Как создать пруссию в europa universalis 4
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Prussia (German: Preußen) is one of the formable countries in Europe and can be formed by Бранденбург , the Тевтонский орден , or any country with Prussian, Saxon, or Pomeranian culture (besides end-game tags such as Germany and a unified, centralised Holy Roman Empire). It also exists in campaigns started in 1525 or later. Prussia is a powerful military state with strong morale, discipline and tradition; enough to ensure strong generals in commanding large armies, well-trained troops in aforementioned armies and good military rulers.
If played correctly, Prussia can dominate Central Europe and the rest of the HRE. Prussia is considered one of the more advanced nations due to the difficult requirements and challenges that must be overcome to form, therefore it is not recommended for beginners. However, once inner quarrels are settled and the homeland is secured it can easily become one of the most entertaining yet still challenging nations. Prussia can also play a decisive role in the League Wars.
Regional missions
European missions
The acquisition of wealth is one thing; but being wealthier than all others, is a sign of true mastery. Grow our home trade node, and own a controlling stake in it. Heresy must not be tolerated. The [Root.Religion.GetName] Church needs a pious role-model to light the way.Holy Roman Empire monarchy missions
Like all Princes of the Holy Roman Empire, we have our eye on the throne. We should stir up some support from the electorate.The country gets the modifier “Imperial Graces” for 15 years, giving the following effects:
In times immemorial, the Carolingian Kings ruled over the great and Holy Roman Empire. Their legacy has not been forgotten, and neither has their ambition. We must be crowned Emperor. Over the course of time, many of our Princes have foolishly lost territory to the uncivilized nations beyond the Imperial borders. Unfortunately, that makes us look weak. Recover them.- Every province with a core of this country is owned by this country
+10 Prestige +10 Imperial authority
The country gets the modifier “Imperial Unity” for 15 years, giving the following effect:
Этот раздел может содержать устаревшую информацию об игре. Последняя версия, для которой эта информация была актуальной, является 1.27.There are three possible decisions that form Prussia. One is for the Тевтонский орден , and is based on the secularization of that order into the Duchy of Prussia in 1525. One is for Бранденбург , based on the Electors of Brandenburg, having inherited the Duchy of Prussia, crowning themselves King in Prussia in 1701. The last is for any other country with Prussian, Saxon or Pomeranian culture, representing another German country taking the path that Brandenburg did historically. Note that the latter two decisions will elevate the nation to kingdom rank and will consequently make it leave the Holy Roman Empire unless it is an elector.
Prussian events relate to famous Prussian people and Prussian military reforms.
Prussian governments
Prussia has two unique government reforms, Prussian Monarchy for monarchies and Stratocratic Administration for republics.
Prussian Monarchy
Having the Prussian Monarchy gives:
−2 National unrest −0.02 Monthly war exhaustion −0.075 Monthly autonomy change +10 Maximum absolutism +3 Monarch military skill (for future monarchs) −50% Governing capacity +10% Nobility loyalty equilibrium
Note: The Prussian monarchy doesn't set a minimum of 3 for rulers, but directly increases their military stat by 3. Due to the way ruler stats are calculated, it gives a 5/8 (62.5%) chance of getting a 6 ruler.
Stratocratic Administration
Having the Stratocratic Administration gives:
−0.02 Monthly war exhaustion +0.05 Militarization of State −0.075 Monthly autonomy change −10 Maximum absolutism −0.5 Yearly republican tradition −50% Governing capacity
Both Prussian Monarchy and Stratocratic Administration have militarization which is a unique system that gives army-oriented bonuses the more militarized the nation gets on a scale of 0 to 100%. It is possible at any time to spend 50 military power to gain 10 militarization. At 100% militarization of the state the country will gain:
+10% | Discipline | |
+20% | Manpower recovery speed | |
−20% | Land maintenance modifier |
Monthly militarization is affected by the following:
Triggers | |
+0.02 0 | Has completed the Prussian mission Empower the Junkers |
+0.02 0 | Has enacted the nobility privilege “Junker Supremacy” |
+0.05 0 | Has enacted the republican government reform Stratocratic Administration |
+0.05 0 | With the parliament issue “Extend Militarization of the State” |
+0.10 0 | Army tradition (at 100%) |
+0.025 | Legitimacy (at 100%) |
+0 .000 | Legitimacy (at 50%) |
−0.025 | Legitimacy (at 0%) |
−0.01 0 | Over governing capacity (per 1%) |
−0.5 00 | Bankruptcy |
Prussian monarchy
Этот раздел может содержать устаревшую информацию об игре. Последняя версия, для которой эта информация была актуальной, является 1.24.The Prussian Monarchy is a unique government type available only for Prussia that gives a major advantage in military power income. Having this government ensures: Monarchy Note: The Prussian monarchy doesn't set a minimum of 3 for rulers, but directly increases their military stat by 3. Due to the way ruler stats are calculated, it gives a 5/8 (62.5%) chance of getting a 6 ruler.
