Как сделать перфект блок в yba
YBA has Stands, and Stands have weaknesses. This article will show you how to exploit said weaknesses.
The World Over Heaven (The Universe Over Heaven)
TWOH is one of the harder stands in the game to counter. Try to dodge the knife aoe as much as you can, because if you get hit by that then it's an ez combo for the TWOH. If they throw out Reality Overwrite Punch outside of a block break, then parry it or cancel it. If they charge up a smite then either counter or (if you don't have a counter / damage negation move) then tank the hit, as 35 damage is a lot better than 50+. If you don't have timestop resistance then you're kinda screwed. (unless you use Kc/r, in that case you can TE to avoid the TS) if you do have a Ts resist stand, then try not to get block broken, as a smart player will use TS and barrage you. (can't barrage back in ts) If you have a TS stand, then this trick can be used on the TWOH to get some free damage.
Star Platinum (Platinum Sun)
Much like other close-ranged stands, this is countered by long ranged stands such as TWAU and Tusk Act 4. However, if forced to fight close-ranged, block their Star Fingers, as it deals some pretty good damage, slows the opponent, and blinds them. This move (and Time Stop) is the reason that facing the boss Jotaro Kujo is very tough for some to beat. If Star Platinum tries to initiate a time stop, again, if you don't have a GER handy, dash away and jump, or if confident, try to get close and interrupt his TS startup, or use a projectile of some sort such as The World AU, D4C and Whitesnake's pocket revolvers. Always get ready to block if they get close enough to time-skip straight to you or use inhale to force you in front of them. If they attempts to use rage mode instead as a damage and defense booster, try not to stop moving or get too close. Run and attack at the same time with ragdoll moves. Block their kick barrage as soon as it begins, because if the barrage part of the kick barrage initiates, it's already too late.
The World (The Universe)
The knives from The World are blockable, like TW:AU. The World users tend to use Kick Barrage immediately after a barrage, but in order to avoid the last kick, you are able to use mobility such as time skip to teleport out of kick barrage, or use a counter such as Epitath. Stands such as Anubis, which can cancel roadrollers through its counter, perform well against The World. Overall, the best play style against The World is to block knives and punish kick barrage. This stand is very basic and doesn't have any strong abilities otherwise
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C, Criminal Tasks Done Cunningly) and D4C: Love Train
Most of the time, despite the high barrage damage, they will most likely spam clones and pistol to kill opponents at long range, and only use moves like barrage, Dimension Hop and Love Train if the enemy gets too close. Due to the extremely high 1.9 barrage damage of D4C: Love Train users, performing barrage tradeoffs is, about half the time, no big deal for D4C users, so try to avoid using barrage, and ragdoll them as much as possible. If fighting at long range and avoiding clones, use barrage on their Dimensional clones, and use some kind of long ranged attack (if possible with your stand) to kill their Dimensional Victim clones. If you have some kind of exclusively close-ranged stand without any ranged attacks such as Star Platinum, then take advantage of any agility moves they have, such as using Star Platinum's Stand Jump and Time Skip to get nice and close to D4C. Then try to rush them (unless they use Dimension Hop, in which case if you have Scary Monsters or a D4C of your own, summon an NPC to track them while in the other dimension) and use a deadly combo. If they initiate a Love Train, hold the block button (F) because when D4C:Love Train users activate Love Train, they either want to reflect a GE or SPTW beatdown back to sender, or they want to barrage the opponent with the last dying-down lights of Love Train protecting them from a counter barrage. If you have a stand with a beatdown (except for Tusk Act 4, as it can bypass Love Train) be very careful using it. Try to hold the barrage button for a split second, and then use the beatdown, to psych them out into attempting to barrage back instead of using Love Train to deflect the incoming beatdown. 9 out of 10 times it will work. Last tip: there is no way to tell D4C from its evolved counterpart, so when first facing one, always be cautious that one might be the other, and you won't know until you actually face it.
For high detail tips on how to combat stands or how to be a pro on YBA, go on YouTube.
Killer Queen (Deadly King)
Parrying bomb plant doesn't cancel it, the bomb is still planted, but it'll give you some extra time to react. Don't go near their coins. The same applies to BTD, but try to dodge the bubble and keep a distance. If the user attempts to BTD, you are able to cancel it with RTZ, or use mobility to get out of its range. Counters and even damage reflectors such as Your Own Shadow and Love Train have no effect on BTD, as it bypasses all forms of damage prevention.
