Как сделать флай машину в майнкрафт
Затем на передней части поршня поместите еще два блока слизи. Слева от последнего блока слизи поместите еще один блок слизи, сделав крошечную L-образную форму. Теперь между созданным новым зазором поместите липкий поршень. Это должно быть направление, противоположное тому, куда игрок планирует пойти. Затем поместите еще один слой из двух блоков слизи поверх нижней части L-образной формы. Затем поместите второго наблюдателя на липкий поршень лицевой стороной вниз. На этом укомплектован маршевый двигатель.
Идите вперед и постройте не менее пяти блоков вперед, чтобы игрок мог стоять. Это позволит игроку оставаться на борту летательного аппарата, не будучи отброшенным упругой природой блоков слизи. Хотя для этого требуется всего пять блоков, игроки могут построить целую лодку или корабль в передней части этого. Опять же, настолько декоративно или просто, как нравится игроку.
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Java Edition Flying Machines [ ]
Engines [ ]
A simple flying engine. The central piston is the only sticky piston used in this configuration.
Engines are mechanical parts of slime-block based flying machines used to move them.
- A semi-automatic engine needs player's intervention to move it, generally by updating a piston -- e.g., using flint and steel on it, or rapidly placing tripwire against it.
- A fully automatic engine can be started by a single update, say by breaking a block (perhaps a button or a sign). As switch can be used, but is likely to be left behind once the machine starts to move. Stopping them can be more difficult -- many engines will stop only when they run into an obstacle. If the obstacle is wrongly shaped, it may break the machine, thus a prepared docking station may be needed.
- A few "drivable" machines take advantage of the point that a note block produces an update when played, so a player riding the machine can trigger note blocks to start and/or stop the machine.
- Engines can also differ in available directions and speed. The simplest can only move in a single direction, but two-way and even diagonal motion are possible. Again, dedicated docking stations are sometimes needed.
Schematic Gallery: Engines (Java Edition)
A two-way engine can be made with as few as 6 blocks – 2 Observers, 2 Slime Blocks, and 2 Sticky Pistons. Two-way engines A and B (see gallery above) show two different ways to do this. In both cases, the direction of flight depends on which observer is updated first. Note that in the diagram shown, each observer directly powers a slime block. The dock shown is placed so that the trapdoor will cover the face of the incoming machine's near observer, which lets it send the machine back the way it came.
Adding honey blocks allows a player to be carried with the machine in relative safety. The rideable engine shown adds two honey blocks, and a player can stand on each of them. It can be made with 14 blocks – 8 slimeblocks, 2 honey blocks, 2 sticky pistons and 2 observers. Getting on and off is another problem.
Turbo engine A. Breaking the sign starts the engine.
Turbo Engine A (see gallery) is a high-speed single-direction engine. It fits into 2×2×6 dimensions and uses 14 blocks. Since zero ticking pistons is not possible on bedrock edition, this kind of flying machine will still be the same speed on bedrock edition as normal flyers, however, several 2.5 meters per second flying machines have been created for specific use on bedrock edition.
An engine can also move diagonally by moving alternately along 2 axes. The Diagonal Engine shown is best built out from level 3 (the upper slime--and-piston layer). It moves along its slime-block diagonal, but is guided by immovable (e.g., obsidian) barriers on level 3, so it can follow a straight or curved "rail", in whichever direction(s) it can move until it reaches a corner to block it. It is started by activating either of the observers on top (placing a block, flint-and-steel), and will move away from that corner (that is, it is also a two-way flyer).
Credits: design from "samnrad" ("smart diagonal flying machine and curved flying machines" YouTube
This video demonstrates two-way engine A above, with long slime-block arms for harvesting, which shuttles between two prepared docks. It can be triggered by placing a block atop the pistons, or by switches at the stations. Note that the harvested crops will be launched at some speed, so this design may be better for an enclosed farm.
Splitters [ ]
Splitters are mechanical parts of a fully-automatic flying machine used to push an independent part of a large flying structure. A single piston only can push or pull up to 12 blocks. Splitters split a structure into multiple independent pushable parts (hence the name).
One-way splitters [ ]
A one-way splitter has 2 parts: a normal piston in the rear, and a slime block (or more) with a power source in the front with space between them.
