Как сделать fake ping cs go
Играю в кс уже 3 года пинг на определенных серверах держался 30-50. Встречал игроков с пингом 5-10. Как они это сделали? есть ли прога для этого? если да подскажите.
Это не настоящий пинг это так называемая маска она просто показывает пинг в консоли равняющийся от пяти до десяти и выше, настоящий пинг от этого не меняется для ввода маски нужно ввести команду которую написал в ответе Иван Лелеев, только нужно добавить к не цифру один или ноль. Вот) так как то
команда какаето вроде cl_cmdrate и там какие то цифры
Во-первых, не играть в кс
Во-вторых, пинг - это время возвращения отправленного пакета, насколько я знаю. Пинг 5-10 достигается большой скоростью отправки и получения данных, а также близкое нахождение к серверу.
Короче, либо свой сервак делай, либо инет получше возьми.
Подключи инет 1 терабайт по России и 100мб по миру.
чем ближе сервер к вам, тем ниже пинг, если вы создаете сервер у себя, пинг будет минимальным, а уменьшить его можно, повысив количество пакетов, пинг уменьшится, трафик повысится, также можно уменьшить качество графики, например через консоль убрать все лишнее, мусор, эффекты, дыры от пуль, световые эффекты и тд, чуток понизится пинг, фпс увеличится
Как сделать fake ping cs go
What's going on guys, this guide will teach you how to fake lag. I will be teaching you how to fake 3 different types of lag: FPS, ping, and packet loss using console commands. This guide is good for pranking your friends into thinking your PC is bad or your server is lagging. This even works on other Source games! So, let's get into this guide!
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These are words that we're going to be using in this guide. I just want to let you know because some people don't know what these words mean.
- GPU: Graphics Processing Unit. A chip in your computer that renders the screen.
- CPU: Central Processing Unit. A chip in your computer that does calculations.
- ISP: Internet Service Provider. The company that gives you your internet router.
- Packet: Information about an entity on the server (position, velocity, etc.). Packets need to constantly be sent in order for the player to stay connected.
- FPS: Frames Per Second. The rate that your screen changes pictures. For example: If your FPS is 60, then the screen's image will change 60 times per second.
- Ping: How many milliseconds it takes for all packets to be sent to the player.
- AMD: Short for Advanced Micro Devices. It's a company that makes CPUs such as AMD Ryzen and GPUs such as AMD Radeon.
These are the 3 types of lag that we are going to be going over in this guide.
- FPS lag: when your GPU is not powerful enough to render the screen at a fast rate, resulting in choppy looking movement. This is usually caused by low GPU clock rates or too many things to render (geometry, particles, post processing, etc.) like when you look at a giant contraption. NOTE: If you are hosting a LAN/P2P server or hosting and playing on the same computer, it can also be caused by the CPU if you or somebody does something laggy (read Packet loss lag for more info).
- High ping lag: When your internet is not powerful enough to download all packets at a fast rate, resulting in a high ping and unresponsive connection. This is usually caused by high internet usage (downloading large files, watching HD videos), slow internet (low end ISP, being far away from the router), or you being far away from the server (Example: You're in North America and the server is located in Asia).
- Packet loss lag: When the server is not powerful enough to send all packets to players, resulting in rubber banding and packets being lost (kind of like going back in time). This is usually caused by the server trying to calculate too many things at once (physics, scripts, etc.) like when somebody spawns in a laggy dupe.
These are the things that you are gonna need.
- A working mouse.
- A working keyboard or a virtual keyboard.
- The ability to read.
- The ability to type.
- Cheats enabled (we'll get to that in the next section).
- Owning any game that uses the Source engine.
Now, we need to get to the developer console!
- Make sure that Garry's Mod is running.
- Go into Options.
- Make sure that you are in the Keyboard tab.
- Click on Advanced.
- Make sure that Enable Developer Console is checked and close that window.
- Check if Developer Console is bound to a key (on the very bottom).
- If it isn't, bind it to a key. I would bind it to the default key `
- Make a server.
- Now press the key that you bound it to.
(if you want to simulate high ping and packet loss)
NOTE: If you are in singleplayer, cheats are automatically enabled. This is not true for singleplayer games like Half-Life 2.
Now we are going to do the commands!
The next 3 sections will have the commands to fake the specified type of lag!You want to make it seem like you have a crappy GPU? Here are the commands to do it!
You don't need cheats enabled for this.
There are 5 ways that you can do this
This method allows a greater effect, but you can only change it when you are not in a server. So make sure that you are not in a server when you are doing this one!