Tusk Act 4 (Golden Nail IV)
Tusk Act 4 is a pretty easy stand to counter. Block nails and wormhole nails, block the uppercut and punish, and dash away as soon as you see them winding up a golden rectangle nail. And parry the beatdown. That's about it.
Silver Chariot Requiem (Gray Rapier Requiem)
Tusk Act 4, which bypasses it's Your Own Shadow ability is its hardest counter. KCR also works well against SCR as its Raging Demon stand crashes, which deactivates Your Own Shadow. The stand has no ranged abilities or mobility so stands such as 6p or TW:AU also do well against this stand. Take advantage of the fact that it has no time stop resist. Some SCR's will react to your time stop with conquerors will but consider it a good trade as TS is usually up before Conqueror's Will.
Regular blocking is when you hold the F key to avoid LMB (M1) Punches and other moves from Stands and Specialities.
Thorns Block
Thorns Block is a skill in Pluck's Skill tree. When someone hits a Pluck user who is blocking with their sword, the player who punched will receive damage back.
There are currently 3 ways of blocking in YBA. Blocking makes it so you can avoid taking damage from LMB (M1) Punches from Stands and various other Stand moves which you can block. You press the F key to block.
Tusk [Acts 1-3] (Golden Nail I-III)
Try to get as close as possible and barrage; Tusk has the same downside as Beach Boy, not having a barrage until Act 4. Dodge the nails by sprinting and jumping unless they're Wormhole Nails, because if you block them you will likely not be able to dodge a Golden Nail if it is shot right after. The F key and the E key will prove very useful fighting the Tusk line.
Gold Experience (Golden Spirit)
Most GE's will most likely go for their beatdown, in which case you should always be on the look out to parry it. They will also probably attempt to use there life creation whenever possible, in which case you should try to dodge, as blocking is probably there plan to block break you, and then combo you. Always be aware of there location, and don't let them heal, by either canceling it, or not giving them the chance to do said heal. This stand tends to fight a battle of attrition, where low damage stands fail to outlast it due to its self heal, high damaging projectile stands such as Tusk Act 4 or SPTW will easily beat this stand.
Hermit Purple (Violet Vine)
HP can be a beast if used right. The main way HPs will get damage is from their vine traps, so reaction time is key here. If they use grapple on you, then make sure to parry it. if they use vine trap 2, then block it. Try to avoid double slap as much as possible, and parry the finisher if they throw it out. Do note that HP's m1s Can proc burn when paired with Hamon.
Hierophant Green (Tentacle Green)
Try not to get baited into the barrier and try to dodge the Emerald Splash, as it has hard to aim if you move quickly with a teleport. If you are stuck in the barrier, dash out of it. If you have a fast and strong barrage barrage 1st, HG barrage is terrible and HG cant follow up with much afterwards. Stands that ragdoll a lot such as SP:TW or Scary Monsters demolish this stand.
C-Moon (G-Moon)
If you are hit with surface inversion punch, there are 2 points of damage, the initial contact and the delayed damage, which will do lots of damage and bleed, although it can be blocked. Most C-Moon's attempt to use a block break in order to predict your block, in order to avoid this all together, either dash after you are hit by surface inversion punch or use a teleport move away from the C-Moon to safely block it out of the range. If you are hit by both surface inversion punch and uppercut to the moon, you are actually able to block while being sent upwards due to an unknown bug, ruining the combo of the C-Moon. Try to bait out the counter use the tips mentioned above and Gravity Shift. If they use pilot mode, avoid the stand and throw projectiles, or use a move like Time Skip to get straight to the user and use a barrage or heavy damaging/crippling moves such as Reality Overwrite Punch. Also, if you use a Time Stop on C-Moon that is in pilot mode in the SBR game mode, the user will be unable to move until they are dead (this is a severe bug).
Whitesnake (White Poison)
Dash away from their gun and acid spit, block spirit disk and parry memory disk, it may be hard to distinguish the 2 but blocking will prevent both from applying, so its your safest choice. Instead, bait them into barraging first and then combo them to death. Note: Even if you get a ws to barrage first, they will most likely use the "pilot" trick to push you back and avoid being combo'ed. Try not to barrage whitesnakes. (In other words, don't barrage a whitesnake unless you wanna get reverse combo'ed. When your stand is removed, just run as Whitesnake has no mobility and pretty much no way to stop you, as it has no stun besides its gun, which has little stun at all.
