Как сбросить прогресс в battleblock theater
Нужно чтоб весь прогресс был снят. Как будто ты ее впервый раз запустил.
Как сбросить прогресс в игре BattleBlock Theater?данный вопрос может заинтересовать многих игроков этой игры .сбросить игровой прогресс нельзя.Но можно переустановить эту игру и будет нулевой прогресс
С точки зрения газетчика: бумажная пресса, за исключением специализированных изданий для определенных консервативных групп, вымрет, я думаю, лет через 15-20, если только не будет катаклизмов в области развития\существования сети интернет. А вот книгам жить еще очень долго. Но лет через 100-200 уйдут и они. Точнее, изменятся до неузнаваемости, и не только в направлении интернет- и аудиоверсий.
Вы знаете, я размышляю над этим постоянно. Действительно, очень интересно, как люди раньше жили без электричества? Как убирали без пылесоса и стирали руками. Как? И буквально в последние 100 лет- происходит чудо! Столько всего изобрели. Прилавки аж ломятся! Люди жили столько веков без этого всего добра! А тут такой прорыв! Поумнели что ли? Хотя все факты свидетельствуют об обратном. Действительно умных людей не очень то и много в наше время.
По-моему нашей земле давно диктуют извне.
Церковь институт вообще консервативный и это очень хорошо.Нельзя сказать что церковь так уж ужасно тормозит науку,скорее она долго рассматривает полезность того или иного открытия,рассматривает его этичность.Такой институт должен быть. Некоторые знания вовсе не надо вываливать на голову обычному человеку,а тем более давать ему в руки.К тому же наука не ограниченная никакими рамками такого наизобретает,что ложись да помирай.Разве мы представляем отдаленные последствия клонирования или этические и социальные последствия которые при этом несомненно возникнут. У многих ученых на первом месте стоит именно наука,а вовсе не последствия,которые это может принести.Вспомните что сказали изобретатели атомной бомбы,глядя на ядерный взрыв: ".."какая великолепная физика..".Науку необходимо ограничивать..
Это в некотором роде вариация гидроэлектростанции (ГЭС), где также вода является двигателем для генерирующих турбин.
Но лагунные электростанции (ЛЭС) предполагают работу на удержании воды от естественных приливов и отливов вблизи берегов с помощью длинных дамб и принципа шлюзов. Накопившаяся за прилив вода через открытие шлюзовых ворот направляется к турбине.
Достаточно хоть немного по ездить по стране для того чтобы стало все понятно с "курсом". Мне лично умиление ВВП совершенно не понятно. Как сидели на сырьевой игле, так и сидим; сыры твердые теперь не из Европы возим, а будем из Индии и это называется импортозамещение; обещаной "силиконовой долины" из СКОЛКОВО как- то не получается; реформа здравоохранения называется безобразие и вредительство; социальное расслоение весьма и весьма; безработных только официально 1млн/значит читай 2/; аппетиты бизнеса ничем не ограничены..et cetera, et cetera.. Какой уж тут невероятно правильный курс "великого кормчего".
Как сбросить прогресс в battleblock theater
16 мая. 2014 в 6:08is there a way to reset the progress and start new? I wanna stream this game and wanna restart from the beginning.
16 мая. 2014 в 6:08 I'm sure deleting your save game file and turning off steam cloud sync would do it 16 мая. 2014 в 6:09 16 мая. 2014 в 6:15 It would be in the game's actual folder in Steam. To find this, you would need to either do it the old fashioned way by going to the Windows Explorer (NOT Internet Explorer), go to wherever you have Steam Games installed, go to Steamapps, common, and BattleBlock Theater. From there I don't know, but it's a start. 16 мая. 2014 в 7:09 17 мая. 2014 в 8:25 Odd, everytime I try to reset my save, the game keeps loading it. and there is no option to disable steam cloud from the looks of it 17 мая. 2014 в 8:35 Odd, everytime I try to reset my save, the game keeps loading it. and there is no option to disable steam cloud from the looks of it The option whether to use the S. Cloud was indeed removed. It's now mandatory, it seems. 17 мая. 2014 в 8:46You can still deactivate globally . but in the end the issue persist, cause if you do so some other functions in the game doesn't work.
So a reset button in the game i would highly like.
17 мая. 2014 в 10:29Как сбросить прогресс в battleblock theater
I realize this is a year-old topic, but I'd like to do this as well. I understand not including it in-game for preventative measures, but what about an out-of-game method? Is there a way to do it for those of us that actually WANT to do it?