Once the rear part with the piston is pushed, the piston will be activated by a power source from the front part. It will push the slime block (and thus the next part of the flying contraption and its splitters), which pulls the power source with it. The piston will then deactivate and prepare for another push.
Some simple engines are just made of looped splitters, such that, at any given time one piston is always powered (in these machines it is important to place the redstone blocks last).
A 1-way splitter. The piston will be powered by quasi-connectivity.
Two-way splitters [ ]
An example of how splitters can be used to create more complex structures such as this train.
A two-way splitter consists of an observer powering at least one sticky piston which pushes or pulls a part of the flying contraption. This is possible only in Java Edition because it's the only version where sticky pistons (upon receiving a short redstone pulse) can push a block and then retract quickly without pulling it back.
This type of splitter will either continuously pull or push depending on whether the part it's supposed to move is initially retracted or not. If the part is initially retracted and the splitter is continuously pulled, the sticky piston will continuously pull the part. On the other hand, if the part is one block away ("not retracted") and the splitter is continuously pushed, the sticky piston will continuously push the part. This mechanism necessitates a switch within the flying machine to independently retract and extend the splitters before flight, because otherwise, the engine will most likely be unable to push due to the "stuck" retracted splitters adding extra load to the engine's pistons.
Driveable flying machines [ ]
A flying machine can be designed to not only carry a player along, but allow them to control the machine in flight, starting, stopping, or changing directions. Often due to lag, slime engines can bug allowing the player to fall through the machine. This can be solved by placing the player in a vehicle such as a minecart, by standing on top of a honey block, or by standing inside a Composter.
Note: Placing a minecart in any such build will require a temporary rail, perhaps atop a temporary block for convenience.
Starting the engine of a flying machine often involves updating a piston or observer. Braking, on the other hand, isn't as straightforward to do in survival because a piston-immovable block must be present to stop the engine. A reliable braking method that was first popularized by SethBling is to attach a noteblock (or any similar redstone component movable by pistons) to the "face" of an observer that powers a piston. The piston is placed on the front of the engine, and since extended pistons cannot be pushed by other pistons, activating the noteblock at the right time will stop the engine.
By using sticky pistons instead of pistons for the braking components, they also become 2-way splitters. These can be used to carry extra blocks, such as holders for minecarts/minecart chests, passenger roofs, TNT duplicators, etc.
Schematic Gallery: Driveable flying machines
Driveable flying machine A:
Dimensions: 8x4 collapsed
Materials: 4 observers, 10 slime blocks, 2 sticky pistons, 2 regular or sticky pistons, 4 note blocks. For seating: 2 fences, 2 minecarts Usage: To start left or right, click the note block with that arrow (behind you). To stop, spam-click the matching barred note block (ahead of you).
Credits: Sethbling February 29, 2019, "Simple 2-Way Controllable Flying Machine" (Video). YouTube
Driveable flying machine B is kurzawa6's modified version of Drivable machine A, with minecart chests and a roof attached to the 2 two-way spliters. One splitter carries a roof to protect the driver from phantoms, the other carries a cargo module with two minecarts (optionally with chests)
Driveable Machine C is a 2-way machine which can be reconfigured in the field to go the other two ways, by mining and replacing four blocks. It can carry two passengers, and has two cargo bays for minecarts with chests (or plain minecarts, for passengers). It uses 20 slime blocks including the cargo bays. Its use is complex, but may be worthwhile just for bragging rights.
Dimensions: 8x10, 3 high.
Diagram from video, showing ignition points and note blocks used for each direction. Note: This image is "sideways", with east and west shown as as up and down.
- To go east:
- Set fire (or water) behind the west-most observer.
- Sit in the eastern minecart.
- Before the fire extinguishes, click the note block nearest you to release the brake.
- Wait for the fire to burn out (or remove the water) to trigger that observer again and start the engine.
- To stop the engine, spam-click the same note block. Check that the carrier for your minecart is retracted, if not, click the note block again to retract it.
- mine the starred pistons (note the helpful logs below them) and rotate them a quarter-turn clockwise -- still facing outward, but the other outward
- likewise, mine the starred observers, and put them in the positions and directions of the arrows.