[yba] Spin
Спин-это боевой стиль, основанный на бросании стальных шаров благодаря золотому сечению.
Для получения стиля спин нужно пройти Steel Ball Run который является одной из самых сложных частей игры. В конце забега будет стоять Guro у которого и можно преобрести спин (вам нужно быть выше 20 уровня, иметь Стальной шар и 10 000 долларов).
Обратите внимание, что вы не можете получить спецификацию Спина, если вы вампир.
Дерево Навыков боевого стиля
Имеет небольшое дерево которое требует 34 скил поинтов
G - Golden Spin: Заряжает спин-бар, увеличивая урон, связанный со спином, на 35%. Золотой спин также может увеличить повреждения ногтей таска и ногтей червоточины.
C - Spin Punch: Наносит удар по цели, нанося 15,3 урона. При заряженном вращении он наносит 20,3 урона. Время перезарядки составляет 10 секунд, и его можно полностью заблокировать.
V - Steel Ball: Вы бросаете один стальной шар, нанося 15 урона. При заряженном вращении он наносит 20,3 урона. Время перезарядки составляет около 12 секунд.
B - Multiple Steel Balls: Вы бросаете 2 Стальных шара, каждый из которых наносит 7 урона. При заряженном вращении он наносит 9,5 урона. Каждый стальной шарик возвращается в вашу руку, ударяя по ним максимум 4 раза. Это имеет примерно 21-секундную перезарядку.
N - Golden skin:Ваша кожа становится золотистой, уменьшая нанесенный ущерб на 20%
King Crimson Requiem (Scarlet King Requiem)
Try to bait Epitaph by using one or two clicks and avoid using predictable projectiles when it is up. GER is probably the hardest counter to this stand as it cancels 2 of its abilities, Reality Marble and Time Erase, limiting the KCR's options.
Mr. President (Ms. Vice President)
Mr. President users look to get a Kidnap that will trap you inside a room, and attempt to trap you there and continue harassing and doing damage to you. If a Mr. President attempts to dash at you, you can predict the kidnap and block to perfect block it (fairly easy because it has long startup similar to a barrage finisher). If a Mr. President lands a stun on you, remember that you are able to barrage mid stun in order to cancel the Kidnap ability, as Mr. President cannot barrage back. When your kidnapped inside the room, pose and use any damage reduction or reflection abilities to prevent damage as much damage as possible (ie charging hamon for the passive or applying golden skin).
Sticky Fingers (Zipper Hands)
Try to perfect block the Zipper Uppercut, it's normally the main combo starter so perfect block to avoid the danger of SF combos. Try and bait their arm pull, as this is their main way of hitting you with Zipper Punch.
Avoid being hit by Zipper punch as much as you can. Every time you get hit by it you become slower, and this can be a huge detriment on your end if the SF can max this slowness out.
Crazy Diamond (Shining Sapphire)
CD doesn't have many offensive moves, so use this to your advantage. Dodge the bearing shot whenever they use it. When they go into rage mode, parry the R. DO NOT LET YOURSELF GET PARRIED OR BLOCK BROKEN BY A RAGE MODE CRAZY DIAMOND! in the event that they Do land their rock trap on you, then barrage them. Tanking a barrage is a lot better than getting combo'd to death, and there is no reliable way for a CD to link a barrage into a rock trap.
Beach Boy (Ocean Boy)
For some reason you are able to parry auto rod pull by holding block while you get pulled, this means you can pretty much combo the beach boy for free for them doing nothing wrong. Overall, humanoid stands will win against this stand, with its only redeeming feature is it's extended M1 range.
Perfect Blocking
Perfect Blocking is when you block a block breaker move at the right time. This in turn stuns the opponent who tried to Block Break you; it's a red colour opposed to the regular white block breaker visual.
How to Perfect Block
To perfect block, in the time frame an enemy is doing a block breaking attack (e.g. SPTW's Ora Beatdown,) hold down block. If you manage to perfect block it, it will show a normal block breaking effect but instead of being blue it will be red. The attacker will be stunned rather than you. This allows you to start up a combo. It is recommended to keep this combo short, as the attacker will be stunned for 0.5 seconds, similar to a normal block break stun time.