Make it seem like you have a computer from the 90s. Make it seem like you have a computer from the 80s.This method doesn't require being out of a server, but the FPS is only limited to 30.
This method is the easiest one of them all. It doesn't require being out of a server and you can customize the lag as well! But the HUD's FPS will not be affected and there will be no sound lag.
First, you need to go into the spawnmenu. Then go into the Post-processing tab. The post processing effect that we are going to be using is Frame Blend.
Set Shutter to 1 (by selecting the number and replacing it with 1) and set Frames to an odd number. That will cause your FPS to look like it has dropped.
Your screen will go black if Frames is set to an even number!
If you don't want to accidentally make your screen go black, then set shutter to 0.99, but that does mean that you will be able to see the frames blending! You may not notice but if your friend has good eye sight, he/she may be able to notice it.
This method is the second best one. It can even be applied in game! Unfortunately, you can only make it go down to 30 FPS.
Second, open the control panel and go to the Gaming tab. Go to Global Settings and turn on Chill. Go out of Global Settings and go into Garry's Mod. If it's not in there, click Add and then click Scan. Once you're in Garry's Mod's settings, turn on Chill and set Chill Min all the way to the left. I would also set Chill Max to something around 60. This will decrease your FPS depending on the GPU's power consumption. It's just like having a bad GPU because the FPS is dynamic!
You can even turn on chill in the AMD Radeon overlay. The default key bind to toggle it is ALT+R.
Now, I know that this guide is meant to fake lag, but you know what, why not just put in some ways to actually lag with no visual difference. But beware this will actually put stress on your GPU and the GPU utilization will constantly be 100% so DO NOT do this if you have bad cooling! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES FROM DOING THIS METHOD. CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
But if you have proper and good cooling, you may continue.
Go in your Post Process tab and go to Shaders. Enable the one that's called Toy Town and put the Height to 0. The Passes option can be anything you want. The higher, the more lag. 100 is good for an AMD Radeon RX 560 (my GPU). If you have like an RTX or something you might have to put it above 100.
The alternative way is enabling Bloom instead. This only works with a modern GPU. If you can't use Bloom try updating your graphics drivers.
Set the following values:
Darken Amount: 1
Multiply Amount: 0
Color: 0 0 0
Set Passes to whatever you want. Again, the higher the laggier. 300 is good for an AMD Radeon RX 560. But again, blah blah blah RTX then more passes blah blah blah give me ur RTX .
You want to make it seem like you have crappy internet? Here are the commands to do it!
You need cheats for this!
This will actually raise your ping!
This will affect everybody else on the server!
Make it seem like you have low end internet.
Make it seem like you have crappy internet.
Make it seem like you're losing internet connection.
NOTE: It doesn't show over 1000 even if your ping is actually over 1000.
Tip: Combine this with packet loss lag to make it more "realistic"
You want to make it seem like the server is lagging? Here are the commands to do it!
You need cheats for this!
This will actually raise your ping!
This will affect everybody else on the server!
If you're in singleplayer, you won't be able to look around during packet losses!
Q: Why do these commands exist?
A: I'm not really sure, but they are probably used to test how things work in laggy conditions. mat_powersavingsmode is to save power for laptops. Same thing for fps_max.
Q: How come when I put net_fakeloss to a high number (85 or higher) the server eventually lags to death and I just jitter a little bit?
A: I don't know. Probably just how linear random works.
Q: For the AMD way part, I don't have an AMD GPU.
A: I think the control panel/drivers are for AMD GPUs only.
Q: Wait, what about The NVIDIA way?
A: I don't have a NVIDIA GPU, I have an AMD GPU so I can't get NVIDIA Control Panel. Actually, does NVIDIA have a "Chill" option like AMD?
I hope this worked for you and your friends actually fell for it!
If you enjoyed this guide. Please give it a like and a favorite. Also, let me know in the comments if your friend(s) fell for it and if you know any other ways to fake lag and I will put it in my guide and give credit. I will also try to look for more ways to fake it so make sure to come back periodically because there might be new methods!
Как сделать fake ping cs go
Last Achievements Last Achievements Last Achievementswas there a need to create another thread for this rather than posting any of your findings in the original fake ping thread?
other than that, cool release, i guess; anyone competent should've worked this out by now
Last Achievementswas there a need to create another thread for this rather than posting any of your findings in the original fake ping thread?
other than that, cool release, i guess; anyone competent should've worked this out by now
ye, a new thread wasn't really needed, could've posted it as a reply. but hey people who haven't figured it out yet, can easily paste this (I guess?)
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