Шаблон:Expansion Prussian monarchies have a unique system that gives army-oriented bonuses the more militarized the nation gets on a scale of 0 to 100%. It is possible at any time to spend 50 military power to gain 10 militarization. At 100% militarization of the state the country will gain: Static modifiers
Monthly militarization is affected by the following:
Triggers | |
+0.10 0 | Army tradition Шаблон:Small |
+0.05 0 | Negative stability Шаблон:Small |
+0.025 | Legitimacy Шаблон:Small |
+0 .000 | Legitimacy Шаблон:Small |
-0.015 0 | Per province |
-0.025 | Legitimacy Шаблон:Small |
-0.25 0 | Bankruptcy |
It is meant for the player to play tall, developing their lands and not waging wars for expansion, since it gives a penalty for the number of owned provinces. Пруссия itself was a small kingdom that managed to punch way over its size militarily.
Как создать Пруссию в Europa Universalis 4?
Пруссию в EU4 можно создать за страну с прусской, померанской или саксонской культурной группой (например за Бранденбург). Для создания Пруссии нужно завладеть провинциями Кёнигсберг, Данциг и Вармия, принять протестантизм и достичь 10 уровня административных технологий.
Развивай производство захватывай торговый центры и устья рек ибо они дают бафы неплохие и очень много торгового влияния в торговом узле,тц_торговый центр то есть модификатор профки который дает кучу плюсов для торговли и тем самым делая ее очень важной для увеличения дохода
также сливайте торговое влияния с других узлов в ваш каперствуйте и защищайте торговые пути при помощи барок
кст самый богатый по-моему это торговый узел генуя или у мина,он может влить туда отовсюду.
с самого начала ломаешь замок в москве и берешь задание на новгород естественно кидаешь его в соперники
11 декабря объявляешь ему войну и забираешь все провки которыми он контачит с другими государствами кроме нашего (ливонского ордена и швеции младшего члена унии с данией)
одновременно улучшая отношения с польшей и создавая шпионскую сеть в ливонском ордене
после войны с новгородом кидаешь запрос на союз польше и объявляешь войну ливонскому ордену,я его обычно полностью съедаю,половину вассалу пскову половину себе)потом идем на золотую орду можно при помощи польше и великого княжества литовского их быстро разнести а можно и одному это очень легко даже если у них союзники узбеки
по итогам забираешь все провки которые контачат с литвой чтобы она не смогла ему объявить войну
уже мы имеем относительно неплохую экономику достаточно провок и армию
Просто иидем на восток и грамим эти отсталые племена попутно вместе с польшей разбивая лицо дании и поедая ее начиная со швеции
но польша ключевое условие ибо частые войны и восстания сильно выматывают а польша как бы гарант на случай нападения османов или дании
Кинозлодеи. Капец, я и не знала, что их так много.
There are three possible decisions that form Prussia. One is for the Teutonic Order , and is based on the secularization of that order into the Duchy of Prussia in 1525. One is for Brandenburg , based on the Electors of Brandenburg, having inherited the Duchy of Prussia, crowning themselves King in Prussia in 1701. The last is for any other country with Prussian, Saxon or Pomeranian culture, representing another German country taking the path that Brandenburg did historically. Note that the latter two decisions will elevate the nation to kingdom rank and will consequently make it leave the Holy Roman Empire unless it is an elector.
Reform into Prussia
The age of crusading knights is fading fast. There will come a time when we no longer stand to gain by holding on to the trappings of a monastic order. Besides, the Grandmaster would much rather be a Duke. or King. By reforming into a secular state, we can revitalize our administration and gain the respect of our neighbors.If Königsberg (41) is part of the HRE, but its owner is not a member then:
- is a republic and not revolutionary:
- then it enacts the government reform Stratocratic Administration
- then it changes its government to monarchy and enacts the government reform Prussian Monarchy
- then the States General reform gets removed
- then it gets the event ‘New Traditions & Ambitions’.
Every neighbouring monarchy:
Form Kingdom of Prussia
There is only one king in the Empire, the king of Bohemia. At the same time our lands in Prussia are not a historic part of the Empire, let us declare ourselves King in Prussia to reflect our grander status than the other electors.- is a member of the Holy Roman Empire but not the emperor or an elector
- then all its provinces are removed from the HRE.
- then it becomes a kingdom.
- then it gets the event ‘New Traditions & Ambitions’.
- then it enacts the government reform Stratocratic Administration
- then it changes its government to monarchy and enacts the government reform Prussian Monarchy
- then the States General reform gets removed
One random owned province with Saxon or Pomeranian culture that is not the capital:
Change the capital's culture to Prussian
Reform into Prussia
The lands once conquered and Germanized by the Teutonic Order will always need protection against rapacious neighbors. Should the Order fail in this duty, we can take their place and usher in a new era of prosperity and Prussian discipline.- is a member of the Holy Roman Empire but not the emperor or an elector
- then all its provinces are removed from the HRE.
- then it becomes a kingdom.