Attacks That Can Be Perfect Blocked:
- M2 / RMB Attacks
- Any Stand Barrage Finisher
's Erasures 's Beatdown 's Frog Creation 's Impale 's Uppercut To The Moon ' Floor Zipper Uppercut s Kick Barrage 's Kick Barrage 's Kick Barrage 's Platinum Slam 's Ora Beatdown Skull Crusher Infinite Speed ' Enraged Fury 's Reality Overwrite 's Arigato Gyro
Note: To PB any kick barrage the block has to be timed before the barrage starts around the windup sound. Don't be tricked into thinking it's the final hit of the barrage as that will just block break you.
Silver Chariot (Gray Rapier)
Blocking is your friend against this stand, as all of its moves can be blocked. It also does very little damage and is very fragile and immobile to Time Stop stands can easily run circles around it.
Made In Heaven (The Way To Heaven)
This stand is a pain in the ass to fight. There are only 4 ways to get some damage in on a mih.
- Get lucky and catch them with a barrage / zoom punch / etc.
- Parry infinite speed.
- Interrupt Double Accel / Uni Reset (Which will screw them over)
- Time Stop. (The Achilles heel of MiH)
YBA | Почему Tusk 4 плохой стенд?
Начнем с того, что сам Tusk 4 очень трудно делается, вам надо сначала выбить его с клетки святого трупа, затем получить в SBR спин, руку, найти Иисуса и взять таз, а самое главное, у вас вряд-ли это получится сделать сразу же, т.к SBR тимерская помойка, где вас сразу же завалят, тем более если у вас Tusk 1
2.Большие затраты на дерево прокачки
Довольно большой минус Tusk 4, это то что он забирает достаточно много поинтов, целых 66
3.Плохая связка с стилями боя
Tusk 4 очень плохо сочитается с многими стилями боя, единственный стиль который к нему более менее подходит это спин, и то многие юзеры его и не используют
4.Плохой урон станда
Tusk 4 сделан довольно слабо, его атаки можно было бы сделать посильнее, к примеру: выстрелы ногтей, червоточины, червоточины затем маленький beatdown, все что я щас перечислил можно законтрить обычный блоком, также можно законтрить beatdown Tusk 4 перфект блоком, так как перед тем как ударить beatdown отдает отличительный звук, и можно сразу же поставить блок, лично я так и делаю постоянно
Также у Tusk 4 есть пару плюсов, пробивание защиты как тень SCR и LOVE TRAIN D4C, также игнорирование TS на определенный промежуток, это в некоторых случаях полезно, но учитывая атаки Tusk 4, ему что максимум можно будет сделать BeatDown, и то, если кто-то другой заюзает TS, а Tusk 4 этим воспользоваться сможет, также если человек не будет иметь противостояние к TS, но эти плюсы не компенсируют минусы.
Aerosmith (Airsmith)
Get close to the user. If the user is piloting Aero, go after the user and ragdoll them so their Stand gets put away, then barrage them.
Gold Experience Requiem (Golden Spirit Requiem)
When they use Awakening, bait it out by running away. It is recommended to use Hermit Purple or Made In Heaven. Most GER users tend to barrage first and use scorpions to hold you in place, attempt to block both the barrage and scorpions and barrage back before they attempt to break your block. RTZ will be used to either to provide invincibility frames or to cancel abilities, so this is a way GER may get out of a barrage, if you see a GER do this while you are barraging, cancel the barrage and hold block as to not get comboed by the GER. One of the best ways for GER to get a large amount of damage is through its counter. In order to "bait out" a counter, a great way is to purposely miss obvious projectiles or use 2 mouse 1s and back away, usually, a GER will counter expecting to be hit, and you will be able to punish the GER due to the end lag of the counter.
King Crimson (Scarlet King)
IF YOU HAVE A HIGH MOBILITY STAND, use Time Skip right after the time erase stops, Nail Glide when the time erase has been going for a few seconds, stand jump, secret Joestar technique or grapple when you think it won't take long for the time erase to end. You may also do Aerial Ace if you have the Pluck spec.
IF YOU HAVE A COUNTER STAND, try not to waste your counter outside of time erase scenarios and only use it when time erase ends, so that you can evade the KC user's attacks or punish them if they fell for the counter.
