Как сделать контроллер резонатора deep town
Тех. индуктор — квестовый предмет в игре Deep Town.
Deep Town
Anyone else having issues where a white bar stays on part of the screen after you open the keyboard to type? Was looking around, and it seems people have been having this issue for a year+, and the devs I believe said it was a bug with Android 10. Can anyone confirm they have the issue on Android 11+?
55 37 32 48ChaseApp - One Search. Any App.
progression times are getting annoying
ive enjoyed the game, but its getting tedious. im currently terraforming, and its going to take me almost 11 days to make enough oil (im not in a guild or looking to join one) to create the pesticide nebulizer.
Petrol birikintisi
Arkadaşlar petrol birikintisi nasıl yakılacak bilgisi olan var mı teşekkürler
I create new photo of the deep town mining factory
ThrashingBunnies has space for new members!
Guild Name: "ThrashingBunnies"
Level Requirements: None (we love helping out our new players!)
Players do not have to join the discord, which is in the Guild information.
We use the discord server somewhat infrequently, when typing in game becomes too much. Do not assume someone in game has joined the server.
If you join the server, please set your nickname to your IGN (right click on your name -> change nickname).
Тех. лаборатория — здание в игре Deep Town.
Получение [ ]
Чтобы открыть квест "Глубокая заморозка", необходимо уничтожить уранового босса, после чего достигнуть блока лавы.
Тех. лаборатория — очень важное здание, так как только с её помощью возможно продвижение по локациям с 97 по 109. Может быть построено лишь один раз. Для строительства используется тех. индуктор. Это здание не может быть улучшено.
Описание [ ]
Тех. индуктор — квестовый предмет, необходимый для постройки тех. лаборатории. Может быть произведён в единственном числе по квесту .
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