EDIT: FIGURED IT OUT. This method is kinda simple, however it will not reset EVERYTHING, only your level progress. Anything you've done in terms of unlocking things in the Gift Shop, and your Player Data, will be retained. (note: this is a Windows-only method. I don't own this on other platforms so I don't know how to do it on Mac/Linux/XB360.)
2. Next, make sure the game is not running, and go to this directory(without the quotes): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\54635082\238460\remote", and inside find a file called "BattleBlockTheaterSave". Delete the file.
3. With Steam running(if it isn't already) switch to Offline mode from the top menu: "Steam > Go Offline. ", and restart Steam in Offline mode.
4. While in Offline mode, start Battleblock Theater. When you start story mode, you'll be presented with the intro cutscene, as if you had never played before. After the cutscene is over, and you go through the little tutorial area, play through 1-1 Area 1. When you finish you'll be warned about not saving your progress or gems or yarn because of no connection to the steam servers. just ignore this and choose to continue. When you get to Area 2, exit to the Main Menu, and then exit the game and go back to steam. Now, if you go back into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\54635082\238460\remote", you'll find a new "BattleBlockTheaterSave" file. This is your new "reset progress file".
5. Now go back up to the Steam menu, and switch back to Online mode and restart Steam.
6. Once you're back in Online mode, start Battleblock Theater again. You'll be notified that the Local data on your computer doesn't match the data in the Steam Cloud. Choose the "Upload to Cloud" option(the second one), and it will upload your new save file to the cloud. Once the game is running, when you go to "build your prisoner", all your heads/faces/weapons you previously had will still be there. But when you go to play the levels, they will all be locked again, and the Movies will be locked too, in the Movie Theater.
EDIT 2: I just realized this is a (not exactly easy) way to gain practically infinite gems and balls of yarn - since it resets your progression in the story, but does not take away the gems or yarn you earned. So you could potentially go through the story over and over again like this, playing the levels ang collecting the gems and yarn from them, adding them to your total, and then resetting the game progress like this, and go to collect them again and again. and again and again and again. depending on how many times you choose to deal with the complicated method.
26 окт. 2016 в 13:25@TheRaven81 It is possible on mac, and thanks! It worked!
Also, I saved the save file, so whenever I want to reset, i just paste the file back in!
29 дек. 2016 в 2:07 It didn't work for me, I did what you said then started Steam and Battleblock and there was nothing that says "Upload to cloud" or no error saying it doesn't match the data on the steam cloud. It started just like normal. 19 мая. 2017 в 3:16 Ok, thank you Lindsay. But to be honest, I would have appreciate an option to reset the story mode :)Hi guys, totally understand! We chose not to include this option in-game because it caused some unintended issues for folks when we included it for Castle Crashers (accidental deletions make us very sad).
I hear you, though.
Well it would be nice if you did the reset button somewhere else that in the charachter menu like in castle crashers
Maybe somewhere to be a big red button that says reset in the corner of the menu or somthing cause i stopped playing for a while and now i am bad at the game and i cant reset to do it all agian.Pls inplement a reset function
I realize this is a year-old topic, but I'd like to do this as well. I understand not including it in-game for preventative measures, but what about an out-of-game method? Is there a way to do it for those of us that actually WANT to do it?
EDIT: FIGURED IT OUT. This method is kinda simple, however it will not reset EVERYTHING, only your level progress. Anything you've done in terms of unlocking things in the Gift Shop, and your Player Data, will be retained. (note: this is a Windows-only method. I don't own this on other platforms so I don't know how to do it on Mac/Linux/XB360.)
2. Next, make sure the game is not running, and go to this directory(without the quotes): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\54635082\238460\remote", and inside find a file called "BattleBlockTheaterSave". Delete the file.
3. With Steam running(if it isn't already) switch to Offline mode from the top menu: "Steam > Go Offline. ", and restart Steam in Offline mode.
4. While in Offline mode, start Battleblock Theater. When you start story mode, you'll be presented with the intro cutscene, as if you had never played before. After the cutscene is over, and you go through the little tutorial area, play through 1-1 Area 1. When you finish you'll be warned about not saving your progress or gems or yarn because of no connection to the steam servers. just ignore this and choose to continue. When you get to Area 2, exit to the Main Menu, and then exit the game and go back to steam. Now, if you go back into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\54635082\238460\remote", you'll find a new "BattleBlockTheaterSave" file. This is your new "reset progress file".
