Как редактировать сохранения europa universalis 4
A save game editor for the paradox video game Europa Universalis 4 Warning: a recent patch has made some features out of date.
On starting the application, you will be asked to select a file. Choose any EU4 save file (.eu4 file) you wish to edit. Two sample save files are included. After selecting your file, the main application will open. Choose any of the following features to edit your save. Be sure to write to disk when your changes have been made!
Aggressive Expansion Removes opinion penalty associated with from a nation (specified via tag) to all other nations.
Tech Level Edits the military, diplomatic, and administrative technology levels of a country (specified via tag), and updates associated quantities appropriately (e.g. adjusts available ships to be in line with tech level)
Monarch abilities Allows the editing of rulers and heirs for a country (specified via tag). Brings up a list (in reverse chronological order) of all the rulers and heirs a country has had - double click to edit a given ruler or heir.
Country Resources Allows the editing of national-level resources and attributes of a given country (specified via tag), such as money, manpower, or culture.
Provinces Allows the editing of individual or batches of provinces. The user can select provinces based on simple criteria, and edit province ower, culture, religion, tax value, etc.
Crusader Kings 2 "Преобразователь кодировки для переноса сохранения в Europa Universalis IV [2.8.x]"
Эта утилита позволяет автоматически преобразовать оригинальную кодировку мода (сохранения переноса) игры Crusader Kings 2 в умляутную, которая используется в самом популярном лайт-русификаторе для Europa Univerasalis IV, а также исправляет нестыковки в названиях, чтобы убрать лишние символы.
Создатель: e479
1. Сделайте экспорт из меню Crusader Kings 2, чтобы автоматически получить мод из вашего сохранения
2. Когда встроенный игровой конвертер сделает своё дело, вы получите файлы мода (чаще всего в папке "%userprofile%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\eu4_export\mod")
3. Теперь запустите программу и выберите своё сохранение (мод) в списке и нажмите кнопку "Преобразовать"
4. Когда процесс будет завершен, вы можете запускать Europa Universalis IV в модом локализации лайт от группы ГЕКС и своим преобразованным модом переноса из Crusader Kings II.
Как редактировать сохранения europa universalis 4
20 дек. 2016 в 23:19 Is there a way to edit Ironman saves? Or mods to control subject capitals?I am going to burst an artery at some point simply because the colonial capital madness is going to kill me. I am tired of getting ridiculous, nonsensical colonial capitals, and I just want to fix this stupidity for good. So I am begging everyone who reads this to please tell me if there is any way to edit an Ironman Save just so I can change the colonial capitals, or if there are ironman compatible mods that can let me change the colonial capitals. If none exist, then I would like to ask if someone knows how to make an Ironman save non Ironman so I can just make the edits myself via console command.
As crazy obsessive as this might seem, the fact is that this silliness is making it difficult to enjoy this game that I really do love playing, and I just want to be able to play this without tearing my hair out.
21 дек. 2016 в 0:31 ehmm no.Ironman games are encoded for a reason. This is to PREVENT tampering. 21 дек. 2016 в 3:58 ehmm no.
Ironman games are encoded for a reason. This is to PREVENT tampering.
You CAN bypass the code but you will definitely need to download from an outside source
You may want to change your computer into a proxy IP to safeguard from hacks
Oh and don't link steam to your EU4 account, it WILL get VAC banned
21 дек. 2016 в 6:18 Seriously? Ugh, of course. Sigh. All I want is to change a couple of colonial capitals. So, just log out of my Paradox Account when the game starts to prevent that ban? Any relatively trustworthy software to use? And could you please maybe elaborate on the bit about hacks and proxy IPs? 21 дек. 2016 в 7:36You only need an archiv manipulation software (like 7zip) and a Hexeditor.
Open your save file with 7zip and edit the meta file. There should be your country tag somewhere (e.g. FRA if you're playing as france). Change that to your colony nations tag (they're named C00 to C99, depending when they're formed). If you're done doing that start your game, load the save and change your capital. After doing that edit your save again to change your tag back to your original one.
This method won't prevent achievments, did that myself to prevent colonial nations to colonize outside their colonial area (I wanted clean borders). Don't use it for cheating though, would take away all the fun.
Also save editing won't get you VAC banned (if you want to make sure just close steam while editing your save). EU4 doesn't even has VAC enabled.
Btw, if it isn't ok that I post this here, just delete this post :)
21 дек. 2016 в 8:03 21 дек. 2016 в 8:04 Thank you for the reply. I hope you're right about VAC not being an issue for EUIV. I mean, it's not as though I'd use this in multiplayer, and all I'm doing is adjusting something that's more or cosmetic. Thankfully I've finally fixed the capitals! Had to do it twice for Canada though, since for some reason they really liked Halifax more than Quebec. Oh well, problem finally solved, now I don't have to worry about bursting an artery. 21 дек. 2016 в 8:09 18 ноя. 2020 в 0:43You only need an archiv manipulation software (like 7zip) and a Hexeditor.
Open your save file with 7zip and edit the meta file. There should be your country tag somewhere (e.g. FRA if you're playing as france). Change that to your colony nations tag (they're named C00 to C99, depending when they're formed). If you're done doing that start your game, load the save and change your capital. After doing that edit your save again to change your tag back to your original one.
This method won't prevent achievments, did that myself to prevent colonial nations to colonize outside their colonial area (I wanted clean borders). Don't use it for cheating though, would take away all the fun.
Also save editing won't get you VAC banned (if you want to make sure just close steam while editing your save). EU4 doesn't even has VAC enabled.
Btw, if it isn't ok that I post this here, just delete this post :)
hey man so did u actually use 7zip for it?
i just wanna change the ironman on to off and then the inverse on a save
Europa Universalis 3: Редактор сохранений [4.051]
Требуется установка:
Windows Installer 3.1
Net Framework 4.0
жму savefile (. название .eu3) и ошибка необрабатываемое исключение в приложении,че делать?
AHTOHMAYZER Он именно для Europa Universalis 3. На Divine Wind он не работает (по крайней мере у меня) На Heir to the throne тоже должен работать
Инструкцию то написать нельзя было? Как его включить то?
STRENG Да установи ты его , потом сам узнаешь
Разобрался. Но не работает на БВ, как и говорили.
А что делать если ошибку выдает? "Необрабатываемое исключение в приложении.
Что делать если ошибку выдает?
это всё можно в ручную в корневой папке игры поменять через текстовый документ. лично мне удобнее самому всё делать)
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