- To move north and south, similarly twice trigger the "rear" observer, and use the nearer note block to release the brake and stop the engine.
Driveable Machine D is a compact four-way engine that is controlled by applying a redstone torch to the central observer.
- Start with the central two slime blocks of layers 2 and 3. The lower of these needs to be at least two blocks above "the ground" -- that is, the highest ground you intend to fly over.
- Place the upper sticky pistons outward, then use those to place the lower ones facing inward.
- Add the downward facing observer on the top of this, then the four-high slime pillars outside the pistons, extending above and below them. Use those to place the downward-facing observers on layer 1.
- Extend the slime pillars into T shapes, at the top on two opposing sides, on the bottom for the other two. (this diagram has the top T's at east and west). Place the regular pistons at the ends of the T-bars, facing into the machine.
- Place the layer-2 observers against the slime pillars, then place the layer-4 observerd against the T-bars.
- Note: the layer-4 observers alternately be placed atop their slime blocks (level 5), each pair facing each (powering the adjacent pistons). This placement fits the entire build in a 5x5x5 cube. However, that higher position slightly obstructs the rider's view, so the original builder prefers the 4-level build.
More complex engines [ ]
The following video shows a complex example, an infinitely expandable flying machine with a 2-way engine and multiple splitters (each carrying 2 TNT Duplicators):
A 4-way engine (2 vertical directions) that switches directions upon contact with a few blocks.A 6-way engine that requires dedicated stations.
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Tutorials/Flying machines
Please help improve this page. The talk page may contain suggestions.
Reason: make the page easier to read for Bedrock Edition users (more documentation, a separate section entirely?)Flying machines are mechanisms that use slime block s and/or honey block s, redstone blocks , observer s, and piston s to move a structure of blocks in one or more directions, moving freely through air or water without support. They can also be designed to carry along a player and/or other entities, which may be riding in a minecart or towed along by honey blocks.
The mechanics of such machines vary slightly between the Java and Bedrock Editions of Minecraft; This guide covers Java Edition and Bedrock Edition in separate sections.
Bedrock engine designs [ ]
Flying machines are much more restricted in Bedrock Edition due to the lack of quasi-connectivity and other piston behaviors. In Java Edition, a sticky piston powered with a 1 tick pulse will drop the block it is carrying. The absence of these behaviors makes it difficult to create complex flying machines.
Simple engine 1 [ ]
Simple engine 1, observer and redstone block provide the propulsion.These are basic flying machine designs. The shown examples will move to the viewer's left.
Removing the block of redstone, or placing obsidian in front of the observer, will cause the machine to stop. This may be hard to do, unless in creative mode.
Simple engine 1 design, with added woodwork forming a gondola for the player. To start and stop, add or remove a piece of wood (such as the piece of acacia wood shown here).
For players who want to ride their flying machine, it may be hard to add and remove the obsidian or redstone block (especially in survival mode). A slightly easier way is to add layers of another material (such as wood plank) to the machine, stopping just before the limit of what a piston can move and doubling as a practical gondola for the player at the same time. From a position sitting on the machine somewhere, the player may add another wood plank block to the machine, killing the speed. Removing the final block causes the machine to start again.
Как сделать летающую машину
Сегодня я покажу и расскажу, как сделать работающую летающую машину.
Сначала берём следующие материалы:
Затем строим вот такую вот конструкцию:
Затем ставим наблюдатель следующим образом:
На него ставим поршень:
На этот поршень ставим блок слизи:
Затем ставим ещё один наблюдатель так, чтобы он смотрел в другую сторону.
На него мы ставим липкий поршень.
А затем проводим слизь:
Потом мы накрываем слизь полублоками (нужно это для того, чтобы когда машина заработала, наш персонаж не начал подпрыгивать на этих блоках).
Ну а теперь ставим блок ступенек следующим образом:
Всё, что нам осталось, так это нажать на кнопку.
Машина будет успешно работать.
Чтобы её остановить, вы можете сломать один из наблюдателей.
После этого машина остановится.
Машина так же остановится в том случае, если врежется в препятствие.
Ну а на этом всё!
