Как синхронизировать fallout shelter на pc и android
Подскажите, есть ли способ поиграть в Fallout Shelter на персональном компьютере? Очень тяжело и муторно проходить, вглядываясь в мелкий экран смартфона. У меня есть норм ПК с большим экраном. Самое то для такой игры. Поделитесь ссылкой на скачивание игры. Главное, чтобы мой прогресс сохранился. А то неохота переигрывать сначала.
Чтобы перенести игру на комп и сохранить свой прогресс. Делайте пошагово:
Если всё сделаете правильно по этому плану, то и на большом экране поиграете и прогресс свой сохраните. Я сам пробовал другие эмуляторы по Fallout Shelter, но они вылетают частенько, когда играешь. Офф. версии этой игры на ПК нет. Блюстакс - один из лучших эмуляторов Android на ПК.
[Tutorial] Sync Vaults between Android and PC
[Tutorial] Sync Vaults between Android and PC
To make this process a little easier I used this technique to search for a method that syncs your content between your computer and your phone without having to manually export your save file over and over again. I hope this is useful for anyone, here we go!
0. Requirements
To make this work you will need the following:
A Windows computer with Fallout Shelter installed.
An Android phone with Fallout Shelter installed.
1. Set up Dropsync
but yours might differ depending on where you installed Dropbox. Make sure the folder is properly synced between your phone app and your computer.
For the Dropbox destination folder select the Fallout Shelter folder in your Dropbox. Proceed. Check if the files of your game appear in the folder, if they do, go to the next step.
2. Make a symbolic link
First, go to *C:\Users<your user name>\Documents\My Games* and delete your Fallout Shelter folder. Note that your save files are in here so if you have already played make sure to back those files up!
Go to Start, type in cmd, right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator. For this you will need an administrator account on your computer. Now type in the following command to make a symbolic link:
Of course, the path to your Dropbox folder might differ. Now check your My Games folder to check if the Fallout Shelter symbolic link appeared.
3. Completion
If you want to check if it works, start up your app on your phone and play for a little bit. After you are done, be sure to close the app and give Dropsync some time to sync the files. If you really want to make sure that they are synced you can press the refresh button in the Dropsync app. Now open up the Fallout Shelter game on the computer using the Bethesda launcher and go to your Vault list, your saved games should appear!
Now go enjoy playing Fallout Shelter synced!
Notes (updated 11-12-16):
If you played a lot on your computer be sure to manually press the refresh button in Dropsync, else the app on your phone will overwrite your process.
Transferring saves from android to PC
You saved my life! Thanks.
Soo same would work on PC to PC - I have a work laptop.. and I might be playing it also on the road ;)
can confirm this works, just transferred the contents of the ". /my games/Fallout Shelter" folder from my Surface Pro 3 tablet from my desktop. Worked perfectly. Thanks OP!
I tried, but it doesnt work for me. When i start the game, there is not saved vault..
You are an amazing man, thank you so much. That had to be the easiest transfer i have ever done on my pc. Thanks again,
This was a big help. It is also a good way to fix broken save files. My phone game kept crashing after one playthrough with 1.6, but I could transfer the file and get it to play on the PC. Once I played some and then swapped it back the problem was solved.
Jailbreak is the only way, Cydia should still have something like iFile. The only difference is that you would have to upload it somewhere and download it from your PC.
When i plug in my android device to transfer the files there is no com.bethesda.falloutshelter file.
does this work for bluestack ?
if only it would let me setup a symlink.
Be sure to put the save files you take from your Android device to C:\Users\Admin(Your name here)\Documents\My Games\Fallout Shelter
Tried that, wont work. Both of the save files
Yeah, Fallout Shelter uses ".sav" which is not really any special kind of device dependent format, for example the Borderlands save games are .sav, as are the GBA and DS Pokemon game save files.
Как синхронизировать fallout shelter на pc и android
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