FOR OTHER STANDS, you can RTZ time erase which is highly punishing for the KC because of the cutscene if you have GER, you can dimension hop if you have D4C, you can do cycle slash if you have SC, you can do double vine slap if you have HP, you can do bulb breaker ground punch if you have PH and you can do a wormhole/zipper uppercut if you have SF or TA3/TA4. Basically use AOE moves in order to hit the KC when they get out of time erase
Regarding Epitaph, try to bait it out, since a lot of people started not using skill points on the passive and instead take advantage of the stun so that they can impale. In case they're going to impale, you can parry it with ease if you haven't been stunned in a combo before it. KC users usually do chop when you get up right after impale, but you can just buffer block (hold F so that you block once you get up) or just block when you get up, and then dash away.
Scary Monsters (Horrorsaur)
Knocking SM out wouldn't work and staying a far distance also won't work, since the Stand gets a speed boost and pounce. Minions will just stop a runner. Instead, try to bait minions and dodge the slam and bite. Then, trap the SM in a combo or just spam attacks for the time frame those moves are on cooldown. If you see the SM monsters attempt to head charge make sure to save any mobility tools to either dodge or run away from the SM. Time skip for instance away from the SM in order to avoid getting hit. The minions also die to a single knockdown/ragdoll ability, such as your stand finisher.
Block Breaking
Block Breaking is when someone does their Barrage Finisher move or a Double RMB (M2) click to Block Break their opponent. Getting Block Broken or Block Breaking stuns the player for a short period of time, allowing the opponent to attack. You can also get block broken by other moves too.
White Album (Ice Album)
Mobility is also a key factor in defeating WA, although Gently Weeps makes this harder. When they are winding up a flash freeze. then Dash to the side. Don't use projectiles when Gently weeps is active. This stand is one of the easiest to fight against, so if you know what you're doing you should be fine.
The Hand (That Hand)
There are several ways to counter The Hand. When they use a combo starter move such as zoom punch and you see them starting to erase, then Barrage. Tanking the damage from a barrage is 100% better than taking 60 damage, and there is no way to link barrage to secondary erasure in any way. You also can use moves such as Your Own Shadow or Love Train to avoid taking damage from erasures.
Magician's Red (Magician's Ember)
This stand is also very obnoxious, due to its block breaking and wonky hitbox combo starter. Most of the time its users aren't very good, so stands that can reflect damage such as Silver Chariot Requiem or D4C: Love Train when they attempt to use cross fire hurricane. REMEMBER: you can dash to the side or backwards to put out the flames DOT that comes with most of Magicians Red's abiilties, that dash key will prevent lots of damage that comes with burning.
The World: Alternative Universe (The Universe: Alternate Universe)
TW:AU is an absolute beast. It has insane projectiles which can be used to combo or pick off opponents from a distance, and a close range move that can break a combo. The most CRUCIAL part of fighting TWAU is movement. Always keep moving, as it will make their projectiles an absolute pain to land. When you engage in CQC with them, try to bait out the chop as that is their only offensive close range move. Try not to m1 too much, as they can just mash knives to break your combo. TWAU's timestop isn't that long, so try to keep a good distance when in rage mode. Running isn't effective against TWAUs, because haha 1.5 second cooldown blockable knives go brrr.
Six Pistols
Two words: Close range. Also, 6P users tend to dash out of every combo, so try to read their dashes. Also, 6p users damage mostly comes from multi shot, practice blocking this ability as it greatly improves your chances of losing more than half your health in one combo. Overall, this stand has little weaknesses outside of Time Stop and abilities that prevent movement and is very obnoxious to play against.
They will try to go for their multi shot which is blockable if you do that you will avoid losing 25% of your hp
try to hit click combo them DO NOT BARRAGE clicking is your best source of damage.
if you have any limb removal moves use them as soon as possible to stop them from running
Try to bait them if you see them using a shooting animation counter they're super easy to read
if they dash towards you block because they will probably use there multi shot barrage
Star Platinum: The World (Platinum Sun: The Universe)
Ahh Yes, Star Platinum: The Parry. Every single move in SPTW's kit is parryable except for TS, so use this to your advantage. If they ever randomly throw out Skull Crusher, Platinum Slam, or Beatdown then parry it. Do note that Beatdown has a huge hitbox. A common trick SPTW users use against TS resist stands are Ora Kicks --> TimeStop --> Skull Crusher --> Barrage. This works because of how low Skull Crusher's recovery time is for both the victim and the user. However, if you parry the skull crusher then you can avoid the TS trap. When the SPTW uses combat precision, then DO NOT USE ANY PARRYABLE ATTACKS, as they will just Hold block, auto-parry the move, then beatdown.
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