- then it enacts the government reform Stratocratic Administration
- then it changes its government to monarchy and enacts the government reform Prussian Monarchy
- then the States General reform gets removed
- then it gets the event ‘New Traditions & Ambitions’.
One random owned province with Saxon or Pomeranian culture that is not the capital:
Change the capital's culture to Prussian
Prussian events relate to famous Prussian people and Prussian military reforms.
Самые ужасные злодеи кино:
40 - Фредди Крюгер (зато какое у него потрясающее чувство юмора!).
80 - Дракула (столько прочитала о графе Владе Цепеше Дракуле, что категорически с этим не согласна).
120 - Ганнибал Лектор ("Молчание ягнят").
160 - Фантомас (зря, он очень милый и обаятельный).
200 - Терминатор (а я думала, это положительный персонаж).
240 - Бармалей (вероятно, народ не читал эту сказку полностью, в конце Бармалей подобрел).
Всё! 840 баллов мы сегодня заработали.
А еще есть Норман Бейтс ("Психо"), Клоун Пеннивайз ("Оно"), Кукла Чаки, Джейсон Вурхис ("Пятница, 13-е"), Кэндимэн из одноименного фильма, Майкло Майерс ("Хеллоуин"), Пила, Садако ("Звонок"), Пинхэд ("ВОсставший из ада") и куча других неординарных товарищей.
Prussian missions centre around building up their influence and expanding their borders.
Prussian missions
Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 1.30.Clicking on a mission icon leads to the appropriate table row. "Repeat" action to return.
Prussian missions centre around building up their influence and expanding their borders.
This article has been verified for the current version (1.31) of the game.
Traditions: +0.5 Yearly army tradition −10% Aggressive expansion impactLegacy of the Teutonic Knights
−10% Stability cost modifier +1 Tolerance of the true faith
The Soldier-King of Prussia
−1% Yearly army tradition decay
Army Professionalism
+20% Morale of armies
Noble Cadets
+10% Nobility loyalty equilibrium
The Goose Step
+20% Infantry combat ability
Regimental Cantons
+25% National manpower modifier −10% Recruitment time
Religious Toleration
−5% Development cost +1 Tolerance of heretics
+5% Discipline
Prussia is one of the formable countries in Europe and can be formed by Brandenburg , the Teutonic Order , or any country with Prussian, Saxon, or Pomeranian culture (besides end-game tags such as Germany and a unified, centralised Holy Roman Empire). It also exists in campaigns started in 1525 or later. Prussia is a powerful military state with strong morale, discipline and tradition; enough to ensure strong generals in commanding large armies, well-trained troops in aforementioned armies and good military rulers.
If played correctly, Prussia can dominate Central Europe and the rest of the HRE. Prussia is considered one of the more advanced nations due to the difficult requirements and challenges that must be overcome to form, therefore it is not recommended for beginners. However, once inner quarrels are settled and the homeland is secured it can easily become one of the most entertaining yet still challenging nations. Prussia can also play a decisive role in the League Wars.
From a 1444 start, Prussia's strategy is highly dependent on who forms it, what provinces are already owned, and its status vis-a-vis the Holy Roman Empire.
Within the Empire
If Brandenburg was an elector and formed Prussia then expansion within the Empire is possible without incurring the Emperor's wrath, but due to the high aggressive expansion earned for taking provinces there, growth may be slow. The player should decide which of three long range paths to pursue; become the Emperor, form Germany, or pursue an independent course. The nearby Lubeck trade node can be a lucrative source of income once enough trade power is seized, and if Prussia makes a concerted effort to increase its naval force limits, wealth from the New World, entering the North Sea trade node can be diverted to increase Lubeck's value further. Germany and the Empire are not strictly mutually exclusive, but the requirements to form the one actively undercut the ability to amass authority to accomplish the unification of the other.
Outside the Empire
If Brandenburg was no longer an elector, or if formed by another (non-elector) Prince of the Empire, then Prussia will be ejected from the Empire upon gaining Kingdom rank. Further expansion within the Empire is likely to involve the Emperor defending his subjects, and declaring unlawful territory on any provinces taken. Access to the Lubeck trade node will be problematic so the upstream Baltic trade node becomes the next best source of value. This generally leads to war with Sweden (their overlord Denmark), the Livonians, and the Slavic powers to the east.
National missions
Eastwards Expansion
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.30.Brandenburg gains permanent claims on the following areas:
Brandenburg gains permanent claims on the following areas:
Brandenburg gains permanent claims on the following areas:
Franconian Expansion
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.30.Westward Expansion
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.30.Brandenburg gains permanent claims on the following province:
Owns core province:
Brandenburg gains permanent claims on the following provinces:
Brandenburg gains permanent claims on the following region:
The Army and the State
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.30.If both of the following:
Then Brandenburg must have enacted the following estate privilege:
Brandenburg has at least 100% Religious Unity
Brandenburg gets "The Edict of Potsdam" for 20 years, giving the following effect:
If is enabled:
Prussia gets the event "On War"
If is enabled:Brandenburg has embraced the Enlightenment
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