Как скрафтить ружье в survivalcraft
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Crafting is essential to survival. All tools, weapons and most building materials are made through crafting.
This page covers the general crafting process, not specific crafting recipes. All available recipes can be found in the recipaedia, through the in-game help. You can search for any individual item and its recipe on this wiki by using the SEARCH bar at the top of every page.
Crafting Process
The process for crafting is the same for either crafting area size. Most of the items you need will have to be made on the workbench, in the 3x3 area.
- Find the item you wish to craft in the recipaedia.
- Look at the materials needed and the pattern they have to be in. You must have all the materials in your inventory.
- Exit the recipaedia and return to gameplay.
- Open the crafting table or the handcrafting grid and place the specified materials in the pattern shown in the recipaedia.
- When the pattern is correct, your item will appear at the bottom of the crafting window. Drag the item into your inventory to accept it. You can rearrange all the materials at will before you remove the finished product.
- Close the crafting window by tapping the crafting button on the left of the screen. If you close the window before removing the finished product, all materials will stay in the crafting table or the personal crafting grid.
Как скрафтить ружье в survivalcraft
SurvivalCraft2 - очередной клон, всеми известного Minecraft. Но в отличии от последнего, SurvivalCraft2 имеет много достоинств. Например, тут намного больше разновидностей руд (соль, медь, селитра и.т.д), оружия (арбалет, ружье), и многих других предметов.
Играть очень интересно, особенно в режиме выживания. Кстати, мобов в SurvivalCraft2 великое множество! В воде плавают огромные касатки, хищные пираньи, акулы. На суше вас будут поджидать Оборотни-Волки, Носорог, Бизон, Тигр, Лев и другие хищники. На небе же порхают разные птички. Конечно же, выжить тут намного труднее чем в minecraft, ведь вам придется защищаться не только от хищных зверей, но и от холода, жары!
2x2 Crafting
The 2x2 crafting area is also called handcrafting because you do not need a workbench to use it. You can only make rather simple items like sticks, wooden planks, crafting tables, etc.
If your inventory is full, you can even use the 4 slots in the personal crafting area as additional storage. However, you will NOT be able to craft anything here until you remove the stored items from the crafting slots.
Below is an example of the 2x2 crafting table, being used to make a Workbench:
Как в игре survivalcraft андроид сделать веревку?
В игре "Survivalcraft"для андроид устройств много крафта. Но есть настолько простые рецепты, что остается только удивляться.
При ответе на ваш вопрос используется самая обычная лиана.
Да-да. На самом деле, для того, чтобы создать веревку необходимо использовать только это вьющееся растение по рецепту. Надо будет использовать несколько "нитей", которые необходимо расположить в ряд.
Используются, как мне известно, всего три лианы в один ряд. Веревка готова. Дальше уже используйте ее по назначению.
Игра, конечно, напоминает многие игры. Но есть в ней и своя изюминка. Создавать "мир" своими руками - это невероятно интересно.
Description (From Recipaedia)
Crafting is a process of making more complicated items out of simpler ones, using a crafting table or the crafting area.
To craft, you need to place ingredients in the crafting slots in a pattern specific to the item being crafted. All crafting recipes are available in RECIPAEDIA.
To access Recipaedia during the game. Click on the ". ", then the "?" on the pop out options.
After clicking on the "?", the Help Topics page will come up. Click on the "Recipaedia" button and all descriptions and recipes will be there. You will need to scroll through all of them or click on the various categories to more directly find the recipe you are looking for.
There are two sizes of crafting areas: 2x2 and 3x3. The smaller area is always available and can be accessed by pressing the crafting button. To craft more complicated items on a 3x3 area you need to make a crafting table, place it somewhere in the world and click on it.
You open the personal crafting area by touching the crafting button on the screen. This is the button with the four squares. See the GUI page for more information. You open the crafting table by tapping on it when you are close enough. The crafting window is similar for both. See the pictures below.
The crafting window has two major spaces in it. The left side is the crafting section. The crafting grid is on the top and is either 2x2 or 3x3. The output box is under that. The right side of the window shows your inventory. Drag the materials you need from your inventory onto the specified spaces in the crafting grid.
Be aware that when you are using either crafting area, the game IS NOT PAUSED. You can still be attacked while crafting, so make sure you are in a safe place BEFORE crafting.
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