Как сменить класс в team fortress 2
Доброго времени суток! Многие новенькие игроки, да и во многих случаях постоянные, частенько не знают, как поменять класс (персонажа) во время игры в Team Fortress 2. Это становиться проблемой особенно для начинающего игрока т.к. он не знает всех героев. Проще всего выбрать нужный класс методом проб и ошибок, а для это нужно знать как поменять класс в TF2.
- Также в этом окне вы сможете и переназначить на любую удобную клавишу
Надеюсь, эта небольшая статья вам помогла и вы без проблем сменили класс Team Fortress 2 находясь в игре.
Расширенные настройки
Расширенные настройки можно открыть кнопкой «Дополнительно. » на вкладке «Сетевой режим», либо выбрав «Расширенные настройки» в главном меню. Эти настройки позволяют игроку изменять и настраивать различные визуальные и привязанные к игре параметры. Ниже приведен полный список расширенных настроек, а также их значений по умолчанию.
Стандартные многопользовательские опции
Доступны во вкладке «Сетевой режим» в окне настроек.
Список полезных консольных команд
При помощи консоли разработчика вы можете включать и выключать различные настройки игрового процесса и графики, а также менять их числовое значение. Консоль можно включить в расширенных настройках.
Следующие настройки можно вписать в .cfg файлы для определённых классов, находящиеся в папке с Team Fortress 2.
Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, we’ll answer additional questions about controls in Team Fortress 2.
How Do You Bind Change Class in Team Fortress 2?
If you find the default key for changing classes uncomfortable, you can bind another key from the settings:
1. From the main game menu, click the gear icon to open Settings.
2. Navigate to the “Keyboard” tab.
3. Click “Change Class” and select “Edit key.”
4. Select the desired key and confirm to bind it.
Optionally, changing binds can be done using console commands:
1. From the main game menu, click the gear icon to open Settings.
2. Click “Advanced,” then tick the box next to “Enable developer console.” Confirm with “Ok.”
” key to bring up the command input box.
5. Type in “ bind Как сменить класс в team fortress 2 changeclass ” and close the command input box.
Strategy Is the Key
Now that you know how to change the character class in Team Fortress 2 at any moment in the game, your performance should improve. Although certain classes are generally used for specific roles, you can try changing the strategy. Select unexpected classes for your role and be creative in using weapons and special abilities to catch enemies off guard.
Which character class do you prefer for each of the three roles and why? Share your opinions in the comments section below.
Best Classes for Defense
Defense players have to save their teammates and eliminate enemies who come too close. The classes listed below are the best suitable for this purpose:
- Demoman. Players of this class can detonate sticky bombs at any moment. Although sticky bombs don’t attach to other players, they can stick to nearly any surface.
- Heavy. Heavies use Natascha as their primary weapon to slow down enemies. It works better if the enemies are close.
- Engineers can create sentry guns that automatically fire into the closest enemy. Teleporters are another useful construction that can be created by Engineers. It’s used to transport players from one teleport end to another, helping to escape from enemies.
Многопользовательские опции
Многопользовательские опции позволяют игроку настроить свой игровой процесс по своему усмотрению. Являясь частью окна параметров, многопользовательские опции доступны из главного меню. По умолчанию иконка настроек выглядит как белая шестерёнка, тогда как иконка расширенных настроек выглядит так же, но со значком плюса (+) в правом верхнем углу.
How to Change Class in Team Fortress 2
There are nine classes in Team Fortress 2. Naturally, different classes have varying abilities, combat styles, speed and health, and other features. Thus, the choice of class significantly affects the gameplay and player strategy. Choosing the right character for a specific role is crucial for victory.
In this article, we’ll explain how to change character class in Team Fortress 2 while in the game – on Xbox, PlayStation, Mac, and Windows. Additionally, we’ll share tips on choosing the right class based on your role in the game and provide instructions on binding keys to certain commands.
Best Classes for Offense
The class system in TF2 is quite straightforward. Although any class can be played outside of the assigned role, depending on your strategy, it’s generally better to follow the default grouping order. If you’re playing on offense, choose one of the following classes:
- Scout. Scouts can capture points twice as quickly, run faster than players of other classes, and are capable of double-jumping.
- Soldier. Players of this class can attack from unpredictable directions, thanks to the rocket jumping feature. It allows Soldiers to jump to extreme heights and distances, though it takes quite a bit of health. Soldiers use rocket launchers as their primary weapon.
- Pyro. The greatest advantage of Pyro is their high speed/health ratio. Pyros use compression blasts to unleash fire on enemies and can extinguish their burning peers.
Best Classes for Support
Support players are equally important. For this role, choose one of the following classes:
- Medics heal teammates and are capable of overhealing players by 150% of their initial maximum health. Medics also provide their peers with various buffs, such as invincibility, resistance to bullets, and others.
- Snipers are in a way similar to Demomen. They can eliminate enemies from a distance and extinguish burning peers.
- Spies can cause damage to enemy buildings, kill critical menaces, and disguise into enemy classes.
How to Change Your Class in Team Fortress 2?
Let’s dive right in – find instructions on changing class in TF2 for your device below.
On Xbox
By default, the key to change class in TF2 on Xbox is the back arrow. Press it while in the game until you find the desired class. If you wish to bind another key to this command, follow the steps below:
- From the main game menu, navigate to Settings.
- Select “Advanced” and select “Enable developer console.” Confirm with “Ok.”
- Exit Settings and start the game.
- Press all the triggers at the same time to bring up the command input box.
- Type in “ bind Как сменить класс в team fortress 2 changeclass ” and close the command input box.
On PlayStation
None of the PS controller keys is bound to change class by default. Follow the steps below to choose which key to bind and change the class during the game:
- From the main game menu, navigate to Settings.
- Select “Advanced” and select “Enable developer console.” Confirm with “Ok.”
- Exit Settings and start the game.
- Press all the triggers at the same time to bring up the command input box.
- Type in “ bind Как сменить класс в team fortress 2 changeclass ” and close the command input box.
- While in the game, hit the bound key until you find the desired class.
On Mac
The default key for changing class in TF2 on Mac is “,” – simply press it to switch your class while in the game. If you prefer to use another key, follow the instructions below to bind it to the “change class” command:
- From the main game menu, click the gear icon to open Settings.
- Navigate to the “Keyboard” tab.
- Click “Change Class” and select “Edit key.”
- Select the desired key and confirm to bind it.
- Exit Settings and start the game.
- When you wish to change the class, hit the bound key. You may have to press it several times until you get the desired class.
On Windows 10
Changing class in TF2 for Windows isn’t any different than doing it on Mac. Follow the steps below:
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