5. Now go back up to the Steam menu, and switch back to Online mode and restart Steam.
6. Once you're back in Online mode, start Battleblock Theater again. You'll be notified that the Local data on your computer doesn't match the data in the Steam Cloud. Choose the "Upload to Cloud" option(the second one), and it will upload your new save file to the cloud. Once the game is running, when you go to "build your prisoner", all your heads/faces/weapons you previously had will still be there. But when you go to play the levels, they will all be locked again, and the Movies will be locked too, in the Movie Theater.
EDIT 2: I just realized this is a (not exactly easy) way to gain practically infinite gems and balls of yarn - since it resets your progression in the story, but does not take away the gems or yarn you earned. So you could potentially go through the story over and over again like this, playing the levels ang collecting the gems and yarn from them, adding them to your total, and then resetting the game progress like this, and go to collect them again and again. and again and again and again. depending on how many times you choose to deal with the complicated method.
Played thorugh this game when it came out, and wanted to play it again in 2017, this method still works! Thanks! 10 июл. 2017 в 20:37 11 июл. 2017 в 3:27
I realize this is a year-old topic, but I'd like to do this as well. I understand not including it in-game for preventative measures, but what about an out-of-game method? Is there a way to do it for those of us that actually WANT to do it?
EDIT: FIGURED IT OUT. This method is kinda simple, however it will not reset EVERYTHING, only your level progress. Anything you've done in terms of unlocking things in the Gift Shop, and your Player Data, will be retained. (note: this is a Windows-only method. I don't own this on other platforms so I don't know how to do it on Mac/Linux/XB360.)
2. Next, make sure the game is not running, and go to this directory(without the quotes): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\54635082\238460\remote", and inside find a file called "BattleBlockTheaterSave". Delete the file.
3. With Steam running(if it isn't already) switch to Offline mode from the top menu: "Steam > Go Offline. ", and restart Steam in Offline mode.
4. While in Offline mode, start Battleblock Theater. When you start story mode, you'll be presented with the intro cutscene, as if you had never played before. After the cutscene is over, and you go through the little tutorial area, play through 1-1 Area 1. When you finish you'll be warned about not saving your progress or gems or yarn because of no connection to the steam servers. just ignore this and choose to continue. When you get to Area 2, exit to the Main Menu, and then exit the game and go back to steam. Now, if you go back into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\54635082\238460\remote", you'll find a new "BattleBlockTheaterSave" file. This is your new "reset progress file".
5. Now go back up to the Steam menu, and switch back to Online mode and restart Steam.
6. Once you're back in Online mode, start Battleblock Theater again. You'll be notified that the Local data on your computer doesn't match the data in the Steam Cloud. Choose the "Upload to Cloud" option(the second one), and it will upload your new save file to the cloud. Once the game is running, when you go to "build your prisoner", all your heads/faces/weapons you previously had will still be there. But when you go to play the levels, they will all be locked again, and the Movies will be locked too, in the Movie Theater.
EDIT 2: I just realized this is a (not exactly easy) way to gain practically infinite gems and balls of yarn - since it resets your progression in the story, but does not take away the gems or yarn you earned. So you could potentially go through the story over and over again like this, playing the levels ang collecting the gems and yarn from them, adding them to your total, and then resetting the game progress like this, and go to collect them again and again. and again and again and again. depending on how many times you choose to deal with the complicated method.
Как сбросить прогресс в battleblock theater
22 авг. 2014 в 12:21 Dear community,I'm in a bit of a bind. Upon startup of BBT today, my entire progress through Story mode had been reset. Is there a way to retrieve my progress back? Nothing in my inventory has disappeared, only the story mode progress. My best guess as to why is that I played the game in Offline mode recently because of internet issues. All of my story mode was there, but if that's not it, then what is it? The only other thing I could think of is a relation to the newest patch, but I'm clueless after that. Anyone else having this problem? Thanks. 22 авг. 2014 в 12:33 Dear community,
I'm in a bit of a bind. Upon startup of BBT today, my entire progress through Story mode had been reset. Is there a way to retrieve my progress back? Nothing in my inventory has disappeared, only the story mode progress. My best guess as to why is that I played the game in Offline mode recently because of internet issues. All of my story mode was there, but if that's not it, then what is it? The only other thing I could think of is a relation to the newest patch, but I'm clueless after that. Anyone else having this problem? Thanks. i use to know a way to reset a files back to a certen point but im not sure it will work with bbt
I have some bad news. unfortunately, it sounds like the progress on your local machine may have gotten overwritten with an earlier, Steam cloud save.