Всем спасибо за внимание. Надеюсь, я сумел научить вас чему-то новому, если не смог, то я вас поздравляю, ведь вы и до этого знали об этом механизме.
Как сделать флай машину в майнкрафт
В этом руководстве колонна исчезнет, но вы можете держать ее столько, сколько захотите. Не забудьте удалить его, когда машина будет завершена.
Поместите второй блок слизи в том направлении, в котором вы хотите, чтобы летательный аппарат двигался.
Затем поместите наблюдателя рядом с первым блоком слизи как показано выше. Вам нужно, чтобы наблюдатель смотрел в противоположную сторону от направления, в котором вы планируете двигаться.
Глядя на красную точку на задней стороне наблюдателя, поместите один поршень. От поршня поместите два дополнительных блока слизи в ряд, третий блок должен находиться слева. Проверьте изображение выше для размещения. У вас должна получиться L-образная форма, исходящая от поршня.
В пустое пространство поместите липкий поршень лицом к первому поршню. Липкий поршень будет давить на два первых блока слизи, которые вы поместили.
Перед летательным аппаратом должно быть два блока слизи, смотрящие в том направлении, в котором вы будете лететь.
Ты почти сделал! Используйте второго наблюдателя и поместите его так, чтобы стрелка сбоку указывала вниз.
Хотя стрелка должна указывать вниз, не имеет значения, с какой стороны она находится. В целом, лицо наблюдателя должно быть направлено в небо.
Расположить наблюдателя лицом таким образом может быть непросто, поэтому не стесняйтесь использовать временные блоки.
Теперь ваш летательный аппарат должен быть готов! Вы можете заметить, что он не движется. Чтобы запустить летательный аппарат, поместите один блок на наблюдателя лицом вверх, а затем быстро уничтожьте его. Машина должна начать движение вперед.
Остановить машину немного сложнее. Чтобы остановить машину, вы можете уничтожить наблюдателя, смотрящего вверх. Вам нужно будет заменить наблюдателя, чтобы перезапустить машину, но это не должно быть слишком сложно.
В качестве альтернативы вы также можете заблокируйте наблюдателя позади машины, поместив другой блок на ее лицевую сторону. Это может быть сложно, но вам не придется разрушать какую-либо часть сборки. В целом, проще просто удалить смотрящего вверх наблюдателя.
Когда использовать летающую машину
Теперь, когда вы знаете, как построить летательный аппарат из блоков слизи, где вы его используете? Как упоминалось ранее, это не самый практичный вариант для повседневного использования на базе. Этот летательный аппарат превосходно преодолевает просторы лавы и воды.
Изучение Пустоты может быть пугающим. Повсюду враги и океаны лавы, насколько хватает глаз. Чтобы помочь вам в исследовании Пустоты, попробуйте построить этот летающий аппарат. Он может летать через большие массы лавы, обеспечивая вашу безопасность.
Летательный аппарат из слизистых блоков также невероятно полезен в качестве машины для строительства мостов. Вы можете размещать блоки в воздухе и создавать длинные мосты высоко над землей. С этой машиной вам не нужно беспокоиться о балансировке на краю блока, чтобы сформировать мост. В сочетании с автоматическим генератором булыжника (созданным путем объединения лавы и воды) вы можете создавать огромные мосты из воздуха!
Хотя эта машина является базовой, ее определенно можно расширить. В сети есть десятки дизайнов, в которых используются блоки слизи, поршни и наблюдатели. Освоив простую машину, попробуйте создавать лодки и корабли с одинаковой механикой!
General Principles [ ]
The key blocks for flying machines, more or less in order of appearance:
There are two main components of slime block flying machines:
The engine provides the basic control and motion, based on the idea that a slime block pushed by a piston will move adjacent movable blocks, including other slime blocks, when pushed or pulled. However, each piston is limited to moving 12 blocks total.
The splitter uses additional pistons to let tow along additional segments of a larger machine. Honey blocks can also be used to bypass the piston push limit by using adjacent slime block and honey block flying machines to divide the number of blocks in a structure among pistons. In Bedrock Edition, splitters are divided into leading and trailing types.
Note that the schematics in this section use the usual building scheme where layer 1 (or occasionally layer 0) is the bottom layer.
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