal. They are considered "better" than the GOC, however this can be disputable. Alpha-1 is bounded to rules, like the Coalition, to prevent domination and to ensure fair play in battles.
For every 3 hostiles, 1 operative can deploy. This is the same for the Coalition, except the other way around.
Entrance into Alpha-1 is by tryouts and/or applications, hosted by an HR+.
Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand"
"Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 is a task force that reports directly to the O5 Council and is used in situations that require the strictest operational security. The task force consists of the Foundation's best and most loyal operatives. Further information regarding MTF Alpha-1 is classified Level 5."
MTF Alpha-1 is one of the many Mobile Task Forces present throughout the Foundation. Unlike other units such as Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox" or Nu-7 "Hammer Down", they do not serve a specific purpose, instead being deployed at the 05 Council's discretion.
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