Steam games sync their progress to the cloud every so often. Sometimes (very rarely!) overwriting happens if you've been kicked out of the game or off Steam, or have been playing offline and make progress, and then connect back up to Steam.
However, you CAN take preventative measures to make sure this never happens again. Use these steps every time you've been playing offline, then connect back up to Steam.
You can also use these steps now to try to recover your file yourself.
1. Launch the game
2. Determine whether you are missing levels or gems. This is a sign that the game is calling to a Steam cloud save with lost progress!
3. If you're missing anything, shut down the game IMMEDIATELY!!
** DO NOT enter into gameplay and finish a stage at this point, or your local data save will be overwritten to reflect the progress you see. When the data re-syncs, you will find your missing progress has been lost permanently. **
4. Close the Steam client to force a re-sync between the local save on your PC and your Steam cloud save.
I have some bad news. unfortunately, it sounds like the progress on your local machine may have gotten overwritten with an earlier, Steam cloud save.
Steam games sync their progress to the cloud every so often. Sometimes (very rarely!) overwriting happens if you've been kicked out of the game or off Steam, or have been playing offline and make progress, and then connect back up to Steam.
However, you CAN take preventative measures to make sure this never happens again. Use these steps every time you've been playing offline, then connect back up to Steam.
You can also use these steps now to try to recover your file yourself.
1. Launch the game
2. Determine whether you are missing levels or gems. This is a sign that the game is calling to a Steam cloud save with lost progress!
3. If you're missing anything, shut down the game IMMEDIATELY!!
** DO NOT enter into gameplay and finish a stage at this point, or your local data save will be overwritten to reflect the progress you see. When the data re-syncs, you will find your missing progress has been lost permanently. **
4. Close the Steam client to force a re-sync between the local save on your PC and your Steam cloud save.
So i started to play through the start, and got to the point when you are about to gointo the first set of levels. Is this too far in to get my save back?
I have some bad news. unfortunately, it sounds like the progress on your local machine may have gotten overwritten with an earlier, Steam cloud save.
Steam games sync their progress to the cloud every so often. Sometimes (very rarely!) overwriting happens if you've been kicked out of the game or off Steam, or have been playing offline and make progress, and then connect back up to Steam.
However, you CAN take preventative measures to make sure this never happens again. Use these steps every time you've been playing offline, then connect back up to Steam.
You can also use these steps now to try to recover your file yourself.
1. Launch the game
2. Determine whether you are missing levels or gems. This is a sign that the game is calling to a Steam cloud save with lost progress!
3. If you're missing anything, shut down the game IMMEDIATELY!!
** DO NOT enter into gameplay and finish a stage at this point, or your local data save will be overwritten to reflect the progress you see. When the data re-syncs, you will find your missing progress has been lost permanently. **
4. Close the Steam client to force a re-sync between the local save on your PC and your Steam cloud save.
Как сбросить прогресс в battleblock theater
BattleBlock Theater
16 дек. 2015 в 12:40 I wanna restart Battle Block Theater. All my items, prisoners, and story mode, but I don't know how, and Youtube isn't helping!19 дек. 2015 в 16:22 There are ways like going into files and stuff and erasing it, but I still don't know what file to erase. :bbtcat:
Unfortunately, resetting your game progress is not supported for BattleBlock Theater. Here's our support page that breaks down some other options though:
21 дек. 2015 в 15:41 There isn't something in the game files I can delete or tinker with to allow me to reset progress? 22 дек. 2015 в 2:08 There isn't something in the game files I can delete or tinker with to allow me to reset progress?There isn't a way, because all the save files are backed up on steam cloud(and you can't turn them off either). So no matter what you do with the local files on your computer, it wouldn't do anything with the save siles stored on steam cloud and it will automatically redownload the save files from the cloud on your computer.
Frankly, it's best to not worry about resetting your progress, because if you need to move to a new computer, the save progress will follow you because of steam.
Though you won't get anymore gems/yarn in the campain(if you've already done both solo and co-op as well as both normal and insane), the levels will still be available for you to play.
Though, the only drawback is, it's not possible to access the very beginning part just after the ship crash(the tutorial area); which is sad. Since it has part of the story in that section and very easily missed if not recorded beforehand.
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